ref: e17484e9d82ce7db8472e6abfa71144ddc184ce4
dir: /appl/spree/clients/cards.b/
implement Cards; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect, Display, Image, Font: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "math.m"; math: Math; Cards: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; # fairly general card clique client. # inherent restrictions: # no dragging of cards visible over the net; it's unclear how # to handle the coordinate spaces involved Object: adt { id: int; pick { Card => parentid: int; face: int; # 1 is face up number: int; rear: int; Member => cid: int; name: string; Stack => o: ref Layobject.Stack; Widget => o: ref Layobject.Widget; Menuentry => parentid: int; text: string; Layoutframe => lay: ref Layout.Frame; Layoutobj => lay: ref Layout.Obj; Scoretable => scores: array of ref Object.Score; Score => row: array of (int, string); height: int; Button => Other => } }; # specify how an object is laid out. Layout: adt { id: int; parentid: int; opts: string; # pack options orientation: int; pick { Frame => lays: cyclic array of ref Layout; Obj => layid: int; # reference to layid of laid-out object } }; # an object which can be laid out on the canvas Layobject: adt { id: int; parentid: int; w: string; size: Point; needrepack: int; orientation: int; layid: int; pick { Stack => style: int; cards: array of ref Object.Card; # fake objects when invisible pos: Point; # top-left origin of first card in stack delta: Point; # card offset delta. animq: ref Queue; # queue of pending animations. actions: int; maxcards: int; title: string; visible: int; n: int; # for concealed stacks, n cards in stack. ownerid: int; # owner of selection sel: ref Selection; showsize, hassize: int; Widget => wtype: string; entries: array of ref Object.Menuentry; cmd: string; # only used for entry widgets width: int; } }; Animation: adt { tag: string; # canvas tag common to cards being moved. srcpt: Point; # where cards are coming from. cards: array of ref Object.Card; # objects being transferred. dstid: int; index: int; waitch: chan of ref Animation; # notification comes on this chan when finished. }; Selection: adt { pick { XRange => r: Range; Indexes => idxl: list of int; Empty => } }; MAXPLAYERS: con 4; # layout actions lFRAME, lOBJECT: con iota; # possible actions on a card on a stack. aCLICK: con 1<<iota; # styles of stack display styDISPLAY, styPILE: con iota; # orientations oLEFT, oRIGHT, oUP, oDOWN: con iota; Range: adt { start, end: int; }; T: type ref Animation; Queue: adt { h, t: list of T; put: fn(q: self ref Queue, s: T); get: fn(q: self ref Queue): T; isempty: fn(q: self ref Queue): int; peek: fn(q: self ref Queue): T; }; configcmds := array[] of { "frame .buts", "frame .cf", "canvas .c -width 400 -height 450 -bg green", "label .status -text 0", "checkbutton .buts.scores -text {Show scores} -command {send cmd scores}", "button .buts.sizetofit -text {Fit} -command {send cmd sizetofit}", "checkbutton .buts.debug -text {Debug} -variable debug -command {send cmd debug}", "pack .buts.sizetofit .buts.debug .status -in .buts -side left", "pack .buts -side top -fill x", "pack .c -in .cf -side top -fill both -expand 1", "pack .cf -side top -fill both -expand 1", "bind .c <Button-1> {send cmd b1 %X %Y}", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-1} {send cmd b1r %X %Y}", "bind .c <Button-2> {send cmd b2 %X %Y}", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-2> {send cmd b2r %X %Y}", "bind .c <ButtonPress-3> {send cmd b3 %X %Y}", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-3> {send cmd b3r %X %Y}", "bind . <Configure> {send cmd config}", "pack propagate .buts 0", ".status configure -text {}", "pack propagate . 0", }; objects: array of ref Object; layobjects := array[20] of list of ref Layobject; members := array[8] of list of ref Object.Member; win: ref Tk->Toplevel; drawctxt: ref Draw->Context; me: ref Object.Member; layout: ref Layout; scoretable: ref Object.Scoretable; showingscores := 0; debugging := 0; stderr: ref Sys->FD; animfinishedch: chan of (ref Animation, chan of chan of ref Animation); yieldch: chan of int; cardlockch: chan of int; notifych: chan of string; tickregisterch, tickunregisterch: chan of chan of int; starttime := 0; cvsfont: ref Font; packwin: ref Tk->Toplevel; # invisible; used to steal tk's packing algorithms... packobjs: list of ref Layobject; repackobjs: list of ref Layobject; needresize := 0; needrepack := 0; animid := 0; fakeid := -2; # ids allocated to "fake" cards in private hands; descending nimages := 0; Hiddenpos := Point(5000, 5000); cliquefd: ref Sys->FD; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; math = load Math Math->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (tkclient == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: cannot load %s: %r\n", Tkclient->PATH); raise "fail:bad module"; } tkclient->init(); drawctxt = ctxt; client1(); } # maximum number of rears (overridden by actual rear images) rearcolours := array[] of { int 16r0000ccff, int 16rff0000ff, int 16rffff00ff, int 16r008000ff, int 16rffffffff, int 16rffaa00ff, int 16r00ffffff, int 16r808080ff, int 16r00ff00ff, int 16r800000ff, int 16r800080ff, }; Rearborder := 3; Border := 6; Selectborder := 3; cardsize: Point; carddelta := Point(12, 15); # offset in order to see card number/suit Selectcolour := "red"; Textfont := "/fonts/pelm/unicode.8.font"; client1() { cliquefd = sys->fildes(0); if (readconfig() == -1) raise "fail:error"; winctl: chan of string; (win, winctl) = tkclient->toplevel(drawctxt, "-font " + Textfont, "Cards", Tkclient->Appl); cmd(win, ". unmap"); bcmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, bcmd, "cmd"); srvcmd := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, srvcmd, "srv"); if (readcardimages() == -1) raise "fail:error"; for (i := 0; i < len configcmds; i++) cmd(win, configcmds[i]); tkclient->onscreen(win, nil); tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); fontname := cmd(win, ".c cget -font"); cvsfont =, fontname); if (cvsfont == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: cannot open font %s: %r\n", fontname); raise "fail:error"; } fontname = nil; cardlockch = chan of int; spawn lockproc(); yieldch = chan of int; spawn yieldproc(); notifych = chan of string; spawn notifierproc(); updatech := chan of array of byte; spawn readproc(cliquefd, updatech); spawn updateproc(updatech); b1down := 0; tickregisterch = chan of chan of int; tickunregisterch = chan of chan of int; spawn timeproc(); spawn eventproc(win); for (;;) alt { c := <-bcmd => (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(c, " "); case hd toks { "b3" => curp := Point(int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + hd tl toks), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + hd tl tl toks)); b3raise(bcmd, curp); "b2" => curp := Point(int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + hd tl toks), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + hd tl tl toks)); dopan(bcmd, "b2", curp); "b1" => if (!b1down) { # b1 x y # x and y in screen coords curp := Point(int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + hd tl toks), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + hd tl tl toks)); b1down = b1action(bcmd, curp); } "b1r" => b1down = 0; "entry" => id := int hd tl toks; lock(); cc := ""; pick o := objects[id] { Widget => cc = o.o.cmd; * => sys->print("entry message from unknown obj: id %d\n", id); } unlock(); if (cc != nil) { w := ".buts." + string id + ".b"; s := cmd(win, w + " get"); cardscmd(cc + " " + s); cmd(win, w + " selection range 0 end"); cmd(win, "update"); } "config" => lock(); needresize = 1; updatearena(); unlock(); cmd(win, "update"); "scores" => if (scoretable == nil) break; if (!showingscores) { cmd(win, ".c move score " + string -Hiddenpos.x + " " + string -Hiddenpos.y); cmd(win, ".c raise score"); } else cmd(win, ".c move score " + p2s(Hiddenpos)); cmd(win, "update"); showingscores = !showingscores; "sizetofit" => lock(); sizetofit(); unlock(); cmd(win, "update"); "debug" => debugging = int cmd(win, "variable debug"); } c := <-srvcmd => # from button or menu entry cardscmd(c); s := <-win.ctxt.ctl or s = <-win.wreq or s = <-winctl => if (s == "exit") sys->write(cliquefd, array[0] of byte, 0); tkclient->wmctl(win, s); } } eventproc(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { for(;;)alt{ s := <-win.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(win, s); s := <-win.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(win, *s); } } readproc(fd: ref Sys->FD, updatech: chan of array of byte) { buf := rest := array[Sys->ATOMICIO * 2] of byte; while ((n := sys->read(fd, rest, Sys->ATOMICIO)) > 0) { updatech <-= rest[0:n]; rest = rest[n:]; if (len rest < Sys->ATOMICIO) buf = rest = array[Sys->ATOMICIO * 2] of byte; } updatech <-= nil; } b1action(bcmd: chan of string, p: Point): int { (hitsomething, id) := hitcard(p); if (!hitsomething) { dopan(bcmd, "b1", p); return 0; } if (id < 0) { # either error, or someone else's private card sys->print("no card hit (%d)\n", id); return 1; } lock(); if (objects[id] == nil) { notify("it's gone"); unlock(); return 1; } stack: ref Layobject.Stack; index := -1; pick o := objects[id] { Card => card := o; parentid := card.parentid; stack = stackobj(parentid); for (index = 0; index < len; index++) if ([index] == card) break; if (index == len index = -1; Stack => stack = o.o; * => unlock(); return 1; } actions := stack.actions; stackid :=; unlock(); # XXX potential problems when object ids get reused. # the object id that we saw before the unlock() # might now refer to a different object, so the user # might be performing a different action to the one intended. # this should be changed throughout... hmm. if (actions == 0) { notify("no way josé"); sys->print("no way: stack %d, actions %d\n", stackid, actions); return 1; } cardscmd("click " + string stackid + " " + string index); return 1; } dopan(bcmd: chan of string, b: string, p: Point) { r := b + "r"; for (;;) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(<-bcmd, " "); if (hd toks == b) { pan(p, (int hd tl toks, int hd tl tl toks)); p = Point(int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + hd tl toks), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + hd tl tl toks)); cmd(win, "update"); } else if (hd toks == r) return; } } b3raise(bcmd: chan of string, p: Point) { currcard := -1; above := ""; loop: for (;;) { (nil, id) := hitcard(p); if (id != currcard) { if (currcard != -1 && above != nil) cmd(win, ".c lower i" + string currcard + " " + above); if (id == -1 || tagof(objects[id]) != tagof(Object.Card)) { above = nil; currcard = -1; } else { above = cmd(win, ".c find above i" + string id); cmd(win, ".c raise i" + string id); cmd(win, "update"); currcard = id; } } (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(<-bcmd, " "); case hd toks { "b3" => p = Point(int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + hd tl toks), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + hd tl tl toks)); "b3r" => break loop; } } if (currcard != -1 && above != nil) { cmd(win, ".c lower i" + string currcard + " " + above); cmd(win, "update"); } } hitcard(p: Point): (int, int) { (nil, hitids) := sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c find overlapping " + r2s((p, p))), " "); if (hitids == nil) return (0, -1); ids: list of string; for (; hitids != nil; hitids = tl hitids) ids = hd hitids :: ids; for (; ids != nil; ids = tl ids) { (nil, tags) := sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c gettags " + hd ids), " "); for (; tags != nil; tags = tl tags) { tag := hd tags; if (tag[0] == 'i' || tag[0] == 'r' || tag[0] == 'n' || tag[0] == 'N') return (1, int (hd tags)[1:]); if (tag[0] == 's') # ignore selection break; } if (tags == nil) break; } return (1, -1); } cardscmd(s: string): int { if (debugging) sys->print("cmd: %s\n", s); if (sys->fprint(cliquefd, "%s", s) == -1) { err := sys->sprint("%r"); notify(err); sys->print("cmd error on '%s': %s\n", s, err); return 0; } return 1; } updateproc(updatech: chan of array of byte) { wfd := sys->open("/prog/" + string sys->pctl(0, nil) + "/wait", Sys->OREAD); spawn updateproc1(updatech); buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; n := sys->read(wfd, buf, len buf); sys->print("updateproc process exited: %s\n", string buf[0:n]); } updateproc1(updatech: chan of array of byte) { animfinishedch = chan of (ref Animation, chan of chan of ref Animation); first := 1; for (;;) { alt { v := <-animfinishedch => lock(); animterminated(v); updatearena(); cmd(win, "update"); unlock(); u := <-updatech => if (u == nil) { # XXX notify user that clique has been hung up somehow exit; } moretocome := 0; if (len u > 2 && u[len u-1] == byte '*' && u[len u-2] == byte '\n') { u = u[0:len u - 2]; moretocome = 1; } (nil, lines) := sys->tokenize(string u, "\n"); lock(); starttime = sys->millisec(); for (; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) applyupdate(hd lines); updatearena(); if (!moretocome) { if (first) { sizetofit(); first = 0; } cmd(win, "update"); } unlock(); } } } updatearena() { if (needrepack) repackall(); if (needresize) resizeall(); for (pstk := repackobjs; pstk != nil; pstk = tl pstk) repackobj(hd pstk); repackobjs = nil; } applyupdate(s: string) { if (debugging) { sys->print("update: %s\n", s); # showtk = 1; } (nt, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); case hd toks { "create" => # create id parentid vis type id := int hd tl toks; if (id >= len objects) objects = (array[len objects + 10] of ref Object)[0:] = objects; if (objects[id] != nil) panic(sys->sprint("object %d already exists!", id)); parentid := int hd tl tl toks; vis := int hd tl tl tl toks; objtype := tl tl tl tl toks; case hd objtype { "stack" => objects[id] = makestack(id, parentid, vis); needrepack = 1; "card" => stk := stackobj(parentid); completeanim(stk); if (!stk.visible) { # if creating in a private stack, we assume # that the cards were there already, and # just make them real again. # first find a fake card. for (i := 0; i < len; i++) if ([i].id < 0) break; c: ref Object.Card; if (i == len { # no fake cards - we'll create one instead. # this can happen if we've entered halfway through # a clique, so don't know how many cards people # are holding. c = makecard(id, stk); insertcards(stk, array[] of {c}, len; } else { c =[i]; changecardid(c, id); } objects[id] = c; } else { objects[id] = c := makecard(id, stk); insertcards(stk, array[] of {c}, len; } "widget" => objects[id] = makewidget(id, parentid, hd tl objtype); "menuentry" => objects[id] = makemenuentry(id, parentid, tl objtype); "member" => objects[id] = ref Object.Member(id, -1, ""); "layframe" => lay := ref Layout.Frame(id, parentid, "", -1, nil); objects[id] = ref Object.Layoutframe(id, lay); addlayout(lay); "layobj" => lay := ref Layout.Obj(id, parentid, "", -1, -1); objects[id] = ref Object.Layoutobj(id, lay); addlayout(lay); "scoretable" => if (scoretable != nil) panic("cannot make two scoretables"); scoretable = objects[id] = ref Object.Scoretable(id, nil); "score" => pick l := objects[parentid] { Scoretable => nl := array[len l.scores + 1] of ref Object.Score; nl[0:] = l.scores; nl[len nl - 1] = objects[id] = ref Object.Score(id, nil, 0); l.scores = nl; cmd(win, "pack .buts.scores -side left"); * => panic("score created outside scoretable object"); } "button" => objects[id] = ref Object.Button(id); cmd(win, "button .buts." + string id); cmd(win, "pack .buts." + string id + " -side left"); * => if (parentid != -1) sys->print("cards: unknown objtype: '%s'\n", hd objtype); objects[id] = ref Object.Other(id); } "tx" => # tx src dst start end dstindex src, dst: ref Layobject.Stack; index: int; r: Range; (src, toks) = (stackobj(int hd tl toks), tl tl toks); (dst, toks) = (stackobj(int hd toks), tl toks); (r.start, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.end, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (index, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); transfer(src, r, dst, index); "del" => # del parent start end objs... oo := objects[int hd tl toks]; # parent r := Range(int hd tl tl toks, int hd tl tl tl toks); pick o := oo { Stack => # deleting cards from a stack. stk := o.o; completeanim(stk); if (!stk.visible) { # if deleting from a private area, we assume the cards aren't # actually being deleted at all, but merely becoming # invisible, so turn them into fakes. for (i := r.start; i < r.end; i++) { card :=[i]; objects[] = nil; changecardid(card, --fakeid); cardsetattr(card, "face", "0" :: nil); } } else { cards := extractcards(stk, r); for (i := 0; i < len cards; i++) destroy(cards[i]); } Layoutframe => # deleting the layout specification. lay := o.lay; if (r.start != 0 || r.end != len lay.lays) panic("cannot partially delete layouts"); for (i := r.start; i < r.end; i++) destroy(objects[lay.lays[i].id]); lay.lays = nil; needrepack = 1; Widget => # must be a menu widget cmd(win, ".buts." + string + ".m delete " + string r.start + " " + string r.end); * => for (objs := tl tl tl tl toks; objs != nil; objs = tl objs) destroy(objects[int hd objs]); } "set" => # set obj attr val id := int hd tl toks; (attr, val) := (hd tl tl toks, tl tl tl toks); pick o := objects[id] { Card => cardsetattr(o, attr, val); Widget => widgetsetattr(o.o, attr, val); Stack => stacksetattr(o.o, attr, val); Member => membersetattr(o, attr, val); Layoutframe => laysetattr(o.lay, attr, val); Layoutobj => laysetattr(o.lay, attr, val); Score => scoresetattr(o, attr, val); Button => buttonsetattr(o, attr, val); Menuentry => menuentrysetattr(o, attr, val); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "unknown attr set on object(tag %d), %s\n", tagof(objects[id]), s); } "say" or "remark" => notify(join(tl toks)); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: unknown update message '%s'\n", s); } } addlayout(lay: ref Layout) { pick lo := objects[lay.parentid] { Layoutframe => l := lo.lay; nl := array[len l.lays + 1] of ref Layout; nl[0:] = l.lays; nl[len nl - 1] = lay; l.lays = nl; * => if (layout == nil) layout = lay; else panic("cannot make two layout objects"); } } makestack(id, parentid: int, vis: int): ref Object.Stack { o := ref Object.Stack( id, ref Layobject.Stack( id, parentid, "", # pack widget name (0, 0), # size 0, # needrepack -1, # orientation -1, # layid -1, # style nil, # cards Hiddenpos, # pos (0, 0), # delta ref Queue, 0, # actions 0, # maxcards "", # title vis, # visible 0, # n -1, # ownerid ref Selection.Empty, # sel 1, # showsize 0 # hassize ) ); cmd(win, ".c create rectangle -10 -10 -10 -10 -width 3 -tags r" + string id); return o; } makewidget(id, parentid: int, wtype: string): ref Object.Widget { wctype := wtype; if (wtype == "menu") wctype = "menubutton"; # XXX the widget is put in a frame 'cos of bugs in the canvas # to do with size propagation. w := cmd(win, "frame .buts." + string id + " -bg transparent"); cmd(win, wctype + " " + w + ".b"); cmd(win, "pack " + w + ".b -fill both -expand 1"); case wtype { "menu" => cmd(win, "menu " + w + ".m"); cmd(win, w + ".b configure -menu " + w + ".m" + " -relief raised"); "entry" => cmd(win, "bind " + w + ".b <Key-\n> {send cmd entry " + string id + "}"); } cmd(win, ".c create window -1000 -1000 -tags r" + string id + " -window " + w + " -anchor nw"); o := ref Object.Widget( id, ref Layobject.Widget( id, parentid, nil, # w (0, 0), # size 0, # needrepack -1, # orientation -1, # style wtype, nil, # entries "", # cmd 0 # width ) ); return o; } menutitleid := 0; # hack to identify menu entries makemenuentry(id, parentid: int, nil: list of string): ref Object.Menuentry { m := ".buts." + string parentid + ".m"; t := "@" + string menutitleid++; cmd(win, m + " add command -text " + t); return ref Object.Menuentry(id, parentid, t); } makecard(id: int, stack: ref Layobject.Stack): ref Object.Card { cmd(win, ".c create image 5000 5000 -anchor nw -tags i" + string id); return ref Object.Card(id,, -1, -1, 0); } buttonsetattr(b: ref Object.Button, attr: string, val: list of string) { w := ".buts." + string; case attr { "text" => cmd(win, w + " configure -text '" + join(val)); "command" => cmd(win, w + " configure -command 'send srv " + join(val)); * => sys->print("unknown attribute on button: %s\n", attr); } } widgetsetattr(b: ref Layobject.Widget, attr: string, val: list of string) { w := ".buts." + string + ".b"; case attr { "text" => t := join(val); if (b.wtype == "entry") { cmd(win, w + " delete 0 end"); cmd(win, w + " insert 0 '" + t); cmd(win, w + " select 0 end"); # XXX ?? } else { cmd(win, w + " configure -text '" + t); needresize = 1; } "command" => case b.wtype { "button" => cmd(win, w + " configure -command 'send srv " + join(val)); "entry" => b.cmd = join(val); } "width" => # width in characters b.width = int hd val; sys->print("configuring %s for width %s\n", w, hd val); cmd(win, w + " configure -width " + hd val + "w"); needresize = 1; "layid" => setlayid(b, int hd val); * => sys->print("unknown attribute on button: %s\n", attr); } } findmenuentry(m: string, title: string): int { end := int cmd(win, m + " index end"); for (i := 0; i <= end; i++) { t := cmd(win, m + " entrycget " + string i + " -text"); if (t == title) return i; } return -1; } menuentrysetattr(e: ref Object.Menuentry, attr: string, val: list of string) { m := ".buts." + string e.parentid + ".m"; idx := findmenuentry(m, e.text); if (idx == -1) { sys->print("couldn't find menu entry '%s'\n", e.text); return; } case attr { "text" => t := join(val); cmd(win, m + " entryconfigure " + string idx +" -text '" + t); e.text = t; "command" => cmd(win, m + " entryconfigure " + string idx + " -command 'send srv " + join(val)); * => sys->print("unknown attribute on menu entry: %s\n", attr); } } stacksetattr(stack: ref Layobject.Stack, attr: string, val: list of string) { id := string; case attr { "maxcards" => stack.maxcards = int hd val; needresize = 1; "layid" => setlayid(stack, int hd val); "showsize" => stack.showsize = int hd val; showsize(stack); "title" => title := join(val); if (title != stack.title) { if (stack.title == nil) { cmd(win, ".c create text 5000 6000 -anchor n -tags t" + string id + " -fill #ffffaa"); needresize = 1; } else if (title == nil) { cmd(win, ".c delete t" + string id); needresize = 1; } if (title != nil) cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure t" + string id + " -text '" + title); stack.title = title; } "n" => # there are "n" cards in this stack, honest guv. n := int hd val; if (!stack.visible) { if (n > len { a := array[n - len] of ref Object.Card; for (i := 0; i < len a; i++) { a[i] = makecard(--fakeid, stack); cardsetattr(a[i], "face", "0" :: nil); } insertcards(stack, a, len; } else if (n < len { for (i := len - 1; i >= n; i--) if ([i].id >= 0) break; cards := extractcards(stack, (i + 1, len; for (i = 0; i < len cards; i++) destroy(cards[i]); } } stack.n = n; "style" => case hd val { "pile" => = styPILE; "display" => = styDISPLAY; * => sys->print("unknown stack style '%s'\n", hd val); } needresize = 1; "owner" => if (val != nil) stack.ownerid = int hd val; else stack.ownerid = -1; changesel(stack, stack.sel); "sel" => sel: ref Selection; if (val == nil) sel = ref Selection.Empty; else if (tl val != nil && hd tl val == "-") sel = ref Selection.XRange((int hd val, int hd tl tl val)); else { idxl: list of int; for (; val != nil; val = tl val) idxl = int hd val :: idxl; sel = ref Selection.Indexes(idxl); } changesel(stack, sel); * => if (len attr >= len "actions" && attr[0:len "actions"] == "actions") { oldactions := stack.actions; act := 0; for (; val != nil; val = tl val) { case hd val { "click" => act |= aCLICK; * => sys->print("unknown action '%s'\n", hd val); } } stack.actions = act; } else sys->fprint(stderr, "bad stack attr '%s'\n", attr); } } showsize(stack: ref Layobject.Stack) { id := string; needsize := stack.showsize && len > 0 && == styPILE; if (needsize != stack.hassize) { if (stack.hassize) cmd(win, ".c delete n" + id + " N" + id); else { cmd(win, ".c create rectangle -5000 0 0 0 -fill #ffffaa -tags n" + id); cmd(win, ".c create text -5000 0 -anchor sw -fill red -tags N" + id); } stack.hassize = needsize; } if (needsize) { cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure N" + id + " -text " + string len; sr := cardrect(stack, (len - 1, len; cmd(win, ".c coords N" + id + " " + p2s((sr.min.x, sr.max.y))); bbox := cmd(win, ".c bbox N" + id); cmd(win, ".c coords n" + id + " " + bbox); cmd(win, ".c raise n" + id + "; .c raise N" + id); } } changesel(stack: ref Layobject.Stack, newsel: ref Selection) { sid := "s" + string; cmd(win, ".c delete " + sid); if (me != nil && stack.ownerid == me.cid) { pick sel := newsel { Indexes => for (l := sel.idxl; l != nil; l = tl l) { s := cmd(win, ".c create rectangle " + r2s(cardrect(stack, (hd l, hd l + 1)).inset(-1)) + " -width " + string Selectborder + " -outline " + Selectcolour + " -tags {" + sid + " " + sid + "." + string hd l + "}"); cmd(win, ".c lower " + s + " i" + string[hd l].id); } XRange => cmd(win, ".c create rectangle " + r2s(cardrect(stack, sel.r).inset(-1)) + " -outline " + Selectcolour + " -width " + string Selectborder + " -tags " + sid); } } stack.sel = newsel; } cardsetattr(card: ref Object.Card, attr: string, val: list of string) { id := string; case attr { "face" => card.face = int hd val; if (card.face) { if (card.number != -1) cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure i" + id + " -image c" + string card.number ); } else cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure i" + id + " -image rear" + string card.rear); "number" => card.number = int hd val; if (card.face) cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure i" + id + " -image c" + string card.number ); "rear" => card.rear = int hd val; if (card.face == 0) cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure i" + id + " -image rear" + string card.rear); * => sys->print("unknown attribute on card: %s\n", attr); } } setlayid(layobj: ref Layobject, layid: int) { if (layobj.layid != -1) panic("obj already has a layout id (" + string layobj.layid + ")"); layobj.layid = layid; x := layobj.layid % len layobjects; layobjects[x] = layobj :: layobjects[x]; needrepack = 1; } membersetattr(p: ref Object.Member, attr: string, val: list of string) { case attr { "you" => me = p; p.cid = int hd val; for (i := 0; i < len objects; i++) { if (objects[i] != nil) { pick o := objects[i] { Stack => if (o.o.ownerid == p.cid) objneedsrepack(o.o); } } } "name" => = hd val; "id" => p.cid = int hd val; "status" => if (p == me) cmd(win, ".status configure -text '" + join(val)); "cliquetitle" => if (p == me) tkclient->settitle(win, join(val)); * => sys->print("unknown attribute on member: %s\n", attr); } } laysetattr(lay: ref Layout, attr: string, val: list of string) { case attr { "opts" => # orientation opts case hd val { "up" => lay.orientation = oUP; "down" => lay.orientation = oDOWN; "left" => lay.orientation = oLEFT; "right" => lay.orientation = oRIGHT; * => sys->print("unknown orientation '%s'\n", hd val); } lay.opts = join(tl val); "layid" => # sys->print("layout obj %d => layid %s\n",, hd val); pick l := lay { Obj => l.layid = int hd val; needrepack = 1; * => sys->print("cannot set layid on Layout.Frame!\n"); } * => sys->print("unknown attribute on lay: %s\n", attr); } needrepack = 1; } scoresetattr(score: ref Object.Score, attr: string, val: list of string) { if (attr != "score") return; cmd(win, ".c delete score"); Padx: con 10; # padding to the right of each item Pady: con 6; # padding below each item. n := len val; row := score.row = array[n] of (int, string); height := 0; # calculate values for this row for ((col, vl) := (0, val); vl != nil; (col, vl) = (col + 1, tl vl)) { v := hd vl; size := textsize(v); size.y += Pady; if (size.y > height) height = size.y; row[col] = (size.x + Padx, v); } score.height = height; totheight := 0; scores := scoretable.scores; # calculate number of columns ncols := 0; for (i := 0; i < len scores; i++) if (len scores[i].row > ncols) ncols = len scores[i].row; # calculate column widths colwidths := array[ncols] of {* => 0}; for (i = 0; i < len scores; i++) { r := scores[i].row; for (j := 0; j < len r; j++) { (w, nil) := r[j]; if (w > colwidths[j]) colwidths[j] = w; } totheight += scores[i].height; } # create all table items p := Hiddenpos; for (i = 0; i < len scores; i++) { p.x = Hiddenpos.x; r := scores[i].row; for (j := 0; j < len r; j++) { (w, text) := r[j]; cmd(win, ".c create text " + p2s(p) + " -anchor nw -tags {score scoreent}-text '" + text); p.x += colwidths[j]; } p.y += scores[i].height; } r := Rect(Hiddenpos, p); r.min.x -= Padx; r.max.y -= Pady / 2; cmd(win, ".c create rectangle " + r2s(r) + " -fill #ffffaa -tags score"); # horizontal lines y := 0; for (i = 0; i < len scores - 1; i++) { ly := y + scores[i].height - Pady / 2; cmd(win, ".c create line " + r2s(((r.min.x, ly), (r.max.x, ly))) + " -fill gray -tags score"); y += scores[i].height; } cmd(win, ".c raise scoreent"); cmd(win, ".c move score " + p2s(Hiddenpos.sub(r.min))); } textsize(s: string): Point { return (cvsfont.width(s), cvsfont.height); } changecardid(c: ref Object.Card, newid: int) { (nil, tags) := sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c gettags i" + string, " "); for (; tags != nil; tags = tl tags) { tag := hd tags; if (tag[0] >= '0' && tag[0] <= '9') break; } cvsid := hd tags; cmd(win, ".c dtag " + cvsid + " i" + string; = newid; cmd(win, ".c addtag i" + string + " withtag " + cvsid); } stackobj(id: int): ref Layobject.Stack { obj := objects[id]; if (obj == nil) panic("nil stack object"); pick o := obj { Stack => return o.o; * => panic("expected obj " + string id + " to be a stack"); } return nil; } # if there are updates pending on the stack, # then wait for them all to finish before we can do # any operations on the stack (e.g. insert, delete, create, etc) completeanim(stk: ref Layobject.Stack) { while (!stk.animq.isempty()) animterminated(<-animfinishedch); } transfer(src: ref Layobject.Stack, r: Range, dst: ref Layobject.Stack, index: int) { # we don't bother animating movement within a stack; maybe later? if (src == dst) { transfercards(src, r, dst, index); return; } completeanim(src); if (!src.visible) { # cards being transferred out of private area should # have already been created, but check anyway. if (r.start != 0) panic("bad transfer out of private"); for (i := 0; i < r.end; i++) if ([i].id < 0) panic("cannot transfer fake card"); } startanimating(newanimation(src, r), dst, index); } objneedsrepack(obj: ref Layobject) { if (!obj.needrepack) { obj.needrepack = 1; repackobjs = obj :: repackobjs; } } repackobj(obj: ref Layobject) { pick o := obj { Stack => cards :=; pos := o.pos; delta :=; for (i := 0; i < len cards; i++) { p := pos.add(delta.mul(i)); id := string cards[i].id; cmd(win, ".c coords i" + id + " " + p2s(p)); cmd(win, ".c raise i" + id); # XXX could be more efficient. cmd(win, ".c lower s" + string + "." + string i + " i" + id); } changesel(o, o.sel); showsize(o); } obj.needrepack = 0; } cardrect(stack: ref Layobject.Stack, r: Range): Rect { if (r.start == r.end) return ((-10, -10), (-10, -10)); cr := Rect((0, 0), cardsize).addpt(stack.pos); delta :=; return union(cr.addpt(delta.mul(r.start)), cr.addpt(delta.mul(r.end - 1))); } repackall() { sys->print("repackall()\n"); needrepack = 0; if (layout == nil) { sys->print("no layout\n"); return; } if (packwin == nil) { # use an unmapped tk window to do our packing arrangements packwin = tk->toplevel(drawctxt.display, "-bd 0"); packwin.wreq = nil; # stop window requests piling up. } cmd(packwin, "destroy " + cmd(packwin, "pack slaves .")); packobjs = nil; packit(layout, ".0"); sys->print("%d packobjs\n", len packobjs); needresize = 1; } # make the frames for the objects to be laid out, in the # offscreen window. packit(lay: ref Layout, f: string) { cmd(packwin, "frame " + f); cmd(packwin, "pack " + f + " " + lay.opts); pick l := lay { Frame => for (i := 0; i < len l.lays; i++) packit(l.lays[i], f + "." + string i); Obj => if ((obj := findlayobject(l.layid)) != nil) { obj.w = f; obj.orientation = l.orientation; packobjs = obj :: packobjs; } else sys->print("cannot find layobject %d\n", l.layid); } } sizetofit() { if (packobjs == nil) return; cmd(packwin, "pack propagate . 1"); cmd(packwin, ". configure -width 0 -height 0"); # make sure propagation works. csz := actsize(packwin, "."); cmd(win, "bind . <Configure> {}"); cmd(win, "pack propagate . 1"); cmd(win, ". configure -width 0 -height 0"); cmd(win, ".c configure -width " + string csz.x + " -height " + string csz.y + " -scrollregion {0 0 " + p2s(csz) + "}"); winr := actrect(win, "."); screenr := win.image.screen.image.r; if (!winr.inrect(screenr)) { if (winr.dx() > screenr.dx()) (winr.min.x, winr.max.x) = (screenr.min.x, screenr.max.x); if (winr.dy() > screenr.dy()) (winr.min.y, winr.max.y) = (screenr.min.y, screenr.max.y); if (winr.max.x > screenr.max.x) (winr.min.x, winr.max.x) = (screenr.max.x - winr.dx(), screenr.max.x); if (winr.max.y > screenr.max.y) (winr.min.y, winr.max.y) = (screenr.max.y - winr.dy(), screenr.max.y); } cmd(win, "pack propagate . 0"); cmd(win, ". configure " + " -x " + string winr.min.x + " -y " + string winr.min.y + " -width " + string winr.dx() + " -height " + string winr.dy()); needresize = 1; updatearena(); cmd(win, "bind . <Configure> {send cmd config}"); } setorigin(r: Rect, p: Point): Rect { sz := Point(r.max.x - r.min.x, r.max.y - r.min.y); return (p, p.add(sz)); } resizeall() { needresize = 0; if (packobjs == nil) return; cmd(packwin, "pack propagate . 1"); cmd(packwin, ". configure -width 0 -height 0"); # make sure propagation works. for (sl := packobjs; sl != nil; sl = tl sl) { obj := hd sl; sizeobj(obj); cmd(packwin, obj.w + " configure -width " + string obj.size.x + " -height " + string obj.size.y); } csz := actsize(packwin, "."); sz := actsize(win, ".cf"); if (sz.x > csz.x || sz.y > csz.y) { cmd(packwin, "pack propagate . 0"); if (sz.x > csz.x) { cmd(packwin, ". configure -width " + string sz.x); cmd(win, ".c xview moveto 0"); csz.x = sz.x; } if (sz.y > csz.y) { cmd(packwin, ". configure -height " + string sz.y); cmd(win, ".c yview moveto 0"); csz.y = sz.y; } } cmd(win, ".c configure -width " + string csz.x + " -height " + string csz.y + " -scrollregion {0 0 " + p2s(csz) + "}"); onscreen(); for (sl = packobjs; sl != nil; sl = tl sl) { obj := hd sl; r := actrect(packwin, obj.w); positionobj(obj, r); } } # make sure that there aren't any unnecessary blank # bits in the scroll area. onscreen() { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c xview"), " "); cmd(win, ".c xview moveto " + hd toks); (n, toks) = sys->tokenize(cmd(win, ".c yview"), " "); cmd(win, ".c yview moveto " + hd toks); } # work out the size of an object to be laid out. sizeobj(obj: ref Layobject) { pick o := obj { Stack => delta := Point(0, 0); case { styDISPLAY => case o.orientation { oRIGHT => delta.x = carddelta.x; oLEFT => delta.x = -carddelta.x; oDOWN => delta.y = carddelta.y; oUP => delta.y = -carddelta.y; } styPILE => ; # no offset } = delta; r := Rect((0, 0), size(cardrect(o, (0, max(len, o.maxcards))))); if (o.title != nil) { p := Point(r.min.x + r.dx() / 2, r.min.y); tr := s2r(cmd(win, ".c bbox t" + string; tbox := Rect((p.x - tr.dx() / 2, p.y - tr.dy()), (p.x + tr.dx() / 2, p.y)); r = union(r, tbox); } o.size = r.max.sub(r.min).add((Border * 2, Border * 2)); # sys->print("sized stack %d => %s\n",, p2s(o.size)); Widget => w := ".buts." + string; o.size.x = int cmd(win, w + " cget -width"); o.size.y = int cmd(win, w + " cget -height"); # sys->print("sized widget %d (%s) => %s\n",, # cmd(win, "winfo class " + w + ".b"), p2s(o.size)); } } # set a laid-out object's position on the canvas, given # its allocated rectangle, r. positionobj(obj: ref Layobject, r: Rect) { pick o := obj { Stack => # sys->print("positioning stack %d, r %s\n",, r2s(r)); delta :=; sz := o.size.sub((Border * 2, Border * 2)); r.min.x += (r.dx() - sz.x) / 2; r.min.y += (r.dy() - sz.y) / 2; r.max = r.min.add(sz); if (o.title != nil) { cmd(win, ".c coords t" +string + " " + string (r.min.x + r.dx() / 2) + " " + string r.min.y); tr := s2r(cmd(win, ".c bbox t" + string; r.min.y = tr.max.y; sz = size(cardrect(o, (0, max(len, o.maxcards)))); r.min.x += (r.dx() - sz.x) / 2; r.min.y += (r.dy() - sz.y) / 2; r.max = r.min.add(sz); } o.pos = r.min; if (delta.x < 0) o.pos.x = r.max.x - cardsize.x; if (delta.y < 0) o.pos.y = r.max.y - cardsize.y; cmd(win, ".c coords r" + string + " " + r2s(r.inset(-(Border / 2)))); objneedsrepack(o); Widget => # sys->print("positioning widget %d, r %s\n",, r2s(r)); cmd(win, ".c coords r" + string + " " + p2s(r.min)); bd := int cmd(win, ".buts." + string + " cget -bd"); cmd(win, ".c itemconfigure r" + string + " -width " + string (r.dx() - bd * 2) + " -height " + string (r.dy() - bd * 2)); } } size(r: Rect): Point { return r.max.sub(r.min); } transfercards(src: ref Layobject.Stack, r: Range, dst: ref Layobject.Stack, index: int) { cards := extractcards(src, r); n := r.end - r.start; # if we've just removed some cards from the destination, # then adjust the destination index accordingly. if (src == dst && index > r.start) { if (index < r.end) index = r.start; else index -= n; } insertcards(dst, cards, index); } extractcards(src: ref Layobject.Stack, r: Range): array of ref Object.Card { if (len > src.maxcards) needresize = 1; deltag([r.start:r.end], "c" + string; n := r.end - r.start; cards :=[r.start:r.end]; newcards := array[len - n] of ref Object.Card; newcards[0:] =[0:r.start]; newcards[r.start:] =[r.end:]; = newcards; objneedsrepack(src); # XXX not necessary if moving from top? return cards; } insertcards(dst: ref Layobject.Stack, cards: array of ref Object.Card, index: int) { n := len cards; newcards := array[len + n] of ref Object.Card; newcards[0:] =[0:index]; newcards[index + n:] =[index:]; newcards[index:] = cards; = newcards; for (i := 0; i < len cards; i++) cards[i].parentid =; addtag([index:index + n], "c" + string; objneedsrepack(dst); # XXX not necessary if adding to top? if (len > dst.maxcards) needresize = 1; } destroy(obj: ref Object) { if ( >= 0) objects[] = nil; id := string; pick o := obj { Card => cmd(win, ".c delete i" + id); # XXX crashed here once... Widget => cmd(win, ".c delete r" + id); w := ".buts." + id; cmd(win, "destroy " + w); dellayobject(o.o); Stack => completeanim(o.o); cmd(win, ".c delete r" + id + " s" + id + " n" + id + " N" + id); if (o.o.title != nil) cmd(win, ".c delete t" + id); cmd(win, ".c delete c" + id); # any remaining "fake" cards needrepack = 1; dellayobject(o.o); Button => cmd(win, "destroy .buts." + string; Member => if (o.cid != -1) { # XXX remove member from members hash. } Layoutobj => if ((l := findlayobject(o.lay.layid)) != nil) { # XXX are we sure they're not off-screen anyway? cmd(win, ".c move r" + string + " 5000 5000"); cmd(win, ".c move c" + string + " 5000 5000"); cmd(win, ".c move N" + string + " 5000 5000"); cmd(win, ".c move n" + string + " 5000 5000"); cmd(win, ".c move s" + string + " 5000 5000"); } if (layout == o.lay) layout = nil; Layoutframe => if (layout == o.lay) layout = nil; } } dellayobject(lay: ref Layobject) { if (lay.layid == -1) return; x := lay.layid % len layobjects; nl: list of ref Layobject; for (ll := layobjects[x]; ll != nil; ll = tl ll) if ((hd ll).layid != lay.layid) nl = hd ll :: nl; layobjects[x] = nl; } findlayobject(layid: int): ref Layobject { if (layid == -1) return nil; for (ll := layobjects[layid % len layobjects]; ll != nil; ll = tl ll) if ((hd ll).layid == layid) return hd ll; return nil; } deltag(cards: array of ref Object.Card, tag: string) { for (i := 0; i < len cards; i++) cmd(win, ".c dtag i" + string cards[i].id + " " + tag); } addtag(cards: array of ref Object.Card, tag: string) { for (i := 0; i < len cards; i++) cmd(win, ".c addtag " + tag + " withtag i" + string cards[i].id); } join(v: list of string): string { if (v == nil) return nil; s := hd v; for (v = tl v; v != nil; v = tl v) s += " " + hd v; return s; } notify(s: string) { notifych <-= s; } notifierproc() { notifypid := -1; sync := chan of int; for (;;) { s := <-notifych; kill(notifypid); spawn notifyproc(s, sync); notifypid = <-sync; } } notifyproc(s: string, sync: chan of int) { sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); cmd(win, ".c delete notify"); id := cmd(win, ".c create text " + p2s(visibleorigin()) + " -anchor nw -fill red -tags notify -text '" + s); bbox := cmd(win, ".c bbox " + id); cmd(win, ".c create rectangle " + bbox + " -fill #ffffaa -tags notify"); cmd(win, ".c raise " + id); cmd(win, "update"); sys->sleep(1500); cmd(win, ".c delete notify"); cmd(win, "update"); } # move canvas so that canvas point canvp lies under # screen point scrp. pan(canvp, scrp: Point) { o := Point(int cmd(win, ".c cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ".c cget -acty")); co := canvp.sub(scrp.sub(o)); sz := Point(int cmd(win, ".c cget -width"), int cmd(win, ".c cget -height")); cmd(win, ".c xview moveto " + string (real co.x / real sz.x)); cmd(win, ".c yview moveto " + string (real co.y / real sz.y)); } # return the top left point that's currently visible # in the canvas, taking into account scrolling. visibleorigin(): Point { (scrx, scry) := (cmd(win, ".c cget -actx"), cmd(win, ".c cget -acty")); return Point (int cmd(win, ".c canvasx " + scrx), int cmd(win, ".c canvasy " + scry)); } s2r(s: string): Rect { r: Rect; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n < 4) panic("malformed rectangle " + s); (r.min.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.min.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); return r; } r2s(r: Rect): string { return sys->sprint("%d %d %d %d", r.min.x, r.min.y, r.max.x, r.max.y); } p2s(p: Point): string { return string p.x + " " + string p.y; } union(r1, r2: Rect): Rect { if (r1.min.x > r2.min.x) r1.min.x = r2.min.x; if (r1.min.y > r2.min.y) r1.min.y = r2.min.y; if (r1.max.x < r2.max.x) r1.max.x = r2.max.x; if (r1.max.y < r2.max.y) r1.max.y = r2.max.y; return r1; } kill(pid: int) { if ((fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE)) != nil) sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4); } lockproc() { for (;;) { <-cardlockch; cardlockch <-=1; } } lock() { cardlockch <-= 1; } unlock() { <-cardlockch; } openimage(file: string, id: string): Point { if (tk->cmd(win, "image create bitmap " + id + " -file " + file)[0] == '!') return (0, 0); return (int tk->cmd(win, "image width " + id), int tk->cmd(win, "image height " + id)); } # read images into tk. readimages(dir: string, prefix: string): (int, Point) { displ := drawctxt.display; if (cardsize.x > 0 && cardsize.y > 0 && (img := + "/" + prefix + ".all.bit")) != nil) { if (img.r.dx() % cardsize.x != 0 || img.r.dy() != cardsize.y) sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: inconsistent complete image, ignoring\n"); else { n := img.r.dx() / cardsize.x; x := img.r.min.x; sys->print("found %d cards in complete image\n", n); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { c := displ.newimage(((0, 0), cardsize), img.chans, 0, 0); c.draw(c.r, img, nil, (x, 0)); id := prefix + string i; cmd(win, "image create bitmap " + id); tk->putimage(win, id, c, nil); x += cardsize.x; } return (n, cardsize); } } size := openimage("@" + dir + "/" + prefix + "0.bit", prefix + "0"); if (size.x == 0) { sys->print("no first image (filename: '%s')\n", dir + "/" + prefix + "0.bit"); return (0, (0, 0)); } i := 1; for (;;) { nsize := openimage("@" + dir + "/" + prefix + string i + ".bit", prefix + string i); if (nsize.x == 0) break; if (!nsize.eq(size)) sys->fprint(stderr, "warning: inconsistent image size in %s/%s%d.bit, " + "[%d %d] vs [%d %d]\n", dir, prefix, i, size.x, size.y, nsize.x, nsize.y); i++; } return (i, size); } newanimation(src: ref Layobject.Stack, r: Range): ref Animation { a := ref Animation; a.srcpt = src.pos.add(; cards := extractcards(src, r); = cards; a.waitch = chan of ref Animation; return a; } startanimating(a: ref Animation, dst: ref Layobject.Stack, index: int) { q := dst.animq; if (q.isempty()) spawn animqueueproc(a.waitch); a.tag = "a" + string animid++; addtag(, a.tag); q.put(a); a.dstid =; a.index = index; spawn animproc(a); } SPEED: con 1.5; # animation speed in pixels/millisec animproc(a: ref Animation) { tick := chan of int; dst := stackobj(a.dstid); if (dst == nil) panic("animation destination has gone!"); dstpt := dst.pos.add(; srcpt := a.srcpt; d := dstpt.sub(srcpt); # don't bother animating if moving to or from a hidden stack. if (!srcpt.eq(Hiddenpos) && !dst.pos.eq(Hiddenpos) && !d.eq((0, 0))) { mag := math->sqrt(real(d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y)); (vx, vy) := (real d.x / mag, real d.y / mag); currpt := a.srcpt; # current position of cards t0 := starttime; dt := int (mag / SPEED); t := 0; tickregister(tick); cmd(win, ".c raise " + a.tag); while (t < dt) { s := real t * SPEED; p := Point(srcpt.x + int (s * vx), srcpt.y + int (s * vy)); dp := p.sub(currpt); cmd(win, ".c move " + a.tag + " " + string dp.x + " " + string dp.y); currpt = p; t = <-tick - t0; } tickunregister(tick); cmd(win, "update"); } a.waitch <-= a; } tickregister(tick: chan of int) { tickregisterch <-= tick; } tickunregister(tick: chan of int) { tickunregisterch <-= tick; } tickproc(tick: chan of int) { for (;;) tick <-= 1; } timeproc() { reg: list of chan of int; dummytick := chan of int; realtick := chan of int; tick := dummytick; spawn tickproc(realtick); for (;;) { alt { c := <-tickregisterch => if (reg == nil) tick = realtick; reg = c :: reg; c := <-tickunregisterch => r: list of chan of int; for (; reg != nil; reg = tl reg) if (hd reg != c) r = hd reg :: r; reg = r; if (reg == nil) tick = dummytick; <-tick => t := sys->millisec(); for (r := reg; r != nil; r = tl r) { alt { hd r <-= t => ; * => ; } } cmd(win, "update"); } } } yield() { yieldch <-= 1; } yieldproc() { for (;;) <-yieldch; } # send completed animations down animfinishedch; # wait for a reply, which is either a new animation to wait # for (the next in the queue) or nil, telling us to exit animqueueproc(waitch: chan of ref Animation) { rc := chan of chan of ref Animation; while (waitch != nil) { animfinishedch <-= (<-waitch, rc); waitch = <-rc; } } # an animation has finished. # move the cards into their final place in the stack, # remove the animation from the queue it's on, # and inform the mediating process of the next animation process in the queue. animterminated(v: (ref Animation, chan of chan of ref Animation)) { (a, rc) := v; deltag(, a.tag); dst := stackobj(a.dstid); insertcards(dst,, a.index); repackobj(dst); cmd(win, "update"); q := dst.animq; q.get(); if (q.isempty()) rc <-= nil; else { a = q.peek(); rc <-= a.waitch; } } actrect(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): Rect { r: Rect; r.min.x = int cmd(win, w + " cget -actx") + int cmd(win, w + " cget -bd"); r.min.y = int cmd(win, w + " cget -acty") + int cmd(win, w + " cget -bd"); r.max.x = r.min.x + int cmd(win, w + " cget -actwidth"); r.max.y = r.min.y + int cmd(win, w + " cget -actheight"); return r; } actsize(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): Point { return (int cmd(win, w + " cget -actwidth"), int cmd(win, w + " cget -actheight")); } Queue.put(q: self ref Queue, s: T) { q.t = s :: q.t; } Queue.get(q: self ref Queue): T { s: T; if(q.h == nil){ q.h = revlist(q.t); q.t = nil; } if(q.h != nil){ s = hd q.h; q.h = tl q.h; } return s; } Queue.peek(q: self ref Queue): T { s: T; if (q.isempty()) return s; s = q.get(); q.h = s :: q.h; return s; } Queue.isempty(q: self ref Queue): int { return q.h == nil && q.t == nil; } revlist(ls: list of T) : list of T { rs: list of T; for (; ls != nil; ls = tl ls) rs = hd ls :: rs; return rs; } readconfig(): int { for (lines := readconfigfile("/icons/cards/config"); lines != nil; lines = tl lines) { t := hd lines; case hd t { "rearborder" => Rearborder = int hd tl t; "border" => Border = int hd tl t; "selectborder" => Selectborder = int hd tl t; "xdelta" => carddelta.x = int hd tl t; "ydelta" => carddelta.y = int hd tl t; "font" => Textfont = hd tl t; "selectcolour" => Selectcolour = hd tl t; "cardsize" => if (len t != 3) sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: invalid value for cardsize attribute\n"); else cardsize = (int hd tl t, int hd tl tl t); * => sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: unknown config attribute: %s\n", hd t); } } return 0; } readcardimages(): int { (nimages, cardsize) = readimages("/icons/cards", "c"); if (nimages == 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: no card images found\n"); return -1; } sys->print("%d card images found\n", nimages); (nrears, rearsize) := readimages("/icons/cardrears", "rear"); if (nrears > 0 && !rearsize.eq(cardsize)) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: card rear sizes don't match card sizes (%s vs %s)\n", p2s(rearsize), p2s(cardsize)); return -1; } sys->print("%d card rear images found\n", nrears); cr := Rect((0, 0), cardsize); for (i := nrears; i < len rearcolours; i++) { cmd(win, "image create bitmap rear" + string i); img := drawctxt.display.newimage(cr, Draw->XRGB32, 0, Draw->Black); img.draw(cr.inset(Rearborder), drawctxt.display.color(rearcolours[i] - nrears), nil, (0, 0)); tk->putimage(win, "rear" + string i, img, nil); } return 0; } readconfigfile(f: string): list of list of string { sys->print("opening config file '%s'\n", f); fd := sys->open(f, Sys->OREAD); if (fd == nil) return nil; buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; nb := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if (nb <= 0) return nil; (nil, lines) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:nb], "\r\n"); r: list of list of string; for (; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(hd lines, " \t"); if (n == 0) continue; if (n < 2) sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: invalid config line: %s\n", hd lines); else r = toks :: r; } return r; } fittoscreen(win: ref Tk->Toplevel) { Point: import draw; if (win.image == nil || win.image.screen == nil) return; r := win.image.screen.image.r; scrsize := Point((r.max.x - r.min.x), (r.max.y - r.min.y)); bd := int cmd(win, ". cget -bd"); winsize := Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd * 2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd * 2); if (winsize.x > scrsize.x) cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string (scrsize.x - bd * 2)); if (winsize.y > scrsize.y) cmd(win, ". configure -height " + string (scrsize.y - bd * 2)); actr: Rect; actr.min = Point(int cmd(win, ". cget -actx"), int cmd(win, ". cget -acty")); actr.max = actr.min.add((int cmd(win, ". cget -actwidth") + bd*2, int cmd(win, ". cget -actheight") + bd*2)); (dx, dy) := (actr.dx(), actr.dy()); if (actr.max.x > r.max.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x - dx, r.max.x - dx); if (actr.max.y > r.max.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y - dy, r.max.y - dy); if (actr.min.x < r.min.x) (actr.min.x, actr.max.x) = (r.min.x, r.min.x + dx); if (actr.min.y < r.min.y) (actr.min.y, actr.max.y) = (r.min.y, r.min.y + dy); cmd(win, ". configure -x " + string actr.min.x + " -y " + string actr.min.y); } panic(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "cards: panic: %s\n", s); raise "panic"; } showtk := 0; cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { if (showtk) sys->print("tk: %s\n", s); e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') { sys->fprint(stderr, "tk error %s on '%s'\n", e, s); raise "panic"; } return e; } max(a, b: int): int { if (a > b) return a; return b; }