ref: 7d3fb4d665372fe975403ff80f32500204454d3b
dir: /os/pc64/pc64/
# pc64 - amd64 pc terminal with local disk dev root cons arch env forth mnt pipe proc prog rtc srv dup ssl cap ether netif bridge netif log ip ip ipv6 ipaux iproute arp chandial netlog ethermedium plan9 nullmedium pktmedium nat draw screen vga vgax cga # mouse mouse pointer kbd vga pci # ata audio dma uart sd # floppy dma tinyfs # dbg x86break ip tcp udp # rudp ipifc icmp icmp6 # gre ipmux # esp # il lib aml fis interp keyring draw memlayer memdraw tk sec mp math kern ip link ## ether82557 pci # ether83815 pci # etherelnk3 pci # ps2mouse ethermedium ## pppmedium ppp compress netdevmedium ether8169 pci ethermii ether82563 pci etherx550 pci # ethersink ethervirtio pci misc pci pcipc archgeneric devkbd i8259 i8253 archacpi mp apic squidboy ec hpet archmp mp apic squidboy mtrr bios32 cga uarti8250 sdiahci pci sdscsi led sdvirtio pci sdscsi vgasoft =cur swcursor # vga3dfx +cur # vgaark2000pv +cur # vgabt485 =cur # vgaclgd542x +cur # vgaclgd546x +cur # vgact65545 +cur # vgacyber938x +cur # vgaet4000 +cur # vgageode +cur # vgahiqvideo +cur # vgai81x +cur # vgaigfx +cur # vgamach64xx +cur # vgamga2164w +cur # vgamga4xx +cur # vganeomagic +cur # vganvidia +cur # vgaradeon +cur # vgargb524 =cur # vgas3 +cur vgasavage # vgat2r4 +cur # vgatvp3020 =cur # vgatvp3026 =cur vgavesa # vgavmware +cur mod sys draw tk keyring math init disinit #shell #wminit code int main_pool_pcnt = 50; int heap_pool_pcnt = 20; int image_pool_pcnt = 20; int cflag=0; int swcursor=0; int consoleprint=1; port alarm alloc allocb chan dev dial dis discall exception exportfs inferno iomap irq latin1 nocache nodynld parse pgrp print proc qio qlock random rdb swcursor sysfile taslock xalloc root /chan / /dev / /dis /env / /fd / /n / /net / /net.alt / /nvfs / /prog / /tmp / /proc / /dis/lib /dis/svc /dis/wm /osinit.dis # for custom initialization and shutdown /dis/init /dis/shutdown # basic commands /dis/basename.dis /dis/bind.dis /dis/cat.dis /dis/cd.dis /dis/diskparts /dis/echo.dis /dis/ftest.dis /dis/grep.dis /dis/ls.dis /dis/mntgen.dis /dis/mount.dis /dis/ns.dis /dis/ps.dis /dis/pwd.dis /dis/read.dis /dis/sh.dis /dis/sh.dis /dis/sh/std.dis /dis/unmount.dis ## support disk, cd and ethernet root and install to disk /dis/9660srv.dis # for installing to disk /dis/disk/fdisk.dis /dis/disk/kfs.dis /dis/disk/kfs64.dis /dis/disk/kfscmd.dis /dis/disk/prep.dis # for network connectivity /dis/ip/dhcp.dis /dis/ip/ping.dis /dis/auth/factotum.dis # libraries for the above commands /dis/disk/ /dis/disk/pedit.dis /dis/lib/arg.dis /dis/lib/auth.dis /dis/lib/bufio.dis /dis/lib/daytime.dis /dis/lib/dhcpclient.dis /dis/lib/dial.dis /dis/lib/disks.dis /dis/lib/env.dis /dis/lib/factotum.dis /dis/lib/filepat.dis /dis/lib/ip.dis /dis/lib/names.dis /dis/lib/nametree.dis /dis/lib/rand.dis /dis/lib/random.dis /dis/lib/readdir.dis /dis/lib/regex.dis /dis/lib/ssl.dis /dis/lib/string.dis /dis/lib/styx.dis /dis/lib/styxconv/new2old.dis /dis/lib/styxconv/ostyx.dis /dis/lib/styxpersist.dis /dis/lib/styxservers.dis /dis/lib/timers.dis /dis/lib/workdir.dis # would need these to authenticate with the root server # /keydb / # /keydb/mutual /usr/inferno/keyring/mutual # /keydb/spree /usr/inferno/keyring/spree # for factotum # /mnt # obsolete? #bootdir # /$objtype/bin/paqfs # /$objtype/bin/auth/factotum # bootfs.paq # boot