
ref: e53d5e9e523af75821367f4b0a1e5ab06e480fac
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View raw version
.\" This troff source is processed to create all forms of the
.\" 9FRONT DASH 1 book and the website.
.\" NOTE: Purely experimental. Methods employed may change.
.\" troff -ms -mpictures | page
.\" htmlroff -u -ms -mhtml >appendixj.html
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.ie h .html - <img src="\\$1.\\$2" />
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.HTML "Appendix J - Junk
.html - <style type="text/css">body{font-size:10pt}; a{font-size:10pt}</style>
.html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> |
.html - <a href="appendixg.html">Appendix G - GSOC</a> |
.html - <a href="appendixl.html">Appendix L - Languages</a>
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.ihtml h1 <h1>
Appendix J - Junk
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.html - <a href="appendixj.html">html</a> |
.html - <a href="appendixj.pdf">pdf</a> |
.html - <a href="">troff</a>

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Raspberry Pi
.ihtml h2
.html - <br />
.FG pie-in-face jpg

Installation Instructions

The last release introduces support for
raspi1,2 and 3 and you can build a sdcard image that will
be bootable on raspi by running:
# build arm userspace
cd /sys/src
mk install

# download raspi firmware
cd /sys/src/boot/bcm

# build 32 bit arm kernel for raspi (pi2 also works for raspi3)
cd /sys/src/9/bcm
mk 'CONF=pi' install
mk 'CONF=pi2' install

# build bootable hjfs sdcard image for raspi
cd /sys/lib/dist
bind / /n/src9
mk /path/to/somethingsomething.pi.img
Once booted on the Raspberry Pi, you're able to mount the dos partition with:
9fs pidos
This will mount the dos partition on
.CW /n/pidos ,
similar to how
9fs 9fat

.html - <hr />
.html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> |
.html - <a href="fqa9.html">FQA 9 - Troubleshooting</a> |
.html - <a href="appendixl.html">Appendix L - Languages</a>