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.\" This troff source is processed to create all forms of the .\" 9FRONT DASH 1 book and the website. .\" NOTE: Purely experimental. Methods employed may change. .\" troff -ms -mpictures | page .\" htmlroff -u -ms -mhtml >appendixl.html .de FG \" .FG <basename> .ie h .html - <img src="\\$1.\\$2" /> .el .BP \\$ .br .. .po 1i \" page offset (from left) .fp 1 R LucidaSans .fp 2 I LucidaSansI .fp 3 B LucidaSansB .fp 4 BI LucidaSansI .fp 5 CW LucidaCW .paragraph 0 .margin 0 .HTML "FQA Appendix L - Languages .html - <style type="text/css">body{font-size:10pt}; a{font-size:10pt}</style> .html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> | .html - <a href="appendixj.html">FQA Appendix J - Junk</a> | .html - <a href="appendixt.html">FQA Appendix T - TODO</a> .html - <hr /> .SH .LG .ihtml h1 <h1> FQA Appendix L - Languages .ihtml h1 .NL .R .html - <a href="appendixl.html">html</a> | .html - <a href="appendixl.pdf">pdf</a> | .html - <a href="">troff</a> .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH C .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG yes gif Read: .ihtml a <a href=""> .I Plan 9 C Compilers, .R .ihtml a .ihtml a <a href=""> .I How to Use the Plan 9 C Compiler .R .ihtml a .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH C++ .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG cosbyplusplus gif Read: .ihtml a <a href=""> .I Bjarne Stroustrup: "I Did It For You All..." .R .ihtml a .html - Don't click <a href="">this link</a>. Don't click <a href="">this link</a> either. Definitely don't click <a href="">this link</a>. .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH C# .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG csharp gif .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH Go .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG golang gif .B Note: The following instructions may be more up to date: .ihtml a <a href=""> .CW .ihtml a For now, this still works: [Continued on next page] .P1 # automatically converted ca certs from hget >/sys/lib/tls/ca.pem # shell script that emulates git commands hget >$home/bin/rc/git chmod 775 $home/bin/rc/git # fetch the repository git clone cd go git checkout go1.4.2 # amd64 only: bootstrap with 1.4.2 # build go cd src \&./make.rc # install documentation go get # go! .P2 Read: .ihtml a <a href=""> .I Documentation - The Go Programming Language .R .ihtml a and .ihtml a <a href=""> .I Go Plan 9 Wiki .R .ihtml a .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH Haskell .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG haskell gif [Continued on next page] .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH Perl .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG perl jpg Perl 5.8.0, ported to Plan 9: .ihtml a <a href=""> .ihtml a .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH PHP .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG php gif .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH Python .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG python gif Python 2.5.1 used to be included with the 9front distribution, not because anyone loved Python, but because it was required by Mercurial (also loved by no one), which was required by Google Code (which shut down in 2015). An abject lesson in expediency. 9front's old Python and Mercurial are archived here: .ihtml a <a href=""> .CW .R .ihtml a Jeff Sickel ported Python 2.7 to Plan 9. .html - Download it <a href="">here</a>.<p>David du Colombier's notes on to install Python (and Mercurial) are available <a href="">here</a>. .ihtml h2 <h2> .SH Ruby .R .ihtml h2 .html - <br /> .FG rails jpg Read: .ihtml a <a href=""> .I Ruby is Not Even Funny .R .ihtml a .DS .I I am now used to the FQA being frankly not worth the 1s and 0s it was written in .R \(em ϟт℮ ♥ε Ḻ ☺ґḓ .DE Once upon a time, khm was searching for .CW rails documentation .R and accidentally hit the .CW Images .R link. In the first page of results was a photo of the train tracks of Auschwitz. Its presence among the Ruby on Rails logos was so absurd and out of place that khm memorialized it. It was made in an era before actual Nazis had re-entered the public dialogue, so it felt like Google Image Search was denigrating Ruby on Rails by including this sort of imagery in the results. Generally speaking, 4chan types read it as an endorsement, which sucks. More recently, people who are not assholes have also begun to read it as an endorsement, which is even more unfortunate. Finally, the people who just get mad about things on social media have begun nesting in it. As a result, this image has been targeted for redaction by the 9front Internet Mob Mollification committee. Read: .ihtml a <a href=""> .CW, .R .ihtml a .ihtml a <a href=""> .CW, .R .ihtml a .ihtml a <a href=""> .CW .R .ihtml a .html - <hr /> .html - <a href="fqa.html">FQA INDEX</a> | .html - <a href="appendixj.html">FQA Appendix J - Junk</a> | .html - <a href="appendixt.html">FQA Appendix T - TODO</a>