ref: fb7dd4b3a868cb8987049c95bb32e6425a73c8b9
dir: /os/ip/ppp.h/
typedef struct PPP PPP; typedef struct Pstate Pstate; typedef struct Lcpmsg Lcpmsg; typedef struct Lcpopt Lcpopt; typedef struct Qualpkt Qualpkt; typedef struct Qualstats Qualstats; typedef struct Tcpc Tcpc; typedef uchar Ipaddr[IPaddrlen]; enum { HDLC_frame= 0x7e, HDLC_esc= 0x7d, /* PPP frame fields */ PPP_addr= 0xff, PPP_ctl= 0x3, PPP_initfcs= 0xffff, PPP_goodfcs= 0xf0b8, /* PPP phases */ Pdead= 0, Plink, /* doing LCP */ Pauth, /* doing chap */ Pnet, /* doing IPCP, CCP */ Pterm, /* closing down */ /* PPP protocol types */ Pip= 0x21, /* internet */ Pvjctcp= 0x2d, /* compressing van jacobson tcp */ Pvjutcp= 0x2f, /* uncompressing van jacobson tcp */ Pcdata= 0xfd, /* compressed datagram */ Pipcp= 0x8021, /* ip control */ Pecp= 0x8053, /* encryption control */ Pccp= 0x80fd, /* compressed datagram control */ Plcp= 0xc021, /* link control */ Ppap= 0xc023, /* password auth. protocol */ Plqm= 0xc025, /* link quality monitoring */ Pchap= 0xc223, /* challenge/response */ /* LCP codes */ Lconfreq= 1, Lconfack= 2, Lconfnak= 3, Lconfrej= 4, Ltermreq= 5, Ltermack= 6, Lcoderej= 7, Lprotorej= 8, Lechoreq= 9, Lechoack= 10, Ldiscard= 11, /* Lcp configure options */ Omtu= 1, Octlmap= 2, Oauth= 3, Oquality= 4, Omagic= 5, Opc= 7, Oac= 8, Obad= 12, /* for testing */ /* authentication protocols */ APmd5= 5, /* lcp flags */ Fmtu= 1<<Omtu, Fctlmap= 1<<Octlmap, Fauth= 1<<Oauth, Fquality= 1<<Oquality, Fmagic= 1<<Omagic, Fpc= 1<<Opc, Fac= 1<<Oac, Fbad= 1<<Obad, /* Chap codes */ Cchallenge= 1, Cresponse= 2, Csuccess= 3, Cfailure= 4, /* Pap codes */ Cpapreq= 1, Cpapack= 2, Cpapnak= 3, /* link states */ Sclosed= 0, Sclosing, Sreqsent, Sackrcvd, Sacksent, Sopened, /* ccp configure options */ Ocoui= 0, /* proprietary compression */ Ocstac= 17, /* stac electronics LZS */ Ocmppc= 18, /* microsoft ppc */ /* ccp flags */ Fcoui= 1<<Ocoui, Fcstac= 1<<Ocstac, Fcmppc= 1<<Ocmppc, /* ecp configure options */ Oeoui= 0, /* proprietary compression */ Oedese= 1, /* DES */ /* ecp flags */ Feoui= 1<<Oeoui, Fedese= 1<<Oedese, /* ipcp configure options */ Oipaddrs= 1, Oipcompress= 2, Oipaddr= 3, Oipdns= 129, Oipwins= 130, Oipdns2= 131, Oipwins2= 132, /* ipcp flags */ Fipaddrs= 1<<Oipaddrs, Fipcompress= 1<<Oipcompress, Fipaddr= 1<<Oipaddr, Period= 3*1000, /* period of retransmit process (in ms) */ Timeout= 10, /* xmit timeout (in Periods) */ MAX_STATES = 16, /* van jacobson compression states */ Defmtu= 1450, /* default that we will ask for */ Minmtu= 128, /* minimum that we will accept */ Maxmtu= 2000, /* maximum that we will accept */ }; struct Pstate { int proto; /* protocol type */ int timeout; /* for current state */ int rxtimeout; /* for current retransmit */ ulong flags; /* options received */ uchar id; /* id of current message */ uchar confid; /* id of current config message */ uchar termid; /* id of current termination message */ uchar rcvdconfid; /* id of last conf message received */ uchar state; /* PPP link state */ ulong optmask; /* which options to request */ int echoack; /* recieved echo ack */ int echotimeout; /* echo timeout */ }; struct Qualstats { ulong reports; ulong packets; ulong bytes; ulong discards; ulong errors; }; struct PPP { QLock; Chan* dchan; /* serial line */ Chan* cchan; /* serial line control */ int framing; /* non-zero to use framing characters */ Ipaddr local; int localfrozen; Ipaddr remote; int remotefrozen; int pppup; Fs *f; /* file system we belong to */ Ipifc* ifc; Proc* readp; /* reading process */ Proc* timep; /* timer process */ Block* inbuf; /* input buffer */ Block* outbuf; /* output buffer */ QLock outlock; /* and its lock */ ulong magic; /* magic number to detect loop backs */ ulong rctlmap; /* map of chars to ignore in rcvr */ ulong xctlmap; /* map of chars to excape in xmit */ int phase; /* PPP phase */ Pstate* lcp; /* lcp state */ Pstate* ipcp; /* ipcp state */ char secret[256]; /* md5 key */ char chapname[256]; /* chap system name */ Tcpc* ctcp; ulong mtu; /* maximum xmit size */ ulong mru; /* maximum recv size */ int baud; int usepap; /* authentication is PAP in every sense, not CHAP */ int papid; int usechap; /* rfc */ int usedns; Ipaddr dns1; Ipaddr dns2; /* link quality monitoring */ int period; /* lqm period */ int timeout; /* time to next lqm packet */ Qualstats in; /* local */ Qualstats out; Qualstats pin; /* peer */ Qualstats pout; Qualstats sin; /* saved */ }; PPP* pppopen(PPP*, char*, Ipaddr, Ipaddr, int, int, char*, char*); Block* pppread(PPP*); int pppwrite(PPP*, Block*); void pppclose(PPP*); struct Lcpmsg { uchar code; uchar id; uchar len[2]; uchar data[1]; }; struct Lcpopt { uchar type; uchar len; uchar data[1]; }; struct Qualpkt { uchar magic[4]; uchar lastoutreports[4]; uchar lastoutpackets[4]; uchar lastoutbytes[4]; uchar peerinreports[4]; uchar peerinpackets[4]; uchar peerindiscards[4]; uchar peerinerrors[4]; uchar peerinbytes[4]; uchar peeroutreports[4]; uchar peeroutpackets[4]; uchar peeroutbytes[4]; }; ushort compress(Tcpc*, Block*, Fs*); Tcpc* compress_init(Tcpc*); int compress_negotiate(Tcpc*, uchar*); ushort tcpcompress(Tcpc*, Block*, Fs*); Block* tcpuncompress(Tcpc*, Block*, ushort, Fs*);