ref: f4624471579e0cfb531ffc733cdbe007ecdfed9d
dir: /appl/charon/chutils.m/
CharonUtils: module { PATH: con "/dis/charon/chutils.dis"; # Modules for everyone to share C: Ctype; E: Events; G: Gui; L: Layout; I: Img; B: Build; LX: Lex; J: Script; CH: Charon; CK: Cookiesrv; DI: Dial; # HTTP methods HGet, HPost : con iota; hmeth: array of string; # Media types (must track mnames in chutils.b) ApplMsword, ApplOctets, ApplPdf, ApplPostscript, ApplRtf, ApplFramemaker, ApplMsexcel, ApplMspowerpoint, UnknownType, Audio32kadpcm, AudioBasic, ImageCgm, ImageG3fax, ImageGif, ImageIef, ImageJpeg, ImagePng, ImageTiff, ImageXBit, ImageXBit2, ImageXBitmulti, ImageXInfernoBit, ImageXXBitmap, ModelVrml, MultiDigest, MultiMixed, TextCss, TextEnriched, TextHtml, TextJavascript, TextPlain, TextRichtext, TextSgml, TextTabSeparatedValues, TextXml, VideoMpeg, VideoQuicktime : con iota; mnames: array of string; # Netconn states NCfree, NCidle, NCconnect, NCgethdr, NCgetdata, NCdone, NCerr : con iota; ncstatenames: array of string; # Netcomm synch protocol values NGstartreq, NGwaitreq, NGstatechg, NGfreebs : con iota; # Colors White: con 16rFFFFFF; Black: con 16r000000; Grey: con 16rdddddd; DarkGrey: con 16r9d9d9d; LightGrey: con 16rededed; Blue: con 16r0000CC; Navy: con 16r000080; Red: con 16rFF0000; Green: con 16r00FF00; DarkRed: con 16r9d0000; # Header major status values (code/100) HSNone, HSInformation, HSOk, HSRedirect, HSError, HSServererr : con iota; hsnames: array of string; # Individual status code values (HTTP, but use for other transports too) HCContinue: con 100; HCSwitchProto: con 101; HCOk: con 200; HCCreated: con 201; HCAccepted: con 202; HCOkNonAuthoritative: con 203; HCNoContent: con 204; HCResetContent: con 205; HCPartialContent: con 206; HCMultipleChoices: con 300; HCMovedPerm: con 301; HCMovedTemp: con 302; HCSeeOther: con 303; HCNotModified: con 304; HCUseProxy: con 305; HCBadRequest: con 400; HCUnauthorized: con 401; HCPaymentRequired: con 402; HCForbidden: con 403; HCNotFound: con 404; HCMethodNotAllowed: con 405; HCNotAcceptable: con 406; HCProxyAuthRequired: con 407; HCRequestTimeout: con 408; HCConflict: con 409; HCGone: con 410; HCLengthRequired: con 411; HCPreconditionFailed: con 412; HCRequestTooLarge: con 413; HCRequestURITooLarge: con 414; HCUnsupportedMedia: con 415; HCRangeInvalid: con 416; HCExpectFailed: con 419; HCServerError: con 500; HCNotImplemented: con 501; HCBadGateway: con 502; HCServiceUnavailable: con 503; HCGatewayTimeout: con 504; HCVersionUnsupported: con 505; HCRedirectionFailed: con 506; # Max number of redirections tolerated Maxredir : con 10; # Image Level config options ImgNone, ImgNoAnim, ImgProgressive, ImgFull: con iota; # SSL connection version NOSSL, SSLV2, SSLV3, SSLV23: con iota; # User Configuration Information (Options) # Debug option letters: # 'd' -> Basic operation info (navigation, etc.) # 'e' -> Events (timing of progress through get/layout/image conversion) # 'h' -> Build layout items from lex tokens # 'i' -> Image conversion # 'l' -> Layout # 'n' -> transport (Network access) # 'o' -> always use old http (http/1.0) # 'p' -> synch Protocol between ByteSource/Netconn # 'r' -> Resource usage # 's' -> Scripts # 't' -> Table layout # 'u' -> use Uninstalled dis modules # 'w' -> Warn about recoverable problems in retrieved pages # 'x -> lex Html tokens Config: adt { userdir: string; # where to find bookmarks, cache, etc. srcdir: string; # where to find charon src (for debugging) starturl: string;# never nil (could be last of command args) change_homeurl: int; homeurl: string;# never nil helpurl: string; usessl: int; # use ssl version 2, 3 or both devssl: int; # use devssl custbkurl: string; # where are customized bookmarks-never nil dualbkurl: string; # where is the dual bookmark page-never nil httpproxy: ref Url->Parsedurl;# nil, if no proxy noproxydoms: list of string; # domains that don't require proxy buttons: string; # customized buttons framework: string; # customized gui framework defaultwidth: int; # of entire browser defaultheight: int; # of entire browser x: int; # initial x position for browser y: int; # initial y position for browser nocache: int; # true if shouldn't retrieve from or store to maxstale: int; # allow cache hit even if exceed expiration by maxstale imagelvl: int; # ImgNone, etc. imagecachenum: int; # imcache.nlimit imagecachemem: int; # imcache.memlimit docookies: int; # allow cookie storage/sending? doscripts: int; # allow scripts to execute? httpminor: int; # use HTTP 1.httpminor agentname: string; # what to send in HTTP header nthreads: int; # number of simultaneous gets allowed offersave: int; # offer to save a file of a type that can't be handled charset: string; # default character set plumbport: string; # from/to plumbing port name (default = "web") wintitle: string; dbgfile: string; # file to write debug messages to dbg: array of byte; # ascii letters for different debugging kinds }; # Information for fulfilling HTTP request ReqInfo : adt { url: ref Url->Parsedurl; # should be absolute method: int; # HGet or HPost body: array of byte; # used for HPost auth: string; # optional auth info target: string; # target frame name }; MaskedImage: adt { im: ref Draw->Image; # the image mask: ref Draw->Image; # if non-nil, a mask for the image delay: int; # if animated, delay in millisec before next frame more: int; # true if more frames follow bgcolor: int; # if not -1, restore to this (RGB) color before next frame origin: Draw->Point; # origin of im relative to first frame of an animation free: fn(mim: self ref MaskedImage); }; # Charon Image info. # If this is an animated image then len mims > 1 CImage: adt { src: ref Url->Parsedurl; # source of image lowsrc: ref Url->Parsedurl; # for low-resolution devices actual: ref Url->Parsedurl; # what came back as actual source of image imhash: int; # hash of src, for fast comparison width: int; height: int; next: cyclic ref CImage; # next (newer) image in cache mims: array of ref MaskedImage; complete: int; # JavaScript Image.complete new: fn(src: ref Url->Parsedurl, lowsrc: ref Url->Parsedurl, width, height: int) : ref CImage; match: fn(a: self ref CImage, b: ref CImage) : int; bytes: fn(ci: self ref CImage) : int; }; # In-memory cache of CImages ImageCache: adt { imhd: ref CImage; # head (LRU) of cache chain (linked through imtl: ref CImage; # tail MRU) of cache chain n: int; # size of chain memused: int; # current total of image mem used by cached images memlimit: int; # keep memused less than this nlimit: int; # keep n less than this init: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache); resetlimits: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache); look: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache, ci: ref CImage) : ref CImage; add: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache, ci: ref CImage); deletelru: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache); clear: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache); need: fn(ic: self ref ImageCache, nbytes: int) : int; }; # An connection to some host Netconn: adt { id: int; # for debugging host: string; # host name port: int; # port number scheme: string; # Url scheme ("http", "file", etc.) conn: ref Dial->Connection; # fds, etc. sslx: ref SSL3->Context; # ssl connection vers: int; # ssl version state: int; # NCfree, etc. queue: cyclic array of ref ByteSource; # following are indexes into queue qlen: int; # queue[0:qlen] is queue of requests gocur: int; # go thread currently processing ngcur: int; # ng threads currently processing reqsent: int; # next to send request for pipeline: int; # are requests being pipelined? connected: int; # are we connected to host? tstate: int; # for use by transport tbuf: array of byte; # for use by transport idlestart: int; # timestamp when went Idle new: fn(id: int) : ref Netconn; makefree: fn(nc: self ref Netconn); }; # Info from an HTTP response header Header: adt { code: int; # HC... (detailed response code) actual: ref Url->Parsedurl; # actual request url (may be result of redir) base: ref Url->Parsedurl; # Content-Base or request url location: ref Url->Parsedurl; # Content-Location length: int; # -1 if unknown mtype: int; # TextHtml, etc. chset: string; # charset encoding msg: string; # possible message explaining status refresh:string; # used for server push chal: string; # used if code is HSneedauth warn: string; # should show this to user lastModified: string; # last-modified field new: fn() : ref Header; setmediatype: fn(h: self ref Header, name: string, first: array of byte); print: fn(h: self ref Header); }; # A source of raw bytes (with HTTP info) ByteSource: adt { id: int; # for debugging req: ref ReqInfo; hdr: ref Header; # filled in from headers data: array of byte; # all the data, maybe partially filled edata: int; # data[0:edata] is valid err: string; # there was an error net: cyclic ref Netconn; # servicing fd, etc. refgo: int; # go proc is still using refnc: int; # netconn proc is still using # producer sets eof upon finalising data & edata eof: int; # consumer changes only these fields: lim: int; # consumer has seen data[0:lim] seenhdr: int; # consumer has seen hdr free: fn(bs: self ref ByteSource); stringsource: fn(s: string) : ref ByteSource; }; # Snapshot of current system resources ResourceState: adt { ms: int; # a millisecond time stamp main: int; # main memory mainlim: int; # max main memory heap: int; # heap memory heaplim: int; # max heap memory image: int; # used image memory imagelim: int; # max image memory cur: fn() : ResourceState; since: fn(rnew: self ResourceState, rold: ResourceState) : ResourceState; print: fn(r: self ResourceState, msg: string); }; Nameval: adt { key: string; val: string; namevals: fn(s: string, sep: int) : list of Nameval; find: fn(l: list of Nameval, key: string) : (int, string); }; # Globals config: Config; startres: ResourceState; imcache: ref ImageCache; progresschan: chan of (int, int, int, string); gen: int; # go generation number ckclient: ref Cookiesrv->Client; init: fn(ch: Charon, me: CharonUtils, argl: list of string, evch: chan of ref E->Event, cksrv: Cookiesrv, ckclient: ref Cookiesrv->Client) : string; # Dispatcher functions stringreq: fn(s : string) : ref ByteSource; startreq: fn(req: ref ReqInfo) : ref ByteSource; waitreq: fn(bsl : list of ref ByteSource) : ref ByteSource; freebs: fn(bs: ref ByteSource); abortgo: fn(gopgrp: int); netget: fn(); # Miscellaneous utility functions kill: fn(pid: int, dogroup: int); getline: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD, buf: array of byte, bstart, bend: int) : (array of byte, int, int, int); saveconfig: fn() : int; strlookup: fn(a: array of string, s: string) : int; realloc: fn(a: array of byte, incr: int) : array of byte; hcphrase: fn(code: int) : string; hdraction: fn(bs: ref ByteSource, ismain: int, nredirs: int) : (int, string, string, ref Url->Parsedurl); makestrinttab: fn(a: array of string) : array of StringIntTab->StringInt; urlequal: fn(a, b: ref Url->Parsedurl) : int; makeabsurl: fn(s: string) : ref Url->Parsedurl; loadpath: fn(s: string) : string; event: fn(s: string, data: int); color: fn(s: string, dflt: int) : int; max: fn(a, b : int) : int; min: fn(a, b : int) : int; assert: fn(i: int); stripscript: fn(s: string) : string; # strip HTML comments from Script getconv: fn(chset : string) : Btos; setcookie: fn(host, path, cookie: string); getcookies: fn(host, path: string, secure: int): string; schemeok: fn(scheme: string): int; # is URL scheme supported? X: fn(s, note : string) : string; };