ref: f0b565742993646ac2c7939e3a89f44c2515fbe6
dir: /appl/spree/lib/commandline.b/
implement Commandline; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "commandline.m"; Debug: con 0; nomodule(modpath: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "fibs: couldn't load %s: %r\n", modpath); raise "fail:bad module"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; if (tk == nil) nomodule(Tk->PATH); tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (tkclient == nil) nomodule(Tkclient->PATH); tkclient->init(); } ref Tk->Toplevel, w, textopts: string): (ref Cmdline, chan of string) { window_cfg := array[] of { "frame " + w, "scrollbar " + w + ".scroll -command {" + w + ".t yview}", "text " + w + ".t -yscrollcommand {" + w + ".scroll set} " + textopts, "pack " + w + ".scroll -side left -fill y", "pack " + w + ".t -fill both -expand 1", "bind " + w + ".t <Key> {send evch k {%A}}", "bind " + w + ".t <Control-d> {send evch k {%A}}", "bind " + w + ".t <Control-u> {send evch k {%A}}", "bind " + w + ".t <Control-w> {send evch k {%A}}", "bind " + w + ".t <Control-h> {send evch k {%A}}", # treat button 2 and button 3 the same so we're alright with a 2-button mouse "bind " + w + ".t <ButtonPress-2> {send evch b %x %y}", "bind " + w + ".t <ButtonPress-3> {send evch b %x %y}", w + ".t mark set outpoint end", w + ".t mark gravity outpoint left", w + ".t mark set inpoint end", w + ".t mark gravity inpoint left", }; evch := chan of string; tk->namechan(top, evch, "evch"); for (i := 0; i < len window_cfg; i++) { e := cmd(top, window_cfg[i]); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') break; } err := tk->cmd(top, "variable lasterror"); if (err != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "error in commandline config: %s\n", err); raise "fail:commandline config error"; } cmd(top, w + ".t mark set insert end;" + w + ".t see insert"); return (ref Cmdline(w, top), evch); } Cmdline.focus(cmdl: self ref Cmdline) { cmd(, "focus " + cmdl.w + ".t"); } Cmdline.event(cmdl: self ref Cmdline, e: string): list of string { case e[0] { 'k' => return handle_key(cmdl, e[2:]); 'b' => ; } return nil; } BS: con 8; # ^h backspace character BSW: con 23; # ^w bacspace word BSL: con 21; # ^u backspace line handle_key(cmdl: ref Cmdline, c: string): list of string { (w, top) := (cmdl.w,; # don't allow editing of the text before the inpoint. if (int cmd(top, w + ".t compare insert < inpoint")) return nil; lines: list of string; char := c[1]; if (char == '\\') char = c[2]; case char { * => cmd(top, w + ".t insert insert "+c+" {}"); '\n' => cmd(top, w + ".t insert insert "+c+" {}"); lines = sendinput(cmdl); BSL or BSW or BS => delpoint: string; case char { BSL => delpoint = "{insert linestart}"; BSW => delpoint = "{insert -1char wordstart}"; # wordstart isn't ideal BS => delpoint = "{insert-1char}"; } if (int cmd(top, w + ".t compare inpoint < " + delpoint)) cmd(top, w + ".t delete "+delpoint+" insert"); else cmd(top, w + ".t delete inpoint insert"); } cmd(top, w + ".t see insert;update"); return lines; } sendinput(cmdl: ref Cmdline): list of string { (w, top) := (cmdl.w,; # loop through all the lines that have been entered, # processing each one in turn. nl, lines: list of string; for (;;) { input: string; input = cmd(top, w + ".t get inpoint end"); if (len input == 0) break; for (i := 0; i < len input; i++) if (input[i] == '\n') break; if (i >= len input) break; cmd(top, w + ".t mark set outpoint inpoint+"+string (i+1)+"chars"); cmd(top, w + ".t mark set inpoint outpoint"); lines = input[0:i+1] :: lines; } for (; lines != nil; lines = tl lines) nl = hd lines :: nl; return nl; } add(cmdl: ref Cmdline, t: string, n: int) { (w, top) := (cmdl.w,; cmd(top, w + ".t insert outpoint " + t); cmd(top, w + ".t mark set outpoint outpoint+"+string n+"chars"); cmd(top, w + ".t mark set inpoint outpoint"); cmd(top, w + ".t see insert"); } Cmdline.tagaddtext(cmdl: self ref Cmdline, t: list of (string, string)) { txt := ""; n := 0; for (; t != nil; t = tl t) { (tags, s) := hd t; txt += " " + tk->quote(s) + " {" + tags + "}"; n += len s; } add(cmdl, txt, n); } Cmdline.addtext(cmdl: self ref Cmdline, txt: string) { if (Debug) sys->print("%s", txt); add(cmdl, tk->quote(txt) + " {}" , len txt); } Cmdline.maketag(cmdl: self ref Cmdline, name, options: string) { cmd(, cmdl.w + ".t tag configure " + name + " " + options); } stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, s); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->fprint(stderr(), "cmd error on '%s': %s\n", s, e); return e; }