ref: f0b565742993646ac2c7939e3a89f44c2515fbe6
dir: /appl/cmd/mpc/qconfig.b/
implement Configflash; # # this isn't a proper config program: it's currently just # enough to set important parameters such as ethernet address. # an extension is in the works. # --chf include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; str: String; Configflash: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; Region: adt { base: int; limit: int; }; # # structure of allocation descriptor # Fcheck: con 0; Fbase: con 4; Flen: con 8; Ftag: con 11; Fsig: con 12; Fasize: con 3*4+3+1; Tdead: con byte 0; Tboot: con byte 16r01; Tconf: con byte 16r02; Tnone: con byte 16rFF; flashsig := array[] of {byte 16rF1, byte 16rA5, byte 16r5A, byte 16r1F}; noval := array[] of {0 to 3 =>byte 16rFF}; # Ctag, Cscreen, Cconsole, Cbaud, Cether, Cea, Cend: con iota; config := array[] of { Ctag => "#plan9.ini\n", # current flag for qboot, don't change Cscreen => "vgasize=640x480x8\n", Cconsole => "console=0 lcd\n", Cbaud => "baud=9600\n", Cether => "ether0=type=SCC port=2 ", # note missing \n Cea => "ea=08003e400080\n", Cend => "\0" # qboot currently requires it but shouldn't }; Param: adt { name: string; index: int; }; params := array[] of { Param("vgasize", Cscreen), Param("console", Cconsole), Param("ea", Cea), Param("baud", Cbaud) }; # could come from file or #F/flash/flashctl FLASHSEG: con 256*1024; bootregion := Region(0, FLASHSEG); stderr: ref Sys->FD; prog := "qconfig"; damaged := 0; debug := 0; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "Usage: %s [-D] [-f flash] [-param value ...]\n", prog); exit; } err(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "%s: %s", prog, s); if(!damaged) sys->fprint(stderr, "; flash not modified\n"); else sys->fprint(stderr, "; flash might now be invalid\n"); exit; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD|Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); stderr = sys->fildes(2); if(args != nil){ prog = hd args; args = tl args; } str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", String->PATH)); flash := "#F/flash/flash"; offset := 0; region := bootregion; for(; args != nil && (hd args)[0] == '-'; args = tl args) case a := hd args { "-f" => (flash, args) = argf(tl args); "-D" => debug = 1; * => p := lookparam(params, a[1:]); if(p.index < 0) err(sys->sprint("unknown config parameter: %s", a)); v: string; (v, args) = argf(tl args); config[p.index] = a[1:]+"="+v+"\n"; # would be nice to check it } if(len args > 0) usage(); out := sys->open(flash, Sys->ORDWR); if(out == nil) err(sys->sprint("can't open %s for read/write: %r", flash)); # TO DO: hunt for free space and add new entry plonk(out, FLASHSEG-Fasize, mkdesc(0, 128*1024, Tboot)); c := flatten(config); if(debug) sys->print("%s", c); bconf := array of byte c; plonk(out, FLASHSEG-Fasize*2, mkdesc(128*1024, len bconf, Tconf)); plonk(out, 128*1024, bconf); } argf(args: list of string): (string, list of string) { if(args == nil) usage(); return (hd args, args); } lookparam(options: array of Param, s: string): Param { for(i := 0; i < len options; i++) if(options[i].name == s) return options[i]; return Param(nil, -1); } flatten(a: array of string): string { s := ""; for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) s += a[i]; return s; } plonk(out: ref Sys->FD, where: int, val: array of byte) { if(debug){ sys->print("write #%ux [%d]:", where, len val); for(i:=0; i<len val; i++) sys->print(" %.2ux", int val[i]); sys->print("\n"); } sys->seek(out, big where, 0); if(sys->write(out, val, len val) != len val) err(sys->sprint("bad flash write: %r")); } cvt(v: int): array of byte { a := array[4] of byte; a[0] = byte (v>>24); a[1] = byte (v>>16); a[2] = byte (v>>8); a[3] = byte (v & 16rff); return a; } mkdesc(base: int, length: int, tag: byte): array of byte { a := array[Fasize] of byte; a[Fcheck:] = noval; a[Fbase:] = cvt(base); a[Flen:] = cvt(length)[1:]; # it's three bytes a[Ftag] = tag; a[Fsig:] = flashsig; return a; }