ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/wm/colors.b/
implement Colors; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Display, Point, Rect, Image: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; Colors: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; display: ref Display; top: ref Tk->Toplevel; tmpi: ref Image; task_cfg := array[] of { "panel .c", "label .l -anchor w -text {col:}", "pack .l -fill x", "pack .c -fill both -expand 1", "bind .c <Button-1> {grab set .c; send cmd %X %Y}", "bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {grab release .c}", }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string) { spawn init1(ctxt); } init1(ctxt: ref Draw->Context) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; tkclient->init(); display = ctxt.display; tmpi = display.newimage(((0,0), (1, 1)), Draw->RGB24, 0, 0); titlectl: chan of string; (top, titlectl) = tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", "Colors", Tkclient->Appl); cmdch := chan of string; tk->namechan(top, cmdch, "cmd"); for (i := 0; i < len task_cfg; i++) cmd(top, task_cfg[i]); tk->putimage(top, ".c", cmap((256, 256)), nil); cmd(top, "pack propagate . 0"); cmd(top, "update"); tkclient->onscreen(top, nil); tkclient->startinput(top, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); for(;;) alt { s := <-top.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(top, s); s := <-top.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(top, *s); c := <-top.ctxt.ctl or c = <-top.wreq or c = <-titlectl => if(c == "exit") return; e := tkclient->wmctl(top, c); if(e == nil && c[0] == '!'){ tk->putimage(top, ".c", cmap(actr(".c").size()), nil); cmd(top, "update"); } press := <-cmdch => (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(press, " "); color((int hd toks, int hd tl toks)); } } color(p: Point) { r, g, b: int; col: string; cr := actr(".c"); if({ p = p.sub(cr.min); p.x = (16*p.x)/cr.dx(); p.y = (16*p.y)/cr.dy(); (r, g, b) = display.cmap2rgb(16*p.y+p.x); col = string (16*p.y+p.x); }else{ tmpi.draw(tmpi.r, display.image, nil, p); data := array[3] of byte; ok := tmpi.readpixels(tmpi.r, data); if(ok != len data) return; (r, g, b) = (int data[2], int data[1], int data[0]); c := display.rgb2cmap(r, g, b); (r1, g1, b1) := display.cmap2rgb(c); if (r == r1 && g == g1 && b == b1) col = string c; else col = "~" + string c; } cmd(top, ".l configure -text " + sys->sprint("{col:%s #%.6X r%d g%d b%d}", col, (r<<16)|(g<<8)|b, r, g, b)); cmd(top, "update"); } cmap(size: Point): ref Image { # use writepixels because it's much faster than allocating all those colors. img := display.newimage(((0, 0), size), Draw->CMAP8, 0, 0); if (img == nil){ sys->print("colors: cannot make new image: %r\n"); return nil; } dy := (size.y / 16 + 1); buf := array[size.x * dy] of byte; for(y:=0; y<16; y++){ for (i := 0; i < size.x; i++) buf[i] = byte (16*y + (16*i)/size.x); for (i = 1; i < dy; i++) buf[size.x*i:] = buf[0:size.x]; img.writepixels(((0, (y*size.y)/16), (size.x, ((y+1)*size.y) / 16)), buf); } return img; } actr(w: string): Rect { r: Rect; bd := int cmd(top, w + " cget -bd"); r.min.x = int cmd(top, w + " cget -actx") + bd; r.min.y = int cmd(top, w + " cget -acty") + bd; r.max.x = r.min.x + int cmd(top, w + " cget -actwidth"); r.max.y = r.min.y + int cmd(top, w + " cget -actheight"); return r; } cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, cmd: string): string { e := tk->cmd(top, cmd); if (e != nil && e[0] == '!') sys->print("colors: tk error on '%s': %s\n", cmd, e); return e; }