ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/lib/styxpersist.b/
implement Styxpersist; # # Copyright © 2004 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; Tmsg, Rmsg, NOFID, NOTAG: import styx; include "rand.m"; rand: Rand; include "factotum.m"; factotum: Factotum; include "styxpersist.m"; NOTOPEN, DEAD, AUTH, OPEN: con iota; NTAGHASH: con 32; MAXBACKOFF: con 30*1000; Estale: con "unable to reopen file"; Ebadtag: con "bad tag"; Epartial: con "operation possibly not completed"; Etypemismatch: con "tag type mismatch"; Debug: con 0; Noqid: con Sys->Qid(big 0, 0, 0); Nprocs: con 1; Erroronpartial: con 1; Table: adt[T] { items: array of list of (int, T); nilval: T; new: fn(nslots: int, nilval: T): ref Table[T]; add: fn(t: self ref Table, id: int, x: T): int; del: fn(t: self ref Table, id: int): int; find: fn(t: self ref Table, id: int): T; }; Fid: adt { fid: int; state: int; omode: int; qid: Sys->Qid; uname: string; aname: string; authed: int; path: list of string; # in reverse order. }; Tag: adt { m: ref Tmsg; seq: int; dead: int; next: cyclic ref Tag; }; Root: adt { refcount: int; attached: chan of int; # [1]; holds attached status: -1 (can't), 0 (haven't), 1 (attached) fid: int; qid: Sys->Qid; uname: string; aname: string; }; keyspec: string; tags := array[NTAGHASH] of ref Tag; fids: ref Table[ref Fid]; ntags := 0; seqno := 0; doneversion := 0; msize := 0; ver: string; cfd, sfd: ref Sys->FD; tmsg: chan of ref Tmsg; # t-messages received from client rmsg: chan of ref Rmsg; # r-messages received from server. rmsgpid := -1; token: chan of (int, chan of (ref Fid, ref Root)); # [Nprocs] of (procid, workchan) procrmsg: array of chan of ref Rmsg; init(clientfd: ref Sys->FD, usefac: int, kspec: string): (chan of chan of ref Sys->FD, string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; styx = load Styx Styx->PATH; if(styx == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot load %q: %r", Styx->PATH)); styx->init(); rand = load Rand Rand->PATH; if (rand == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot load %q: %r", Rand->PATH)); rand->init(sys->millisec()); if(usefac){ factotum = load Factotum Factotum->PATH; if(factotum == nil) return (nil, sys->sprint("cannot load %q: %r", Rand->PATH)); factotum->init(); } keyspec = kspec; connectc := chan of chan of ref Sys->FD; spawn styxpersistproc(clientfd, connectc); return (connectc, nil); } styxpersistproc(clientfd: ref Sys->FD, connectc: chan of chan of ref Sys->FD) { fids = Table[ref Fid].new(11, nil); rmsg = chan of ref Rmsg; tmsg = chan of ref Tmsg; cfd = clientfd; spawn tmsgreader(); connect(connectc); for(;;)alt{ m := <-tmsg => if(m == nil || tagof(m) == tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)) quit(); t := newtag(m); if(t == nil){ sendrmsg(ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Ebadtag)); continue; } if((rm := handletmsg(t)) != nil){ sendrmsg(rm); gettag(m.tag, 1); }else{ # XXX could be quicker about this as we don't rewrite messages sendtmsg(m); } m := <-rmsg => if(m == nil || tagof(m) == tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)){ if(Debug) sys->print("**************** reconnect {\n"); do{ connect(connectc); } while(resurrectfids() == 0); resurrecttags(); if(Debug) sys->print("************** done reconnect }\n"); continue; } t := gettag(m.tag, 1); if(t == nil){ log(sys->sprint("unexpected tag %d, %s", m.tag, m.text())); continue; } if((e := handlermsg(m, t.m)) != nil) log(e); else{ # XXX could be quicker about this as we don't rewrite messages sendrmsg(m); } } } quit() { log("quitting...\n"); # XXX shutdown properly exit; } log(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "styxpersist: %s\n", s); } handletmsg(t: ref Tag): ref Rmsg { fid := NOFID; pick m := t.m { Flush => if(gettag(m.oldtag, 0) == nil) return ref Rmsg.Flush(m.tag); * => fid = tmsgfid(m); } if(fid != NOFID){ f := getfid(fid); if(f.state == DEAD){ if(tagof(t.m) == tagof(Tmsg.Clunk)){ fids.del(f.fid); return ref Rmsg.Clunk(t.m.tag); } return ref Rmsg.Error(t.m.tag, Estale); } } return nil; } handlermsg(rm: ref Rmsg, tm: ref Tmsg): string { if(tagof(rm) == tagof(Rmsg.Error) && tagof(tm) != tagof(Tmsg.Remove) && tagof(tm) != tagof(Tmsg.Clunk)) return nil; if(tagof(rm) != tagof(Rmsg.Error) && rm.mtype() != tm.mtype()+1) return "type mismatch, got "+rm.text()+", reply to "+tm.text(); pick m := tm { Auth => fid := newfid(m.afid); # XXX should we be concerned about this failing? fid.state = AUTH; Attach => fid := newfid(m.fid); fid.uname = m.uname; fid.aname = m.aname; if(m.afid != NOFID) fid.authed = 1; Walk => fid := getfid(m.fid); qids: array of Sys->Qid; n := 0; pick r := rm { Walk => qids = r.qids; } if(len qids != len m.names) return nil; if(m.fid != m.newfid){ newfid := newfid(m.newfid); *newfid = *fid; newfid.fid = m.newfid; fid = newfid; } for(i := 0; i < len qids; i++){ if(m.names[i] == ".."){ if(fid.path != nil) fid.path = tl fid.path; }else{ fid.path = m.names[i] :: fid.path; } fid.qid = qids[i]; } Open => fid := getfid(m.fid); fid.state = OPEN; fid.omode = m.mode; pick r := rm { Open => fid.qid = r.qid; } Create => fid := getfid(m.fid); fid.state = OPEN; fid.omode = m.mode; pick r := rm { Create => fid.qid = r.qid; } Clunk or Remove => fids.del(m.fid); Wstat => if( != nil){ fid := getfid(m.fid); fid.path = :: tl fid.path; } } return nil; } # connect to destination with exponential backoff, setting sfd. connect(connectc: chan of chan of ref Sys->FD) { reply := chan of ref Sys->FD; sfd = nil; backoff := 0; for(;;){ connectc <-= reply; fd := <-reply; if(fd != nil){ kill(rmsgpid, "kill"); sfd = fd; sync := chan of int; spawn rmsgreader(fd, sync); rmsgpid = <-sync; if(version() != -1) return; sfd = nil; } if(backoff == 0) backoff = 1000 + rand->rand(500) - 250; else if(backoff < MAXBACKOFF) backoff = backoff * 3 / 2; sys->sleep(backoff); } } # first time we use the version offered by the client, # and record it; subsequent times we offer the response # recorded initially. version(): int { if(doneversion) sendtmsg(ref Tmsg.Version(NOTAG, msize, ver)); else{ m := <-tmsg; if(m == nil) quit(); if(m == nil || tagof(m) != tagof(Tmsg.Version)){ log("invalid initial version message: "+m.text()); quit(); } sendtmsg(m); } if((gm := <-rmsg) == nil) return -1; pick m := gm { Readerror => return -1; Version => if(doneversion && (m.msize != msize || m.version != ver)){ log("wrong msize/version on reconnect"); # XXX is there any hope here - we could quit. return -1; } if(!doneversion){ msize = m.msize; ver = m.version; doneversion = 1; sendrmsg(m); } return 0; * => log("invalid reply to Tversion: "+m.text()); return -1; } } resurrecttags() { # make sure that we send the tmsgs in the same order that # they were sent originally. all := array[ntags] of ref Tag; n := 0; for(i := 0; i < len tags; i++){ for(t := tags[i]; t != nil; t ={ fid := tmsgfid(t.m); if(fid != NOFID && (f := getfid(fid)) != nil){ if(f.state == DEAD){ sendrmsg(ref Rmsg.Error(t.m.tag, Estale)); t.dead = 1; continue; } if(Erroronpartial){ partial := 0; pick m := t.m { Create => partial = 1; Remove => partial = 1; Wstat => partial = ( != nil && f.path != nil && hd f.path !=; Write => partial = (f.qid.qtype & Sys->QTAPPEND); } if(partial) sendrmsg(ref Rmsg.Error(t.m.tag, Epartial)); } } all[n++] = t; } } all = all[0:n]; sort(all); for(i = 0; i < len all; i++){ t := all[i]; pick m := t.m { Flush => ot := gettag(m.oldtag, 0); if(ot == nil || ot.dead){ sendrmsg(ref Rmsg.Flush(t.m.tag)); t.dead = 1; continue; } } sendtmsg(t.m); } tags = array[len tags] of ref Tag; ntags = 0; for(i = 0; i < len all; i++) if(all[i].dead == 0) newtag(all[i].m); } # re-open all the old fids, if possible. # use up to Nprocs processes to keep latency down. resurrectfids(): int { procrmsg = array[Nprocs] of {* => chan[1] of ref Rmsg}; spawn rmsgmarshal(finish := chan of int); getroot := chan of (int, string, string, chan of ref Root); usedroot := chan of ref Root; spawn fidproc(getroot, usedroot); token = chan[Nprocs] of (int, chan of (ref Fid, ref Root)); for(i := 0; i < Nprocs; i++) token <-= (i, nil); for(i = 0; i < len fids.items; i++){ for(fl := fids.items[i]; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){ fid := (hd fl).t1; (procid, workc) := <-token; getroot <-= (1, fid.uname, fid.aname, reply := chan of ref Root); root := <-reply; if(workc == nil){ workc = chan of (ref Fid, ref Root); spawn workproc(procid, workc, usedroot); } workc <-= (fid, root); } } for(i = 0; i < Nprocs; i++){ (nil, workc) := <-token; if(workc != nil) workc <-= (nil, nil); } for(i = 0; i < Nprocs; i++){ getroot <-= (0, nil, nil, reply := chan of ref Root); root := <-reply; if(<-root.attached > 0) clunk(0, root.fid); } usedroot <-= nil; return <-finish; } workproc(procid: int, workc: chan of (ref Fid, ref Root), usedroot: chan of ref Root) { while(((fid, root) := <-workc).t0 != nil){ # mark fid as dead only if it's a genuine server error, not if # the server has just hung up. if((err := resurrectfid(procid, fid, root)) != nil && sfd != nil){ log(err); fid.state = DEAD; } usedroot <-= root; token <-= (procid, workc); } } resurrectfid(procid: int, fid: ref Fid, root: ref Root): string { if(fid.state == AUTH) return "auth fid discarded"; attached := <-root.attached; if(attached == -1){ root.attached <-= -1; return "root attach failed"; } if(!attached || root.uname != fid.uname || root.aname != fid.aname){ if(attached) clunk(procid, root.fid); afid := NOFID; if(fid.authed){ afid = fid.fid - 1; # see unusedfid() if((err := auth(procid, afid, root.uname, root.aname)) != nil){ log(err); afid = -1; } } (err, qid) := attach(procid, root.fid, afid, fid.uname, fid.aname); if(afid != NOFID) clunk(procid, afid); if(err != nil){ root.attached <-= -1; return "attach failed: "+err; } root.uname = fid.uname; root.aname = fid.aname; root.qid = qid; } root.attached <-= 1; (err, qid) := walk(procid, root.fid, fid.fid, fid.path, root.qid); if(err != nil) return err; if(fid.state == OPEN && (err = openfid(procid, fid)) != nil){ clunk(procid, fid.fid); return err; } return nil; } openfid(procid: int, fid: ref Fid): string { (err, qid) := open(procid, fid.fid, fid.omode); if(err != nil) return err; if(qid.path != fid.qid.path || qid.qtype != fid.qid.qtype) return "qid mismatch on reopen"; return nil; } # store up to Nprocs separate root fids and dole them out to those that want them. fidproc(getroot: chan of (int, string, string, chan of ref Root), usedroot: chan of ref Root) { roots := array[Nprocs] of ref Root; n := 0; maxfid := -1; for(;;)alt{ (match, uname, aname, reply) := <-getroot => for(i := 0; i < n; i++) if(match && roots[i].uname == uname && roots[i].aname == aname) break; if(i == n) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if(roots[i].refcount == 0) break; if(i == n){ maxfid = unusedfid(maxfid); roots[n] = ref Root(0, chan[1] of int, maxfid, Noqid, uname, aname); roots[n++].attached <-= 0; } roots[i].refcount++; reply <-= roots[i]; r := <-usedroot => if(r == nil) exit; r.refcount--; } } clunk(procid: int, fid: int) { pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Clunk(procid, fid)) { Error => if(sfd != nil) log("error on clunk: " + m.ename); } } attach(procid, fid, afid: int, uname, aname: string): (string, Sys->Qid) { pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Attach(procid, fid, afid, uname, aname)) { Attach => return (nil, m.qid); Error => return (m.ename, Noqid); } return (nil, Noqid); # not reached } read(procid, fid: int, buf: array of byte): (int, string) { # XXX assume that offsets are ignored of auth fid reads/writes pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Read(procid, fid, big 0, len buf)) { Error => return (-1, m.ename); Read => buf[0:] =; return (len, nil); } return (-1, nil); # not reached } write(procid, fid: int, buf: array of byte): (int, string) { # XXX assume that offsets are ignored of auth fid reads/writes pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Write(procid, fid, big 0, buf)) { Error => sys->werrstr(m.ename); return (-1, sys->sprint("%r")); Write => return (m.count, nil); } return (-1, nil); # not reached } auth(procid, fid: int, uname, aname: string): string { if(factotum == nil) return "no factotum available"; pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Auth(procid, fid, uname, aname)) { Error => return m.ename; } readc := chan of (array of byte, chan of (int, string)); writec := chan of (array of byte, chan of (int, string)); done := chan of (ref Factotum->Authinfo, string); spawn factotum->genproxy(readc, writec, done, sys->open("/mnt/factotum/rpc", Sys->ORDWR), "proto=p9any role=client "+keyspec); for(;;)alt{ (buf, reply) := <-readc => reply <-= read(procid, fid, buf); (buf, reply) := <-writec => reply <-= write(procid, fid, buf); (authinfo, err) := <-done => if(authinfo == nil){ clunk(procid, fid); return err; } # XXX check that authinfo.cuid == uname? return nil; } } # path is in reverse order; assume fid != newfid on entry. walk(procid: int, fid, newfid: int, path: list of string, qid: Sys->Qid): (string, Sys->Qid) { names := array[len path] of string; for(i := len names - 1; i >= 0; i--) (names[i], path) = (hd path, tl path); do{ w := names; if(len w > Styx->MAXWELEM) w = w[0:Styx->MAXWELEM]; names = names[len w:]; pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Walk(procid, fid, newfid, w)) { Error => if(newfid == fid) clunk(procid, newfid); return ("walk error: "+m.ename, Noqid); Walk => if(len m.qids != len w){ if(newfid == fid) clunk(procid, newfid); return ("walk: file not found", Noqid); } if(len m.qids > 0) qid = m.qids[len m.qids - 1]; fid = newfid; } }while(len names > 0); return (nil, qid); } open(procid: int, fid: int, mode: int): (string, Sys->Qid) { pick m := fcall(ref Tmsg.Open(procid, fid, mode)) { Error => return ("open: "+m.ename, Noqid); Open => return (nil, m.qid); # XXX what if iounit doesn't match the original? } return (nil, Noqid); # not reached } fcall(m: ref Tmsg): ref Rmsg { sendtmsg(m); pick rm := <-procrmsg[m.tag] { Readerror => procrmsg[m.tag] <-= rm; return ref Rmsg.Error(rm.tag, rm.error); Error => return rm; * => if(rm.mtype() != m.mtype()+1) return ref Rmsg.Error(m.tag, Etypemismatch); return rm; } } # find an unused fid (and make sure that the one before it is unused # too, in case we want to use it for an auth fid); unusedfid(maxfid: int): int { for(f := maxfid + 1; ; f++) if(fids.find(f) == nil && fids.find(f+1) == nil) return f + 1; abort("no unused fids - i don't believe it"); return 0; } # XXX what about message length limitations? sendtmsg(m: ref Tmsg) { if(Debug) sys->print("%s\n", m.text()); d := m.pack(); if(sys->write(sfd, d, len d) != len d) log(sys->sprint("tmsg write failed: %r")); # XXX could signal to redial } sendrmsg(m: ref Rmsg) { d := m.pack(); if(sys->write(cfd, d, len d) != len d){ log(sys->sprint("rmsg write failed: %r")); quit(); } } rmsgmarshal(finish: chan of int) { for(;;)alt{ finish <-= 1 => exit; m := <-rmsg => if(m == nil || tagof(m) == tagof(Rmsg.Readerror)){ sfd = nil; for(i := 0; i < Nprocs; i++) procrmsg[i] <-= ref Rmsg.Readerror(NOTAG, "hung up"); finish <-= 0; exit; } if(m.tag >= Nprocs){ log("invalid reply message"); break; } # XXX if the server replies with a tag that no-one's waiting for. we'll lock up. # (but is it much of a concern, given no flushes, etc?) procrmsg[m.tag] <-= m; } } rmsgreader(fd: ref Sys->FD, sync: chan of int) { sync <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); m: ref Rmsg; do { m =, msize); if(Debug) sys->print("%s\n", m.text()); rmsg <-= m; } while(m != nil && tagof(m) != tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)); } tmsgreader() { m: ref Tmsg; do{ m =, msize); tmsg <-= m; } while(m != nil && tagof(m) != tagof(Tmsg.Readerror)); } abort(s: string) { log(s); raise "abort"; } tmsgfid(t: ref Tmsg): int { fid := NOFID; pick m := t { Attach => fid = m.afid; Walk => fid = m.fid; Open => fid = m.fid; Create => fid = m.fid; Read => fid = m.fid; Write => fid = m.fid; Clunk or Stat or Remove => fid = m.fid; Wstat => fid = m.fid; } return fid; } blankfid: Fid; newfid(fid: int): ref Fid { f := ref blankfid; f.fid = fid; if(fids.add(fid, f) == 0){ abort("duplicate fid "+string fid); } return f; } getfid(fid: int): ref Fid { return fids.find(fid); } newtag(m: ref Tmsg): ref Tag { # XXX what happens if the client sends a duplicate tag? t := ref Tag(m, seqno++, 0, nil); slot := t.m.tag & (NTAGHASH - 1); = tags[slot]; tags[slot] = t; ntags++; return t; } gettag(tag: int, destroy: int): ref Tag { slot := tag & (NTAGHASH - 1); prev: ref Tag; for(t := tags[slot]; t != nil; t ={ if(t.m.tag == tag) break; prev = t; } if(t == nil || !destroy) return t; if(prev == nil) tags[slot] =; else =; ntags--; return t; } Table[T].new(nslots: int, nilval: T): ref Table[T] { if(nslots == 0) nslots = 13; return ref Table[T](array[nslots] of list of (int, T), nilval); } Table[T].add(t: self ref Table[T], id: int, x: T): int { slot := id % len t.items; for(q := t.items[slot]; q != nil; q = tl q) if((hd q).t0 == id) return 0; t.items[slot] = (id, x) :: t.items[slot]; return 1; } Table[T].del(t: self ref Table[T], id: int): int { slot := id % len t.items; p: list of (int, T); r := 0; for(q := t.items[slot]; q != nil; q = tl q){ if((hd q).t0 == id){ p = joinip(p, tl q); r = 1; break; } p = hd q :: p; } t.items[slot] = p; return r; } Table[T].find(t: self ref Table[T], id: int): T { for(p := t.items[id % len t.items]; p != nil; p = tl p) if((hd p).t0 == id) return (hd p).t1; return t.nilval; } sort(a: array of ref Tag) { mergesort(a, array[len a] of ref Tag); } mergesort(a, b: array of ref Tag) { r := len a; if (r > 1) { m := (r-1)/2 + 1; mergesort(a[0:m], b[0:m]); mergesort(a[m:], b[m:]); b[0:] = a; for ((i, j, k) := (0, m, 0); i < m && j < r; k++) { if (b[i].seq > b[j].seq) a[k] = b[j++]; else a[k] = b[i++]; } if (i < m) a[k:] = b[i:m]; else if (j < r) a[k:] = b[j:r]; } } kill(pid: int, note: string): int { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil || sys->fprint(fd, "%s", note) < 0) return -1; return 0; } # join x to y, leaving result in arbitrary order. joinip[T](x, y: list of (int, T)): list of (int, T) { if(len x > len y) (x, y) = (y, x); for(; x != nil; x = tl x) y = hd x :: y; return y; }