ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/lib/styxconv/ostyx.m/
OStyx: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/styxconv/ostyx.dis"; Chan: adt { fid: int; qid: OSys->Qid; open: int; mode: int; uname: string; path: string; data: array of byte; }; Styxserver: adt { fd: ref Sys->FD; chans: array of list of ref Chan; new: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (chan of ref OTmsg, ref Styxserver); reply: fn(srv: self ref Styxserver, m: ref ORmsg): int; fidtochan: fn(srv: self ref Styxserver, fid: int): ref Chan; newchan: fn(srv: self ref Styxserver, fid: int): ref Chan; chanfree: fn(srv: self ref Styxserver, c: ref Chan); devclone: fn(srv: self ref Styxserver, m: ref OTmsg.Clone): ref Chan; }; init: fn(); d2tmsg: fn(d: array of byte): (int, ref OTmsg); d2rmsg: fn(d: array of byte): (int, ref ORmsg); tmsg2d: fn(gm: ref OTmsg, d: array of byte): int; rmsg2d: fn(m: ref ORmsg, d: array of byte): int; tmsg2s: fn(m: ref OTmsg): string; # for debugging rmsg2s: fn(m: ref ORmsg): string; # for debugging convD2M: fn(d: array of byte, f: OSys->Dir): array of byte; convM2D: fn(d: array of byte): (array of byte, OSys->Dir); OTmsg: adt { tag: int; pick { Readerror => error: string; # tag is unused in this case Nop => Flush => oldtag: int; Clone => fid, newfid: int; Walk => fid: int; name: string; Open => fid, mode: int; Create => fid, perm, mode: int; name: string; Read => fid, count: int; offset: big; Write => fid: int; offset: big; data: array of byte; Clunk or Stat or Remove => fid: int; Wstat => fid: int; stat: OSys->Dir; Attach => fid: int; uname, aname: string; } read: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): ref OTmsg; }; ORmsg: adt { tag: int; pick { Nop or Flush => Error => err: string; Clunk or Remove or Clone or Wstat => fid: int; Walk or Create or Open or Attach => fid: int; qid: OSys->Qid; Read => fid: int; data: array of byte; Write => fid, count: int; Stat => fid: int; stat: OSys->Dir; } read: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): ref ORmsg; }; MAXRPC: con 128 + OSys->ATOMICIO; DIRLEN: con 116; Tnop, # 0 Rnop, # 1 Terror, # 2, illegal Rerror, # 3 Tflush, # 4 Rflush, # 5 Tclone, # 6 Rclone, # 7 Twalk, # 8 Rwalk, # 9 Topen, # 10 Ropen, # 11 Tcreate, # 12 Rcreate, # 13 Tread, # 14 Rread, # 15 Twrite, # 16 Rwrite, # 17 Tclunk, # 18 Rclunk, # 19 Tremove, # 20 Rremove, # 21 Tstat, # 22 Rstat, # 23 Twstat, # 24 Rwstat, # 25 Tsession, # 26 Rsession, # 27 Tattach, # 28 Rattach, # 29 Tmax : con iota; Einuse : con "fid already in use"; Ebadfid : con "bad fid"; Eopen : con "fid already opened"; Enotfound : con "file does not exist"; Enotdir : con "not a directory"; Eperm : con "permission denied"; Ebadarg : con "bad argument"; Eexists : con "file already exists"; };