ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/cmd/webgrab.b/
# Webgrab -- for getting html pages and the subordinate files (images, frame children) # they refer to (using "src=..." in a tag) into the local file space. # Assume http: scheme if none specified. # Usage: # webgrab [-r] [-v] [-o stem] url # If stem is specified, file will be saved in stem.html and images will # go in stem_1.jpg (or .gif, ...), stem_2.jpg, etc. # If stem is not specified, derive it from url (see getstem comment, below). # If -r is specified, get "raw", i.e., no image fetching/html munging. # If -v is specified (verbose), print some progress information, # with more if -vv is given. implement Webgrab; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; FD: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; S: String; include "url.m"; U: Url; ParsedUrl: import U; include "daytime.m"; DT: Daytime; include "bufio.m"; B: Bufio; include "dial.m"; D: Dial; include "arg.m"; Webgrab: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; stderr: ref FD; verbose := 0; postbody : string; httpproxy: ref Url->ParsedUrl; noproxydoms: list of string; # domains that don't require proxy init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); S = load String String->PATH; U = load Url Url->PATH; DT = load Daytime Daytime->PATH; D = load Dial Dial->PATH; B = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(S == nil || U == nil || DT == nil || B == nil || arg == nil) error_exit("can't load a module"); U->init(); stem := ""; rawflag := 0; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("webgrab [-r] [-v[v]] [-p postbody] [-o stem] url"); url := ""; while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'r' => rawflag = 1; 'v' => verbose++; 'o' => stem = arg->earg(); 'p' => postbody = arg->earg(); * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(len args != 1) arg->usage(); url = hd args; arg = nil; (nil,xr) := S->splitstrl(url,"//"); (nil,yr) := S->splitl(url,":"); if(xr == "" && yr == "") url = "http://" + url; u := U->makeurl(url); if(stem == "") stem = getstem(u); readconfig(); grab(u, stem, rawflag); } readconfig() { cfgio := B->open("/services/webget/config", sys->OREAD); if(cfgio != nil) { for(;;) { line := B->cfgio.gets('\n'); if(line == "") { B->cfgio.close(); break; } if(line[0]=='#') continue; (key, val) := S->splitl(line, " \t="); val = S->take(S->drop(val, " \t="), "^\r\n"); if(val == "") continue; case key { "httpproxy" => if(val == "none") continue; # val should be host or host:port httpproxy = U->makeurl("http://" + val); if(verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "Using http proxy %s\n", httpproxy.tostring()); "noproxy" or "noproxydoms" => (nil, noproxydoms) = sys->tokenize(val, ";, \t"); } } } } # Make up a stem for forming save-file-names, based on url u. # Use the last non-nil component of u.path, without a final extension, # else use the host. Then, if the stem still contains a '.' (e.g., www.lucent) # use the part after the final '.'. # Finally, if all else fails, use use "grabout". getstem(u: ref ParsedUrl) : string { stem := ""; if(u.path != "") { (l, r) := S->splitr(u.path, "/"); if(r == "") { # path ended with '/'; try next to last component if(l != "") (l, r) = S->splitr(l[0:len l - 1], "/"); } if(r != "") stem = r; } if(stem == "") stem =; if(stem != "") { ext: string; (stem, ext) = S->splitr(stem, "."); if(stem == "") stem = ext; else stem = stem[0:len stem - 1]; (nil, stem) = S->splitr(stem, "."); } if(stem == "") stem = "grabout"; return stem; } grab(u: ref ParsedUrl, stem: string, rawflag: int) { (err, contents, fd, actual) := httpget(u); if(err != "") error_exit(err); ish := is_html(contents); if(ish) contents = addfetchcomment(contents, u, actual); if(rawflag || !ish) { writebytes(stem, contents, fd); return; } # get subordinates, modify contents subs : list of (string, string); (contents, subs) = subfix(contents, stem); writebytes(stem + ".html", contents, fd); for(l := subs; l != nil; l = tl l) { (fname, suburl) := hd l; subu := U->makeurl(suburl); subu.makeabsolute(actual); (suberr, subcontents, subfd, nil) := httpget(subu); if(suberr != "") { sys->fprint(stderr, "webgrab: can't fetch subordinate %s from %s: %s\n", fname, subu.tostring(), suberr); continue; } writebytes(fname, subcontents, subfd); } } # Fix the html in array a so that referenced subordinate files (SRC= or BACKGROUND= fields of tags) # are replaced with local names (,, etc.), # and return the fixed array along with a list of (local name, subordinate url) # of images to be fetched. subfix(a: array of byte, stem: string) : (array of byte, list of (string, string)) { alen := len a; if(alen == 0) return (a, nil); nsubs := 0; newa := array[alen + 1000] of byte; newai := 0; j := 0; intag := 0; incom := 0; quote := 0; subs : list of (string, string) = nil; for(i := 0; i < alen; i++) { c := int a[i]; if(incom) { if(amatch(a, i, alen, "-->")) { incom = 0; i = i+2; } } else if(intag) { if(quote==0 && (amatch(a, i, alen, "src") || amatch(a, i, alen, "background"))) { v := ""; eqi := 0; if(amatch(a, i, alen, "src")) k := i+3; else k = i+10; for(; k < alen; k++) if(!iswhite(int a[k])) break; if(k < alen && int a[k] == '=') { eqi = k; k++; while(k<alen && iswhite(int a[k])) k++; if(k<alen) { kstart := k; c = int a[k]; if(c == '\'' || c== '"') { quote = int a[k++]; while(k<alen && (int a[k])!=quote) k++; v = string a[kstart+1:k]; k++; } else { while(k<alen && !iswhite(int a[k]) && int a[k] != '>') k++; v = string a[kstart:k]; } } } if(v != "") { f := ""; for(l := subs; l != nil; l = tl l) { (ff,uu) := hd l; if(v == uu) { f = ff; break; } } if(f == "") { nsubs++; f = stem + "_" + string nsubs + getsuff(v); subs = (f, v) :: subs; } # should check for newa too small newa[newai:] = a[j:eqi+1]; newai += eqi+1-j; xa := array of byte f; newa[newai:] = xa; newai += len xa; j = k; } i = k-1; } if(c == '>' && quote == 0) intag = 0; if(quote) { if(quote == c) quote = 0; else if(c == '"' || c == '\'') quote = c; } } else if(c == '<') intag = 1; } if(nsubs == 0) return (a, nil); if(i > j) { newa[newai:] = a[j:i]; newai += i-j; } ans := array[newai] of byte; ans[0:] = newa[0:newai]; anssubs : list of (string, string) = nil; for(ll := subs; ll != nil; ll = tl ll) anssubs = hd ll :: anssubs; return (ans, anssubs); } # add c after all f's in a fixnames(a: array of byte, f: string, c: byte) { alen := len a; n := alen - len f; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) { if(amatch(a, i, alen, f)) { a[i+len f] = c; } } } amatch(a: array of byte, i, alen: int, s: string) : int { slen := len s; for(k := 0; i+k < alen && k < slen; k++) { c := int a[i+k]; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c = c + (int 'a' - int 'A'); if(c != s[k]) break; } if(k == slen) { return 1; } return 0; } getsuff(ustr: string) : string { u := U->makeurl(ustr); if(u.path != "") { for(i := len u.path - 1; i >= 0; i--) { c := u.path[i]; if(c == '.') return u.path[i:]; if(c == '/') break; } } return ""; } iswhite(c: int) : int { return (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\r'); } # Add a comment to end of a giving date and source of fetch addfetchcomment(a: array of byte, u, actu: ref ParsedUrl) : array of byte { now := DT->text(DT->local(DT->now())); ustr := u.tostring(); actustr := actu.tostring(); comment := "\n<!-- Fetched " + now + " from " + ustr; if(ustr != actustr) comment += ", redirected to " + actustr; comment += " -->\n"; acom := array of byte comment; newa := array[len a + len acom] of byte; newa[0:] = a; newa[len a:] = acom; return newa; } # Get u, return (error string, body, actual url of source, after redirection) httpget(u: ref ParsedUrl) : (string, array of byte, ref Sys->FD, ref ParsedUrl) { ans, body : array of byte; restfd: ref Sys->FD; req : string; for(redir := 0; redir < 10; redir++) { if(u.port == "") u.port = "80"; # default IP port for HTTP if(verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "connecting to %s\n",; dialhost, port: string; if(httpproxy != nil && need_proxy( { dialhost =; port = httpproxy.port; } else { dialhost =; port = u.port; } dest := D->netmkaddr(dialhost, "tcp", port); net := D->dial(dest, nil); if(net == nil) return (sys->sprint("can't dial %s: %r", dest), nil, nil, nil); # prepare request if(u.query != ""){ u.query = "?" + u.query; } if (postbody == nil){ if(httpproxy == nil || !need_proxy({ req = sys->sprint("GET /%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"+ "Host: %s\r\n"+ "User-agent: Inferno/webgrab\r\n"+ "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"+ "Pragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n", u.path, u.query,; }else{ req = sys->sprint("GET http:///%s%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"+ "Host: %s\r\n"+ "User-agent: Inferno/webgrab\r\n"+ "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"+ "Pragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n",, u.path,; } }else{ req = sys->sprint("POST /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n"+ "Host: %s\r\n"+ "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"+ "Content-length: %d\r\n"+ "User-agent: Inferno/webgrab\r\n"+ "\r\n"+"%s", u.path,, len postbody, postbody); } if(verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "writing request: %s\n", req); areq := array of byte req; n := sys->write(net.dfd, areq, len areq); if(n != len areq) return (sys->sprint("write problem: %r"), nil, nil, nil); (ans, restfd) = readbytes(net.dfd); (status, rest) := stripline(ans); if(verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "response: %s\n", status); (vers, statusrest) := S->splitl(status, " "); if(!S->prefix("HTTP/", vers)) return ("bad reply status: " + status, rest, restfd, nil); code := int statusrest; location := ""; body = rest; for(;;) { hline: string; (hline, body) = stripline(body); if(hline == "") break; if(verbose > 1) sys->fprint(stderr, "%s\n", hline); if(!iswhite(hline[0])) { (hname, hrest) := S->splitl(hline, ":"); if(hrest != "") { hname = S->tolower(hname); hval := S->drop(hrest, ": \t"); hval = S->take(hval, "^ \t"); if(hname == "location") location = hval; } } } if(code != 200) { if((code == 300 || code == 301 || code == 302) && location != "") { # MultipleChoices, MovedPerm, or MovedTemp if(verbose) sys->fprint(stderr, "redirect to %s\n", location); u = U->makeurl(location); continue; } return ("status not ok: " + status, rest, restfd, u); } break; } return ("", body, restfd, u); } need_proxy(h: string) : int { doml := noproxydoms; if(doml == nil) return 1; # all domains need proxy lh := len h; for(dom := hd doml; doml != nil; doml = tl doml) { ld := len dom; if(lh >= ld && h[lh-ld:] == dom) return 0; # domain is on the noproxy list } return 1; } # Simple guess test for HTML: first non-white byte is '<' is_html(a: array of byte) : int { for(i := 0; i < len a; i++) if(!iswhite(int a[i])) break; if(i < len a && a[i] == byte '<') return 1; return 0; } readbytes(fd: ref Sys->FD) : (array of byte, ref Sys->FD) { buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; i := 0; avail := len buf; while (avail > 0) { n := sys->read(fd, buf[i:], avail); if(n <= 0) { fd = nil; break; } i += n; avail -= n; } return (buf[0:i], fd); } writebytes(f: string, a: array of byte, fd: ref Sys->FD) { ofd: ref Sys->FD; if (f == "-") ofd = sys->fildes(1); else ofd = sys->create(f, Sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if(ofd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "webgrab: can't create %s: %r\n", f); return; } i := 0; clen := len a; while(i < clen) { n := sys->write(ofd, a[i:], clen-i); if(n < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "webgrab: write error: %r\n"); return; } i += n; } if(fd != nil) { buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while((n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0) { if(sys->write(ofd, buf, n) != n) { sys->fprint(stderr, "webgrab: write error: %r\n"); return; } } if(n < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "webgrab: read error: %r\n"); return; } clen += n; } if (f != "-") sys->fprint(stderr, "created %s, %d bytes\n", f, clen); } stripline(b: array of byte) : (string, array of byte) { n := len b - 1; for(i := 0; i < n; i++) if(b[i] == byte '\r' && b[i+1] == byte '\n') return (string b[0:i], b[i+2:]); return ("", b); } error_exit(msg: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s\n", msg); raise "fail:error"; }