ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/cmd/sh/test.b/
implement Shellbuiltin; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; Listnode, Context: import sh; myself: Shellbuiltin; include "itslib.m"; itslib: Itslib; Tconfig, S_INFO, S_WARN, S_ERROR, S_FATAL: import itslib; tconf: ref Tconfig; initbuiltin(ctxt: ref Context, shmod: Sh): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; itslib = load Itslib Itslib->PATH; if (itslib != nil) tconf = itslib->init(); sh = shmod; myself = load Shellbuiltin "$self"; if (myself == nil)"bad module", sys->sprint("its: cannot load self: %r")); ctxt.addbuiltin("report", myself); return nil; } getself(): Shellbuiltin { return myself; } whatis(nil: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, nil: string, nil: int): string { return nil; } runbuiltin(ctxt: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, cmd: list of ref Sh->Listnode, nil: int): string { case (hd cmd).word { "report" => if (len cmd < 4) rusage(ctxt); cmd = tl cmd; sevstr := (hd cmd).word; sev := sevtran(sevstr); if (sev < 0) rusage(ctxt); cmd = tl cmd; verb := (hd cmd).word; cmd = tl cmd; mtext := ""; i := 0; while (len cmd) { msg := (hd cmd).word; cmd = tl cmd; if (i++ > 0) mtext = mtext + " "; mtext = mtext + msg; } if (tconf != nil) sev, int verb, mtext); else sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "[itslib missing] %s %s\n", sevstr, mtext); } return nil; } runsbuiltin(nil: ref Sh->Context, nil: Sh, nil: list of ref Sh->Listnode): list of ref Listnode { return nil; } sevtran(sname: string): int { SEVMAP := array[] of {"INF", "WRN", "ERR", "FTL"}; for (i:=0; i<len SEVMAP; i++) if (sname == SEVMAP[i]) return i; return -1; } rusage(ctxt: ref Context) {"usage", "usage: report INF|WRN|ERR|FTL verbosity message[...]"); }