ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/cmd/limbo/dis.b/
NAMELEN: con 28; cache: array of byte; ncached: int; ndatum: int; startoff: int; lastoff: int; lastkind: int; discon(val: int) { if(val >= -64 && val <= 63){ bout.putb(byte (val & ~16r80)); return; } if(val >= -8192 && val <= 8191){ bout.putb(byte ((val>>8) & ~16rC0 | 16r80)); bout.putb(byte val); return; } if(val < 0 && ((val >> 29) & 7) != 7 || val > 0 && (val >> 29) != 0) fatal("overflow in constant 16r"+hex(val, 0)); bout.putb(byte(val>>24 | 16rC0)); bout.putb(byte(val>>16)); bout.putb(byte(val>>8)); bout.putb(byte val); } disword(w: int) { bout.putb(byte(w >> 24)); bout.putb(byte(w >> 16)); bout.putb(byte(w >> 8)); bout.putb(byte w); } disdata(kind, n: int) { if(n < DMAX && n != 0) bout.putb(byte((kind << DBYTE) | n)); else{ bout.putb(byte kind << DBYTE); discon(n); } } dismod(m: ref Decl) { fileoff := 0, 1); name := array of byte; n := len name; if(n > NAMELEN-1) n = NAMELEN-1; bout.write(name, n); bout.putb(byte 0); for(m = m.ty.tof.ids; m != nil; m ={ case{ Dglobal => discon(-1); discon(-1); disword(sign(m)); bout.puts(".mp"); bout.putb(byte 0); Dfn => discon(m.pc.pc); discon(; disword(sign(m)); if( == Tadt){ bout.puts(; bout.putb(byte '.'); } bout.puts(; bout.putb(byte 0); * => fatal("unknown kind in dismod: "+declconv(m)); } } if(debug['s']) print("%bd linkage bytes start %bd\n", 0, 1) - fileoff, fileoff); } dispath() { sp := array of byte srcpath(); bout.write(sp, len sp); bout.putb(byte 0); } disentry(e: ref Decl) { if(e == nil){ discon(-1); discon(-1); return; } discon(e.pc.pc); discon(; } disdesc(d: ref Desc) { fileoff := 0, 1); for(; d != nil; d ={ discon(; discon(d.size); discon(d.nmap); bout.write(, d.nmap); } if(debug['s']) print("%bd type descriptor bytes start %bd\n", 0, 1) - fileoff, fileoff); } disvar(nil: int, ids: ref Decl) { fileoff := 0, 1); lastkind = -1; ncached = 0; ndatum = 0; for(d := ids; d != nil; d = if( == Dglobal && d.init != nil) disdatum(d.offset, d.init); disflush(-1, -1, 0); bout.putb(byte 0); if(debug['s']) print("%bd data bytes start %bd\n", 0, 1) - fileoff, fileoff); } disldt(size: int, ds: ref Decl) { if(0){ discon(size); disvar(size, ds); return; } m := 0; for(d := ds; d != nil; d = if( == Dglobal && d.init != nil) m++; discon(m); n: ref Node; for(d = ds; d != nil; d ={ if( == Dglobal && d.init != nil){ n = d.init; if(n.ty.kind != Tiface) nerror(n, "disldt: not Tiface"); discon(int n.c.val); for(id := n.decl.ty.ids; id != nil; id ={ disword(sign(id)); if( == Tadt){ s := array of byte; bout.write(s, len s); bout.putb(byte '.'); } s := array of byte; bout.write(s, len s); bout.putb(byte 0); } } } discon(0); } disdatum(offset: int, n: ref Node) { c: ref Case; lab: Label; id: ref Decl; wild: ref Node; i, e: int; case n.ty.kind{ Tbyte => disbyte(offset, byte n.c.val); Tint or Tfix => disint(offset, int n.c.val); Tbig => disbig(offset, n.c.val); Tstring => disstring(offset, n.decl.sym); Treal => disreal(offset, n.c.rval); Tadt or Tadtpick or Ttuple => id = n.ty.ids; for(n = n.left; n != nil; n = n.right){ disdatum(offset + id.offset, n.left); id =; } Tany => break; Tcase => c = n.ty.cse; disint(offset, c.nlab); offset += IBY2WD; for(i = 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ lab = c.labs[i]; disint(offset, int lab.start.c.val); offset += IBY2WD; disint(offset, int lab.stop.c.val+1); offset += IBY2WD; disint(offset, lab.inst.pc); offset += IBY2WD; } if(c.iwild != nil) disint(offset, c.iwild.pc); else disint(offset, -1); Tcasel => c = n.ty.cse; disint(offset, c.nlab); offset += 2*IBY2WD; for(i = 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ lab = c.labs[i]; disbig(offset, lab.start.c.val); offset += IBY2LG; disbig(offset, lab.stop.c.val+big 1); offset += IBY2LG; disint(offset, lab.inst.pc); offset += 2*IBY2WD; } if(c.iwild != nil) disint(offset, c.iwild.pc); else disint(offset, -1); Tcasec => c = n.ty.cse; disint(offset, c.nlab); offset += IBY2WD; for(i = 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ lab = c.labs[i]; disstring(offset, lab.start.decl.sym); offset += IBY2WD; if(lab.stop != lab.start) disstring(offset, lab.stop.decl.sym); offset += IBY2WD; disint(offset, lab.inst.pc); offset += IBY2WD; } if(c.iwild != nil) disint(offset, c.iwild.pc); else disint(offset, -1); Tgoto => c = n.ty.cse; disint(offset, n.ty.size/IBY2WD-1); offset += IBY2WD; for(i = 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ disint(offset, c.labs[i].inst.pc); offset += IBY2WD; } if(c.iwild != nil) disint(offset, c.iwild.pc); Tarray => disflush(-1, -1, 0); disdata(DEFA, 1); # 1 is ignored discon(offset); disword(; disword(int n.left.c.val); if(n.right == nil) break; disdata(DIND, 1); # 1 is ignored discon(offset); disword(0); c = n.right.ty.cse; wild = nil; if(c.wild != nil) wild = c.wild.right; last := 0; esz := n.ty.tof.size; for(i = 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ e = int c.labs[i].start.c.val; if(wild != nil){ for(; last < e; last++) disdatum(esz * last, wild); } last = e; e = int c.labs[i].stop.c.val; elem := c.labs[i].node.right; for(; last <= e; last++) disdatum(esz * last, elem); } if(wild != nil) for(e = int n.left.c.val; last < e; last++) disdatum(esz * last, wild); disflush(-1, -1, 0); disdata(DAPOP, 1); # 1 is ignored discon(0); Tiface => disint(offset, int n.c.val); offset += IBY2WD; for(id = n.decl.ty.ids; id != nil; id ={ offset = align(offset, IBY2WD); disint(offset, sign(id)); offset += IBY2WD; name: array of byte; if( == Tadt){ name = array of byte; disbytes(offset, name); offset += len name; disbyte(offset, byte '.'); offset++; } name = array of byte; disbytes(offset, name); offset += len name; disbyte(offset, byte 0); offset++; } * => fatal("can't gen global "+nodeconv(n)); } } disexc(es: ref Except) { e: ref Except; n := 0; for(e = es; e != nil; e = if(int e.p1.reach || int e.p2.reach) n++; discon(n); for(e = es; e != nil; e ={ if(!int e.p1.reach && !int e.p2.reach) continue; c := e.c; discon(e.d.offset); discon(getpc(e.p1)); discon(getpc(e.p2)); if(e.desc != nil) discon(; else discon(-1); discon(c.nlab|(<<16)); for(i := 0; i < c.nlab; i++){ lab := c.labs[i]; d := lab.start.decl; if(lab.start.ty.kind == Texception) d = d.init.decl; bout.puts(; bout.putb(byte 0); discon(lab.inst.pc); } if(c.iwild == nil) discon(-1); else discon(c.iwild.pc); } discon(0); } disbyte(off: int, v: byte) { disflush(DEFB, off, 1); cache[ncached++] = v; ndatum++; } disbytes(off: int, v: array of byte) { n := len v; disflush(DEFB, off, n); cache[ncached:] = v; ncached += n; ndatum += n; } disint(off, v: int) { disflush(DEFW, off, IBY2WD); cache[ncached++] = byte(v >> 24); cache[ncached++] = byte(v >> 16); cache[ncached++] = byte(v >> 8); cache[ncached++] = byte(v); ndatum++; } disbig(off: int, v: big) { disflush(DEFL, off, IBY2LG); iv := int(v >> 32); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 24); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 16); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 8); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv); iv = int v; cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 24); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 16); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv >> 8); cache[ncached++] = byte(iv); ndatum++; } disreal(off: int, v: real) { disflush(DEFF, off, IBY2LG); export_real(cache[ncached:ncached+8], array[] of {v}); ncached += IBY2LG; ndatum++; } disstring(offset: int, sym: ref Sym) { disflush(-1, -1, 0); d := array of byte; disdata(DEFS, len d); discon(offset); bout.write(d, len d); } disflush(kind, off, size: int) { if(kind != lastkind || off != lastoff){ if(lastkind != -1 && ncached){ disdata(lastkind, ndatum); discon(startoff); bout.write(cache, ncached); } startoff = off; lastkind = kind; ncached = 0; ndatum = 0; } lastoff = off + size; while(kind >= 0 && ncached + size >= len cache){ c := array[ncached + 1024] of byte; c[0:] = cache; cache = c; } } dismode := array[int Aend] of { int Aimm => byte AIMM, int Amp => byte AMP, int Ampind => byte(AMP|AIND), int Afp => byte AFP, int Afpind => byte(AFP|AIND), int Apc => byte AIMM, int Adesc => byte AIMM, int Aoff => byte AIMM, int Anoff => byte AIMM, int Aerr => byte AXXX, int Anone => byte AXXX, int Aldt => byte AIMM, }; disregmode := array[int Aend] of { int Aimm => byte AXIMM, int Amp => byte AXINM, int Ampind => byte AXNON, int Afp => byte AXINF, int Afpind => byte AXNON, int Apc => byte AXIMM, int Adesc => byte AXIMM, int Aoff => byte AXIMM, int Anoff => byte AXIMM, int Aerr => byte AXNON, int Anone => byte AXNON, int Aldt => byte AXIMM, }; MAXCON: con 4; MAXADDR: con 2*MAXCON; MAXINST: con 3*MAXADDR+2; NIBUF: con 1024; ibuf: array of byte; nibuf: int; disinst(in: ref Inst) { fileoff := 0, 1); ibuf = array[NIBUF] of byte; nibuf = 0; for(; in != nil; in ={ if(in.op == INOOP) continue; if(nibuf >= NIBUF-MAXINST){ bout.write(ibuf, nibuf); nibuf = 0; } ibuf[nibuf++] = byte in.op; o := dismode[int] << SRC; o |= dismode[int] << DST; o |= disregmode[int]; ibuf[nibuf++] = o; if( != Anone) disaddr(, in.m); if( != Anone) disaddr(, in.s); if( != Anone) disaddr(, in.d); } if(nibuf > 0) bout.write(ibuf, nibuf); ibuf = nil; if(debug['s']) print("%bd instruction bytes start %bd\n", 0, 1) - fileoff, fileoff); } disaddr(m: byte, a: Addr) { val := 0; case int m{ int Aimm or int Apc or int Adesc => val = a.offset; int Aoff => val = a.decl.iface.offset; int Anoff => val = -(a.decl.iface.offset+1); int Afp or int Amp or int Aldt => val = a.reg; int Afpind or int Ampind => disbcon(a.reg); val = a.offset; } disbcon(val); } disbcon(val: int) { if(val >= -64 && val <= 63){ ibuf[nibuf++] = byte(val & ~16r80); return; } if(val >= -8192 && val <= 8191){ ibuf[nibuf++] = byte(val>>8 & ~16rC0 | 16r80); ibuf[nibuf++] = byte val; return; } if(val < 0 && ((val >> 29) & 7) != 7 || val > 0 && (val >> 29) != 0) fatal("overflow in constant 16r"+hex(val, 0)); ibuf[nibuf++] = byte(val>>24 | 16rC0); ibuf[nibuf++] = byte(val>>16); ibuf[nibuf++] = byte(val>>8); ibuf[nibuf++] = byte val; }