ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/cmd/ip/bootpd.b/
implement Bootpd; # # to do: # DHCP # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "attrdb.m"; attrdb: Attrdb; Attr, Db, Dbentry, Tuples: import attrdb; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; include "ip.m"; ip: IP; IPaddr, Udphdr: import ip; include "ipattr.m"; ipattr: IPattr; include "ether.m"; ether: Ether; include "arg.m"; Bootpd: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; stderr: ref Sys->FD; debug: int; sniff: int; verbose: int; siaddr: IPaddr; netmask: IPaddr; myname: string; progname := "bootpd"; net := "/net"; ndb: ref Db; ndbfile := "/lib/ndb/local"; mtime := 0; testing := 0; Udphdrsize: con IP->Udphdrlen; init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if(bufio == nil) loadfail(Bufio->PATH); attrdb = load Attrdb Attrdb->PATH; if(attrdb == nil) loadfail(Attrdb->PATH); attrdb->init(); dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; if(dial == nil) loadfail(Dial->PATH); ip = load IP IP->PATH; if(ip == nil) loadfail(IP->PATH); ip->init(); ipattr = load IPattr IPattr->PATH; if(ipattr == nil) loadfail(IPattr->PATH); ipattr->init(attrdb, ip); ether = load Ether Ether->PATH; if(ether == nil) loadfail(Ether->PATH); ether->init(); verbose = 1; sniff = 0; debug = 0; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) raise "fail: load Arg"; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("bootpd [-dsqv] [-f file] [-x network]"); progname = arg->progname(); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'd' => debug++; 's' => sniff = 1; debug = 255; 'q' => verbose = 0; 'v' => verbose = 1; 'x' => net = arg->earg(); 'f' => ndbfile = arg->earg(); 't' => testing = 1; debug = 1; verbose = 1; * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(args != nil) arg->usage(); arg = nil; sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD|Sys->FORKNS, nil); if(!sniff && (err := dbread()) != nil) error(err); myname = sysname(); if(myname == nil) error("system name not set"); (siaddr, err) = csquery(myname); if(err != nil) error(sys->sprint("can't find IP address for %s: %s", myname, err)); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: local IP address is %s\n", siaddr.text()); addr := net+"/udp!*!67"; if(testing) addr = net+"/udp!*!499"; if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: announcing %s\n", addr); c := dial->announce(addr); if(c == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't announce %s: %r", addr)); if(sys->fprint(, "headers") < 0) error(sys->sprint("can't set headers mode: %r")); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: opening %s/data\n", c.dir); c.dfd = sys->open(c.dir+"/data", sys->ORDWR); if(c.dfd == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't open %s/data: %r", c.dir)); spawn server(c); } loadfail(s: string) { error(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", s)); } error(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: %s\n", s); raise "fail:error"; } server(c: ref Sys->Connection) { buf := array[2048] of byte; badread := 0; for(;;) { n := sys->read(c.dfd, buf, len buf); if(n <0) { if (badread++ > 10) break; continue; } badread = 0; if(n < Udphdrsize) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: short Udphdr: %d bytes\n", n); continue; } hdr := Udphdr.unpack(buf, Udphdrsize); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: received request from udp!%s!%d\n", hdr.raddr.text(), hdr.rport); if(n < Udphdrsize+300) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: short request of %d bytes\n", n - Udphdrsize); continue; } (bootp, err) := Bootp.unpack(buf[Udphdrsize:]); if(err != nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: can't unpack packet: %s\n", err); continue; } if(debug >= 2) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: recvd {%s}\n", bootp.text()); if(sniff) continue; if(bootp.htype != 1 || bootp.hlen != 6) { # if it isn't ether, we don't do it if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: hardware type not ether; ignoring.\n"); continue; } if((err = dbread()) != nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: getreply: dbread failed: %s\n", err); continue; } rec := lookup(bootp); if(rec == nil) { # we can't answer this request if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: cannot answer request.\n"); continue; } if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: found a matching entry: {%s}\n", rec.text()); mkreply(bootp, rec); if(verbose) sys->print("bootpd: %s -> %s %s\n", ether->text(rec.ha), rec.hostname, rec.ip.text()); if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: reply {%s}\n", bootp.text()); repl := bootp.pack(); if(!testing) arpenter(rec.ip.text(), ether->text(rec.ha)); send(hdr, repl); } sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: %d read errors: %r\n", badread); } arpenter(ip, ha: string) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: arp: %s -> %s\n", ip, ha); fd := sys->open(net+"/arp", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd == nil) { if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: arp open failed: %r\n"); return; } if(sys->fprint(fd, "add %s %s", ip, ha) < 0){ if(debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: error writing arp: %r\n"); } } sysname(): string { t := rf("/dev/sysname"); if(t != nil) return t; return rf("#e/sysname"); } rf(name: string): string { fd := sys->open(name, Sys->OREAD); buf := array[Sys->NAMEMAX] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n <= 0) return nil; return string buf[0:n]; } csquery(name: string): (IPaddr, string) { siaddr = ip->noaddr; # get a local IP address by translating our sysname with cs(8) csfile := net+"/cs"; fd := sys->open(net+"/cs", Sys->ORDWR); if(fd == nil) return (ip->noaddr, sys->sprint("can't open %s/cs: %r", csfile)); if(sys->fprint(fd, "net!%s!0", name) < 0) return (ip->noaddr, sys->sprint("can't translate net!%s!0: %r", name)); sys->seek(fd, big 0, 0); a := array[1024] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, a, len a); if(n <= 0) return (ip->noaddr, "no result from "+csfile); reply := string a[0:n]; (l, addr):= sys->tokenize(reply, " "); if(l != 2) return (ip->noaddr, "bad cs reply format"); (l, addr) = sys->tokenize(hd tl addr, "!"); if(l < 2) return (ip->noaddr, "bad cs reply format"); (ok, ipa) := IPaddr.parse(hd addr); if(ok < 0 || !ipok(siaddr)) return (ip->noaddr, "can't parse address: "+hd addr); return (ipa, nil); } Hostinfo: adt { hostname: string; ha: array of byte; # hardware addr ip: IPaddr; # client IP addr bootf: string; # boot file path netmask: IPaddr; # subnet mask ipgw: IPaddr; # gateway IP addr fs: IPaddr; # file server IP addr auth: IPaddr; # authentication server IP addr text: fn(inf: self ref Hostinfo): string; }; send(hdr: ref Udphdr, msg: array of byte) { replyaddr := net+"/udp!!68"; # TO DO: gateway if(testing) replyaddr = sys->sprint("udp!%s!%d", hdr.raddr.text(), hdr.rport); lport := "67"; if(testing) lport = "499"; c := dial->dial(replyaddr, lport); if(c == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: can't dial %s for reply: %r\n", replyaddr); return; } n := sys->write(c.dfd, msg, len msg); if(n != len msg) sys->fprint(stderr, "bootpd: udp write error: %r\n"); } mkreply(bootp: ref Bootp, rec: ref Hostinfo) { bootp.op = 2; # boot reply bootp.yiaddr = rec.ip; bootp.siaddr = siaddr; bootp.giaddr = ip->noaddr; bootp.sname = myname; bootp.file = string rec.bootf; bootp.vend = array of byte sys->sprint("p9 %s %s %s %s", rec.netmask.text(), rec.fs.text(), rec.auth.text(), rec.ipgw.text()); } dbread(): string { if(ndb == nil){ ndb =; if(ndb == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot open %s: %r", ndbfile); }else if(ndb.changed()) ndb.reopen(); return nil; } ipok(a: IPaddr): int { return a.isv4() && !(a.eq(ip->v4noaddr) || a.eq(ip->noaddr) || a.ismulticast()); } lookup(bootp: ref Bootp): ref Hostinfo { if(ndb == nil) return nil; inf: ref Hostinfo; hwaddr := ether->text(bootp.chaddr); if(ipok(bootp.ciaddr)){ # client thinks it knows address; check match with MAC address ipaddr := bootp.ciaddr.text(); ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr; for(;;){ e: ref Dbentry; (e, ptr) = ndb.findbyattr(ptr, "ip", ipaddr, "ether"); if(e == nil) break; # TO DO: check result inf = matchandfill(e, "ip", ipaddr, "ether", hwaddr); if(inf != nil) return inf; } } # look up an ip address associated with given MAC address ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr; for(;;){ e: ref Dbentry; (e, ptr) = ndb.findbyattr(ptr, "ether", hwaddr, "ip"); if(e == nil) break; # TO DO: check right net etc. inf = matchandfill(e, "ether", hwaddr, "ip", nil); if(inf != nil) return inf; } return nil; } matchandfill(e: ref Dbentry, attr: string, val: string, rattr: string, rval: string): ref Hostinfo { matches := e.findbyattr(attr, val, rattr); for(; matches != nil; matches = tl matches){ (line, attrs) := hd matches; for(; attrs != nil; attrs = tl attrs){ if(rval == nil || (hd attrs).val == rval){ inf := fillup(line, e); if(inf != nil) return inf; break; } } } return nil; } fillup(line: ref Tuples, e: ref Dbentry): ref Hostinfo { ok: int; inf := ref Hostinfo; inf.netmask = ip->noaddr; inf.ipgw = ip->noaddr; inf.fs = ip->v4noaddr; inf.auth = ip->v4noaddr; inf.hostname = find(line, e, "sys"); s := find(line, e, "ether"); if(s != nil) inf.ha = ether->parse(s); s = find(line, e, "ip"); if(s == nil) return nil; (ok, inf.ip) = IPaddr.parse(s); if(ok < 0) return nil; (results, err) := ipattr->findnetattrs(ndb, "ip", s, list of{"ipmask", "ipgw", "fs", "FILESERVER", "SIGNER", "auth", "bootf"}); if(err != nil) return nil; for(; results != nil; results = tl results){ (a, nattrs) := hd results; if(!a.eq(inf.ip)) continue; # different network for(; nattrs != nil; nattrs = tl nattrs){ na := hd nattrs; case { "ipmask" => inf.netmask = takeipmask(na.pairs, inf.netmask); "ipgw" => inf.ipgw = takeipattr(na.pairs, inf.ipgw); "fs" or "FILESERVER" => inf.fs = takeipattr(na.pairs, inf.fs); "auth" or "SIGNER" => inf.auth = takeipattr(na.pairs, inf.auth); "bootf" => inf.bootf = takeattr(na.pairs, inf.bootf); } } } return inf; } takeattr(pairs: list of ref Attr, s: string): string { if(s != nil || pairs == nil) return s; return (hd pairs).val; } takeipattr(pairs: list of ref Attr, a: IPaddr): IPaddr { if(pairs == nil || !(a.eq(ip->noaddr) || a.eq(ip->v4noaddr))) return a; (ok, na) := parseip((hd pairs).val); if(ok < 0) return a; return na; } takeipmask(pairs: list of ref Attr, a: IPaddr): IPaddr { if(pairs == nil || !(a.eq(ip->noaddr) || a.eq(ip->v4noaddr))) return a; (ok, na) := IPaddr.parsemask((hd pairs).val); if(ok < 0) return a; return na; } findip(line: ref Tuples, e: ref Dbentry, attr: string): (int, IPaddr) { s := find(line, e, attr); if(s == nil) return (-1, ip->noaddr); return parseip(s); } parseip(s: string): (int, IPaddr) { (ok, a) := IPaddr.parse(s); if(ok < 0){ # look it up if it's a system name s = findbyattr("sys", s, "ip"); (ok, a) = IPaddr.parse(s); } return (ok, a); } find(line: ref Tuples, e: ref Dbentry, attr: string): string { if(line != nil){ a := line.find(attr); if(a != nil) return (hd a).val; } if(e != nil){ for(matches := e.find(attr); matches != nil; matches = tl matches){ (nil, a) := hd matches; if(a != nil) return (hd a).val; } } return nil; } findbyattr(attr: string, val: string, rattr: string): string { ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr; for(;;){ e: ref Dbentry; (e, ptr) = ndb.findbyattr(ptr, attr, val, rattr); if(e == nil) break; rvl := e.find(rattr); if(rvl != nil){ (nil, al) := hd rvl; return (hd al).val; } } return nil; } missing(rec: ref Hostinfo): string { s := ""; if(rec.ha == nil) s += " hardware address"; if(rec.ip.eq(ip->noaddr)) s += " IP address"; if(rec.bootf == nil) s += " bootfile"; if(rec.netmask.eq(ip->noaddr)) s += " subnet mask"; if(rec.ipgw.eq(ip->noaddr)) s += " gateway"; if(rec.fs.eq(ip->noaddr)) s += " file server"; if(rec.auth.eq(ip->noaddr)) s += " authentication server"; if(s != "") return s[1:]; return nil; } dtoa(data: array of byte): string { if(data == nil) return nil; result: string; for(i:=0; i < len data; i++) result += sys->sprint(".%d", int data[i]); return result[1:]; } magic(cookie: array of byte): string { if(eqa(cookie, array[] of { byte 'p', byte '9', byte ' ', byte ' ' })) return "plan9"; if(eqa(cookie, array[] of { byte 99, byte 130, byte 83, byte 99 })) return "rfc1048"; if(eqa(cookie, array[] of { byte 'C', byte 'M', byte 'U', byte 0 })) return "cmu"; return dtoa(cookie); } eqa(a1: array of byte, a2: array of byte): int { if(len a1 != len a2) return 0; for(i := 0; i < len a1; i++) if(a1[i] != a2[i]) return 0; return 1; } Hostinfo.text(rec: self ref Hostinfo): string { return sys->sprint("ha=%s ip=%s bf=%s sm=%s gw=%s fs=%s au=%s", ether->text(rec.ha), rec.ip.text(), rec.bootf, rec.netmask.masktext(), rec.ipgw.text(), rec.fs.text(), rec.auth.text()); } Bootp: adt { op: int; # opcode [1] htype: int; # hardware type[1] hlen: int; # hardware address length [1] hops: int; # gateway hops [1] xid: int; # random number [4] secs: int; # seconds elapsed since client started booting [2] flags: int; # flags[2] ciaddr: IPaddr; # client ip address (client->server)[4] yiaddr: IPaddr; # your ip address (server->client)[4] siaddr: IPaddr; # server's ip address [4] giaddr: IPaddr; # gateway ip address [4] chaddr: array of byte; # client hardware (mac) address [16] sname: string; # server host name [64] file: string; # boot file name [128] vend: array of byte; # vendor-specific [128] unpack: fn(a: array of byte): (ref Bootp, string); pack: fn(bp: self ref Bootp): array of byte; text: fn(bp: self ref Bootp): string; }; Bootp.unpack(data: array of byte): (ref Bootp, string) { if(len data < 300) return (nil, "too short"); bp := ref Bootp; bp.op = int data[0]; bp.htype = int data[1]; bp.hlen = int data[2]; if(bp.hlen > 16) return (nil, "length error"); bp.hops = int data[3]; bp.xid = ip->get4(data, 4); bp.secs = ip->get2(data, 8); bp.flags = ip->get2(data, 10); bp.ciaddr = IPaddr.newv4(data[12:16]); bp.yiaddr = IPaddr.newv4(data[16:20]); bp.siaddr = IPaddr.newv4(data[20:24]); bp.giaddr = IPaddr.newv4(data[24:28]); bp.chaddr = data[28:28+bp.hlen]; bp.sname = ctostr(data[44:108]); bp.file = ctostr(data[108:236]); bp.vend = data[236:300]; return (bp, nil); } Bootp.pack(bp: self ref Bootp): array of byte { data := array[364] of { * => byte 0 }; data[0] = byte bp.op; data[1] = byte bp.htype; data[2] = byte bp.hlen; data[3] = byte bp.hops; ip->put4(data, 4, bp.xid); ip->put2(data, 8, bp.secs); ip->put2(data, 10, bp.flags); data[12:] = bp.ciaddr.v4(); data[16:] = bp.yiaddr.v4(); data[20:] = bp.siaddr.v4(); data[24:] = bp.giaddr.v4(); data[28:] = bp.chaddr; data[44:] = array of byte bp.sname; data[108:] = array of byte bp.file; data[236:] = bp.vend; return data; } ctostr(cstr: array of byte): string { for(i:=0; i<len cstr; i++) if(cstr[i] == byte 0) break; return string cstr[0:i]; } Bootp.text(bp: self ref Bootp): string { s := sys->sprint("op=%d htype=%d hlen=%d hops=%d xid=%ud secs=%ud ciaddr=%s yiaddr=%s", int bp.op, bp.htype, bp.hlen, bp.hops, bp.xid, bp.secs, bp.ciaddr.text(), bp.yiaddr.text()); s += sys->sprint(" server=%s gateway=%s hwaddr=%q host=%q file=%q magic=%q", bp.siaddr.text(), bp.giaddr.text(), ether->text(bp.chaddr), bp.sname, bp.file, magic(bp.vend[0:4])); if(magic(bp.vend[0:4]) == "plan9") s += "("+ctostr(bp.vend)+")"; return s; }