ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/cmd/getauthinfo.b/
implement Getauthinfo; # # get and save a certificate from a signer in exchange for a valid secret # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; stdin, stdout, stderr: ref Sys->FD; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "security.m"; login: Login; include "string.m"; str: String; include "promptstring.b"; Getauthinfo: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: getauthinfo {net!hostname | default | /file}\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stdin = sys->fildes(0); stdout = sys->fildes(1); stderr = sys->fildes(2); # Disable echoing in RAWON mode RAWON_STR = nil; argv = tl argv; if(argv == nil) usage(); keyname := hd argv; if(keyname == nil) usage(); kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; if(kr == nil) nomod(Keyring->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) nomod(String->PATH); login = load Login Login->PATH; if(login == nil) nomod(Login->PATH); user := user(); path := keyname; if(path[0] != '/' && (len path < 2 || path[0:2] != "./")) path = "/usr/" + user + "/keyring/" + keyname; signer := defaultsigner(); if(signer == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: warning: can't get default signer server name\n"); signer = "$SIGNER"; } passwd := ""; save := "yes"; for(;;) { signer = promptstring("use signer", signer, RAWOFF); user = promptstring("remote user name", user, RAWOFF); passwd = promptstring("password", passwd, RAWON); info := logon(user, passwd, signer, path, save); if(info != nil) break; } } logon(user, passwd, server, path, save: string): ref Keyring->Authinfo { (err, info) := login->login(user, passwd, "net!"+server+"!inflogin"); if(err != nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: failed to authenticate: %s\n", err); return nil; } # save the info somewhere for later access save = promptstring("save in file", save, RAWOFF); if(save[0] != 'y'){ (dir, file) := str->splitr(path, "/"); if(sys->bind("#s", dir, Sys->MBEFORE) < 0){ sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: can't bind file channel on %s: %r\n", dir); return nil; } filio := sys->file2chan(dir, file); if(filio == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: can't make file2chan %s: %r\n", path); return nil; } sync := chan of int; spawn infofile(filio, sync); <-sync; } if(kr->writeauthinfo(path, info) < 0) { sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: can't write certificate to %s: %r\n", path); return nil; } return info; } user(): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; fd := sys->open("/dev/user", sys->OREAD); if(fd == nil) return ""; buf := array[128] of byte; n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf); if(n < 0) return ""; return string buf[0:n]; } infofile(fileio: ref Sys->FileIO, sync: chan of int) { infodata := array[0] of byte; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->NEWFD, nil); sync <-= 1; for(;;) alt { (off, nbytes, nil, rc) := < => if(rc == nil) break; if(off > len infodata){ rc <-= (nil, nil); } else { if(off + nbytes > len infodata) nbytes = len infodata - off; rc <-= (infodata[off:off+nbytes], nil); } (off, data, nil, wc) := <-fileio.write => if(wc == nil) break; if(off != len infodata){ wc <-= (0, "cannot be rewritten"); } else { nid := array[len infodata+len data] of byte; nid[0:] = infodata; nid[len infodata:] = data; infodata = nid; wc <-= (len data, nil); } data = nil; } } # get default signer server name defaultsigner(): string { return "$SIGNER"; } nomod(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "getauthinfo: can't load %s: %r\n", s); raise "fail:load"; }