ref: efd1615c5741a6898853fefc24b1cbcb734e5477
dir: /appl/alphabet/auxi/rexecsrv.b/
implement Rexecsrv; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; sh: Sh; include "alphabet/endpoints.m"; endpoints: Endpoints; Endpoint: import endpoints; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; Report: import reports; include "alphabet.m"; alphabet: Alphabet; Value: import alphabet; include "alphabet/abc.m"; include "alphabet/abctypes.m"; include "string.m"; str: String; Rexecsrv: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; drawctxt: ref Draw->Context; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; endpoints = load Endpoints Endpoints->PATH; if(endpoints == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Endpoints->PATH)); endpoints->init(); sh = load Sh Sh->PATH; if(sh == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Sh->PATH)); sh->initialise(); reports = load Reports Reports->PATH; if(reports == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Reports->PATH)); str = load String String->PATH; if(str == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", String->PATH)); if(len argv != 3) fatal("usage: rexecsrv dir {decls}"); drawctxt = ctxt; if(sys->stat("/n/endpoint/local/clone").t0 == -1) fatal("no local endpoints available"); dir := hd tl argv; decls := parse(hd tl tl argv); if(sys->bind("#s", dir, Sys->MREPL) == -1) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot bind #s onto %q: %r", dir)); alphabet = declares(decls); fio := sys->file2chan(dir, "exec"); sync := chan of int; spawn rexecproc(sync, fio); <-sync; } stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); } # use one alphabet module to bootstrap another # with the desired declarations that we can use to # execute external commands. declares(decls: ref Sh->Cmd): Alphabet { alphabet0 := load Alphabet Alphabet->PATH; if(alphabet0 == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Alphabet->PATH)); alphabet0->init(); abctypes := load Abctypes Abctypes->PATH; if(abctypes == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Abctypes->PATH)); Abccvt: import abctypes; abc := load Abc Abc->PATH; if(abc == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Abc->PATH)); abc->init(); Value: import abc; (c, nil, abccvt) := abctypes->proxy0(); spawn reports->reportproc(errorc := chan of string, nil, reply := chan of ref Report); r := <-reply; if((err := alphabet0->loadtypeset("/abc", c, nil)) != nil) fatal("cannot load typeset /abc: "+err); alphabet0->setautodeclare(1); spawn alphabet0->eval0( parse("{(/cmd);"+ "/abc/abc |"+ "/abc/declares $1"+ "}" ), "/abc/abc", nil, r, r.start("evaldecls"), ref (Alphabet->Value).Vc(decls) :: nil, vc := chan of ref Alphabet->Value ); r.enable(); av: ref Alphabet->Value; wait: for(;;)alt{ av = <-vc => ; msg := <-errorc => if(msg == nil) break wait; sys->fprint(stderr(), "rexecsrv: %s\n", msg); } if(av == nil) fatal("declarations failed"); v := abccvt.ext2int(av).dup(); alphabet0->; pick xv := v { VA => return xv.i.alphabet; } return nil; } parse(s: string): ref Sh->Cmd { (c, err) := sh->parse(s); if(c== nil) fatal(sys->sprint("cannot parse %q: %s", s, err)); return c; } lc(cmd: ref Sh->Cmd): ref Sh->Listnode { return ref Sh->Listnode(cmd, nil); } lw(word: string): ref Sh->Listnode { return ref Sh->Listnode(nil, word); } # write endpoints, cmd # read endpoints rexecproc(sync: chan of int, fio: ref Sys->FileIO) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); pending: list of (int, string); sync <-= 1; for(;;) alt { (nil, data, fid, wc) := <-fio.write => if(wc == nil) break; req := string data; l := str->unquoted(req); if(len l != 2 || l).addr == nil){ wc <-= (0, "bad request"); break; } pending = (fid, req) :: pending; wc <-= (0, nil); (offset, nil, fid, rc) := < => if(rc == nil){ (pending, nil) = removefid(fid, pending); break; } if(offset > 0){ rc <-= (nil, nil); break; } req: string; (pending, req) = removefid(fid, pending); if(req == nil){ rc <-= (nil, "no pending exec"); break; } l := str->unquoted(req); spawn exec(sync1 := chan of int, l), hd tl l, rc); <-sync1; } } gather(errorc: chan of string) { s := ""; while((e := <-errorc) != nil) s += e + "\n"; errorc <-= s; } exec(sync: chan of int, ep: Endpoint, expr: string, rc: chan of (array of byte, string)) { sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil); sync <-= 1; spawn gather(errorc := chan of string); (c, err) := alphabet->parse(expr); if(c == nil){ rc <-= (nil, "parse error: "+err); return; } usage: string; (c, usage) = alphabet->rewrite(c, "/fd", errorc); errorc <-= nil; err = <-errorc; if(c == nil){ rc <-= (nil, err); return; } if(!alphabet->typecompat("/fd -> /fd", usage).t0) rc <-= (nil, "incompatible type: "+usage); fd0: ref Sys->FD; (fd0, err) = endpoints->open(nil, ep); if(fd0 == nil){ rc <-= (nil, err); return; } (fd1, ep1) := endpoints->create("local"); if(fd1 == nil){ rc <-= (nil, "cannot make endpoints: "+ep1.about); return; } rc <-= (array of byte ep1.text(), nil); runcmd(c, fd0, fd1); } fdproc(f: chan of ref Sys->FD, fd0: ref Sys->FD) { f <-= fd0; fd1 := <-f; if(fd1 == nil) exit; buf := array[Sys->ATOMICIO] of byte; while((n := sys->read(fd0, buf, len buf)) > 0) if(sys->write(fd1, buf, n) == -1) break; } runcmd(c: ref Sh->Cmd, fd0, fd1: ref Sys->FD) { f := chan of ref Sys->FD; spawn fdproc(f, fd0); spawn reports->reportproc(errorc := chan of string, nil, reply := chan of ref Report); r := <-reply; spawn alphabet->eval0( c, "/fd", drawctxt, r, r.start("evalcmd"), ref (Alphabet->Value).Vf(f) :: nil, vc := chan of ref Alphabet->Value ); r.enable(); av: ref Alphabet->Value; wait: for(;;)alt{ av = <-vc => if(av == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr(), "rexecsrv: no value received\n"); break; } pick v := av { Vf => <-v.i; v.i <-= fd1; * => sys->fprint(stderr(), "rexecsrv: can't happen: expression has wrong type '%c'\n", alphabet->v.typec()); } msg := <-errorc => if(msg == nil) break wait; # XXX could queue diagnostics back to caller here. sys->fprint(stderr(), "rexecsrv: %s\n", msg); } sys->write(fd1, array[0] of byte, 0); } removefid(fid: int, l: list of (int, string)): (list of (int, string), string) { if(l == nil) return (nil, nil); if((hd l).t0 == fid) return (removefid(fid, tl l).t0, (hd l).t1); (rl, d) := removefid(fid, tl l); return (hd l :: rl, d); } fatal(e: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "rexecsrv: %s\n", e); raise "fail:error"; }