ref: ec35f468e0eba87c9f09cbbe5fa8af2591e6f914
dir: /utils/acid/builtin.c/
#include <lib9.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "mach.h" #include "regexp.h" #define Extern extern #include "acid.h" #include "" void cvtatof(Node*, Node*); void cvtatoi(Node*, Node*); void cvtitoa(Node*, Node*); void bprint(Node*, Node*); void funcbound(Node*, Node*); void printto(Node*, Node*); void getfile(Node*, Node*); void fmt(Node*, Node*); void pcfile(Node*, Node*); void pcline(Node*, Node*); void setproc(Node*, Node*); void strace(Node*, Node*); void follow(Node*, Node*); void reason(Node*, Node*); void newproc(Node*, Node*); void startstop(Node*, Node*); void match(Node*, Node*); void status(Node*, Node*); void dokill(Node*,Node*); void waitstop(Node*, Node*); void stop(Node*, Node*); void start(Node*, Node*); void filepc(Node*, Node*); void doerror(Node*, Node*); void rc(Node*, Node*); void doaccess(Node*, Node*); void map(Node*, Node*); void readfile(Node*, Node*); void interpret(Node*, Node*); void include(Node*, Node*); void regexp(Node*, Node*); void _bpcondset(Node*, Node*); void _bpconddel(Node*, Node*); void setdebug(Node*, Node*); typedef struct Btab Btab; struct Btab { char *name; void (*fn)(Node*, Node*); } tab[] = { "atof", cvtatof, "atoi", cvtatoi, "error", doerror, "file", getfile, "readfile", readfile, "access", doaccess, "filepc", filepc, "fnbound", funcbound, "fmt", fmt, "follow", follow, "itoa", cvtitoa, "kill", dokill, "match", match, "newproc", newproc, "pcfile", pcfile, "pcline", pcline, "print", bprint, "printto", printto, "rc", rc, "reason", reason, "setproc", setproc, "sh", rc, "start", start, "startstop", startstop, "status", status, "stop", stop, "strace", strace, "waitstop", waitstop, "map", map, "interpret", interpret, "include", include, "regexp", regexp, "debug", setdebug, "_bpcondset", _bpcondset, "_bpconddel", _bpconddel, 0 }; void mkprint(Lsym *s) { prnt = gmalloc(sizeof(Node)); prnt->op = OCALL; prnt->left = gmalloc(sizeof(Node)); prnt->left->sym = s; } void installbuiltin(void) { Btab *b; Lsym *s; b = tab; while(b->name) { s = look(b->name); if(s == 0) s = enter(b->name, Tid); s->builtin = b->fn; if(b->fn == bprint) mkprint(s); b++; } } void match(Node *r, Node *args) { int i; List *f; Node *av[Maxarg]; Node resi, resl; na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 2) error("match(obj, list): arg count"); expr(av[1], &resl); if(resl.type != TLIST) error("match(obj, list): need list"); expr(av[0], &resi); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; r->nstore.u0.sival = -1; i = 0; for(f =; f; f = f->next) { if(resi.type == f->type) { switch(resi.type) { case TINT: if(resi.nstore.u0.sival == f->lstore.u0.sival) { r->nstore.u0.sival = i; return; } break; case TFLOAT: if(resi.nstore.u0.sfval == f->lstore.u0.sfval) { r->nstore.u0.sival = i; return; } break; case TSTRING: if(scmp(resi.nstore.u0.sstring, f->lstore.u0.sstring)) { r->nstore.u0.sival = i; return; } break; case TLIST: error("match(obj, list): not defined for list"); } } i++; } } void newproc(Node *r, Node *args) { int i; Node res; char *p, *e; char *argv[Maxarg], buf[Strsize]; i = 1; argv[0] = aout; if(args) { expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("newproc(): arg not string"); if(res.nstore.u0.sstring->len >= sizeof(buf)) error("newproc(): too many arguments"); memmove(buf, res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, res.nstore.u0.sstring->len); buf[res.nstore.u0.sstring->len] = '\0'; p = buf; e = buf+res.nstore.u0.sstring->len; for(;;) { while(p < e && (*p == '\t' || *p == ' ')) *p++ = '\0'; if(p >= e) break; argv[i++] = p; if(i >= Maxarg) error("newproc: too many arguments"); while(p < e && *p != '\t' && *p != ' ') p++; } } argv[i] = 0; r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; r->nstore.u0.sival = nproc(argv); } void startstop(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; if(args == 0) error("startstop(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("startstop(pid): arg type"); if(rdebug) { Lsym *s; r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.u0.sival = remcondstartstop(res.nstore.u0.sival); r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; s = look("_breakid"); if(s) s->v->vstore.u0.sival = (int)r->nstore.u0.sival; } else msg(res.nstore.u0.sival, "startstop"); notes(res.nstore.u0.sival); dostop(res.nstore.u0.sival); } void waitstop(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("waitstop(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("waitstop(pid): arg type"); Bflush(bout); msg(res.nstore.u0.sival, "waitstop"); notes(res.nstore.u0.sival); dostop(res.nstore.u0.sival); } void start(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("start(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("start(pid): arg type"); msg(res.nstore.u0.sival, "start"); } void stop(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("stop(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("stop(pid): arg type"); Bflush(bout); msg(res.nstore.u0.sival, "stop"); notes(res.nstore.u0.sival); dostop(res.nstore.u0.sival); } void dokill(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("kill(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("kill(pid): arg type"); msg(res.nstore.u0.sival, "kill"); deinstall(res.nstore.u0.sival); } void status(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char *p; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("status(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("status(pid): arg type"); p = getstatus(res.nstore.u0.sival); r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode(p); r->op = OCONST; r->nstore.fmt = 's'; r->type = TSTRING; } void reason(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; if(args == 0) error("reason(cause): no cause"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("reason(cause): arg type"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TSTRING; r->nstore.fmt = 's'; r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode((*machdata->excep)(cormap, rget)); } void follow(Node *r, Node *args) { int n, i; Node res; uvlong f[10]; List **tail, *l; if(args == 0) error("follow(addr): no addr"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("follow(addr): arg type"); n = (*machdata->foll)(cormap, res.nstore.u0.sival, rget, f); if (n < 0) error("follow(addr): %r"); tail = &r->; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { l = al(TINT); l->lstore.u0.sival = f[i]; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; *tail = l; tail = &l->next; } } void funcbound(Node *r, Node *args) { int n; Node res; uvlong bounds[2]; List *l; if(args == 0) error("fnbound(addr): no addr"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("fnbound(addr): arg type"); n = fnbound(res.nstore.u0.sival, bounds); if (n != 0) { r-> = al(TINT); l = r->; l->lstore.u0.sival = bounds[0]; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; l->next = al(TINT); l = l->next; l->lstore.u0.sival = bounds[1]; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; } } void setproc(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("setproc(pid): no pid"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("setproc(pid): arg type"); sproc(res.nstore.u0.sival); } void filepc(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char *p, c; if(args == 0) error("filepc(filename:line): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("filepc(filename:line): arg type"); p = strchr(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, ':'); if(p == 0) error("filepc(filename:line): bad arg format"); c = *p; *p++ = '\0'; r->nstore.u0.sival = file2pc(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, atoi(p)); p[-1] = c; if(r->nstore.u0.sival == -1) error("filepc(filename:line): can't find address"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; } void interpret(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; int isave; if(args == 0) error("interpret(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("interpret(string): arg type"); pushstr(&res); isave = interactive; interactive = 0; r->nstore.u0.sival = yyparse(); interactive = isave; popio(); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; } void include(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; int isave; if(args == 0) error("include(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("include(string): arg type"); pushfile(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); isave = interactive; interactive = 0; r->nstore.u0.sival = yyparse(); interactive = isave; popio(); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; } void rc(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char *p, *q; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("error(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("error(string): arg type"); p = runcmd(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); q = strrchr(p, ':'); if (q) p = q+1; r->op = OCONST; r->type = TSTRING; r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode(p); r->nstore.fmt = 's'; } void doerror(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(args == 0) error("error(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("error(string): arg type"); error(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); } void doaccess(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; if(args == 0) error("access(filename): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("access(filename): arg type"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.u0.sival = 0; if(access(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, OREAD) == 0) r->nstore.u0.sival = 1; } void readfile(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; int n, fd; char *buf; Dir *db; if(args == 0) error("readfile(filename): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("readfile(filename): arg type"); fd = open(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, OREAD); if(fd < 0) return; db = dirfstat(fd); if(db == nil || db->length == 0) n = 8192; else n = db->length; free(db); buf = gmalloc(n); n = read(fd, buf, n); if(n > 0) { r->op = OCONST; r->type = TSTRING; r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnodlen(buf, n); r->nstore.fmt = 's'; } free(buf); close(fd); } void getfile(Node *r, Node *args) { int n; char *p; Node res; String *s; Biobuf *bp; List **l, *new; if(args == 0) error("file(filename): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("file(filename): arg type"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TLIST; r-> = 0; p = res.nstore.u0.sstring->string; bp = Bopen(p, OREAD); if(bp == 0) return; l = &r->; for(;;) { p = Brdline(bp, '\n'); n = BLINELEN(bp); if(p == 0) { if(n == 0) break; s = strnodlen(0, n); Bread(bp, s->string, n); } else s = strnodlen(p, n-1); new = al(TSTRING); new->lstore.u0.sstring = s; new->lstore.fmt = 's'; *l = new; l = &new->next; } Bterm(bp); } void cvtatof(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; if(args == 0) error("atof(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("atof(string): arg type"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TFLOAT; r->nstore.u0.sfval = atof(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); r->nstore.fmt = 'f'; } void cvtatoi(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; if(args == 0) error("atoi(string): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("atoi(string): arg type"); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.u0.sival = strtoul(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, 0, 0); r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; } void cvtitoa(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char buf[128]; if(args == 0) error("itoa(integer): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("itoa(integer): arg type"); sprint(buf, "%d", (int)res.nstore.u0.sival); r->op = OCONST; r->type = TSTRING; r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode(buf); r->nstore.fmt = 's'; } List* mapent(Map *m) { int i; List *l, *n, **t, *h; h = 0; t = &h; for(i = 0; i < m->nsegs; i++) { if(m->seg[i].inuse == 0) continue; l = al(TSTRING); n = al(TLIST); n-> = l; *t = n; t = &n->next; l->lstore.u0.sstring = strnode(m->seg[i].name); l->lstore.fmt = 's'; l->next = al(TINT); l = l->next; l->lstore.u0.sival = m->seg[i].b; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; l->next = al(TINT); l = l->next; l->lstore.u0.sival = m->seg[i].e; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; l->next = al(TINT); l = l->next; l->lstore.u0.sival = m->seg[i].f; l->lstore.fmt = 'X'; } return h; } void map(Node *r, Node *args) { int i; Map *m; List *l; char *ent; Node *av[Maxarg], res; na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 0) { expr(av[0], &res); if(res.type != TLIST) error("map(list): map needs a list"); if(listlen( != 4) error("map(list): list must have 4 entries"); l =; if(l->type != TSTRING) error("map name must be a string"); ent = l->lstore.u0.sstring->string; m = symmap; i = findseg(m, ent); if(i < 0) { m = cormap; i = findseg(m, ent); } if(i < 0) error("%s is not a map entry", ent); l = l->next; if(l->type != TINT) error("map entry not int"); m->seg[i].b = l->lstore.u0.sival; if (strcmp(ent, "text") == 0) textseg(l->lstore.u0.sival, &fhdr); l = l->next; if(l->type != TINT) error("map entry not int"); m->seg[i].e = l->lstore.u0.sival; l = l->next; if(l->type != TINT) error("map entry not int"); m->seg[i].f = l->lstore.u0.sival; } r->type = TLIST; r-> = 0; if(symmap) r-> = mapent(symmap); if(cormap) { if(r-> == 0) r-> = mapent(cormap); else { for(l = r->; l->next; l = l->next) ; l->next = mapent(cormap); } } } void flatten(Node **av, Node *n) { if(n == 0) return; switch(n->op) { case OLIST: flatten(av, n->left); flatten(av, n->right); break; default: av[na++] = n; if(na >= Maxarg) error("too many function arguments"); break; } } void strace(Node *r, Node *args) { Node *av[Maxarg], *n, res; ulong pc, sp; na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 3) error("strace(pc, sp, link): arg count"); n = av[0]; expr(n, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("strace(pc, sp, link): pc bad type"); pc = res.nstore.u0.sival; n = av[1]; expr(n, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("strace(pc, sp, link): sp bad type"); sp = res.nstore.u0.sival; n = av[2]; expr(n, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("strace(pc, sp, link): link bad type"); tracelist = 0; if ((*machdata->ctrace)(cormap, pc, sp, res.nstore.u0.sival, trlist) <= 0) error("no stack frame"); r->type = TLIST; r-> = tracelist; } void regerror(char *msg) { error(msg); } void regexp(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; Reprog *rp; Node *av[Maxarg]; na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 2) error("regexp(pattern, string): arg count"); expr(av[0], &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("regexp(pattern, string): pattern must be string"); rp = regcomp(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); if(rp == 0) return; expr(av[1], &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("regexp(pattern, string): bad string"); r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; r->type = TINT; r->nstore.u0.sival = regexec(rp, res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, 0, 0); free(rp); } char vfmt[] = "aBbcCdDfFgGiIoOqQrRsuUVxXYZ"; void fmt(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; Node *av[Maxarg]; na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 2) error("fmt(obj, fmt): arg count"); expr(av[1], &res); if(res.type != TINT || strchr(vfmt, res.nstore.u0.sival) == 0) error("fmt(obj, fmt): bad format '%c'", (char)res.nstore.u0.sival); expr(av[0], r); r->nstore.fmt = res.nstore.u0.sival; } void patom(char type, Store *res) { int i; char buf[512]; extern char *typenames[]; switch(res->fmt) { case 'c': Bprint(bout, "%c", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'C': if(res->u0.sival < ' ' || res->u0.sival >= 0x7f) Bprint(bout, "%3d", (int)res->u0.sival&0xff); else Bprint(bout, "%3c", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'r': Bprint(bout, "%C", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'B': memset(buf, '0', 34); buf[1] = 'b'; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if(res->u0.sival & (1<<i)) buf[33-i] = '1'; } buf[35] = '\0'; Bprint(bout, "%s", buf); break; case 'b': Bprint(bout, "%3d", (int)res->u0.sival&0xff); break; case 'X': Bprint(bout, "%.8ux", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'x': Bprint(bout, "%.4ux", (int)res->u0.sival&0xffff); break; case 'Y': Bprint(bout, "%.16llux", res->u0.sival); break; case 'D': Bprint(bout, "%d", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'd': Bprint(bout, "%d", (ushort)res->u0.sival); break; case 'u': Bprint(bout, "%ud", (int)res->u0.sival&0xffff); break; case 'U': Bprint(bout, "%lud", (ulong)res->u0.sival); break; case 'Z': Bprint(bout, "%llud", res->u0.sival); break; case 'V': Bprint(bout, "%lld", res->u0.sival); break; case 'o': Bprint(bout, "0%.11uo", (int)res->u0.sival&0xffff); break; case 'O': Bprint(bout, "0%.6uo", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'q': Bprint(bout, "0%.11o", (short)(res->u0.sival&0xffff)); break; case 'Q': Bprint(bout, "0%.6o", (int)res->u0.sival); break; case 'f': case 'F': if(type != TFLOAT) Bprint(bout, "*%c<%s>*", res->fmt, typenames[type]); else Bprint(bout, "%g", res->u0.sfval); break; case 's': case 'g': case 'G': if(type != TSTRING) Bprint(bout, "*%c<%s>*", res->fmt, typenames[type]); else Bwrite(bout, res->u0.sstring->string, res->u0.sstring->len); break; case 'R': if(type != TSTRING) Bprint(bout, "*%c<%s>*", res->fmt, typenames[type]); else Bprint(bout, "%S", (Rune*)res->u0.sstring->string); break; case 'a': case 'A': symoff(buf, sizeof(buf), res->u0.sival, CANY); Bprint(bout, "%s", buf); break; case 'I': case 'i': if(type != TINT) Bprint(bout, "*%c<%s>*", res->fmt, typenames[type]); else { if ((*machdata->das)(symmap, res->u0.sival, res->fmt, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) Bprint(bout, "no instruction: %r"); else Bprint(bout, "%s", buf); } break; } } void blprint(List *l) { Bprint(bout, "{"); while(l) { switch(l->type) { default: patom(l->type, &l->lstore); break; case TSTRING: Bputc(bout, '"'); patom(l->type, &l->lstore); Bputc(bout, '"'); break; case TLIST: blprint(l->; break; case TCODE: pcode(l->lstore.u0.scc, 0); break; } l = l->next; if(l) Bprint(bout, ", "); } Bprint(bout, "}"); } int comx(Node res) { Lsym *sl; Node *n, xx; if(res.nstore.fmt != 'a' && res.nstore.fmt != 'A') return 0; if(res.nstore.comt == 0 || res.nstore.comt->base == 0) return 0; sl = res.nstore.comt->base; if(sl->proc) { res.left = ZN; res.right = ZN; n = an(ONAME, ZN, ZN); n->sym = sl; n = an(OCALL, n, &res); n->left->sym = sl; expr(n, &xx); return 1; } print("(%s)", sl->name); return 0; } void bprint(Node *r, Node *args) { int i, nas; Node res, *av[Maxarg]; USED(r); na = 0; flatten(av, args); nas = na; for(i = 0; i < nas; i++) { expr(av[i], &res); switch(res.type) { default: if(comx(res)) break; patom(res.type, &res.nstore); break; case TCODE: pcode(res.nstore.u0.scc, 0); break; case TLIST: blprint(; break; } } if(ret == 0) Bputc(bout, '\n'); } void printto(Node *r, Node *args) { int fd; Biobuf *b; int i, nas; Node res, *av[Maxarg]; USED(r); na = 0; flatten(av, args); nas = na; expr(av[0], &res); if(res.type != TSTRING) error("printto(string, ...): need string"); fd = create(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, OWRITE, 0666); if(fd < 0) fd = open(res.nstore.u0.sstring->string, OWRITE); if(fd < 0) error("printto: open %s: %r", res.nstore.u0.sstring->string); b = gmalloc(sizeof(Biobuf)); Binit(b, fd, OWRITE); Bflush(bout); io[iop++] = bout; bout = b; for(i = 1; i < nas; i++) { expr(av[i], &res); switch(res.type) { default: if(comx(res)) break; patom(res.type, &res.nstore); break; case TLIST: blprint(; break; } } if(ret == 0) Bputc(bout, '\n'); Bterm(b); close(fd); free(b); bout = io[--iop]; } void pcfile(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char *p, buf[128]; if(args == 0) error("pcfile(addr): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("pcfile(addr): arg type"); r->type = TSTRING; r->nstore.fmt = 's'; if(fileline(buf, sizeof(buf), res.nstore.u0.sival) == 0) { r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode("?file?"); return; } p = strrchr(buf, ':'); if(p == 0) error("pcfile(addr): funny file %s", buf); *p = '\0'; r->nstore.u0.sstring = strnode(buf); } void pcline(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; char *p, buf[128]; if(args == 0) error("pcline(addr): arg count"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("pcline(addr): arg type"); r->type = TINT; r->nstore.fmt = 'D'; if(fileline(buf, sizeof(buf), res.nstore.u0.sival) == 0) { r->nstore.u0.sival = 0; return; } p = strrchr(buf, ':'); if(p == 0) error("pcline(addr): funny file %s", buf); r->nstore.u0.sival = atoi(p+1); } void _bpcondset(Node *r, Node *args) { Node id, p, addr, conds; Node *av[Maxarg]; List *l; char *op; List *val; ulong pid; USED(r); if(!rdebug) error("_bpcondset(id, pid, addr, conds): only available with remote debugger\n"); if(args == 0) error("_bpcondset(id, pid, addr, conds): not enough args"); na = 0; flatten(av, args); if(na != 4) error("_bpcondset(id, pid, addr, conds): %s args", na > 4 ? "too many" : "too few"); expr(av[0], &id); expr(av[1], &p); expr(av[2], &addr); expr(av[3], &conds); if(id.type != TINT) error("_bpcondset(id, pid, addr, conds): id: integer expected"); if(p.type != TINT) error("_bpcondset(pid, addr, conds): pid: integer expected"); if(addr.type != TINT) error("_bpcondset(pid, addr, conds): addr: integer expected"); if(conds.type != TLIST) error("_bpcondset(pid, addr, conds): conds: list expected"); l =; remcondset('n', (ulong)id.nstore.u0.sival); pid = (ulong)p.nstore.u0.sival; if (pid != 0) remcondset('k', pid); while(l != nil) { if(l->type != TLIST || listlen(l-> != 2) error("_bpcondset(addr, list): list elements are {\"op\", val} pairs"); if(l->>type != TSTRING) error("_bpcondset(addr, list): list elements are {string, val} pairs"); op = l->>lstore.u0.sstring->string; val = l->>next; if(val->type != TINT) error("_bpcondset(addr, list): list elements are {string, int} pairs"); remcondset(op[0], (ulong)val->lstore.u0.sival); l = l->next; } remcondset('b', (ulong)addr.nstore.u0.sival); } void _bpconddel(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); if(!rdebug) error("_bpconddel(id): only available with remote debugger\n"); expr(args, &res); if(res.type != TINT) error("_bpconddel(id): arg type"); remcondset('d', (ulong)res.nstore.u0.sival); } void setdebug(Node *r, Node *args) { Node res; USED(r); expr(args, &res); if (res.type != TINT) error("debug(type): bad type"); setdbg_opt((char)res.nstore.u0.sival, 1); } void setdbg_opt(char c, int prflag) { switch(c) { case 'p': if (protodebug) { protodebug = 0; if (prflag) print("Serial protocol debug is OFF\n"); } else { protodebug = 1; if (prflag) print("Serial protocol debug is ON\n"); } break; default: print("Invalid debug flag(%c), supported values: p\n", c); break; } }