ref: eb0e026c241bd3afc6a10a6e2c7417de1b91f7e8
dir: /os/js/mmu.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" typedef struct Ctx Ctx; /* * software description of an MMU context */ struct Ctx { Ctx *prev; /* less recently used */ Ctx *next; /* more recently used */ Proc *proc; /* process that owns this context */ ushort index; /* which context this is */ }; ulong *ioptes; /* IO MMU's table (shared by all processors) */ /* offset of x into the three page table levels in a context */ #define AOFF(x) (((ulong)x)>>24) #define BOFF(x) ((((ulong)x)>>18)&(64-1)) #define COFF(x) ((((ulong)x)>>12)&(64-1)) #define ISPTAB(x) ((((ulong)x)&3) == PTPVALID) #define KPN(va) PPN(PADDR(va)) #define NIOPTE (DMASEGSIZE/BY2PG) /* * allocate kernel page map and enter one mapping. Return * address of the mapping. */ static ulong* putkmmu(ulong virt, ulong phys, int level) { ulong *a, *b, *c; a = &PPT(m->contexts[0])[AOFF(virt)]; if(level > 1) { if(*a == 0){ b = (ulong*)xspanalloc(64*sizeof(ulong), 64*sizeof(ulong), 0); *a = KPN(b) | PTPVALID; } else { if(!ISPTAB(*a)) panic("putkmmu virt=%lux *a=%lux", virt, *a); b = PPT(*a); } b = &b[BOFF(virt)]; if(level > 2) { if(*b == 0){ c = (ulong*)xspanalloc(64*sizeof(ulong), 64*sizeof(ulong), 0); *b = KPN(c) | PTPVALID; } else { if(!ISPTAB(*b)) panic("putkmmu virt=%lux *b=%lux", virt, *b); c = PPT(*b); } c = &c[COFF(virt)]; *c = phys; return c; } else { *b = phys; return b; } } else { *a = phys; return a; } } void mmuinit(void) { int i, n; ulong *a; m->contexts = (ulong*)xspanalloc(conf.ncontext*sizeof(ulong), conf.ncontext*sizeof(ulong), 0); /* * context 0 will have the prototype level 1 entries */ a = (ulong*)xspanalloc(256*sizeof(ulong), 256*sizeof(ulong), 0); m->contexts[0] = KPN(a) | PTPVALID; /* * map all memory to KZERO */ n = 128*MB/BY2PG; /* pages to first segment boundary */ for(i=0; i<(256*1024/BY2PG); i++) putkmmu(KZERO|(i*BY2PG), PPN(i*BY2PG)|PTEKERNEL|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID|PTECACHE, 3); /* segments to first 16Mb boundary */ for(; i<(16*MB)/BY2PG; i += 64) putkmmu(KZERO|(i*BY2PG), PPN(i*BY2PG)|PTEKERNEL|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID|PTECACHE, 2); /* 16 Mbyte regions to end */ for(; i<n; i += 64*64) putkmmu(KZERO|(i*BY2PG), PPN(i*BY2PG)|PTEKERNEL|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID|PTECACHE, 1); /* * allocate page table pages for IO mapping */ n = IOSEGSIZE/BY2PG; for(i=0; i<n; i++) putkmmu(IOSEGBASE+(i*BY2PG), 0, 3); /* * load kernel context */ putrmmu(CTPR, PADDR(m->contexts)>>4); putrmmu(CXR, 0); flushtlb(); ioptes = (ulong*)xspanalloc(NIOPTE*sizeof(ulong), DMASEGSIZE/1024, 0); putphys(IBAR, PADDR(ioptes)>>4); putphys(IOCR, (DMARANGE<<2)|1); /* IO MMU enable */ } void flushicache(void) { int i; ulong addr = 0; for(i=0;i<512;i++) { flushiline(addr); addr += 1<<5; } } void flushdcache(void) { int i; ulong addr = 0; for(i=0;i<512;i++) { flushdline(addr); addr += 1<<5; } } int segflush(void *p, ulong l) { USED(p,l); flushicache(); return 0; } void cacheinit(void) { flushdcache(); flushicache(); setpcr(getpcr()|ENABCACHE); } typedef struct Mregion Mregion; struct Mregion { ulong addr; long size; }; struct { Mregion io; Mregion dma; Lock; }kmapalloc = { {IOSEGBASE, IOSEGSIZE}, {DMASEGBASE, DMASEGSIZE}, }; void kmapinit(void) { } KMap* kmappa(ulong pa, ulong flag) { ulong k; lock(&kmapalloc); k =; += BY2PG; if(( -= BY2PG) < 0) panic("kmappa"); putkmmu(k, PPN(pa)|PTEKERNEL|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID|flag, 3); flushtlbpage(k); unlock(&kmapalloc); return (KMap*)k; } ulong kmapdma(ulong pa, ulong n) { ulong va0, va; int i, j; lock(&kmapalloc); i = (n+(BY2PG-1))/BY2PG; va0 = kmapalloc.dma.addr; kmapalloc.dma.addr += i*BY2PG; if((kmapalloc.dma.size -= i*BY2PG) <= 0) panic("kmapdma"); va = va0; for(j=0; j<i; j++) { putkmmu(va, PPN(pa)|PTEKERNEL|PTEVALID|PTEWRITE, 3); flushtlbpage(va); ioptes[(va>>PGSHIFT)&(NIOPTE-1)] = PPN(pa)|IOPTEVALID|IOPTEWRITE; va += BY2PG; pa += BY2PG; } unlock(&kmapalloc); return va0; } /* * map the frame buffer */ ulong kmapsbus(int slot) { int i, n; lock(&kmapalloc); n = FBSEGSIZE/BY2PG; for(i=0; i<n; i += 64*64) putkmmu(FBSEGBASE+(i*BY2PG), PPN(SBUS(slot)+(i*BY2PG))|PTEKERNEL|PTEWRITE|PTEVALID, 1); unlock(&kmapalloc); return FBSEGBASE; }