ref: e59ffed426f628794d4669f152eff9a6239b99db
dir: /appl/alphabet/abc/declares.b/
implement Declares, Abcmodule; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "sh.m"; n_BLOCK, n_ADJ, n_VAR, n_WORD: import Sh; include "alphabet/reports.m"; reports: Reports; report, Report: import reports; include "alphabet.m"; alphabet: Alphabet; include "alphabet/abc.m"; abc: Abc; Value: import abc; include "alphabet/abctypes.m"; abctypes: Abctypes; Abccvt: import abctypes; cvt: ref Abccvt; types(): string { return "AAc"; } init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; reports = checkload(load Reports Reports->PATH, Reports->PATH); abc = checkload(load Abc Abc->PATH, Abc->PATH); abc->init(); alphabet = checkload(load Alphabet Alphabet->PATH, Alphabet->PATH); alphabet->init(); abctypes = checkload(load Abctypes Abctypes->PATH, Abctypes->PATH); (c, nil, abccvt) := abctypes->proxy0(); cvt = abccvt; alphabet->loadtypeset("/abc", c, nil); alphabet->importtype("/abc/abc"); alphabet->importtype("/string"); alphabet->importtype("/cmd"); c = nil; # note: it's faster if we provide the signatures, as we don't # have to load the module to find out its signature just to throw # it away again. pity about the maintenance. # Edit x s:(/abc/[a-z]+) (.*):declimport("\1", "\2"); declimport("/abc/autoconvert", "abc string string cmd -> abc"); declimport("/abc/autodeclare", "abc string -> abc"); declimport("/abc/declare", "[-qc] abc string [string...] -> abc"); declimport("/abc/define", "abc string cmd -> abc"); declimport("/abc/import", "abc string [string...] -> abc"); declimport("/abc/type", "abc string [string...] -> abc"); declimport("/abc/typeset", "abc string -> abc"); declimport("/abc/undeclare", "abc string [string...] -> abc"); } quit() { alphabet->quit(); } run(errorc: chan of string, r: ref Reports->Report, nil: list of (int, list of ref Value), args: list of ref Value ): ref Value { (av, err) := alphabet->importvalue(cvt.int2ext((hd args).dup()), "/abc/abc"); if(av == nil){ report(errorc, sys->sprint("declares: cannot import abc value: %s", err)); return nil; } vc := chan of ref Alphabet->Value; spawn alphabet->eval0((hd tl args).c().i, "/abc/abc", nil, r, r.start("evaldecl"), av :: nil, vc); av = <-vc; if(av == nil) return nil; v := cvt.ext2int(av).dup(); alphabet->; return v; } declimport(m: string, sig: string) { if((e := alphabet->declare(m, sig, Alphabet->ONDEMAND)) != nil) raise sys->sprint("fail:cannot declare %s: %s", m, e); alphabet->importmodule(m); } checkload[T](m: T, path: string): T { if(m != nil) return m; raise sys->sprint("fail:cannot load %s: %r", path); } declares(a: Alphabet, decls: ref Sh->Cmd, errorc: chan of string, stopc: chan of int): string { spawn reports->reportproc(reportc := chan of string, stopc, reply := chan of ref Report); r := <-reply; reply = nil; spawn declaresproc(a, decls, r.start("declares"), r, vc := chan of ref Value); r.enable(); v: ref Value; wait: for(;;)alt{ v = <-vc => ; msg := <-reportc => if(msg == nil) break wait; errorc <-= sys->sprint("declares: %s", msg); } if(v == nil) return "declarations failed"; return nil; } declaresproc(a: Alphabet, decls: ref Sh->Cmd, errorc: chan of string, r: ref Report, vc: chan of ref Value) { novals: list of ref Value; vc <-= run(errorc, r, nil, abc->mkabc(a).dup() :: ref Value.Vc(decls) :: novals); errorc <-= nil; }