ref: e2e50a8e5a74452672f9418bcdfe4de10f600ed0
dir: /module/ipints.m/
IPints: module { PATH: con "$IPints"; # infinite precision integers IPint: adt { x: int; # dummy for C compiler for runt.h # conversions iptob64: fn(i: self ref IPint): string; iptob64z: fn(i: self ref IPint): string; b64toip: fn(str: string): ref IPint; iptobytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte; iptobebytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte; bytestoip: fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint; bebytestoip: fn(mag: array of byte): ref IPint; inttoip: fn(i: int): ref IPint; iptoint: fn(i: self ref IPint): int; iptostr: fn(i: self ref IPint, base: int): string; strtoip: fn(str: string, base: int): ref IPint; # create a random large integer random: fn(nbits: int): ref IPint; # operations bits: fn(i: self ref IPint): int; expmod: fn(base: self ref IPint, exp, mod: ref IPint): ref IPint; invert: fn(base: self ref IPint, mod: ref IPint): ref IPint; add: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; sub: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; neg: fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint; mul: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; div: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): (ref IPint, ref IPint); mod: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; eq: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int; cmp: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int; copy: fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint; # shifts shl: fn(i: self ref IPint, n: int): ref IPint; shr: fn(i: self ref IPint, n: int): ref IPint; # bitwise and: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; ori: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; xor: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint; not: fn(i1: self ref IPint): ref IPint; }; # primes probably_prime: fn(n: ref IPint, nrep: int): int; genprime: fn(nbits: int, nrep: int): ref IPint; genstrongprime: fn(nbits: int, nrep: int): ref IPint; gensafeprime: fn(nbits: int, nrep: int): (ref IPint, ref IPint); DSAprimes: fn(): (ref IPint, ref IPint, array of byte); };