ref: e2e50a8e5a74452672f9418bcdfe4de10f600ed0
dir: /appl/lib/strokes/buildstrokes.b/
implement Buildstrokes; # # this Limbo code is derived from C code that had the following # copyright notice, which i reproduce as requested # # li_strokesnizer.c # # Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation. # Copying or modifying this code for any purpose is permitted, # provided that this copyright notice is preserved in its entirety # in all copies or modifications. # COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR # IMPLIED, AS TO THE USEFULNESS OR CORRECTNESS OF THIS CODE OR # # # Adapted from cmu_strokesnizer.c by Jay Kistler. # # Where is the CMU copyright???? Gotta track it down - Jim Gettys # # Credit to Dean Rubine, Jim Kempf, and Ari Rapkin. # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "strokes.m"; strokes: Strokes; Classifier, Penpoint, Stroke, Region: import strokes; Rconvex, Rconcave, Rplain, Rpseudo: import Strokes; lidebug: con 0; stderr: ref Sys->FD; init(r: Strokes) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(lidebug) stderr = sys->fildes(2); strokes = r; } # # Implementation of the Li/Yeung recognition algorithm # # Pre-processing and canonicalization parameters CANONICAL_X: con 108; CANONICAL_Y: con 128; NCANONICAL: con 50; # # calculate canonical forms # canonical_example(nclasses: int, cnames: array of string, examples: array of list of ref Stroke): (string, array of ref Stroke, array of ref Stroke) { canonex := array[nclasses] of ref Stroke; dompts := array[nclasses] of ref Stroke; # make canonical examples for each class. for(i := 0; i < nclasses; i++){ if(lidebug) sys->fprint(stderr, "canonical_example: class %s\n", cnames[i]); # Make a copy of the examples. pts: list of ref Stroke = nil; nex := 0; for(exl := examples[i]; exl != nil; exl = tl exl){ t := hd exl; pts = t.copy() :: pts; nex++; } # Canonicalize each example, and derive the max x and y ranges. maxxrange := 0; maxyrange := 0; for(exl = pts; exl != nil; exl = tl exl){ e := hd exl; ce := canonical_stroke(e); if(ce == nil){ if(lidebug) sys->fprint(stderr, "example discarded: can't make canonical form\n"); continue; # try the next one } *e = *ce; if(e.xrange > maxxrange) maxxrange = e.xrange; if(e.yrange > maxyrange) maxyrange = e.yrange; } # Normalise max ranges. (maxxrange, maxyrange) = normalise(maxxrange, maxyrange, CANONICAL_X, CANONICAL_Y); # Re-scale each example to max ranges. for(exl = pts; exl != nil; exl = tl exl){ t := hd exl; scalex, scaley: int; if(t.xrange == 0) scalex = 100; else scalex = (100*maxxrange + t.xrange/2) / t.xrange; if(t.yrange == 0) scaley = 100; else scaley = (100*maxyrange + t.yrange/2) / t.yrange; t.translate(0, 0, scalex, scaley); } # Average the examples; leave average in first example. avg := hd pts; # careful, aliasing for(k := 0; k < NCANONICAL; k++){ xsum := 0; ysum := 0; for(exl = pts; exl != nil; exl = tl exl){ t := hd exl; xsum += t.pts[k].x; ysum += t.pts[k].y; } avg.pts[k].x = (xsum + nex/2) / nex; avg.pts[k].y = (ysum + nex/2) / nex; } # rescale averaged stroke avg.scaleup(); # Re-compute the x and y ranges and center the stroke.; canonex[i] = avg; # now it's the canonical representation if(lidebug){ sys->fprint(stderr, "%s, avgpts = %d\n", cnames[i], avg.npts); for(j := 0; j < avg.npts; j++){ p := avg.pts[j]; sys->fprint(stderr, " (%d %d)\n", p.x, p.y); } } dompts[i] = avg.interpolate().dominant(); # dominant points of canonical representation } return (nil, canonex, dompts); } normalise(x, y: int, xrange, yrange: int): (int, int) { if((100*x + xrange/2)/xrange > (100*y + yrange/2)/yrange){ y = (y*xrange + x/2)/x; x = xrange; }else{ x = (x*yrange + y/2)/y; y = yrange; } return (x, y); } canonical_stroke(points: ref Stroke): ref Stroke { points = points.filter(); if(points.npts < 2) return nil; # Scale up to avoid conversion errors. points.scaleup(); # Compute an equivalent stroke with equi-distant points points = compute_equipoints(points); if(points == nil) return nil; # Re-translate the points to the origin. (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) := points.bbox(); points.translate(minx, miny, 100, 100); # Store the x and y ranges in the point list. points.xrange = maxx - minx; points.yrange = maxy - miny; if(lidebug){ sys->fprint(stderr, "Canonical stroke: %d, %d, %d, %d\n", minx, miny, maxx, maxy); for(i := 0; i < points.npts; i++){ p := points.pts[i]; sys->fprint(stderr, " (%d %d)\n", p.x, p.y); } } return points; } compute_equipoints(points: ref Stroke): ref Stroke { pathlen := points.length(); equidist := (pathlen + (NCANONICAL-1)/2) / (NCANONICAL-1); equipoints := array[NCANONICAL] of Penpoint; if(lidebug) sys->fprint(stderr, "compute_equipoints: npts = %d, pathlen = %d, equidist = %d\n", points.npts, pathlen, equidist); # First original point is an equipoint. equipoints[0] = points.pts[0]; nequipoints := 1; dist_since_last_eqpt := 0; for(i := 1; i < points.npts; i++){ dx1 := points.pts[i].x - points.pts[i-1].x; dy1 := points.pts[i].y - points.pts[i-1].y; endx := points.pts[i-1].x*100; endy := points.pts[i-1].y*100; remaining_seglen := strokes->sqrt(100*100 * (dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1)); dist_to_next_eqpt := equidist - dist_since_last_eqpt; while(remaining_seglen >= dist_to_next_eqpt){ if(dx1 == 0){ # x-coordinate stays the same if(dy1 >= 0) endy += dist_to_next_eqpt; else endy -= dist_to_next_eqpt; }else{ slope := (100*dy1 + dx1/2) / dx1; tmp := strokes->sqrt(100*100 + slope*slope); dx := (100*dist_to_next_eqpt + tmp/2) / tmp; dy := (slope*dx + 50)/100; if(dy < 0) dy = -dy; if(dx1 >= 0) endx += dx; else endx -= dx; if(dy1 >= 0) endy += dy; else endy -= dy; } equipoints[nequipoints].x = (endx + 50) / 100; equipoints[nequipoints].y = (endy + 50) / 100; nequipoints++; #assert(nequipoints <= NCANONICAL); dist_since_last_eqpt = 0; remaining_seglen -= dist_to_next_eqpt; dist_to_next_eqpt = equidist; } dist_since_last_eqpt += remaining_seglen; } # Take care of last equipoint. if(nequipoints == NCANONICAL-1){ # Make last original point the last equipoint. equipoints[nequipoints++] = points.pts[points.npts - 1]; } if(nequipoints != NCANONICAL){ # fell short if(lidebug) sys->fprint(stderr,"compute_equipoints: nequipoints = %d\n", nequipoints); # assert(false); return nil; } return ref Stroke(NCANONICAL, equipoints, 0, 0); }