ref: db3b70f1424dfd8c5ea45206790df066c53bfab0
dir: /appl/cmd/telnet.b/
implement Telnet; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; Connection: import dial; Telnet: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string); }; Debug: con 0; Inbuf: adt { fd: ref Sys->FD; out: ref Outbuf; buf: array of byte; ptr: int; nbyte: int; }; Outbuf: adt { buf: array of byte; ptr: int; }; BS: con 8; # ^h backspace character BSW: con 23; # ^w bacspace word BSL: con 21; # ^u backspace line EOT: con 4; # ^d end of file ESC: con 27; # hold mode net: ref Connection; stdin, stdout, stderr: ref Sys->FD; # control characters Se: con 240; # end subnegotiation NOP: con 241; Mark: con 242; # data mark Break: con 243; Interrupt: con 244; Abort: con 245; # TENEX ^O AreYouThere: con 246; Erasechar: con 247; # erase last character Eraseline: con 248; # erase line GoAhead: con 249; # half duplex clear to send Sb: con 250; # start subnegotiation Will: con 251; Wont: con 252; Do: con 253; Dont: con 254; Iac: con 255; # options Binary, Echo, SGA, Stat, Timing, Det, Term, EOR, Uid, Outmark, Ttyloc, M3270, Padx3, Window, Speed, Flow, Line, Xloc, Extend: con iota; Opt: adt { name: string; code: int; noway: int; remote: int; # remote value local: int; # local value }; opt := array[] of { Binary => Opt("binary", 0, 0, 0, 0), Echo => Opt("echo", 1, 0, 0, 0), SGA => Opt("suppress go ahead", 3, 0, 0, 0), Stat => Opt("status", 5, 1, 0, 0), Timing => Opt("timing", 6, 1, 0, 0), Det=> Opt("det", 20, 1, 0, 0), Term => Opt("terminal", 24, 0, 0, 0), EOR => Opt("end of record", 25, 1, 0, 0), Uid => Opt("uid", 26, 1, 0, 0), Outmark => Opt("outmark", 27, 1, 0, 0), Ttyloc => Opt("ttyloc", 28, 1, 0, 0), M3270 => Opt("3270 mode", 29, 1, 0, 0), Padx3 => Opt("pad x.3", 30, 1, 0, 0), Window => Opt("window size", 31, 1, 0, 0), Speed => Opt("speed", 32, 1, 0, 0), Flow => Opt("flow control", 33, 1, 0, 0), Line => Opt("line mode", 34, 1, 0, 0), Xloc => Opt("X display loc", 35, 1, 0, 0), Extend => Opt("Extended", 255, 1, 0, 0), }; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: telnet host [port]\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); stdout = sys->fildes(1); stdin = sys->fildes(0); dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; if (len argv < 2) usage(); argv = tl argv; host := hd argv; argv = tl argv; port := "23"; if(argv != nil) port = hd argv; connect(host, port); } ccfd: ref Sys->FD; connect(addr: string, port: string) { dest := dial->netmkaddr(addr, "tcp", port); net = dial->dial(dest, nil); if(net == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: can't dial %s: %r\n", dest); raise "fail:dial"; } sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: connected to %s\n", addr); raw(1); pidch := chan of int; finished := chan of int; spawn fromnet(pidch, finished); spawn fromuser(pidch, finished); pids := array[2] of {* => <-pidch}; kill(pids[<-finished == pids[0]]); raw(0); } fromuser(pidch, finished: chan of int) { pidch <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); b := array[1024] of byte; while((n := sys->read(stdin, b, len b)) > 0) { if (opt[Echo].remote == 0) sys->write(stdout, b, n); sys->write(net.dfd, b, n); } sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: error reading stdin: %r\n"); finished <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); } getc(b: ref Inbuf): int { if(b.nbyte == 0) { if(b.out != nil) flushout(b.out); b.nbyte = sys->read(b.fd, b.buf, len b.buf); if(b.nbyte <= 0) return -1; b.ptr = 0; } b.nbyte--; return int b.buf[b.ptr++]; } putc(b: ref Outbuf, c: int) { b.buf[b.ptr++] = byte c; if(b.ptr == len b.buf) flushout(b); } flushout(b: ref Outbuf) { sys->write(stdout, b.buf, b.ptr); b.ptr = 0; } BUFSIZE: con 2048; fromnet(pidch, finished: chan of int) { pidch <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); conout := ref Outbuf(array[BUFSIZE] of byte, 0); netinp := ref Inbuf(net.dfd, conout, array[BUFSIZE] of byte, 0, 0); loop: for(;;) { c := getc(netinp); case c { -1 => break loop; Iac => c = getc(netinp); if(c != Iac) { flushout(conout); if(control(netinp, c) < 0) break loop; } else putc(conout, c); * => putc(conout, c); } } sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: remote host closed connection\n"); finished <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); } control(bp: ref Inbuf, c: int): int { r := 0; case c { AreYouThere => sys->fprint(net.dfd, "Inferno telnet\r\n"); Sb => r = sub(bp); Will => r = will(bp); Wont => r = wont(bp); Do => r = doit(bp); Dont => r = dont(bp); Se => sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: SE without an SB\n"); -1 => r = -1; } return r; } sub(bp: ref Inbuf): int { subneg: string; i := 0; for(;;){ c := getc(bp); if(c == Iac) { c = getc(bp); if(c == Se) break; subneg[i++] = Iac; } if(c < 0) return -1; subneg[i++] = c; } if(i == 0) return 0; if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: sub(%s, %d, n = %d)\n", optname(subneg[0]), subneg[1], i); for(i = 0; i < len opt; i++) if(opt[i].code == subneg[0]) break; if(i >= len opt) return 0; case i { Term => sbsend(opt[Term].code, array of byte "network"); } return 0; } sbsend(code: int, data: array of byte): int { buf := array[4+len data+2] of byte; o := 4+len data; buf[0] = byte Iac; buf[1] = byte Sb; buf[2] = byte code; buf[3] = byte 0; buf[4:] = data; buf[o] = byte Iac; o++; buf[o] = byte Se; return sys->write(net.dfd, buf, len buf); } will(bp: ref Inbuf): int { c := getc(bp); if(c < 0) return -1; if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: will(%s)\n", optname(c)); for(i := 0; i < len opt; i++) if(opt[i].code == c) break; if(i >= len opt) { send3(bp, Iac, Dont, c); return 0; } rv := 0; if(opt[i].noway) send3(bp, Iac, Dont, c); else if(opt[i].remote == 0) rv |= send3(bp, Iac, Do, c); if(opt[i].remote == 0) rv |= change(bp, i, Will); opt[i].remote = 1; return rv; } wont(bp: ref Inbuf): int { c := getc(bp); if(c < 0) return -1; if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: wont(%s)\n", optname(c)); for(i := 0; i < len opt; i++) if(opt[i].code == c) break; if(i >= len opt) return 0; rv := 0; if(opt[i].remote) { rv |= change(bp, i, Wont); rv |= send3(bp, Iac, Dont, c); } opt[i].remote = 0; return rv; } doit(bp: ref Inbuf): int { c := getc(bp); if(c < 0) return -1; if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: do(%s)\n", optname(c)); for(i := 0; i < len opt; i++) if(opt[i].code == c) break; if(i >= len opt || opt[i].noway) { send3(bp, Iac, Wont, c); return 0; } rv := 0; if(opt[i].local == 0) { rv |= change(bp, i, Do); rv |= send3(bp, Iac, Will, c); } opt[i].local = 1; return rv; } dont(bp: ref Inbuf): int { c := getc(bp); if(c < 0) return -1; if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: dont(%s)\n", optname(c)); for(i := 0; i < len opt; i++) if(opt[i].code == c) break; if(i >= len opt || opt[i].noway) return 0; rv := 0; if(opt[i].local){ opt[i].local = 0; rv |= change(bp, i, Dont); rv |= send3(bp, Iac, Wont, c); } opt[i].local = 0; return rv; } change(bp: ref Inbuf, o: int, what: int): int { if(bp != nil) {} if(o != 0) {} if(what != 0) {} return 0; } send3(bp: ref Inbuf, c0: int, c1: int, c2: int): int { if (Debug) sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: reply(%s(%s))\n", negname(c1), optname(c2)); buf := array[3] of byte; buf[0] = byte c0; buf[1] = byte c1; buf[2] = byte c2; if (sys->write(bp.fd, buf, 3) != 3) return -1; return 0; } kill(pid: int): int { fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if (fd == nil) return -1; if (sys->write(fd, array of byte "kill", 4) != 4) return -1; return 0; } negname(c: int): string { t := "Unknown"; case c { Will => t = "will"; Wont => t = "wont"; Do => t = "do"; Dont => t = "dont"; } return t; } optname(c: int): string { for (i := 0; i < len opt; i++) if (opt[i].code == c) return opt[i].name; return "unknown"; } raw(on: int) { if(ccfd == nil) { ccfd = sys->open("/dev/consctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(ccfd == nil) { sys->fprint(stderr, "telnet: cannot open /dev/consctl: %r\n"); return; } } if(on) sys->fprint(ccfd, "rawon"); else sys->fprint(ccfd, "rawoff"); }