ref: db0eab9ca04b896e5760081efd854c57f65f36c3
dir: /module/venti.m/
Venti: module { PATH: con "/dis/lib/venti.dis"; Scoresize: con 20; Maxstringsize: con 1000; Authsize: con 1024; # size of auth group - in bits - must be multiple of 8 Maxfragsize: con 9*1024; Cryptostrengthnone, Cryptostrengthauth, Cryptostrengthweak, Cryptostrengthstrong: con iota; Cryptonone, CryptoSSL3, CryptoTLS1, Cryptomax: con iota; Codecnone, Codecdeflate, CodecThwack, Codecmax: con iota; Terror, # not used Rerror, Tping, Rping, Thello, Rhello, Tgoodbye, Rgoodbye, # not used Tauth0, Rauth0, Tauth1, Rauth1, Tread, Rread, Twrite, Rwrite, Tsync, Rsync, Tmax: con iota; # versions Version01, Version02: con iota + 1; # Lump Types Errtype, # illegal Roottype, Dirtype, Pointertype0, Pointertype1, Pointertype2, Pointertype3, Pointertype4, Pointertype5, Pointertype6, Pointertype7, # not used Pointertype8, # not used Pointertype9, # not used Datatype, Maxtype: con iota; # Dir Entry flags Entryactive: con (1<<0); # entry is in use Entrydir: con (1<<1); # a directory Entrydepthshift: con 2; # shift for pointer depth Entrydepthmask: con (16r7<<2); # mask for pointer depth Entrylocal: con (1<<5); # used for local storage: should not be set for venti blocks Maxlumpsize: con 56 * 1024; Pointerdepth: con 7; Entrysize: con 40; Rootsize: con 300; Rootversion: con 2; Maxfilesize: con (big 1 << 48) - big 1; Vmsg: adt { istmsg: int; tid: int; pick { Thello => version: string; uid: string; cryptostrength: int; cryptos: array of byte; codecs: array of byte; Rhello => sid: string; crypto: int; codec: int; Tping => Rping => Tread => score: Score; etype: int; n: int; Rread => data: array of byte; Twrite => etype: int; data: array of byte; Rwrite => score: Score; Tsync => Rsync => Tgoodbye => Rerror => e: string; } read: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): (ref Vmsg, string); unpack: fn(a: array of byte): (int, ref Vmsg); pack: fn(nil: self ref Vmsg): array of byte; packedsize: fn(nil: self ref Vmsg): int; text: fn(nil: self ref Vmsg): string; }; Root: adt { version: int; name: string; rtype: string; score: Venti->Score; # to a Dir block blocksize: int; # maximum block size prev: ref Venti->Score; # last root block pack: fn(r: self ref Root): array of byte; unpack: fn(d: array of byte): ref Root; }; Entry: adt { gen: int; # generation number (XXX should be unsigned) psize: int; # pointer block size dsize: int; # data block size depth: int; # unpacked from flags flags: int; size: big; # (XXX should be unsigned) score: Venti->Score; pack: fn(e: self ref Entry): array of byte; unpack: fn(d: array of byte): ref Entry; }; Score: adt { a: array of byte; eq: fn(a: self Score, b: Score): int; text: fn(a: self Score): string; parse: fn(s: string): (int, Score); zero: fn(): Score; }; Session: adt { fd: ref Sys->FD; version: string; new: fn(fd: ref Sys->FD): ref Session; read: fn(s: self ref Session, score: Venti->Score, etype: int, maxn: int): array of byte; write: fn(s: self ref Session, etype: int, buf: array of byte): (int, Venti->Score); sync: fn(s: self ref Session): int; rpc: fn(s: self ref Session, m: ref Vmsg): (ref Vmsg, string); }; init: fn(); };