ref: d540dcf6834b4bec8a2d21f2fe95eccf49f97b03
dir: /os/ipaq1110/mem.h/
/* * Memory and machine-specific definitions. Used in C and assembler. */ /* * Sizes */ #define BI2BY 8 /* bits per byte */ #define BI2WD 32 /* bits per word */ #define BY2WD 4 /* bytes per word */ #define BY2V 8 /* bytes per double word */ #define BY2PG 4096 /* bytes per page */ #define WD2PG (BY2PG/BY2WD) /* words per page */ #define PGSHIFT 12 /* log(BY2PG) */ #define ROUND(s, sz) (((s)+(sz-1))&~(sz-1)) #define PGROUND(s) ROUND(s, BY2PG) #define BIT(n) (1<<n) #define BITS(a,b) ((1<<(b+1))-(1<<a)) #define MAXMACH 1 /* max # cpus system can run */ /* * Time */ #define HZ (100) /* clock frequency */ #define MS2HZ (1000/HZ) /* millisec per clock tick */ #define TK2SEC(t) ((t)/HZ) /* ticks to seconds */ #define MS2TK(t) ((t)/MS2HZ) /* milliseconds to ticks */ /* * More accurate time */ #define CLOCKFREQ 3686400 #define MS2TMR(t) ((ulong)(((uvlong)(t)*CLOCKFREQ)/1000)) #define US2TMR(t) ((ulong)(((uvlong)(t)*CLOCKFREQ)/1000000)) /* * Address spaces * nearly everything maps 1-1 with physical addresses * 0 to 1Mb is not mapped * cache strategy varies as needed (see mmu.c) */ #define KZERO 0xC0000000 #define MACHADDR (KZERO+0x00001000) #define KTTB (KZERO+0x00004000) #define KTZERO (KZERO+0x00008010) #define KSTACK 8192 /* Size of kernel stack */ #define FLASHMEM 0x50000000 /* map flash at phys 0 to otherwise unused virtual space */ #define FLUSHMEM 0xE0000000 /* internally decoded zero memory (for cache flushing) */ #define DCFADDR FLUSHMEM /* cached and buffered for cache writeback */ #define MCFADDR (FLUSHMEM+(1<<20)) /* cached and unbuffered for minicache writeback */ #define UCDRAMZERO 0xC8000000 /* base of memory doubly-mapped as uncached */ #define AIVECADDR 0xFFFF0000 /* alternative interrupt vector address (other is 0) */ /* * Physical addresses */ #define PHYSFLASH0 0x00000000 /* flash (chip select 0) */ #define PHYSCS1 0x08000000 /* static chip select 1 */ #define PHYSCS2 0x10000000 /* static chip select 2 */ #define PHYSCS3 0x18000000 /* static chip select 3 */ #define PHYSPCMCIA0 0x20000000 /* PCMCIA socket 0 space */ #define PHYSPCMCIA1 0x30000000 /* PCMCIA socket 1 space */ #define PCMCIASIZE 0x10000000 /* they're both huge */ #define PHYSCS4 0x40000000 /* static chip select 4 */ #define PHYSCS5 0x48000000 /* static chip select 5 */ #define PHYSSERIAL(n) (0x80000000+0x10000*(n)) /* serial devices */ #define PHYSUSB 0x80000000 #define PHYSGPCLK 0x80020060 #define PHYSMCP 0x80060000 #define PHYSSSP 0x80070060 #define PHYSOSTMR 0x90000000 /* timers */ #define PHYSRTC 0x90010000 /* real time clock */ #define PHYSPOWER 0x90020000 /* power management registers */ #define PHYSRESET 0x90030000 /* reset controller */ #define PHYSGPIO 0x90040000 #define PHYSINTR 0x90050000 /* interrupt controller */ #define PHYSPPC 0x90060000 /* peripheral pin controller */ #define PHYSMEMCFG 0xA0000000 /* memory configuration */ #define PHYSDMA 0xB0000000 /* DMA controller */ #define PHYSLCD 0xB0100000 /* LCD controller */ #define PHYSMEM0 0xC0000000 #define PHYSFLUSH0 0xE0000000 /* internally decoded, for cache flushing */ /* * Memory Interface Control Registers */ #define MDCNFG (PHYSMEMCFG) /* memory controller configuration */ #define MDCAS0 (PHYSMEMCFG+4) #define MDCAS1 (PHYSMEMCFG+8) #define MDCAS2 (PHYSMEMCFG+0xC) #define MSC0 (PHYSMEMCFG+0x10) #define MSC1 (PHYSMEMCFG+0x14) #define MSC2 (PHYSMEMCFG+0x2C) /* SA1110, but not SA1100 */ #define MSCx(RRR, RDN, RDF, RBW, RT) ((((RRR)&0x7)<<13)|(((RDN)&0x1F)<<8)|(((RDF)&0x1F)<<3)|(((RBW)&1)<<2)|((RT)&3)) #define CACHELINELOG 5 #define CACHELINESZ (1<<CACHELINELOG) /* * PSR */ #define PsrMusr 0x10 /* mode */ #define PsrMfiq 0x11 #define PsrMirq 0x12 #define PsrMsvc 0x13 #define PsrMabt 0x17 #define PsrMund 0x1B #define PsrMsys 0x1F #define PsrMask 0x1F #define PsrDfiq 0x00000040 /* disable FIQ interrupts */ #define PsrDirq 0x00000080 /* disable IRQ interrupts */ #define PsrV 0x10000000 /* overflow */ #define PsrC 0x20000000 /* carry/borrow/extend */ #define PsrZ 0x40000000 /* zero */ #define PsrN 0x80000000 /* negative/less than */ /* * Internal MMU coprocessor registers */ #define CpCPUID 0 /* R: */ #define CpControl 1 /* R/W: */ #define CpTTB 2 /* R/W: translation table base */ #define CpDAC 3 /* R/W: domain access control */ #define CpFSR 5 /* R/W: fault status */ #define CpFAR 6 /* R/W: fault address */ #define CpCacheCtl 7 /* W: */ #define CpTLBops 8 /* W: TLB operations */ #define CpRBops 9 /* W: Read Buffer operations */ #define CpPID 13 /* R/W: Process ID Virtual Mapping */ #define CpDebug 14 /* R/W: debug registers */ #define CpTest 15 /* W: Test, Clock and Idle Control */ /* * Coprocessors */ #define CpMMU 15 #define CpPWR 15 /* * CpControl bits */ #define CpCmmu 0x00000001 /* M: MMU enable */ #define CpCalign 0x00000002 /* A: alignment fault enable */ #define CpCDcache 0x00000004 /* C: instruction/data cache on */ #define CpCwb 0x00000008 /* W: write buffer turned on */ #define CpCi32 0x00000010 /* P: 32-bit programme space */ #define CpCd32 0x00000020 /* D: 32-bit data space */ #define CpCbe 0x00000080 /* B: big-endian operation */ #define CpCsystem 0x00000100 /* S: system permission */ #define CpCrom 0x00000200 /* R: ROM permission */ #define CpCIcache 0x00001000 /* I: Instruction Cache on */ #define CpCaltivec 0x00002000 /* X: alternative interrupt vectors */ /* * MMU */ /* * Small pages: * L1: 12-bit index -> 4096 descriptors -> 16Kb * L2: 8-bit index -> 256 descriptors -> 1Kb * Each L2 descriptor has access permissions for 4 1Kb sub-pages. * * TTB + L1Tx gives address of L1 descriptor * L1 descriptor gives PTBA * PTBA + L2Tx gives address of L2 descriptor * L2 descriptor gives PBA */ #define MmuSection (1<<20) #define MmuLargePage (1<<16) #define MmuSmallPage (1<<12) #define MmuTTB(pa) ((pa) & ~0x3FFF) /* translation table base */ #define MmuL1x(pa) (((pa)>>20) & 0xFFF) /* L1 table index */ #define MmuPTBA(pa) ((pa) & ~0x3FF) /* page table base address */ #define MmuL2x(pa) (((pa)>>12) & 0xFF) /* L2 table index */ #define MmuPBA(pa) ((pa) & ~0xFFF) /* page base address */ #define MmuSBA(pa) ((pa) & ~0xFFFFF) /* section base address */ #define MmuL1type 0x03 #define MmuL1page 0x01 /* descriptor is for L2 pages */ #define MmuL1section 0x02 /* descriptor is for section */ #define MmuL2invalid 0x000 #define MmuL2large 0x001 /* large */ #define MmuL2small 0x002 /* small */ #define MmuWB 0x004 /* data goes through write buffer */ #define MmuIDC 0x008 /* data placed in cache */ #define MmuDAC(d) (((d) & 0xF)<<5) /* L1 domain */ #define MmuAP(i, v) ((v)<<(((i)*2)+4)) /* access permissions */ #define MmuL1AP(v) MmuAP(3, (v)) #define MmuL2AP(v) MmuAP(3, (v))|MmuAP(2, (v))|MmuAP(1, (v))|MmuAP(0, (v)) #define MmuAPsro 0 /* supervisor ro if S|R */ #define MmuAPsrw 1 /* supervisor rw */ #define MmuAPuro 2 /* supervisor rw + user ro */ #define MmuAPurw 3 /* supervisor rw + user rw */