ref: d540dcf6834b4bec8a2d21f2fe95eccf49f97b03
dir: /emu/Plan9/win.c/
#include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "kernel.h" #include "error.h" #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <cursor.h> #include "keyboard.h" enum { Margin = 4, Lsize = 100, }; extern Memimage *screenimage; extern int kproc1(char*, void (*)(void*), void*, int); static ulong* attachwindow(Rectangle*, ulong*, int*, int*); static void plan9readmouse(void*); static void plan9readkeybd(void*); static int mapspecials(char *s1, char *s2, int *n); int usenewwin = 1; int kbdiscons; static int truedepth; static int datafd; static int ctlfd; static int mousefd = -1; static int keybdfd; static int mousepid = -1; static int keybdpid = -1; static int cursfd; static char winname[64]; /* Following updated by attachwindow() asynchronously */ static QLock ql; static Rectangle tiler; static ulong* data; static uchar* loadbuf; static int cursfd; static int imageid; static Rectangle imager; static uchar *chunk; static int chunksize; static int dispbufsize; #define NINFO 12*12 #define HDR 21 void killrefresh(void) { if(mousepid < 0) return; close(mousefd); close(ctlfd); close(datafd); postnote(PNPROC, mousepid, Eintr); postnote(PNPROC, keybdpid, Eintr); } uchar* attachscreen(Rectangle *r, ulong *chan, int *d, int *width, int *softscreen) { int fd; char *p, buf[128], info[NINFO+1]; if(usenewwin){ p = getenv("wsys"); if(p == nil) return nil; fd = open(p, ORDWR); if(fd < 0) { fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't open window manager: %r\n"); return nil; } sprint(buf, "new -dx %d -dy %d", Xsize+2*Margin, Ysize+2*Margin); if(mount(fd, -1, "/mnt/wsys", MREPL, buf) < 0) { fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't mount window manager: %r\n"); return nil; } if(bind("/mnt/wsys", "/dev", MBEFORE) < 0){ fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't bind /mnt/wsys before /dev: %r\n"); return nil; } } cursfd = open("/dev/cursor", OWRITE); if(cursfd < 0) { fprint(2, "attachscreen: open cursor: %r\n"); return nil; } /* Set up graphics window console (chars->gkbdq) */ keybdfd = open("/dev/cons", OREAD); if(keybdfd < 0) { fprint(2, "attachscreen: open keyboard: %r\n"); return nil; } mousefd = open("/dev/mouse", ORDWR); if(mousefd < 0){ fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't open mouse: %r\n"); return nil; } if(usenewwin || 1){ fd = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE); if(fd < 0) fprint(2, "attachscreen: open /dev/consctl: %r\n"); if(write(fd, "rawon", 5) != 5) fprint(2, "attachscreen: write /dev/consctl: %r\n"); } /* Set up graphics files */ ctlfd = open("/dev/draw/new", ORDWR); if(ctlfd < 0){ fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't open graphics control file: %r\n"); return nil; } if(read(ctlfd, info, sizeof info) < NINFO){ close(ctlfd); fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't read graphics control file: %r\n"); return nil; } sprint(buf, "/dev/draw/%d/data", atoi(info+0*12)); datafd = open(buf, ORDWR|OCEXEC); if(datafd < 0){ close(ctlfd); fprint(2, "attachscreen: can't read graphics data file: %r\n"); return nil; } dispbufsize = iounit(datafd); if(dispbufsize <= 0) dispbufsize = 8000; if(dispbufsize < 512){ close(ctlfd); close(datafd); fprint(2, "attachscreen: iounit %d too small\n", dispbufsize); return nil; } chunksize = dispbufsize - 64; if(attachwindow(r, chan, d, width) == nil){ close(ctlfd); close(datafd); return nil; } mousepid = kproc1("readmouse", plan9readmouse, nil, 0); keybdpid = kproc1("readkbd", plan9readkeybd, nil, 0); fd = open("/dev/label", OWRITE); if(fd >= 0){ snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "inferno %d", getpid()); write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); close(fd); } *softscreen = 1; return (uchar*)data; } static ulong* attachwindow(Rectangle *r, ulong *chan, int *d, int *width) { int n, fd, nb; char buf[256]; uchar ubuf[128]; ulong imagechan; /* * Discover name of window */ fd = open("/mnt/wsys/winname", OREAD); if(fd<0 || (n=read(fd, winname, sizeof winname))<=0){ fprint(2, "attachwindow: can only run inferno under rio, not stand-alone\n"); return nil; } close(fd); /* * If had previous window, release it */ if(imageid > 0){ ubuf[0] = 'f'; BPLONG(ubuf+1, imageid); if(write(datafd, ubuf, 1+4) != 1+4) fprint(2, "attachwindow: cannot free old window: %r\n"); } /* * Allocate image pointing to window, and discover its ID */ ubuf[0] = 'n'; ++imageid; BPLONG(ubuf+1, imageid); ubuf[5] = n; memmove(ubuf+6, winname, n); if(write(datafd, ubuf, 6+n) != 6+n){ fprint(2, "attachwindow: cannot bind %d to window id '%s': %r\n", imageid, winname); return nil; } if(read(ctlfd, buf, sizeof buf) < 12*12){ fprint(2, "attachwindow: cannot read window id: %r\n"); return nil; } imagechan = strtochan(buf+2*12); truedepth = chantodepth(imagechan); if(truedepth == 0){ fprint(2, "attachwindow: cannot handle window depth specifier %.12s\n", buf+2*12); return nil; } /* * Report back */ if(chan != nil) *chan = imagechan; if(d != nil) *d = chantodepth(imagechan); nb = 0; if(r != nil){ Xsize = atoi(buf+6*12)-atoi(buf+4*12)-2*Margin; Ysize = atoi(buf+7*12)-atoi(buf+5*12)-2*Margin; r->min.x = 0; r->min.y = 0; r->max.x = Xsize; r->max.y = Ysize; nb = bytesperline(*r, truedepth); data = malloc(nb*Ysize); loadbuf = malloc(nb*Lsize+1); chunk = malloc(HDR+chunksize+5); /* +5 for flush (1 old, 5 new) */ } imager.min.x = atoi(buf+4*12); imager.min.y = atoi(buf+5*12); imager.max.x = atoi(buf+6*12); imager.max.y = atoi(buf+7*12); if(width != nil) *width = nb/4; tiler.min.x = atoi(buf+4*12)+Margin; tiler.min.y = atoi(buf+5*12)+Margin; tiler.max.x = atoi(buf+6*12)-Margin; tiler.max.y = atoi(buf+7*12)-Margin; return data; } static int plan9loadimage(Rectangle r, uchar *data, int ndata) { long dy; int n, bpl; if(!rectinrect(r, imager)){ werrstr("loadimage: bad rectangle"); return -1; } bpl = bytesperline(r, truedepth); n = bpl*Dy(r); if(n > ndata){ werrstr("loadimage: insufficient data"); return -1; } ndata = 0; while(r.max.y > r.min.y){ dy = r.max.y - r.min.y; if(dy*bpl> chunksize) dy = chunksize/bpl; n = dy*bpl; chunk[0] = 'y'; BPLONG(chunk+1, imageid); BPLONG(chunk+5, r.min.x); BPLONG(chunk+9, r.min.y); BPLONG(chunk+13, r.max.x); BPLONG(chunk+17, r.min.y+dy); memmove(chunk+21, data, n); ndata += n; data += n; r.min.y += dy; n += 21; if(r.min.y >= r.max.y) /* flush to screen */ chunk[n++] = 'v'; if(write(datafd, chunk, n) != n) return -1; } return ndata; } static void _flushmemscreen(Rectangle r) { int n, dy, l; Rectangle rr; if(data == nil || loadbuf == nil || chunk==nil) return; if(!rectclip(&r, Rect(0, 0, Xsize, Ysize))) return; if(!rectclip(&r, Rect(0, 0, Dx(tiler), Dy(tiler)))) return; if(Dx(r)<=0 || Dy(r)<=0) return; l = bytesperline(r, truedepth); while(r.min.y < r.max.y){ dy = Dy(r); if(dy > Lsize) dy = Lsize; rr = r; rr.max.y = rr.min.y+dy; n = unloadmemimage(screenimage, rr, loadbuf, l*dy); /* offset from (0,0) to window */ rr.min.x += tiler.min.x; rr.min.y += tiler.min.y; rr.max.x += tiler.min.x; rr.max.y += tiler.min.y; if(plan9loadimage(rr, loadbuf, n) != n) fprint(2, "flushmemscreen: %d bytes: %r\n", n); r.min.y += dy; } } void flushmemscreen(Rectangle r) { qlock(&ql); _flushmemscreen(r); qunlock(&ql); } void drawcursor(Drawcursor *c) { int j, i, h, w, bpl; uchar *bc, *bs, *cclr, *cset, curs[2*4+2*2*16]; /* Set the default system cursor */ if(c->data == nil) { write(cursfd, curs, 0); return; } BPLONG(curs+0*4, c->hotx); BPLONG(curs+1*4, c->hoty); w = (c->maxx-c->minx); h = (c->maxy-c->miny)/2; cclr = curs+2*4; cset = curs+2*4+2*16; bpl = bytesperline(Rect(c->minx, c->miny, c->maxx, c->maxy), 1); bc = c->data; bs = c->data + h*bpl; if(h > 16) h = 16; if(w > 16) w = 16; w /= 8; for(i = 0; i < h; i++) { for(j = 0; j < w; j++) { cclr[j] = bc[j]; cset[j] = bs[j]; } bc += bpl; bs += bpl; cclr += 2; cset += 2; } write(cursfd, curs, sizeof curs); } static int checkmouse(char *buf, int n) { int x, y, tick, b; static int lastb, lastt, lastx, lasty, lastclick; switch(n){ default: kwerrstr("atomouse: bad count"); return -1; case 1+4*12: if(buf[0] == 'r'){ qlock(&ql); if(attachwindow(nil, nil, nil, nil) == nil) { qunlock(&ql); return -1; } _flushmemscreen(Rect(0, 0, Xsize, Ysize)); qunlock(&ql); } x = atoi(buf+1+0*12) - tiler.min.x; y = atoi(buf+1+1*12) - tiler.min.y; b = atoi(buf+1+2*12); tick = atoi(buf+1+3*12); if(b && lastb == 0){ /* button newly pressed */ if(b==lastclick && tick-lastt<400 && abs(x-lastx)<10 && abs(y-lasty)<10) b |= (1<<8); lastt = tick; lastclick = b&0xff; lastx = x; lasty = y; } lastb = b&0xff; //mouse.msec = tick; mousetrack(b, x, y, 0); return n; } } static void plan9readmouse(void *v) { int n; char buf[128]; USED(v); for(;;){ n = read(mousefd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(n < 0) /* probably interrupted */ _exits(0); checkmouse(buf, n); } } static void plan9readkeybd(void*) { int n, partial; char buf[32]; char dbuf[32 * 3]; /* overestimate but safe */ partial = 0; for(;;){ n = read(keybdfd, buf + partial, sizeof(buf) - partial); if(n < 0) /* probably interrupted */ _exits(0); partial += n; n = mapspecials(dbuf, buf, &partial); qproduce(gkbdq, dbuf, n); } } void setpointer(int x, int y) { char buf[50]; int n; if(mousefd < 0) return; x += tiler.min.x; y += tiler.min.y; n = snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "m%11d %11d ", x, y); write(mousefd, buf, n); } /* * plan9 keyboard codes; from /sys/include/keyboard.h; can't include directly * because constant names clash. */ enum { P9KF= 0xF000, /* Rune: beginning of private Unicode space */ P9Spec= 0xF800, /* KF|1, KF|2, ..., KF|0xC is F1, F2, ..., F12 */ Khome= P9KF|0x0D, Kup= P9KF|0x0E, Kpgup= P9KF|0x0F, Kprint= P9KF|0x10, Kleft= P9KF|0x11, Kright= P9KF|0x12, Kdown= P9Spec|0x00, Kview= P9Spec|0x00, Kpgdown= P9KF|0x13, Kins= P9KF|0x14, Kend= KF|0x18, Kalt= P9KF|0x15, Kshift= P9KF|0x16, Kctl= P9KF|0x17, }; /* * translate plan 9 special characters from s2 (of length *n) into s1; * return number of chars placed into s1. * any trailing incomplete chars are moved to the beginning of s2, * and *n set to the number moved there. */ static int mapspecials(char *s1, char *s2, int *n) { char *s, *d, *es2; Rune r; d = s1; s = s2; es2 = s2 + *n; while (fullrune(s, es2 - s)) { s += chartorune(&r, s); switch (r) { case Kshift: r = LShift; break; case Kctl: r = LCtrl; break; case Kalt: r = LAlt; break; case Khome: r = Home; break; case Kend: r = End; break; case Kup: r = Up; break; case Kdown: r = Down; break; case Kleft: r = Left; break; case Kright: r = Right; break; case Kpgup: r = Pgup; break; case Kpgdown: r = Pgdown; break; case Kins: r = Ins; break; /* * function keys */ case P9KF|1: case P9KF|2: case P9KF|3: case P9KF|4: case P9KF|5: case P9KF|6: case P9KF|7: case P9KF|8: case P9KF|9: case P9KF|10: case P9KF|11: case P9KF|12: r = (r - P9KF) + KF; } d += runetochar(d, &r); } *n = es2 - s; memmove(s2, s, *n); return d - s1; }