ref: d0ab3a0dd8f6355b3603d0fb04043a9ae867639b
dir: /appl/ebook/stylesheet.b/
implement Stylesheet; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "stylesheet.m"; include "strmap.m"; strmap: Strmap; Map: import strmap; include "cssparser.m"; Decl: import CSSparser; stylemap: ref Map; numstyles: int; RULEHASH: con 23; # specificity: # bits 0-26 declaration order # bit 27 class count (0 or 1) # bit 28 tagname count (0 or 1) # bit 28 id count (0 or 1) (inline style only) # bit 29-30 origin (0, 1 or 2 - default, reader, author) # bit 31 importance # order of these as implied by CSS1 §3.2 TAG, CLASS, ID: con 1 << (iota + 26); ORIGINSHIFT: con 29; IMPORTANCE: con 1<<30; init(a: array of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; strmap = load Strmap Strmap->PATH; if (strmap == nil) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "stylesheet: cannot load %s: %r\n", Strmap->PATH); raise "fail:bad module"; } stylemap =; numstyles = len a; } ref Sheet { return ref Sheet(array[RULEHASH] of list of Rule, 0); } Sheet.addrules(sheet: self ref Sheet, rules: list of (string, list of Decl), origin: int) { origin <<= ORIGINSHIFT; for (; rules != nil; rules = tl rules) { (sel, decls) := hd rules; (tag, class) := selector(sel); (key, sub) := (tag, ""); specificity := sheet.ruleid++; if (tag != nil) specificity |= TAG; if (class != nil) { specificity |= CLASS; (key, sub) = ("." + class, tag); } specificity |= origin; attrs: list of (int, int, string); for (; decls != nil; decls = tl decls) { d := mkdecl(hd decls, specificity); if (d.attrid != -1) attrs = d :: attrs; } n := hashfn(key, RULEHASH); sheet.rules[n] = (key, sub, attrs) :: sheet.rules[n]; } } # assume selector is well-formed, having been previously parsed. selector(s: string): (string, string) { for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == '.') break; if (i == len s) return (s, nil); return (s[0:i], s[i + 1:]); } Sheet.newstyle(sheet: self ref Sheet): ref Style { return ref Style(sheet, array[numstyles] of string, array[numstyles] of {* => 0}); } adddecl(style: ref Style, d: Ldecl) { if (d.specificity > style.spec[d.attrid]) { style.attrs[d.attrid] = d.val; style.spec[d.attrid] = d.specificity; } } Style.add(style: self ref Style, tag, class: string) { rules := style.sheet.rules; if (class != nil) { key := "." + class; v := hashfn(key, RULEHASH); for (r := rules[v]; r != nil; r = tl r) if ((hd r).key == key && ((hd r).sub == nil || (hd r).sub == tag)) for (decls := (hd r).decls; decls != nil; decls = tl decls) adddecl(style, hd decls); } v := hashfn(tag, RULEHASH); for (r := rules[v]; r != nil; r = tl r) if ((hd r).key == tag) for (decls := (hd r).decls; decls != nil; decls = tl decls) adddecl(style, hd decls); } # add a specific set of attributes to a style; # attrs is list of (attrname, important, val). Style.adddecls(style: self ref Style, decls: list of Decl) { specificity := ID | (AUTHOR << ORIGINSHIFT); for (; decls != nil; decls = tl decls) { d := mkdecl(hd decls, specificity); if (d.attrid != -1) adddecl(style, d); } } Style.addone(style: self ref Style, attrid: int, origin: int, val: string) { # XXX specificity is probably wrong here. adddecl(style, (attrid, origin << ORIGINSHIFT, val)); } # convert a declaration from extern (attrname, important, val) form # to intern (attrid, specificity, val) form. # XXX could warn for unknown attribute here... mkdecl(d: Decl, specificity: int): Ldecl { if (d.important) specificity |= IMPORTANCE; return (stylemap.i(, specificity, d.val); } hashfn(s: string, n: int): int { h := 0; m := len s; for(i:=0; i<m; i++){ h = 65599*h+s[i]; } return (h & 16r7fffffff) % n; }