ref: ccd7f9f1597e56d121e1d05cf6af86f688ef2c48
dir: /module/url.m/
Url: module { PATH : con "/dis/lib/url.dis"; # scheme ids NOSCHEME, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FILE, GOPHER, MAILTO, NEWS, NNTP, TELNET, WAIS, PROSPERO, JAVASCRIPT, UNKNOWN: con iota; # general url syntax: # <scheme>://<user>:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<path>?<query>#<fragment> # # relative urls might omit some prefix of the above ParsedUrl: adt { scheme: int; utf8: int; # strings not in us-ascii user: string; passwd: string; host: string; port: string; pstart: string; # what precedes <path>: either "/" or "" path: string; query: string; frag: string; makeabsolute: fn(url: self ref ParsedUrl, base: ref ParsedUrl); tostring: fn(url: self ref ParsedUrl) : string; }; schemes: array of string; init: fn(); # call before anything else makeurl: fn(s: string) : ref ParsedUrl; };