ref: ccd7f9f1597e56d121e1d05cf6af86f688ef2c48
dir: /appl/lib/man.b/
implement Man; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "filepat.m"; include "bufio.m"; include "man.m"; MANPATH: con "/man/"; PATHDEPTH: con 1; indices: list of (string, list of (string, string)); loadsections(scanlist: list of string): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio := load Bufio Bufio->PATH; Iobuf: import bufio; if (bufio == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Bufio->PATH); indexpaths: list of string; if (scanlist == nil) { filepat := load Filepat Filepat->PATH; if (filepat == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", Filepat->PATH); indexpaths = filepat->expand(MANPATH + "[0-9]*/INDEX"); if (indexpaths == nil) return "cannot find man pages"; } else { for (; scanlist != nil; scanlist = tl scanlist) indexpaths = MANPATH + trimdot(hd scanlist) + "/INDEX" :: indexpaths; indexpaths = sortuniq(indexpaths); } sections: list of string; for (; indexpaths != nil; indexpaths = tl indexpaths) { path := hd indexpaths; (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(path, "/"); for (d := 0; d < PATHDEPTH; d++) toks = tl toks; sections = hd toks :: sections; } for (sl := sections; sl != nil; sl = tl sl) { section := hd sl; path := MANPATH + section + "/INDEX"; iob := bufio->open(path, Sys->OREAD); if (iob == nil) continue; pairs: list of (string, string) = nil; while((s := iob.gets('\n')) != nil) { if (s[len s - 1] == '\n') s = s[0:len s - 1]; (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 2) continue; pairs = (hd toks, hd tl toks) :: pairs; } iob.close(); indices = (section, pairs) :: indices; } return nil; } trimdot(s: string): string { for(i := 0; i < len s; i++) if(s[i] == '.') return s[0: i]; return s; } getfiles(sections: list of string, keys: list of string): list of (int, string, string) { ixl: list of (string, list of (string, string)); if (sections == nil) ixl = indices; else { for (; sections != nil; sections = tl sections) { section := trimdot(hd sections); for (il := indices; il != nil; il = tl il) { (s, mapl) := hd il; if (s == section) { ixl = (s, mapl) :: ixl; break; } } } } paths: list of (int, string, string); for(keyl := keys; keyl != nil; keyl = tl keyl){ for (; ixl != nil; ixl = tl ixl) { for ((s, mapl) := hd ixl; mapl != nil; mapl = tl mapl) { (kw, file) := hd mapl; if (hd keyl == kw) { p := MANPATH + trimdot(s) + "/" + file; paths = (int s, kw, p) :: paths; } } # allow files not in the index if(paths == nil || (hd paths).t0 != int s || (hd paths).t1 != hd keyl){ p := MANPATH + string int s + "/" + hd keyl; if(sys->stat(p).t0 != -1) paths = (int s, hd keyl, p) :: paths; } } } return paths; } sortuniq(strlist: list of string): list of string { strs := array [len strlist] of string; for (i := 0; strlist != nil; (i, strlist) = (i+1, tl strlist)) strs[i] = hd strlist; # simple sort (greatest first) for (i = 0; i < len strs - 1; i++) { for (j := i+1; j < len strs; j++) if (strs[i] < strs[j]) (strs[i], strs[j]) = (strs[j], strs[i]); } # construct list (result is ascending) r: list of string; prev := ""; for (i = 0; i < len strs; i++) { if (strs[i] != prev) { r = strs[i] :: r; prev = strs[i]; } } return r; }