ref: ccd7f9f1597e56d121e1d05cf6af86f688ef2c48
dir: /appl/cmd/auth/factotum/proto/p9any.b/
implement Authproto; # currently includes p9sk1 include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Rread, Rwrite: import Sys; include "draw.m"; include "keyring.m"; kr: Keyring; include "auth9.m"; auth9: Auth9; ANAMELEN, AERRLEN, DOMLEN, DESKEYLEN, CHALLEN, SECRETLEN: import Auth9; TICKREQLEN, TICKETLEN, AUTHENTLEN: import Auth9; Ticketreq, Ticket, Authenticator: import auth9; include "../authio.m"; authio: Authio; Aattr, Aval, Aquery: import Authio; Attr, IO, Key, Authinfo: import authio; netmkaddr, eqbytes, memrandom: import authio; include "encoding.m"; base16: Encoding; Debug: con 0; # init, addkey, closekey, write, read, close, keyprompt init(f: Authio): string { authio = f; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; kr = load Keyring Keyring->PATH; auth9 = load Auth9 Auth9->PATH; auth9->init(); base16 = load Encoding Encoding->BASE16PATH; return nil; } version := 1; interaction(attrs: list of ref Attr, io: ref IO): string { return p9any(io); } p9any(io: ref IO): string { while((buf := == nil || (n := len buf) == 0 || buf[n-1] != byte 0) io.toosmall(2048); s := string buf[0:n-1]; if(Debug) sys->print("s: %q\n", s); (nil, flds) := sys->tokenize(s, " \t"); if(flds != nil && len hd flds >= 2 && (hd flds)[0:2] == "v."){ if(hd flds == "v.2"){ version = 2; flds = tl flds; if(Debug) sys->print("version 2\n"); }else return "p9any: unknown version"; } doms: list of string; for(; flds != nil; flds = tl flds){ (nf, subf) := sys->tokenize(hd flds, "@"); if(nf == 2 && hd subf == "p9sk1") doms = hd tl subf :: doms; } if(doms == nil) return "p9any: unsupported protocol"; if(Debug){ for(l := doms; l != nil; l = tl l) sys->print("dom: %q\n", hd l); } r := array of byte ("p9sk1 "+hd doms); buf[0:] = r; buf[len r] = byte 0; io.write(buf, len r + 1); if(version == 2){ b := io.readn(3); if(b == nil || b[0] != byte 'O' || b[1] != byte 'K' || b[2] != byte 0) return "p9any: AS protocol botch: not OK"; if(Debug) sys->print("OK\n"); } return p9sk1client(io, hd doms); } #p9sk1: # C->S: nonce-C # S->C: nonce-S, uid-S, domain-S # C->A: nonce-S, uid-S, domain-S, uid-C, factotum-C # A->C: Kc{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, Kn}, Ks{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, K-n} # C->S: Ks{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, K-n}, Kn{nonce-S, counter} # S->C: Kn{nonce-C, counter} #asserts that uid-S and uid-C share new secret Kn #increment the counter to reuse the ticket. p9sk1client(io: ref IO, udom: string): string { # C->S: nonce-C cchal := array[CHALLEN] of byte; memrandom(cchal, CHALLEN); if(io.write(cchal, len cchal) != len cchal) return sys->sprint("p9sk1: can't write cchal: %r"); # S->C: nonce-S, uid-S, domain-S trbuf := io.readn(TICKREQLEN); if(trbuf == nil) return sys->sprint("p9sk1: can't read ticketreq: %r"); (nil, tr) := Ticketreq.unpack(trbuf); if(tr == nil) return "p9sk1: can't unpack ticket request"; if(Debug) sys->print("ticketreq: type=%d authid=%q authdom=%q chal= hostid=%q uid=%q\n", tr.rtype, tr.authid, tr.authdom, tr.hostid, tr.uid); (mykey, diag) := io.findkey(nil, sys->sprint("dom=%q proto=p9sk1 user? !password?", udom)); if(mykey == nil) return "can't find key: "+diag; ukey: array of byte; if((a := authio->lookattrval(mykey.secrets, "!hex")) != nil){ ukey = base16->dec(a); if(len ukey != DESKEYLEN) return "p9sk1: invalid !hex key"; }else if((a = authio->lookattrval(mykey.secrets, "!password")) != nil) ukey = auth9->passtokey(a); else return "no !password (or !hex) in key"; # A->C: Kc{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, Kn}, Ks{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, K-n} user := authio->lookattrval(mykey.attrs, "user"); if(user == nil) user = authio->user(); # shouldn't happen tr.rtype = Auth9->AuthTreq; tr.hostid = user; tr.uid = tr.hostid; # not speaking for anyone else (tick, serverbits) := getastickets(tr, ukey); if(tick == nil) return sys->sprint("p9sk1: getasticket failed: %r"); if(tick.num != Auth9->AuthTc) return "p9sk1: getasticket: failed: wrong key?"; if(Debug) sys->print("ticket: num=%d chal= cuid=%q suid=%q key=\n", tick.num, tick.cuid, tick.suid); # C->S: Ks{nonce-S, uid-C, uid-S, K-n}, Kn{nonce-S, counter} ar := ref Authenticator; ar.num = Auth9->AuthAc; ar.chal = tick.chal; = 0; obuf := array[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN] of byte; obuf[0:] = serverbits; obuf[TICKETLEN:] = ar.pack(tick.key); if(io.write(obuf, len obuf) != len obuf) return "p9sk1: error writing authenticator: %r"; # S->C: Kn{nonce-C, counter} sbuf := io.readn(AUTHENTLEN); if(sbuf == nil) return sys->sprint("p9sk1: can't read server's authenticator: %r"); (nil, ar) = Authenticator.unpack(sbuf, tick.key); if(ar.num != Auth9->AuthAs || !eqbytes(ar.chal, cchal) || != 0) return "invalid authenticator from server"; ai := ref Authinfo(tick.cuid, tick.suid, nil, auth9->des56to64(tick.key)); io.done(ai); return nil; } getastickets(tr: ref Ticketreq, key: array of byte): (ref Ticket, array of byte) { afd := authdial(nil, tr.authdom); if(afd == nil) return (nil, nil); return auth9->_asgetticket(afd, tr, key); } # # where to put the following functions? # csgetvalue(netroot: string, keytag: string, keyval: string, needtag: string): string { cs := "/net/cs"; if(netroot != nil) cs = netroot+"/cs"; fd := sys->open(cs, Sys->ORDWR); # TO DO: choice of root if(fd == nil) return nil; if(sys->fprint(fd, "!%s=%s %s=*", keytag, keyval, needtag) < 0) return nil; sys->seek(fd, big 0, 0); buf := array[1024] of byte; while((n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0){ al := authio->parseline(string buf[0:n]); # assume the conventions match factotum's for(; al != nil; al = tl al) if((hd al).name == needtag) return (hd al).val; } return nil; } authdial(netroot: string, dom: string): ref Sys->FD { p: string; if(dom != nil){ # look up an auth server in an authentication domain p = csgetvalue(netroot, "authdom", dom, "auth"); # if that didn't work, just try the IP domain if(p == nil) p = csgetvalue(netroot, "dom", dom, "auth"); if(p == nil) p = "$auth"; # temporary ... if(p == nil){ sys->werrstr("no auth server found for "+dom); return nil; } }else p = "$auth"; # look for one relative to my machine (nil, conn) := sys->dial(netmkaddr(p, netroot, "ticket"), nil); return conn.dfd; } keycheck(nil: ref Authio->Key): string { return nil; }