ref: cb5057c6b3f549328a09fb08b300a0f74f671520
dir: /appl/cmd/palm/palmsrv.b/
implement Palmsrv; # # serve up a Palm using SLP and PADP # # Copyright © 2003 Vita Nuova Holdings Limited. All rights reserved. # # [email protected] # # TO DO # USB and possibly other transports # tickle include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "timers.m"; timers: Timers; Timer, Sec: import timers; include "palm.m"; include "arg.m"; Palmsrv: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; debug := 0; usage() { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "usage: palm/palmsrv [-d /dev/eia0] [-s 57600]\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKFD, nil); device, speed: string; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", Arg->PATH)); arg->init(args); while((c := arg->opt()) != 0) case c { 'D' => debug++; 'd' => device = arg->arg(); 's' => speed = arg->arg(); * => usage(); } args = arg->argv(); arg = nil; if(device == nil) device = "/dev/eia0"; if(speed == nil) speed = "57600"; dfd := sys->open(device, Sys->ORDWR); if(dfd == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't open %s: %r", device)); cfd := sys->open(device+"ctl", Sys->OWRITE); timers = load Timers Timers->PATH; if(timers == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't load %s: %r", Timers->PATH)); srvio := sys->file2chan("/chan", "palmsrv"); if(srvio == nil) error(sys->sprint("can't create channel /chan/palmsrv: %r")); timers->init(Sec/100); p := Pchan.init(dfd, cfd); spawn server(srvio, p); } error(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "palmsrv: %s\n", s); raise "fail:error"; } Xact: adt { fid: int; reply: array of byte; error: string; }; server(srv: ref Sys->FileIO, p: ref Pchan) { actions: list of ref Xact; nuser := 0; for(;;)alt{ (nil, nbytes, fid, rc) := < => if(rc == nil){ actions = delact(actions, fid); break; } act := findact(actions, fid); if(act == nil){ rc <-= (nil, "no transaction in progress"); break; } actions = delact(actions, fid); if(p.shutdown) rc <-= (nil, "link shut down"); else if(act.error != nil) rc <-= (nil, act.error); else if(act.reply != nil) rc <-= (act.reply, nil); else rc <-= (nil, "no reply"); # probably shouldn't happen (nil, data, fid, wc) := <-srv.write => actions = delact(actions, fid); # discard result of any previous transaction if(wc == nil){ if(--nuser <= 0){ nuser = 0; p.stop(); } break; } if(len data == 4 && string data == "exit"){ p.close(); wc <-= (len data, nil); exit; } if(p.shutdown){ wc <-= (0, "link shut down"); # must close then reopen break; } if(!p.started){ err := p.start(); if(err != nil){ wc <-= (0, sys->sprint("can't start protocol: %s", err)); break; } nuser++; } (result, err) := p.padp_xchg(data, 20*1000); if(err != nil){ wc <-= (0, err); break; } actions = ref Xact(fid, result, err) :: actions; wc <-= (len data, nil); } } findact(l: list of ref Xact, fid: int): ref Xact { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if((a := hd l).fid == fid) return a; return nil; } delact(l: list of ref Xact, fid: int): list of ref Xact { ol := l; l = nil; for(; ol != nil; ol = tl ol) if((a := hd ol).fid != fid) l = a :: l; return l; } killpid(pid: int) { if(pid != 0){ fd := sys->open("/prog/"+string pid+"/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if(fd != nil) sys->fprint(fd, "kill"); } } # # protocol implementation # Serial Link Protocol (framing) # Connection Management Protocol (wakeup, negotiation) # Packet Assembly/Disassembly Protocol (reliable delivery fragmented datagram) # DATALIM: con 1024; # SLP packet types SLP_System, SLP_Unused, SLP_PAD, SLP_Loop: con iota; # SLP block content, without framing Sblock: adt { src: int; # socket ID dst: int; # socket ID proto: int; # packet type xid: int; # transaction ID data: array of byte; new: fn(): ref Sblock; print: fn(sb: self ref Sblock, dir: string); }; # # Palm channel # Pchan: adt { started: int; shutdown: int; protocol: int; lport: byte; rport: byte; fd: ref Sys->FD; cfd: ref Sys->FD; baud: int; rpid: int; lastid: int; rd: chan of ref Sblock; reply: ref Sblock; # data replacing lost ack init: fn(dfd: ref Sys->FD, cfd: ref Sys->FD): ref Pchan; start: fn(p: self ref Pchan): string; stop: fn(p: self ref Pchan); close: fn(p: self ref Pchan): int; slp_read: fn(p: self ref Pchan, nil: int): (ref Sblock, string); slp_write: fn(p: self ref Pchan, xid: int, nil: array of byte): string; setbaud: fn(p: self ref Pchan, nil: int); padp_read: fn(p: self ref Pchan, xid: int, timeout: int): (array of byte, string); padp_write: fn(p: self ref Pchan, msg: array of byte, xid: int): string; padp_xchg: fn(p: self ref Pchan, msg: array of byte, timeout: int): (array of byte, string); tickle: fn(p: self ref Pchan); connect: fn(p: self ref Pchan): string; accept: fn(p: self ref Pchan, baud: int): string; nextseq: fn(p: self ref Pchan): int; }; Pchan.init(dfd: ref Sys->FD, cfd: ref Sys->FD): ref Pchan { p := ref Pchan; p.fd = dfd; = cfd; p.baud = InitBaud; p.protocol = SLP_PAD; p.rport = byte 3; p.lport = byte 3; p.rd = chan of ref Sblock; p.lastid = 0; p.rpid = 0; p.started = 0; p.shutdown = 0; return p; } Pchan.start(p: self ref Pchan): string { if(p.started) return nil; p.shutdown = 0; p.baud = InitBaud; p.reply = nil; ctl(p, "f"); ctl(p, "d1"); ctl(p, "r1"); ctl(p, "i8"); ctl(p, "q8192"); ctl(p, sys->sprint("b%d", InitBaud)); pidc := chan of int; spawn slp_recv(p, pidc); p.started = 1; p.rpid = <-pidc; err := p.accept(57600); if(err != nil) p.stop(); return err; } ctl(p: ref Pchan, s: string) { if( != nil) sys->fprint(, "%s", s); } Pchan.setbaud(p: self ref Pchan, baud: int) { if(p.baud != baud){ p.baud = baud; ctl(p, sys->sprint("b%d", baud)); sys->sleep(200); } } Pchan.stop(p: self ref Pchan) { p.shutdown = 0; if(!p.started) return; killpid(p.rpid); p.rpid = 0; p.reply = nil; # ctl(p, "f"); # ctl(p, "d0"); # ctl(p, "r0"); # ctl(p, sys->sprint("b%d", InitBaud)); p.started = 0; } Pchan.close(p: self ref Pchan): int { if(p.started) p.stop(); p.reply = nil; = nil; p.fd = nil; timers->shutdown(); return 0; } # CMP protocol for connection management # See include/Core/System/CMCommon.h, Palm SDK # There are two major versions: the original V1, still always used in wakeup messsages; # and V2, which is completely different (similar structure to Desklink) and used by newer devices, but the headers # are the same length. Start off in V1 announcing version 2.x, then switch to that. # My device supports only V1, so I use that. CMPHDRLEN: con 10; # V1: type[1] flags[1] vermajor[1] verminor[1] mbz[2] baud[4] # V2: type[1] cmd[1] error[2] argc[1] mbz[1] mbz[4] # CMP V1 Cmajor: con 1; Cminor: con 2; InitBaud: con 9600; # type Cwake, Cinit, Cabort, Cextended: con 1+iota; # Cinit flags ChangeBaud: con 16r80; RcvTimeout1: con 16r40; # tell Palm to set receive timeout to 1 minute (CMP v1.1) RcvTimeout2: con 16r20; # tell Palm to set receive timeout to 2 minutes (v1.1) # Cinit and Cwake flag LongPacketEnable: con 16r10; # enable long packet support (v1.2) # Cabort flags WrongVersion: con 16r80; # incompatible com versions # CMP V2 Carg1: con Palm->ArgIDbase; Cresponse: con 16r80; Cxchgprefs, Chandshake: con 16r10+iota; Pchan.connect(p: self ref Pchan): string { (nil, e1) := cmp_write(p, Cwake, 0, Cmajor, Cminor, 57600); if(e1 != nil) return e1; (op, flag, nil, nil, baud, e2) := cmp_read(p, 0); if(e2 != nil) return e2; case op { Cinit=> if(flag & ChangeBaud) p.setbaud(baud); return nil; Cabort=> return "Palm rejected connect"; * => return sys->sprint("Palm connect: reply %d", op); } return nil; } Pchan.accept(p: self ref Pchan, maxbaud: int): string { (op, nil, major, minor, baud, err) := cmp_read(p, 0); if(err != nil) return err; if(major != 1){ sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "palmsrv: comm version mismatch: %d.%d\n", major, minor); cmp_write(p, Cabort, WrongVersion, Cmajor, 0, 0); return sys->sprint("comm version mismatch: %d.%d", major, minor); } if(baud > maxbaud) baud = maxbaud; flag := 0; if(baud != InitBaud) flag = ChangeBaud; (nil, err) = cmp_write(p, Cinit, flag, Cmajor, Cminor, baud); if(err != nil) return err; p.setbaud(baud); return nil; } cmp_write(p: ref Pchan, op: int, flag: int, major: int, minor: int, baud: int): (int, string) { cmpbuf := array[CMPHDRLEN] of byte; cmpbuf[0] = byte op; cmpbuf[1] = byte flag; cmpbuf[2] = byte major; cmpbuf[3] = byte minor; cmpbuf[4] = byte 0; cmpbuf[5] = byte 0; put4(cmpbuf[6:], baud); if(op == Cwake) return (16rFF, p.padp_write(cmpbuf, 16rFF)); xid := p.nextseq(); return (xid, p.padp_write(cmpbuf, xid)); } cmp_read(p: ref Pchan, xid: int): (int, int, int, int, int, string) { (c, err) := p.padp_read(xid, 20*Sec); if(err != nil) return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, err); if(len c != CMPHDRLEN) return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "CMP: bad response"); return (int c[0], int c[1], int c[2], int c[3], get4(c[6:]), nil); } # # Palm PADP protocol # ``The Packet Assembly/Disassembly Protocol'' in # Developing Palm OS Communications, US Robotics, 1996, pp. 53-68. # # [email protected], 1997 # FIRST: con 16r80; LAST: con 16r40; MEMERROR: con 16r20; # packet types Pdata: con 1; Pack: con 2; Ptickle: con 4; Pabort: con 8; PADPHDRLEN: con 4; # type[1] flags[1] size[2] RetryInterval: con 4*Sec; MaxRetries: con 14; # they say 14 `seconds', but later state they might need 20 for heap mgmt, so i'll assume 14 attempts (at 4sec ea) Pchan.padp_xchg(p: self ref Pchan, msg: array of byte, timeout: int): (array of byte, string) { xid := p.nextseq(); err := p.padp_write(msg, xid); if(err != nil) return (nil, err); return p.padp_read(xid, timeout); } # # PADP header # type[1] flags[2] size[2], high byte first for size # # max block size is 2^16-1 # must ack within 2 seconds # wait at most 10 seconds for next chunk # 10 retries # Pchan.padp_write(p: self ref Pchan, buf: array of byte, xid: int): string { count := len buf; if(count >= 1<<16) return "padp: write too big"; p.reply = nil; flags := FIRST; mem := buf[0:]; offset := 0; while(count > 0){ n := count; if(n > DATALIM) n = DATALIM; else flags |= LAST; ob := array[PADPHDRLEN+n] of byte; ob[0] = byte Pdata; ob[1] = byte flags; l: int; if(flags & FIRST) l = count; # total size in first segment else l = offset; # offset in rest put2(ob[2:], l); ob[PADPHDRLEN:] = mem[0:n]; if(debug) padp_dump(ob, "Tx"); p.slp_write(xid, ob); retries := 0; for(;;){ (ib, nil) := p.slp_read(RetryInterval); if(ib == nil){ sys->print("padp write: ack timeout\n"); retries++; if(retries > MaxRetries){ # USR says not to give up if (flags&LAST)!=0; giving up seems safer sys->print("padp write: give up\n"); return "PADP: no response"; } p.slp_write(xid, ob); continue; } if(ib.proto != SLP_PAD || len < PADPHDRLEN || ib.xid != xid && ib.xid != 16rFF){ sys->print("padp write: ack wrong type(%d) or xid(%d,%d), or len %d\n", ib.proto, ib.xid, xid, len; continue; } if(ib.xid == 16rFF){ # connection management if(int[0] == Ptickle) continue; if(int[0] == Pabort){ sys->print("padp write: device abort\n"); p.shutdown = 1; return "device cancelled operation"; } } if(int[0] != Pack){ if(int[0] == Ptickle) continue; # right transaction ... if it's acceptable data, USR says to save it & treat as ack sys->print("padp write: type %d, not ack\n", int[0]); if(int[0] == Pdata && flags & LAST && int[1] & FIRST){ p.reply = ib; break; } continue; } if(int[1] & MEMERROR) return "padp: pilot out of memory"; if((flags&(FIRST|LAST)) != (int[1]&(FIRST|LAST)) || get2([2:]) != get2(ob[2:])){ sys->print("padp write: ack, wrong flags (#%x,#%x) or offset (%d,%d)\n", int[1], flags, get2([2:]), get2(ob[2:])); continue; } if(debug) sys->print("padp write: ack %d %d\n", xid, get2(ob[2:])); break; } mem = mem[n:]; count -= n; offset += n; flags &= ~FIRST; } return nil; } Pchan.padp_read(p: self ref Pchan, xid, timeout: int): (array of byte, string) { buf, mem: array of byte; offset := 0; ready := 0; retries := 0; ack := array[PADPHDRLEN] of byte; for(;;){ b := p.reply; if(b == nil){ err: string; (b, err) = p.slp_read(timeout); if(b == nil){ sys->print("padp read: timeout %d\n", retries); if(++retries <= 5) continue; sys->print("padp read: gave up\n"); return (nil, err); } retries = 0; } else p.reply = nil; if(debug) padp_dump(, "Rx"); if(len < PADPHDRLEN){ sys->print("padp read: length\n"); continue; } if(b.proto != SLP_PAD){ sys->print("padp read: bad proto (%d)\n", b.proto); continue; } if(int[0] == Pabort && b.xid == 16rFF){ p.shutdown = 1; return (nil, "device cancelled transaction"); } if(int[0] != Pdata || xid != 0 && b.xid != xid){ sys->print("padp read mismatch: type (%d) or xid(%d::%d)\n", int[0], b.xid, xid); continue; } f := int[1]; o := get2([2:]); if(f & FIRST){ buf = array[o] of byte; ready = 1; offset = 0; o = 0; mem = buf; timeout = 4*Sec; } if(!ready || o != offset){ sys->print("padp read: offset %d, expected %d\n", o, offset); continue; } n := len - PADPHDRLEN; if(n > len mem){ sys->print("padp read: record too long (%d/%d)\n", n, len mem); # it's probably fatal, but retrying does no harm continue; } mem[0:] =[PADPHDRLEN:PADPHDRLEN+n]; mem = mem[n:]; offset += n; ack[0:] =[0:PADPHDRLEN]; ack[0] = byte Pack; p.slp_write(xid, ack); if(f & LAST) break; } if(offset != len buf) return (buf[0:offset], nil); return (buf, nil); } Pchan.nextseq(p: self ref Pchan): int { n := p.lastid + 1; if(n >= 16rFF) n = 1; p.lastid = n; return n; } Pchan.tickle(p: self ref Pchan) { xid := p.nextseq(); data := array[PADPHDRLEN] of byte; data[0] = byte Ptickle; data[1] = byte (FIRST|LAST); put2(data[2:], 0); if(debug) sys->print("PADP: tickle\n"); p.slp_write(xid, data); } padp_dump(data: array of byte, dir: string) { stype: string; case int data[0] { Pdata => stype = "Data"; Pack => stype = "Ack"; Ptickle => stype = "Tickle"; Pabort => stype = "Abort"; * => stype = sys->sprint("#%x", int data[0]); } sys->print("PADP %s %s flags=#%x len=%d\n", stype, dir, int data[1], get2(data[2:])); if(debug > 1 && (data[0] != byte Pack || len data > 4)){ data = data[4:]; for(i := 0; i < len data;){ sys->print(" %.2x", int data[i]); if(++i%16 == 0) sys->print("\n"); } sys->print("\n"); } } # # Palm's Serial Link Protocol # See include/Core/System/SerialLinkMgr.h in Palm SDK # and the description in the USR document mentioned above. # SLPHDRLEN: con 10; # BE[1] EF[1] ED[1] dest[1] src[1] type[1] size[2] xid[1] check[1] body[size] crc[2] SLP_MTU: con SLPHDRLEN+PADPHDRLEN+DATALIM; ref Sblock { return ref Sblock(0, 0, 0, 16rFF, nil); } # # format and write an SLP frame # Pchan.slp_write(p: self ref Pchan, xid: int, b: array of byte): string { d := array[SLPHDRLEN] of byte; cb := array[2] of byte; nb := len b; d[0] = byte 16rBE; d[1] = byte 16rEF; d[2] = byte 16rED; d[3] = byte p.rport; d[4] = byte p.lport; d[5] = byte p.protocol; d[6] = byte (nb >> 8); d[7] = byte (nb & 16rFF); d[8] = byte xid; d[9] = byte 0; n := 0; for(i:=0; i<len d; i++) n += int d[i]; d[9] = byte (n & 16rFF); if(debug) printbytes(d, "SLP Tx hdr"); crc := crc16(d, 0); put2(cb, crc16(b, crc)); if(sys->write(p.fd, d, SLPHDRLEN) != SLPHDRLEN || sys->write(p.fd, b, nb) != len b || sys->write(p.fd, cb, 2) != 2) return sys->sprint("%r"); return nil; } Pchan.slp_read(p: self ref Pchan, timeout: int): (ref Sblock, string) { clock := Timer.start(timeout); alt { <-clock.timeout => if(debug) sys->print("SLP: timeout\n"); return (nil, "SLP: timeout"); b := <-p.rd => clock.stop(); return (b, nil); } } slp_recv(p: ref Pchan, pidc: chan of int) { n: int; pidc <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); buf := array[2*SLP_MTU] of byte; sb :=; rd := wr := 0; Work: for(;;){ if(wr != rd){ # data already in buffer might start a new frame if(rd != 0){ buf[0:] = buf[rd:wr]; wr -= rd; rd = 0; } }else rd = wr = 0; # header while(wr < SLPHDRLEN){ n = sys->read(p.fd, buf[wr:], SLPHDRLEN-wr); if(n <= 0) break Work; wr += n; } # {for(i:=0; i<wr;i++)sys->print("%.2x", int buf[i]);sys->print("\n");} if(buf[0] != byte 16rBE || buf[1] != byte 16rEF || buf[2] != byte 16rED){ rd++; continue; } if(debug) printbytes(buf[0:wr], "SLP Rx hdr"); n = 0; for(i:=0; i<SLPHDRLEN-1; i++) n += int buf[i]; if((n & 16rFF) != int buf[9]){ rd += 3; continue; } hdr := buf[0:SLPHDRLEN]; sb.dst = int hdr[3]; sb.src = int hdr[4]; sb.proto = int hdr[5]; size := (int hdr[6]<<8) | int hdr[7]; sb.xid = int hdr[8]; = array[size] of byte; crc := crc16(hdr, 0); rd += SLPHDRLEN; if(rd == wr) rd = wr = 0; # data and CRC while(wr-rd < size+2){ n = sys->read(p.fd, buf[wr:], size+2-(wr-rd)); if(n <= 0) break Work; wr += n; } crc = crc16(buf[rd:rd+size], crc); if(crc != get2(buf[rd+size:])){ if(debug) sys->print("CRC error: local=#%.4ux pilot=#%.4ux\n", crc, get2(buf[rd+size:])); for(; rd < wr && buf[rd] != byte 16rBE; rd++) ; # hunt for next header continue; } if(sb.proto != SLP_Loop){[0:] = buf[rd:rd+size]; if(debug) sb.print("Rx"); rd += size+2; p.rd <-= sb; sb =; } else { # should we reflect these? if(debug) sb.print("Loop"); rd += size+2; } } p.rd <-= nil; } Sblock.print(b: self ref Sblock, dir: string) { sys->print("SLP %s %d->%d len=%d proto=%d xid=#%.2x\n", dir, int b.src, int b.dst, len, int b.proto, int b.xid); } printbytes(d: array of byte, what: string) { buf := sys->sprint("%s[", what); for(i:=0; i<len d; i++) buf += sys->sprint(" #%.2x", int d[i]); buf += "]"; sys->print("%s\n", buf); } get4(p: array of byte): int { return (int p[0]<<24) | (int p[1]<<16) | (int p[2]<<8) | int p[3]; } get3(p: array of byte): int { return (int p[1]<<16) | (int p[2]<<8) | int p[3]; } get2(p: array of byte): int { return (int p[0]<<8) | int p[1]; } put4(p: array of byte, v: int) { p[0] = byte (v>>24); p[1] = byte (v>>16); p[2] = byte (v>>8); p[3] = byte (v & 16rFF); } put3(p: array of byte, v: int) { p[0] = byte (v>>16); p[1] = byte (v>>8); p[2] = byte (v & 16rFF); } put2(p: array of byte, v: int) { p[0] = byte (v>>8); p[1] = byte (v & 16rFF); } # this will be done by table look up; # polynomial is xⁱ⁶+xⁱ+x⁵+1 crc16(buf: array of byte, crc: int): int { for(j := 0; j < len buf; j++){ crc = crc ^ (int buf[j]) << 8; for(i := 0; i < 8; i++) if(crc & 16r8000) crc = (crc << 1) ^ 16r1021; else crc = crc << 1; } return crc & 16rffff; }