ref: c0cbe87b357a4464a7d10ab8f38a65c77ea3b629
dir: /os/sa1110/dma.c/
#include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "io.h" enum { /* DMA CSR bits */ CSRrun= 1 << 0, CSRie= 1 << 1, CSRerror= 1 << 2, CSRdonea= 1 << 3, CSRstrta= 1 << 4, CSRdoneb= 1 << 5, CSRstrtb= 1 << 6, CSRbiu= 1 << 7, Ndma= 6, /* number of dma channels */ }; /* DDAR configuration: DA 31:8, DS 3:0, data width, burst size */ #define DMACFG(da, ds, dw, bs) (((da)<<8)|((ds)<<4)|((dw)<<3)|((bs)<<2)) static ulong dmaconfig[16] = { [DmaUDC] DMACFG(0x80000A, 0, 0, 1), [DmaUART0] DMACFG(0x804005, 4, 0, 0), [DmaHSSP] DMACFG(0x81001B, 6, 0, 1), [DmaUART1] DMACFG(0x80C005, 6, 0, 0), [DmaUART2] DMACFG(0x814005, 8, 0, 0), [DmaMCPaudio] DMACFG(0x818002, 10, 1, 1), [DmaMCPtelecom] DMACFG(0x818003, 12, 1, 1), [DmaSSP] DMACFG(0x81C01B, 14, 1, 0), /* see SSP description not DMA section for correct burst size */ }; struct Dma { int chan; DmaReg* reg; void (*interrupt)(void*, ulong); void* arg; Rendez r; int intrset; }; static struct { Lock; int avail; Dma dma[Ndma]; } dmachans; static void dmaintr(Ureg*, void*); void dmareset(void) { int i; Dma *d; for(i=0; i<nelem(dmachans.dma); i++){ dmachans.avail |= 1<<i; d = &dmachans.dma[i]; d->chan = i; d->reg = DMAREG(i); d->reg->dcsr_c = 0xFF; } /* this is the place to mask off bits in avail corresponding to broken channels in old revisions */ } /* * allocate a DMA channel, reset it, and configure it for the given device */ Dma* dmasetup(int device, int direction, int bigend, void (*interrupt)(void*, ulong), void *arg) { Dma *d; DmaReg *dr; ulong cfg; int i; char name[KNAMELEN]; cfg = dmaconfig[device]; if(cfg == 0){ print("dmasetup: no device %d\n", device); return nil; } ilock(&dmachans); for(i=0; (dmachans.avail & (1<<i)) == 0; i++) if(i >= nelem(dmachans.dma)){ iunlock(&dmachans); return nil; } dmachans.avail &= ~(1<<i); iunlock(&dmachans); d = &dmachans.dma[i]; d->interrupt = interrupt; d->arg = arg; dr = d->reg; dr->dcsr_c = CSRrun | CSRie | CSRerror | CSRdonea | CSRstrta | CSRdoneb | CSRstrtb; dr->ddar = cfg | (direction<<4) | (bigend<<1); if(d->intrset == 0){ d->intrset = 1; snprint(name, sizeof(name), "dma%d", i); intrenable(DMAbit(i), dmaintr, d, BusCPU, name); } return d; } void dmafree(Dma *dma) { dma->reg->dcsr_c = CSRrun | CSRie; ilock(&dmachans); dmachans.avail |= 1<<dma->chan; dma->interrupt = nil; iunlock(&dmachans); } /* * start dma on the given channel on one or two buffers, * each of which must adhere to DMA controller restrictions. * (eg, on some versions of the StrongArm it musn't span 256-byte boundaries). * virtual buffer addresses are assumed to refer to contiguous physical addresses. */ int dmastart(Dma *dma, void *buf, int nbytes) { ulong v, csr; DmaReg *dr; int b; dr = dma->reg; v = dr->dcsr; if((v & (CSRstrta|CSRstrtb|CSRrun)) == (CSRstrta|CSRstrtb|CSRrun)) return 0; /* fully occupied */ dcflush(buf, nbytes); csr = CSRrun | CSRie; /* start first xfer with buffer B or A? */ b = (v & CSRbiu) != 0 && (v & CSRstrtb) == 0 || (v & CSRstrta) != 0; if(b) csr |= CSRstrtb; else csr |= CSRstrta; if(v & csr & (CSRstrtb|CSRstrta)) panic("dmasetup csr=%2.2lux %2.2lux", v, csr); /* set first src/dst and size */ dr->buf[b].start = (ulong)buf; dr->buf[b].count = nbytes; dr->dcsr_s = csr; return 1; } /* * stop dma on a channel */ void dmastop(Dma *dma) { // print("dmastop (was %ux)\n", dma->reg->dcsr); dma->reg->dcsr_c = CSRrun | CSRie | CSRerror | CSRdonea | CSRstrta | CSRdoneb | CSRstrtb; } /* * return nonzero if there was a memory error during DMA, * and clear the error state */ int dmaerror(Dma *dma) { DmaReg *dr; ulong e; dr = dma->reg; e = dr->dcsr & CSRerror; dr->dcsr_c = e; return e; } /* * return nonzero if the DMA channel is not busy */ int dmaidle(Dma *d) { return (d->reg->dcsr & (CSRstrta|CSRstrtb)) == 0; } static int dmaidlep(void *a) { return dmaidle((Dma*)a); } void dmawait(Dma *d) { while(!dmaidle(d)) sleep(&d->r, dmaidlep, d); } /* * this interface really only copes with one buffer at once */ static void dmaintr(Ureg*, void *a) { Dma *d; ulong s; d = (Dma*)a; s = d->reg->dcsr; if(s & CSRerror) iprint("DMA error, chan %d status #%2.2lux\n", d->chan, s); s &= (CSRdonea|CSRdoneb|CSRerror); d->reg->dcsr_c = s; if(d->interrupt != nil) d->interrupt(d->arg, s & (CSRdonea|CSRdoneb)); wakeup(&d->r); }