ref: c0cbe87b357a4464a7d10ab8f38a65c77ea3b629
dir: /os/boot/mpc/i2c.c/
#include "boot.h" /* * basic read/write interface to mpc8xx I2C bus (master mode) */ typedef struct I2C I2C; struct I2C { uchar i2mod; uchar rsv12a[3]; uchar i2add; uchar rsv12b[3]; uchar i2brg; uchar rsv12c[3]; uchar i2com; uchar rsv12d[3]; uchar i2cer; uchar rsv12e[3]; uchar i2cmr; }; enum { /* i2c-specific BD flags */ RxeOV= 1<<1, /* overrun */ TxS= 1<<10, /* transmit start condition */ TxeNAK= 1<<2, /* last transmitted byte not acknowledged */ TxeUN= 1<<1, /* underflow */ TxeCL= 1<<0, /* collision */ TxERR= (TxeNAK|TxeUN|TxeCL), /* i2cmod */ REVD= 1<<5, /* =1, LSB first */ GCD= 1<<4, /* =1, general call address disabled */ FLT= 1<<3, /* =0, not filtered; =1, filtered */ PDIV= 3<<1, /* predivisor field */ EN= 1<<0, /* enable */ /* i2com */ STR= 1<<7, /* start transmit */ I2CM= 1<<0, /* master */ I2CS= 0<<0, /* slave */ /* i2cer */ TXE = 1<<4, BSY = 1<<2, TXB = 1<<1, RXB = 1<<0, /* port B bits */ I2CSDA = IBIT(27), I2CSCL = IBIT(26), Rbit = 1<<0, /* bit in address byte denoting read */ /* maximum I2C I/O (can change) */ Bufsize = 64, Tbuflen= Bufsize+4, /* extra address bytes and alignment */ Freq = 100000, I2CTimeout = 250, /* msec */ }; /* data cache needn't be flushed if buffers allocated in uncached INTMEM */ #define DCFLUSH(a,n) /* * I2C software structures */ struct Ctlr { Lock; QLock io; int init; I2C* i2c; IOCparam* sp; BD* rd; BD* td; int phase; char* addr; char* txbuf; char* rxbuf; }; typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr; static Ctlr i2ctlr[1]; extern int predawn; static void interrupt(Ureg*, void*); static void enable(void) { I2C *i2c; i2c = i2ctlr->i2c; i2c->i2cer = ~0; /* clear events */ eieio(); i2c->i2mod |= EN; eieio(); i2c->i2cmr = TXE|BSY|TXB|RXB; /* enable all interrupts */ eieio(); } static void disable(void) { I2C *i2c; i2c = i2ctlr->i2c; i2c->i2cmr = 0; /* mask all interrupts */ i2c->i2mod &= ~EN; } /* * called by the reset routine of any driver using the I2C */ void i2csetup(void) { IMM *io; I2C *i2c; IOCparam *sp; Ctlr *ctlr; long f, e, emin; int p, d, dmax; ctlr = i2ctlr; if(ctlr->init) return; print("i2c setup...\n"); ctlr->init = 1; i2c = KADDR(INTMEM+0x860); ctlr->i2c = i2c; sp = KADDR(INTMEM+0x3c80); ctlr->sp = sp; disable(); if(ctlr->txbuf == nil){ ctlr->txbuf = ialloc(Tbuflen, 2); ctlr->addr = ctlr->txbuf+Bufsize; } if(ctlr->rxbuf == nil) ctlr->rxbuf = ialloc(Bufsize, 2); if(ctlr->rd == nil){ ctlr->rd = bdalloc(1); ctlr->rd->addr = PADDR(ctlr->rxbuf); ctlr->rd->length = 0; ctlr->rd->status = BDWrap; } if(ctlr->td == nil){ ctlr->td = bdalloc(2); ctlr->td->addr = PADDR(ctlr->txbuf); ctlr->td->length = 0; ctlr->td->status = BDWrap|BDLast; } /* select port pins */ io = ioplock(); io->pbdir |= I2CSDA | I2CSCL; io->pbodr |= I2CSDA | I2CSCL; io->pbpar |= I2CSDA | I2CSCL; iopunlock(); /* explicitly initialise parameters, because InitRxTx can't be used (see i2c/spi relocation errata) */ sp = ctlr->sp; sp->rbase = PADDR(ctlr->rd); sp->tbase = PADDR(ctlr->td); sp->rfcr = 0x18; sp->tfcr = 0x18; sp->mrblr = Bufsize; sp->rstate = 0; sp->rptr = 0; sp->rbptr = sp->rbase; sp->rcnt = 0; sp->tstate = 0; sp->tbptr = sp->tbase; sp->tptr = 0; sp->tcnt = 0; eieio(); i2c->i2com = I2CM; i2c->i2mod = 0; /* normal mode */ i2c->i2add = 0; emin = Freq; dmax = (m->cpuhz/Freq)/2-3; for(d=0; d < dmax; d++){ for(p=3; p>=0; p--){ f = (m->cpuhz>>(p+2))/(2*(d+3)); e = Freq - f; if(e < 0) e = -e; if(e < emin){ emin = e; i2c->i2brg = d; i2c->i2mod = (i2c->i2mod&~PDIV)|((3-p)<<1); /* set PDIV */ } } } //print("i2brg=%d i2mod=#%2.2ux\n", i2c->i2brg, i2c->i2mod); setvec(VectorCPIC+0x10, interrupt, i2ctlr); } enum { Idling, Done, Busy, Sending, Recving, }; static void interrupt(Ureg*, void *arg) { int events; Ctlr *ctlr; I2C *i2c; ctlr = arg; i2c = ctlr->i2c; events = i2c->i2cer; eieio(); i2c->i2cer = events; if(events & (BSY|TXE)){ //print("I2C#%x\n", events); if(ctlr->phase != Idling){ ctlr->phase = Idling; } }else{ if(events & TXB){ //print("i2c: xmt %d %4.4ux %4.4ux\n", ctlr->phase, ctlr->td->status, ctlr->td[1].status); if(ctlr->phase == Sending){ ctlr->phase = Done; } } if(events & RXB){ //print("i2c: rcv %d %4.4ux %d\n", ctlr->phase, ctlr->rd->status, ctlr->rd->length); if(ctlr->phase == Recving){ ctlr->phase = Done; } } } } static int done(void *a) { return ((Ctlr*)a)->phase < Busy; } static void i2cwait(Ctlr *ctlr) { /* TO DO: timeout */ while(!done(ctlr)){ if(predawn) interrupt(nil, ctlr); } } long i2csend(int addr, void *buf, long n) { Ctlr *ctlr; int i, p, s; ctlr = i2ctlr; if(n > Bufsize) return -1; i = 1; ctlr->txbuf[0] = addr & ~1; if(addr & 1){ ctlr->txbuf[1] = addr>>8; i++; } memmove(ctlr->txbuf+i, buf, n); DCFLUSH(ctlr->txbuf, Tbuflen); ctlr->phase = Sending; ctlr->rd->status = BDEmpty|BDWrap|BDInt; ctlr->td->addr = PADDR(ctlr->txbuf); ctlr->td->length = n+i; ctlr->td->status = BDReady|BDWrap|BDLast|BDInt; enable(); ctlr->i2c->i2com = STR|I2CM; eieio(); i2cwait(ctlr); disable(); p = ctlr->phase; s = ctlr->td->status; if(s & BDReady || s & TxERR || p != Done) return -1; return n; } long i2crecv(int addr, void *buf, long n) { Ctlr *ctlr; int p, s, flag; BD *td; long nr; ctlr = i2ctlr; if(n > Bufsize) return -1; ctlr->txbuf[0] = addr|Rbit; if(addr & 1){ /* special select sequence */ ctlr->addr[0] = addr &~ 1; ctlr->addr[1] = addr>>8; } DCFLUSH(ctlr->txbuf, Tbuflen); DCFLUSH(ctlr->rxbuf, Bufsize); ctlr->phase = Recving; ctlr->rd->addr = PADDR(ctlr->rxbuf); ctlr->rd->status = BDEmpty|BDWrap|BDInt; flag = 0; td = ctlr->td; td[1].status = 0; if(addr & 1){ /* special select sequence */ td->addr = PADDR(ctlr->addr); td->length = 2; /* td->status made BDReady below */ td++; flag = TxS; } td->addr = PADDR(ctlr->txbuf); td->length = n+1; td->status = BDReady|BDWrap|BDLast | flag; /* not BDInt: leave that to receive */ if(flag) ctlr->td->status = BDReady; enable(); ctlr->i2c->i2com = STR|I2CM; eieio(); i2cwait(ctlr); disable(); p = ctlr->phase; s = ctlr->td->status; if(flag) s |= ctlr->td[1].status; nr = ctlr->rd->length; if(nr > n) nr = n; /* shouldn't happen */ if(s & TxERR || s & BDReady || ctlr->rd->status & BDEmpty) return -1; if(p != Done) return -1; memmove(buf, ctlr->rxbuf, nr); return nr; }