ref: c0cbe87b357a4464a7d10ab8f38a65c77ea3b629
dir: /man/2/arrays/
.TH Arrays 2 .SH NAME arrays: find, append, prepend, tail, pair, filter, map\- array operations .SH SYNOPSIS .EX include "arrays.m" arrays := load Arrays Arrays->PATH; find: fn[T](a: array of T, x: T): array of T for { T => Equals: fn(a, b: T): int; }; append: fn[T](a₀: array of T, x: T): array of T; prepend: fn[T](a₀: array of T, x: T): array of T; tail: fn[T](a: array of T): array of T; pair: fn[T₁, T₂](a₁: array of T₁, a₂: array of T₂): array of (T₁, T₂); stringify: fn[T](a: array of T): string for { T => String: fn(a: self T): string; }; filter: fn[T](a: array of T, f: ref fn(x: T): int): array of T; map: fn[T](a₀: array of T, f: ref fn(x: T): T): array of T; .EE .SH DESCRIPTION The module .I arrays provides operations on arrays of type .IR T , which may be any reference type, or .BR string . Reference types are .BR array , .BR chan , .BR array , .BR module , and .BI ref " adt". None of the operations change their parameter arrays: they always return a new array. .PP First, there is a group of common array operations. .PP .B Find finds the first instance of .I x in array .I a and returns the slice .IR a[x:] . .B Find returns nil if there is no instance of .I x in .IR a . The type .I T must implement a method .I Equals which returns a number greater than zero if the elements .I a and .I b are equal and zero if .I a and .I b are not equal. .PP .B Append returns a new array with the elements of .I a₀ followed by the element .IR x . .PP .B Prepend returns a new array with the element .I x followed by the elements of .IR a₀ . .PP .B Tail returns a new array which is the slice .IR a[1:] . Nil is returned if the length of a is less than 2 elements. .PP .B Pair takes two arrays .I a₁ and .IR a₂ , and returns a new array of tuples .BI ( v1,\ v2 ) in which each element of .I a₁ has been paired with the corresponding element of .IR a₂ . Nil is returned if the arrays are not equal in length. .PP .B Stringify returns a visually pleasing string representation of .IR a . The type .I T must implement a method .I String which returns a string representation of an element in the array of type .IR T . .PP A second group of operations applies a function .I f or a Boolean predicate .I p to each element of a array, returning a transformed array or a Boolean value. A predicate .I p must return non-zero if its parameter value satisfies its condition, and must return zero if it does not. .PP .B Filter returns a new array containing only the elements of .I a that satisfy .IR p . .PP .B Map returns a new array in which each element of .I a₀ has been transformed by .I f (ie, if .I a₀ is .IB e0, e1, ⋯ then the result is .IB f(e0), f(e1), ⋯ ). .SH SOURCE .B /appl/lib/arrays.b .SH BUGS The current implementation of polymorphism is limited to reference types and strings, which in turn limits use of this module. .SH SEE ALSO .IR arrays (2)