ref: c02306479fb810515b4905e6df7ad2f74b8e7173
dir: /appl/svc/httpd/contents.b/
implement Contents; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; dbg_log : ref Sys->FD; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf : import bufio; include "contents.m"; include "cache.m"; include "httpd.m"; include "string.m"; str : String; Suffix: adt{ suffix : string; generic : string; specific : string; encoding : string; }; suffixes: list of Suffix; #internal functions... parsesuffix : fn(nil:string): (int,Suffix); mkcontent(generic,specific : string): ref Content { c:= ref Content; c.generic = generic; c.specific = specific; c.q = real 1; return c; } badmod(m: string) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "contents: cannot load %s: %r\n", m); raise "fail:bad module"; } contentinit(log: ref Sys->FD) { if(suffixes != nil) return; sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; if (bufio == nil) badmod(Bufio->PATH); str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) badmod(String->PATH); iob := bufio->open(Httpd->HTTP_SUFF, bufio->OREAD); if (iob==nil) { sys->fprint(stderr(), "contents: cannot open %s: %r\n", Httpd->HTTP_SUFF); raise "fail:no suffix file";; } while((s := iob.gets('\n'))!=nil) { (i, su) := parsesuffix(s); if (i != 0) suffixes = su :: suffixes; } dbg_log = log; } # classify by file name extensions uriclass(name : string): (ref Content, ref Content) { s : Suffix; typ, enc: ref Content; p : string; lis := suffixes; typ=nil; enc=nil; uri:=name; (nil,p) = str->splitr(name,"/"); if (p!=nil) name=p; if(str->in('.',name)){ (nil,p) = str->splitl(name,"."); for(s = hd lis; lis!=nil; lis = tl lis){ if(p == s.suffix){ if(s.generic != nil && typ==nil) typ = mkcontent(s.generic, s.specific); if(s.encoding != nil && enc==nil) enc = mkcontent(s.encoding, ""); } s = hd lis; } } if(typ == nil && enc == nil){ buff := array[64] of byte; fd := sys->open(uri, sys->OREAD); n := sys->read(fd, buff, len buff); if(n > 0){ tmp := string buff[0:n]; (typ, enc) = dataclass(tmp); } } return (typ, enc); } parsesuffix(line: string): (int, Suffix) { s : Suffix; if (str->in('#',line)) (line,nil) = str->splitl(line, "#"); if (line!=nil){ (n,slist):=sys->tokenize(line,"\n\t "); if (n!=4 && n!=0){ if (dbg_log!=nil) sys->fprint(dbg_log,"Error in suffixes file!, n=%d\n",n); sys->print("Error in suffixes file!, n=%d\n",n); exit; } s.suffix = hd slist; slist = tl slist; s.generic = hd slist; if (s.generic == "-") s.generic=""; slist = tl slist; s.specific = hd slist; if (s.specific == "-") s.specific=""; slist = tl slist; s.encoding = hd slist; if (s.encoding == "-") s.encoding=""; } if (((s.generic == "")||(s.specific == "")) && s.encoding=="") return (0,s); return (1,s); } #classify by initial contents of file dataclass(buf : string): (ref Content,ref Content) { c,n : int; c=0; n = len buf; for(; n > 0; n --){ if(buf[c] < 16r80) if(buf[c] < 32 && buf[c] != '\n' && buf[c] != '\r' && buf[c] != '\t' && buf[c] != '\v') return (nil,nil); c++; } return (mkcontent("text", "plain"),nil); } checkcontent(me: ref Content,oks :list of ref Content, clist : string): int { ok:=oks; try : ref Content; if(oks == nil || me == nil) return 1; for(; ok != nil; ok = tl ok){ try = hd ok; if((try.generic==me.generic || try.generic=="*") && (try.specific==me.specific || try.specific=="*")){ return 1; } } sys->fprint(dbg_log,"%s/%s not found", me.generic, me.specific); logcontent(clist, oks); return 1; } logcontent(name : string, c : list of ref Content) { buf : string; if (dbg_log!=nil){ for(; c!=nil; c = tl c) buf+=sys->sprint("%s/%s ", (hd c).generic,(hd c).specific); sys->fprint(dbg_log,"%s: %s: %s", "client", name, buf); } } stderr(): ref Sys->FD { return sys->fildes(2); }