ref: a968f9c8d403cb77599899309f1373a1b746d4bc
dir: /appl/lib/lists.b/
implement Lists; include "lists.m"; # these will be more useful when p is a closure allsat[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): int { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(!p(hd l)) return 0; return 1; } anysat[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): int { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(p(hd l)) return 1; return 0; } map[T](f: ref fn(x: T): T, l: list of T): list of T { if(l == nil) return nil; return f(hd l) :: map(f, tl l); } filter[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): list of T { if(l == nil) return nil; if(p(hd l)) return hd l :: filter(p, tl l); return filter(p, tl l); } partition[T](p: ref fn(x: T): int, l: list of T): (list of T, list of T) { l1: list of T; l2: list of T; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(p(hd l)) l1 = hd l :: l1; else l2 = hd l :: l2; return (reverse(l1), reverse(l2)); } append[T](l: list of T, x: T): list of T { # could use the reversing loops instead if this is ever a bottleneck if(l == nil) return x :: nil; return hd l :: append(tl l, x); } concat[T](l: list of T, l2: list of T): list of T { if(l2 == nil) return l; for(rl1 := reverse(l); rl1 != nil; rl1 = tl rl1) l2 = hd rl1 :: l2; return l2; } combine[T](l: list of T, l2: list of T): list of T { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) l2 = hd l :: l2; return l2; } reverse[T](l: list of T): list of T { rl: list of T; for(; l != nil; l = tl l) rl = hd l :: rl; return rl; } last[T](l: list of T): T { # l must not be nil while(tl l != nil) l = tl l; return hd l; } # find instance of x in l, return tail of l from x find[T](x: T, l: list of T): list of T for { T => eq: fn(a, b: T): int; } { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(T.eq(x, hd l)) return l; return nil; } # delete the first instance of x in l delete[T](x: T, l: list of T): list of T for { T => eq: fn(a, b: T): int; } { loc := find(x, l); if(loc == nil) return l; o: list of T; for(; l != loc; l = tl l) o = hd l :: o; l = tl loc; for(; o != nil; o = tl o) l = hd o :: l; return l; } pair[T1, T2](l1: list of T1, l2: list of T2): list of (T1, T2) { if(l1 == nil && l2 == nil) return nil; return (hd l1, hd l2) :: pair(tl l1, tl l2); } unpair[T1, T2](l: list of (T1, T2)): (list of T1, list of T2) { l1: list of T1; l2: list of T2; for(; l != nil; l = tl l){ (v1, v2) := hd l; l1 = v1 :: l1; l2 = v2 :: l2; } return (reverse(l1), reverse(l2)); } ismember[T](x: T, l: list of T): int for { T => eq: fn(a, b: T): int; } { for(; l != nil; l = tl l) if(T.eq(x, hd l)) return 1; return 0; }