ref: a8083462e62459b2ae8a243dc4ba88416eba03b1
dir: /utils/ftl/ftl.c/
/* * basic Flash Translation Layer driver * see for instance the Intel technical paper * ``Understanding the Flash Translation Layer (FTL) Specification'' * Order number 297816-001 (online at * * a public driver by David Hinds, [email protected] * further helps with some details. * * this driver uses the common simplification of never storing * the VBM on the medium (a waste of precious flash!) but * rather building it on the fly as the block maps are read. * * Plan 9 driver (c) 1997 by C H Forsyth ([email protected]) * This driver may be used or adapted by anyone for any non-commercial purpose. * * adapted for Inferno 1998 by C H Forsyth, Vita Nuova Limited, York, England ([email protected]) * * C H Forsyth and Vita Nuova Limited expressly allow Lucent Technologies * to use this driver freely for any Inferno-related purposes whatever, * including commercial applications. * * TO DO: * check error handling details for get/put flash * bad block handling * reserved space in formatted size * possibly block size as parameter * fetch parameters from header on init * * Adapted to a ftl formatter for Inferno 2000 by J R Firth, Vita Nuova Limited * usage : ftl flashsize secsize inputfile outputfile * outputfile will then be a ftl image of inputfile * nb assumes the base address is zero * */ #include <lib9.h> ulong flashsize, secsize; char *flashm; int trace = 0; #ifndef offsetof #define offsetof(T,X) ((ulong)&(((T*)0)->X)) #endif typedef struct Ftl Ftl; typedef struct Merase Merase; typedef struct Terase Terase; enum { Eshift = 18, /* 2^18=256k; log2(eraseunit) */ Flashseg = 1<<Eshift, Bshift = 9, /* 2^9=512 */ Bsize = 1<<Bshift, BAMoffset = 0x100, Nolimit = ~0, USABLEPCT = 95, /* release only this % to client */ FTLDEBUG = 0 }; /* erase unit header (defined by FTL specification) */ struct Merase { uchar linktuple[5]; uchar orgtuple[10]; uchar nxfer; uchar nerase[4]; uchar id[2]; uchar bshift; uchar eshift; uchar pstart[2]; uchar nunits[2]; uchar psize[4]; uchar vbmbase[4]; uchar nvbm[2]; uchar flags; uchar code; uchar serial[4]; uchar altoffset[4]; uchar bamoffset[4]; uchar rsv2[12]; }; #define ERASEHDRLEN 64 enum { /* special unit IDs */ XferID = 0xffff, XferBusy = 0x7fff, /* special BAM addresses */ Bfree = 0xffffffff, Bwriting = 0xfffffffe, Bdeleted = 0, /* block types */ TypeShift = 7, BlockType = (1<<TypeShift)-1, ControlBlock = 0x30, DataBlock = 0x40, ReplacePage = 0x60, BadBlock = 0x70, }; #define BTYPE(b) ((b) & BlockType) #define BADDR(b) ((b) & ~BlockType) #define BNO(va) (((ulong)(va))>>Bshift) #define MKBAM(b,t) (((b)<<Bshift)|(t)) struct Terase { int x; int id; ulong offset; ulong bamoffset; ulong nbam; ulong* bam; ulong bamx; ulong nfree; ulong nused; ulong ndead; ulong nbad; ulong nerase; }; struct Ftl { ulong base; /* base of flash region */ ulong size; /* size of flash region */ ulong segsize; /* size of flash segment (erase unit) */ int eshift; /* log2(erase-unit-size) */ int bshift; /* log2(bsize) */ int bsize; int nunit; /* number of segments (erase units) */ Terase** unit; int lastx; /* index in unit of last allocation */ int xfer; /* index in unit of current transfer unit (-1 if none) */ ulong nfree; /* total free space in blocks */ ulong nblock; /* total space in blocks */ ulong rwlimit; /* user-visible block limit (`formatted size') */ ulong* vbm; /* virtual block map */ ulong fstart; /* address of first block of data in a segment */ int trace; /* (debugging) trace of read/write actions */ int detach; /* free Ftl on last close */ /* scavenging variables */ int needspace; int hasproc; }; enum { /* Ftl.detach */ Detached = 1, /* detach on close */ Deferred /* scavenger must free it */ }; /* little endian */ #define GET2(p) (((p)[1]<<8)|(p)[0]) #define GET4(p) (((((((p)[3]<<8)|(p)[2])<<8)|(p)[1])<<8)|(p)[0]) #define PUT2(p,v) (((p)[1]=(v)>>8),((p)[0]=(v))) #define PUT4(p,v) (((p)[3]=(v)>>24),((p)[2]=(v)>>16),((p)[1]=(v)>>8),((p)[0]=(v))) static Ftl *ftls; static ulong allocblk(Ftl*); static void eraseflash(Ftl*, ulong); static void erasefree(Terase*); static void eraseinit(Ftl*, ulong, int, int); static Terase* eraseload(Ftl*, int, ulong); static void ftlfree(Ftl*); static void getflash(Ftl*, void*, ulong, long); static int mapblk(Ftl*, ulong, Terase**, ulong*); static Ftl* mkftl(char*, ulong, ulong, int, char*); static void putbam(Ftl*, Terase*, int, ulong); static void putflash(Ftl*, ulong, void*, long); static int scavenge(Ftl*); static void ftlstat(int sz) { print("0x%lux:0x%ux:0x%lux\n", ftls->rwlimit*Bsize, sz, flashsize); print("%lud:%d:%lud in 512b blocks\n", ftls->rwlimit, sz>>Bshift, flashsize>>Bshift); } static long ftlread(void *buf, long n, ulong offset) { Ftl *ftl; Terase *e; int nb; uchar *a; ulong pb; if(n <= 0 || n%Bsize || offset%Bsize) { fprint(2, "bad read\n"); exits("1"); } ftl = ftls; nb = n/Bsize; offset /= Bsize; if(offset >= ftl->rwlimit) return 0; if(offset+nb > ftl->rwlimit) nb = ftl->rwlimit - offset; a = buf; for(n = 0; n < nb; n++){ if(mapblk(ftl, offset+n, &e, &pb)) getflash(ftl, a, e->offset + pb*Bsize, Bsize); else memset(a, 0, Bsize); a += Bsize; } return a-(uchar*)buf; /* not reached */ } static long ftlwrite(void *buf, long n, ulong offset) { int ns, nb; uchar *a; Terase *e, *oe; ulong ob, v; Ftl *ftl; if(n <= 0) return 0; ftl = ftls; if(n <= 0 || n%Bsize || offset%Bsize) { fprint(2, "bad write\n"); exits("1"); } nb = n/Bsize; offset /= Bsize; if(offset >= ftl->rwlimit) return 0; if(offset+nb > ftl->rwlimit) nb = ftl->rwlimit - offset; a = buf; for(n = 0; n < nb; n++){ ns = 0; while((v = allocblk(ftl)) == 0) if(!scavenge(ftl) || ++ns > 3){ print("ftl: flash memory full\n"); } if(!mapblk(ftl, offset+n, &oe, &ob)) oe = nil; e = ftl->unit[v>>16]; v &= 0xffff; putflash(ftl, e->offset + v*Bsize, a, Bsize); putbam(ftl, e, v, MKBAM(offset+n, DataBlock)); /* both old and new block references exist in this window (can't be closed?) */ ftl->vbm[offset+n] = (e->x<<16) | v; if(oe != nil){ putbam(ftl, oe, ob, Bdeleted); oe->ndead++; } a += Bsize; } return a-(uchar*)buf; /* not reached */ } static Ftl * mkftl(char *fname, ulong base, ulong size, int eshift, char *op) { int i, j, nov, segblocks; ulong limit; Terase *e; Ftl *ftl; ftl = malloc(sizeof(*ftl)); if(ftl == nil) { fprint(2, "out of memory\n"); exits("1"); } ftl->lastx = 0; ftl->detach = 0; ftl->needspace = 0; ftl->hasproc = 0; ftl->trace = 0; limit = flashsize; if(size == Nolimit) size = limit-base; if(base >= limit || size > limit || base+size > limit || eshift < 8 || (1<<eshift) > size) { fprint(2, "bad flash space parameters"); exits("1"); } if(FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("%s flash %s #%lux:#%lux limit #%lux\n", op, fname, base, size, limit); ftl->base = base; ftl->size = size; ftl->bshift = Bshift; ftl->bsize = Bsize; ftl->eshift = eshift; ftl->segsize = 1<<eshift; ftl->nunit = size>>eshift; nov = ((ftl->segsize/Bsize)*4 + BAMoffset + Bsize - 1)/Bsize; /* number of overhead blocks per segment (header, and BAM itself) */ ftl->fstart = nov; segblocks = ftl->segsize/Bsize - nov; ftl->nblock = ftl->nunit*segblocks; if(ftl->nblock >= 0x10000) ftl->nblock = 0x10000; ftl->vbm = malloc(ftl->nblock*sizeof(*ftl->vbm)); ftl->unit = malloc(ftl->nunit*sizeof(*ftl->unit)); if(ftl->vbm == nil || ftl->unit == nil) { fprint(2, "out of mem"); exits("1"); } for(i=0; i<ftl->nblock; i++) ftl->vbm[i] = 0; if(strcmp(op, "format") == 0){ for(i=0; i<ftl->nunit-1; i++) eraseinit(ftl, i*ftl->segsize, i, 1); eraseinit(ftl, i*ftl->segsize, XferID, 1); } ftl->xfer = -1; for(i=0; i<ftl->nunit; i++){ e = eraseload(ftl, i, i*ftl->segsize); if(e == nil){ print("ftl: logical segment %d: bad format\n", i); continue; } if(e->id == XferBusy){ e->nerase++; eraseinit(ftl, e->offset, XferID, e->nerase); e->id = XferID; } for(j=0; j<ftl->nunit; j++) if(ftl->unit[j] != nil && ftl->unit[j]->id == e->id){ print("ftl: duplicate erase unit #%x\n", e->id); erasefree(e); e = nil; break; } if(e){ ftl->unit[e->x] = e; if(e->id == XferID) ftl->xfer = e->x; if (FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: unit %d:#%x used %lud free %lud dead %lud bad %lud nerase %lud\n", e->x, e->id, e->nused, e->nfree, e->ndead, e->nbad, e->nerase); } } if(ftl->xfer < 0 && ftl->nunit <= 0 || ftl->xfer >= 0 && ftl->nunit <= 1) { fprint(2, "no valid flash data units"); exits("1"); } if(ftl->xfer < 0) print("ftl: no transfer unit: device is WORM\n"); else ftl->nblock -= segblocks; /* discount transfer segment */ if(ftl->nblock >= 1000) ftl->rwlimit = ftl->nblock-100; /* TO DO: variable reserve */ else ftl->rwlimit = ftl->nblock*USABLEPCT/100; return ftl; } static void ftlfree(Ftl *ftl) { if(ftl != nil){ free(ftl->unit); free(ftl->vbm); free(ftl); } } /* * this simple greedy algorithm weighted by nerase does seem to lead * to even wear of erase units (cf. the eNVy file system) */ static Terase * bestcopy(Ftl *ftl) { Terase *e, *be; int i; be = nil; for(i=0; i<ftl->nunit; i++) if((e = ftl->unit[i]) != nil && e->id != XferID && e->id != XferBusy && e->ndead+e->nbad && (be == nil || e->nerase <= be->nerase && e->ndead >= be->ndead)) be = e; return be; } static int copyunit(Ftl *ftl, Terase *from, Terase *to) { int i, nb; uchar id[2]; ulong *bam; uchar *buf; ulong v, bno; if(FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: copying %d (#%lux) to #%lux\n", from->id, from->offset, to->offset); to->nbam = 0; free(to->bam); to->bam = nil; buf = malloc(Bsize); if(buf == nil) return 0; PUT2(id, XferBusy); putflash(ftl, to->offset+offsetof(Merase,id[0]), id, 2); /* make new BAM */ nb = from->nbam*sizeof(*to->bam); bam = malloc(nb); if(bam == nil) { fprint(2, "nomem\n"); exits("1"); } memmove(bam, from->bam, nb); to->nused = 0; to->nbad = 0; to->nfree = 0; to->ndead = 0; for(i = 0; i < from->nbam; i++) switch(bam[i]){ case Bwriting: case Bdeleted: case Bfree: bam[i] = Bfree; to->nfree++; break; default: switch(bam[i]&BlockType){ default: case BadBlock: /* it isn't necessarily bad in this unit */ to->nfree++; bam[i] = Bfree; break; case DataBlock: case ReplacePage: v = bam[i]; bno = BNO(v & ~BlockType); if(i < ftl->fstart || bno >= ftl->nblock){ print("ftl: unit %d:#%x bad bam[%d]=#%lux\n", from->x, from->id, i, v); to->nfree++; bam[i] = Bfree; break; } getflash(ftl, buf, from->offset+i*Bsize, Bsize); putflash(ftl, to->offset+i*Bsize, buf, Bsize); to->nused++; break; case ControlBlock: to->nused++; break; } } for(i=0; i<from->nbam; i++){ uchar *p = (uchar*)&bam[i]; v = bam[i]; if(v != Bfree && ftl->trace > 1) print("to[%d]=#%lux\n", i, v); PUT4(p, v); } putflash(ftl, to->bamoffset, bam, nb); /* BUG: PUT4 */ for(i=0; i<from->nbam; i++){ uchar *p = (uchar*)&bam[i]; v = bam[i]; PUT4(p, v); } to->id = from->id; PUT2(id, to->id); putflash(ftl, to->offset+offsetof(Merase,id[0]), id, 2); to->nbam = from->nbam; to->bam = bam; ftl->nfree += to->nfree - from->nfree; free(buf); return 1; } static int mustscavenge(void *a) { return ((Ftl*)a)->needspace || ((Ftl*)a)->detach == Deferred; } static int donescavenge(void *a) { return ((Ftl*)a)->needspace == 0; } static void scavengeproc(void *arg) { Ftl *ftl; int i; Terase *e, *ne; ftl = arg; if(mustscavenge(ftl)){ if(ftl->detach == Deferred){ ftlfree(ftl); fprint(2, "scavenge out of memory\n"); exits("1"); } if(FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: scavenge %ld\n", ftl->nfree); e = bestcopy(ftl); if(e == nil || ftl->xfer < 0 || (ne = ftl->unit[ftl->xfer]) == nil || ne->id != XferID || e == ne) goto Fail; if(copyunit(ftl, e, ne)){ i = ne->x; ne->x = e->x; e->x = i; ftl->unit[ne->x] = ne; ftl->unit[e->x] = e; ftl->xfer = e->x; e->id = XferID; e->nbam = 0; free(e->bam); e->bam = nil; e->bamx = 0; e->nerase++; eraseinit(ftl, e->offset, XferID, e->nerase); } Fail: if(FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: end scavenge %ld\n", ftl->nfree); ftl->needspace = 0; } } static int scavenge(Ftl *ftl) { if(ftl->xfer < 0 || bestcopy(ftl) == nil) return 0; /* you worm! */ if(!ftl->hasproc){ ftl->hasproc = 1; } ftl->needspace = 1; scavengeproc(ftls); return ftl->nfree; } static void putbam(Ftl *ftl, Terase *e, int n, ulong entry) { uchar b[4]; e->bam[n] = entry; PUT4(b, entry); putflash(ftl, e->bamoffset + n*4, b, 4); } static ulong allocblk(Ftl *ftl) { Terase *e; int i, j; i = ftl->lastx; do{ e = ftl->unit[i]; if(e != nil && e->id != XferID && e->nfree){ ftl->lastx = i; for(j=e->bamx; j<e->nbam; j++) if(e->bam[j] == Bfree){ putbam(ftl, e, j, Bwriting); ftl->nfree--; e->nfree--; e->bamx = j+1; return (e->x<<16) | j; } e->nfree = 0; print("ftl: unit %d:#%x nfree %ld but not free in BAM\n", e->x, e->id, e->nfree); } if(++i >= ftl->nunit) i = 0; }while(i != ftl->lastx); return 0; } static int mapblk(Ftl *ftl, ulong bno, Terase **ep, ulong *bp) { ulong v; int x; if(bno < ftl->nblock){ v = ftl->vbm[bno]; if(v == 0 || v == ~0) return 0; x = v>>16; if(x >= ftl->nunit || x == ftl->xfer || ftl->unit[x] == nil){ print("ftl: corrupt format: bad block mapping %lud -> unit #%x\n", bno, x); return 0; } *ep = ftl->unit[x]; *bp = v & 0xFFFF; return 1; } return 0; } static void eraseinit(Ftl *ftl, ulong offset, int id, int nerase) { union { Merase m; uchar block[ERASEHDRLEN]; } *m; uchar *bam, *p; int i, nov; nov = ((ftl->segsize/Bsize)*4 + BAMoffset + Bsize - 1)/Bsize; /* number of overhead blocks (header, and BAM itself) */ if(nov*Bsize >= ftl->segsize) { fprint(2, "ftl -- too small for files"); exits("1"); } eraseflash(ftl, offset); m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); if(m == nil) { fprint(2, "nomem\n"); exits("1"); } memset(m, 0xFF, sizeof(*m)); m->m.linktuple[0] = 0x13; m->m.linktuple[1] = 0x3; memmove(m->m.linktuple+2, "CIS", 3); m->m.orgtuple[0] = 0x46; m->m.orgtuple[1] = 0x57; m->m.orgtuple[2] = 0x00; memmove(m->m.orgtuple+3, "FTL100", 7); m->m.nxfer = 1; PUT4(m->m.nerase, nerase); PUT2(m->, id); m->m.bshift = ftl->bshift; m->m.eshift = ftl->eshift; PUT2(m->m.pstart, 0); PUT2(m->m.nunits, ftl->nunit); PUT4(m->m.psize, ftl->size - nov*Bsize); PUT4(m->m.vbmbase, 0xffffffff); /* we always calculate the VBM */ PUT2(m->m.nvbm, 0); m->m.flags = 0; m->m.code = 0xFF; memmove(m->m.serial, "Inf1", 4); PUT4(m->m.altoffset, 0); PUT4(m->m.bamoffset, BAMoffset); putflash(ftl, offset, m, ERASEHDRLEN); free(m); if(id == XferID) return; nov *= 4; /* now bytes of BAM */ bam = malloc(nov); if(bam == nil) { fprint(2, "nomem"); exits("1"); } for(i=0; i<nov; i += 4){ p = bam+i; PUT4(p, ControlBlock); /* reserve them */ } putflash(ftl, offset+BAMoffset, bam, nov); free(bam); } static Terase * eraseload(Ftl *ftl, int x, ulong offset) { union { Merase m; uchar block[ERASEHDRLEN]; } *m; Terase *e; uchar *p; int i, nbam; ulong bno, v; m = malloc(sizeof(*m)); if(m == nil) { fprint(2, "nomem"); exits("1"); } getflash(ftl, m, offset, ERASEHDRLEN); if(memcmp(m->m.orgtuple+3, "FTL100", 7) != 0 || memcmp(m->m.serial, "Inf1", 4) != 0){ free(m); return nil; } e = malloc(sizeof(*e)); if(e == nil){ free(m); fprint(2, "nomem"); exits("1"); } e->x = x; e->id = GET2(m->; e->offset = offset; e->bamoffset = GET4(m->m.bamoffset); e->nerase = GET4(m->m.nerase); e->bamx = 0; e->nfree = 0; e->nused = 0; e->ndead = 0; e->nbad = 0; free(m); if(e->bamoffset != BAMoffset){ free(e); return nil; } e->bamoffset += offset; if(e->id == XferID || e->id == XferBusy){ e->bam = nil; e->nbam = 0; return e; } nbam = ftl->segsize/Bsize; e->bam = malloc(nbam*sizeof(*e->bam)); e->nbam = nbam; getflash(ftl, e->bam, e->bamoffset, nbam*4); /* scan BAM to build VBM */ e->bamx = 0; for(i=0; i<nbam; i++){ p = (uchar*)&e->bam[i]; e->bam[i] = v = GET4(p); if(v == Bwriting || v == Bdeleted) e->ndead++; else if(v == Bfree){ if(e->bamx == 0) e->bamx = i; e->nfree++; ftl->nfree++; }else{ switch(v & BlockType){ case ControlBlock: break; case DataBlock: /* add to VBM */ if(v & (1<<31)) break; /* negative => VBM page, ignored */ bno = BNO(v & ~BlockType); if(i < ftl->fstart || bno >= ftl->nblock){ print("ftl: unit %d:#%x bad bam[%d]=#%lux\n", e->x, e->id, i, v); e->nbad++; break; } ftl->vbm[bno] = (e->x<<16) | i; e->nused++; break; case ReplacePage: /* replacement VBM page; ignored */ break; default: print("ftl: unit %d:#%x bad bam[%d]=%lux\n", e->x, e->id, i, v); case BadBlock: e->nbad++; break; } } } return e; } static void erasefree(Terase *e) { free(e->bam); free(e); } static void eraseflash(Ftl *ftl, ulong offset) { offset += ftl->base; if(FTLDEBUG || ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: erase seg @#%lux\n", offset); memset(flashm+offset, 0xff, secsize); } static void putflash(Ftl *ftl, ulong offset, void *buf, long n) { offset += ftl->base; if(ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: write(#%lux, %ld)\n", offset, n); memcpy(flashm+offset, buf, n); } static void getflash(Ftl *ftl, void *buf, ulong offset, long n) { offset += ftl->base; if(ftl->trace || trace) print("ftl: read(#%lux, %ld)\n", offset, n); memcpy(buf, flashm+offset, n); } #define BUFSIZE 8192 void main(int argc, char **argv) { int k, r, sz, offset = 0; char *buf, *buf1; int fd1, fd2; if (argc != 5) { fprint(2, "usage: %s flashsize secsize kfsfile flashfile\n", argv[0]); exits("1"); } flashsize = strtol(argv[1], nil, 0); secsize = strtol(argv[2], nil , 0); fd1 = open(argv[3], OREAD); fd2 = create(argv[4], OWRITE, 0644); if (fd1 < 0 || fd2 < 0) { fprint(2, "bad io files\n"); exits("1"); } if(secsize == 0 || secsize > flashsize || secsize&(secsize-1) || 0&(secsize-1) || flashsize == 0 || flashsize != Nolimit && flashsize&(secsize-1)) { fprint(2, "bad sizes\n"); exits("1"); } for(k=0; k<32 && (1<<k) != secsize; k++) ; flashm = malloc(flashsize); buf = malloc(BUFSIZE); if (flashm == nil) { fprint(2, "no mem for flash\n"); exits("1"); } ftls = mkftl("FLASH", 0, Nolimit, k, "format"); for (;;) { r = read(fd1, buf, BUFSIZE); if (r <= 0) break; if (ftlwrite(buf, r, offset) != r) { fprint(2, "ftlwrite failed - input file too big\n"); exits("1"); } offset += r; } write(fd2, flashm, flashsize); close(fd1); close(fd2); ftlstat(offset); /* ftls = mkftl("FLASH", 0, Nolimit, k, "init"); */ sz = offset; offset = 0; buf1 = malloc(BUFSIZE); fd1 = open(argv[3], OREAD); for (;;) { r = read(fd1, buf1, BUFSIZE); if (r <= 0) break; if (ftlread(buf, r, offset) != r) { fprint(2, "ftlread failed\n"); exits("1"); } if (memcmp(buf, buf1, r) != 0) { fprint(2, "bad read\n"); exits("1"); } offset += r; } close(fd1); if (offset != sz) { fprint(2, "bad final offset\n"); exits("1"); } exits("0"); }