ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /appl/spree/engines/snap.b/
implement Engine; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "../spree.m"; spree: Spree; Attributes, Range, Object, Clique, Member, rand: import spree; include "allow.m"; allow: Allow; include "cardlib.m"; cardlib: Cardlib; publicstack: import cardlib; VERT, HORIZ, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, Stackspec: import Cardlib; clique: ref Clique; PLAY, START, SAY, SNAP: con iota; started := 0; buttons: ref Object; scores: ref Object; deck: ref Object; HAND, PILE: con iota; hands := array[2] of ref Object; piles := array[2] of ref Object; publicspec: array of Stackspec; privatespec := array[] of { HAND => Stackspec(Cardlib->sPILE, 52, 0, "hand", HORIZ, BOTTOM), PILE => Stackspec(Cardlib->sPILE, 52, 0, "pile", HORIZ, TOP), }; oneplayed := 0; # true if only one member's put down a card so far MINPLAYERS: con 2; MAXPLAYERS: con 2; clienttype(): string { return "cards"; } init(g: ref Clique, srvmod: Spree): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; clique = g; spree = srvmod; allow = load Allow Allow->PATH; if (allow == nil) { sys->print("whist: cannot load %s: %r\n", Allow->PATH); return "bad module"; } allow->init(spree, clique); allow->add(SAY, nil, "say &"); cardlib = load Cardlib Cardlib->PATH; if (cardlib == nil) { sys->print("whist: cannot load %s: %r\n", Cardlib->PATH); return "bad module"; } cardlib->init(clique, spree); deck = clique.newobject(nil, ~0, "stack"); cardlib->makepack(deck, (0, 52), 1); cardlib->shuffle(deck); buttons = clique.newobject(nil, ~0, "buttons"); scores = clique.newobject(nil, ~0, "scoretable"); return nil; } join(p: ref Member): string { sys->print("%s(%d) joining\n",,; if (!started && cardlib->nmembers() < MAXPLAYERS) { (nil, err) := cardlib->join(p, -1); if (err == nil) { if (cardlib->nmembers() == MINPLAYERS) { mkbutton("Start", "start"); allow->add(START, nil, "start"); } } else sys->print("error on join: %s\n", err); } return nil; } leave(p: ref Member) { cardlib->leave(p); started == 0; if (cardlib->nmembers() < MINPLAYERS) { buttons.deletechildren((0, len buttons.children)); allow->del(START, nil); } } command(p: ref Member, cmd: string): string { e := ref Sys->Exception; if (sys->rescue("parse:*", e) == Sys->EXCEPTION) { sys->rescued(Sys->ONCE, nil); return[6:]; } (err, tag, toks) := allow->action(p, cmd); if (err != nil) return err; case tag { START => buttons.deletechildren((0, len buttons.children)); allow->del(START, nil); allow->add(SNAP, nil, "snap"); mkbutton("Snap!", "snap"); cardlib->startclique(publicspec, privatespec); for (i := 0; i < 2; i++) { hands[i] = cardlib->info(i).stacks[HAND]; piles[i] = cardlib->info(i).stacks[PILE]; } deck.transfer((0, 26), hands[0], 0); deck.transfer((0, 26), hands[1], 0); canplay(0); canplay(1); PLAY => # click index ord := cardlib->order(p); inf := cardlib->info(ord); hand := hands[ord]; pile := piles[ord]; hand.transfer((len hand.children - 1, len hand.children), pile, len pile.children); cardlib->setface(pile.children[len pile.children - 1], 1); cantplay(ord); oneplayed = !oneplayed; if (!oneplayed || len hands[!ord].children == 0) { for (i := 0; i < 2; i++) if (len hands[i].children > 0) canplay(i); } SNAP => # snap ord := cardlib->order(p); inf := cardlib->info(ord); if (oneplayed) # XXX allow for case where one person has no cards. return "must wait for two cards to be put down"; if (len piles[0].children == 0 || len piles[1].children == 0) return "no cards"; c0 := cardlib->getcard(piles[0].children[len piles[0].children - 1]); c1 := cardlib->getcard(piles[1].children[len piles[0].children - 1]); if (c0.number != c1.number) { remark( + " said snap wrongly!"); return "cards must be the same"; } else { transferall(piles[!ord], piles[ord], len piles[ord].children); flipstack(piles[ord]); transferall(piles[ord], hands[ord], 0); if (len hands[!ord].children == 0) remark( + " has won!"); oneplayed = 0; for (i := 0; i < 2; i++) if (len hands[i].children > 0) canplay(i); else cantplay(i); } SAY => clique.action("say member " + string + ": '" + joinwords(tl toks) + "'", nil, nil, ~0); } return nil; } transferall(stack, into: ref Object, idx: int) { stack.transfer((0, len stack.children), into, idx); } flipstack(stack: ref Object) { for (i := 0; i < len stack.children; i++) { card := stack.children[i]; cardlib->setface(card, ! int card.getattr("face")); } } joinwords(v: list of string): string { if (v == nil) return nil; s := hd v; for (v = tl v; v != nil; v = tl v) s += " " + hd v; return s; } canplay(ord: int) { inf := cardlib->info(ord); allow->del(PLAY, inf.p); allow->add(PLAY, inf.p, "click %d"); inf.stacks[HAND].setattr("actions", "click", 1<<; } cantplay(ord: int) { inf := cardlib->info(ord); allow->del(PLAY, inf.p); inf.stacks[HAND].setattr("actions", nil, 1<<; } member(ord: int): ref Member { return cardlib->info(ord).p; } remark(s: string) { clique.action("remark " + s, nil, nil, ~0); } mkbutton(text, cmd: string): ref Object { but := clique.newobject(buttons, ~0, "button"); but.setattr("text", text, ~0); but.setattr("command", cmd, ~0); return but; }