ref: a39ae178fcc4387fe63efea4d15b34d52f4a13de
dir: /appl/lib/readpicfile.b/
implement RImagefile; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "imagefile.m"; Header: adt { fd: ref Iobuf; ch: chan of (ref Rawimage, string); # variables in i/o routines buf: array of byte; bufi: int; nbuf: int; TYPE: string; CHAN: string; NCHAN: string; CMAP: int; dx: int; dy: int; }; NBUF: con 8*1024; init(iomod: Bufio) { if(sys == nil) sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = iomod; } read(fd: ref Iobuf): (ref Rawimage, string) { # spawn a subprocess so I/O errors can clean up easily ch := chan of (ref Rawimage, string); spawn readslave(fd, ch); return <-ch; } readmulti(fd: ref Iobuf): (array of ref Rawimage, string) { (i, err) := read(fd); if(i != nil){ a := array[1] of { i }; return (a, err); } return (nil, err); } readslave(fd: ref Iobuf, ch: chan of (ref Rawimage, string)) { (header, err) := header(fd, ch); if(header == nil){ ch <-= (nil, err); exit; } ch <-= image(header); } readerror(): string { return sys->sprint("ReadPIC: read error: %r"); } header(fd: ref Iobuf, ch: chan of (ref Rawimage, string)): (ref Header, string) { h := ref Header; h.fd = fd; = ch; h.CMAP = 0; h.dx = 0; h.dy = 0; cantparse := "ReadPIC: can't parse header"; for(;;){ s := fd.gets('\n'); if(s==nil || s[len s-1]!='\n') return (nil, cantparse); if(s == "\n") break; addfield(h, s[0:len s-1]); } if(h.dx<=0 || h.dy<=0) return (nil, "ReadPIC: empty picture or WINDOW not set"); return (h, nil); } addfield(h: ref Header, s: string) { baddata := "ReadPIC: not a PIC header"; for(i:=0; i<len s; i++){ if(s[i] == '=') break; if(s[i]==0 || s[i]>16r7f){ <-= (nil, baddata); exit; } } if(i == len s){ <-= (nil, baddata); exit; } case s[0:i]{ "TYPE" => h.TYPE = s[i+1:]; "CHAN" => h.CHAN = s[i+1:]; "NCHAN" => h.NCHAN = s[i+1:]; "CMAP" => h.CMAP = 1; "WINDOW" => (n, l) := sys->tokenize(s[i+1:], " "); if(n != 4){ <-= (nil, "ReadPIC: bad WINDOW specification"); exit; } x0 := int hd l; l = tl l; y0 := int hd l; l = tl l; h.dx = int hd l - x0; l = tl l; h.dy = int hd l - y0; } } image(h: ref Header): (ref Rawimage, string) { if(h.TYPE!="dump" || h.CHAN!="rgb" || h.NCHAN!="3" || h.CMAP) return (nil, "ReadPIC: can't handle this type of picture"); i := ref Rawimage; i.r = ((0,0), (h.dx, h.dy)); i.cmap = nil; i.transp = 0; i.trindex = byte 0; i.nchans = int h.NCHAN; i.chans = array[i.nchans] of array of byte; for(j:=0; j<i.nchans; j++) i.chans[j] = array[h.dx*h.dy] of byte; i.chandesc = CRGB; n := h.dx*h.dy; b := array[i.nchans*n] of byte; if(, len b) != len b) return (nil, "ReadPIC: file too short"); l := 0; for(j=0; j<n; j++) for(k:=0; k<i.nchans; k++) i.chans[k][j] = b[l++]; return (i, nil); }