ref: 995a32b23775fd83b4d808d713b8d885cc2b297b
dir: /libtk/xdata.c/
#include "lib9.h" #include "draw.h" #include "tk.h" #define O(t, e) ((long)(&((t*)0)->e)) TkStab tkorient[] = { "vertical", Tkvertical, "horizontal", Tkhorizontal, nil }; #define RGB(r,g,b) ((r<<24)|(g<<16)|(b<<8)|0xff) TkStab tkcolortab[] = { "black", RGB(0,0,0), "blue", RGB(0,0,204), "darkblue", RGB(93,0,187), "red", RGB(255,0,0), "yellow", RGB(255,255,0), "green", RGB(0,128,0), "white", RGB(255,255,255), "orange", RGB(255,170,0), "aqua", RGB(0,255,255), "fuchsia", RGB(255,0,255), "gray", RGB(128,128,128), "grey", RGB(128,128,128), "lime", RGB(0,255,0), "maroon", RGB(128,0,0), "navy", RGB(0,0,128), "olive", RGB(128,128,0), "purple", RGB(128,0,128), "silver", RGB(192,192,192), "teal", RGB(0,128,128), "transparent", DTransparent, nil }; TkStab tkrelief[] = { "raised", TKraised, "sunken", TKsunken, "flat", TKflat, "groove", TKgroove, "ridge", TKridge, nil }; TkStab tkbool[] = { "0", BoolF, "no", BoolF, "off", BoolF, "false", BoolF, "1", BoolT, "yes", BoolT, "on", BoolT, "true", BoolT, nil }; TkStab tkanchor[] = { "center", Tkcenter, "c", Tkcenter, "n", Tknorth, "ne", Tknorth|Tkeast, "e", Tkeast, "se", Tksouth|Tkeast, "s", Tksouth, "sw", Tksouth|Tkwest, "w", Tkwest, "nw", Tknorth|Tkwest, nil }; static TkStab tkstate[] = { "normal", 0, "active", Tkactive, "disabled", Tkdisabled, nil }; static TkStab tktakefocus[] = { "0", 0, "1", Tktakefocus, nil }; TkStab tktabjust[] = { "left", Tkleft, "right", Tkright, "center", Tkcenter, "numeric", Tknumeric, nil }; TkStab tkwrap[] = { "none", Tkwrapnone, "word", Tkwrapword, "char", Tkwrapchar, nil }; TkStab tkjustify[] = { "left", Tkleft, "right", Tkright, "center", Tkcenter, nil }; TkOption tkgeneric[] = { "actx", OPTact, 0, IAUX(0), "acty", OPTact, 0, IAUX(1), "actwidth", OPTdist, O(Tk, act.width), IAUX(O(Tk, env)), "actheight", OPTdist, O(Tk, act.height), IAUX(O(Tk, env)), "bd", OPTnndist, O(Tk, borderwidth), nil, "borderwidth", OPTnndist, O(Tk, borderwidth), nil, "highlightthickness", OPTnndist, O(Tk, highlightwidth), nil, "height", OPTsize, 0, IAUX(O(Tk, env)), "width", OPTsize, 0, IAUX(O(Tk, env)), "relief", OPTstab, O(Tk, relief), tkrelief, "state", OPTflag, O(Tk, flag), tkstate, "font", OPTfont, O(Tk, env), nil, "foreground", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCforegnd), "background", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCbackgnd), "fg", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCforegnd), "bg", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCbackgnd), "selectcolor", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCselect), "selectforeground", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCselectfgnd), "selectbackground", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCselectbgnd), "activeforeground", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCactivefgnd), "activebackground", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCactivebgnd), "highlightcolor", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkChighlightfgnd), "disabledcolor", OPTcolr, O(Tk, env), IAUX(TkCdisablefgnd), "padx", OPTnndist, O(Tk, pad.x), nil, "pady", OPTnndist, O(Tk, pad.y), nil, "takefocus", OPTflag, O(Tk, flag), tktakefocus, nil }; TkOption tktop[] = { "x", OPTdist, O(TkWin, req.x), nil, "y", OPTdist, O(TkWin, req.y), nil, nil }; TkOption tktopdbg[] = { "debug", OPTbool, O(TkTop, debug), nil, nil }; TkMethod *tkmethod[] = { &framemethod, /* TKframe */ &labelmethod, /* TKlabel */ &checkbuttonmethod, /* TKcheckbutton */ &buttonmethod, /* TKbutton */ &menubuttonmethod, /* TKmenubutton */ &menumethod, /* TKmenu */ &separatormethod, /* TKseparator */ &cascademethod, /* TKcascade */ &listboxmethod, /* TKlistbox */ &scrollbarmethod, /* TKscrollbar */ &textmethod, /* TKtext */ &canvasmethod, /* TKcanvas */ &entrymethod, /* TKentry */ &radiobuttonmethod, /* TKradiobutton */ &scalemethod, /* TKscale */ &panelmethod, /* TKpanel */ &choicebuttonmethod, /*TKchoicebutton */ }; char TkNomem[] = "!out of memory"; char TkBadop[] = "!bad option"; char TkOparg[] = "!arg requires option"; char TkBadvl[] = "!bad value"; char TkBadwp[] = "!bad window path"; char TkWpack[] = "!window is already packed"; char TkNotop[] = "!no toplevel"; char TkDupli[] = "!window path already exists"; char TkNotpk[] = "!window not packed"; char TkBadcm[] = "!bad command"; char TkIstop[] = "!can't pack top level"; char TkBadbm[] = "!failed to load bitmap"; char TkBadft[] = "!failed to open font"; char TkBadit[] = "!bad item type"; char TkBadtg[] = "!bad/no matching tag"; char TkFewpt[] = "!wrong number of points"; char TkBadsq[] = "!bad event sequence"; char TkBadix[] = "!bad index"; char TkNotwm[] = "!not a window"; char TkBadvr[] = "!variable does not exist"; char TkNotvt[] = "!variable is wrong type"; char TkMovfw[] = "!too many events buffered"; char TkBadsl[] = "!selection already exists"; char TkSyntx[] = "!bad [] or {} syntax"; char TkRecur[] = "!cannot pack recursively"; char TkDepth[] = "!execution stack too big"; char TkNomaster[] = "!no master given"; char TkNotgrid[] = "!not a grid"; char TkIsgrid[] = "!cannot use pack inside a grid"; char TkBadgridcell[] = "!grid cell in use"; char TkBadspan[] = "!bad grid span"; char TkBadcursor[] = "!bad cursor image";