ref: 995a32b23775fd83b4d808d713b8d885cc2b297b
dir: /libtk/
frame .spacer -width 10c -height 5c listbox .spacer.l -yscrollcommand {.spacer.scroll set} -xscrollcommand {.scrollh set} scrollbar .spacer.scroll -command {.spacer.l yview} scrollbar .scrollh -orient horizontal -command {.spacer.l xview} -width [.spacer.l cget width] .spacer.l insert end This is some text for the .spacer.l insert end listboxandthisentryisverymuchlongerthattherest .spacer.l insert end and here is some more stuff to box .spacer.l insert end and here is some more stuff to box .spacer.l insert end and here is some more stuff to box .spacer.l insert end and here is some more stuff to box .spacer.l insert end and here is some more stuff to box canvas .c -width 5c -height 3c .c create rectangle 1c 1c 2c 2c -fill red .c create line 1c 1c 2c 2c -arrow both pack .spacer.l .spacer.scroll .c -side left -fill y .spacer.l selection set 3 frame .mbar -relief raised -bd 2 pack .mbar -fill x pack .mbar .spacer .scrollh -anchor w menubutton .mbar.file -text File -menu .mbar.file.m -underline 0 menubutton .mbar.edit -text Edit -menu .mbar.edit.m -underline 0 pack .mbar.file .mbar.edit -side left menu .mbar.file.m .mbar.file.m add checkbutton -label Italic .mbar.file.m add checkbutton -label Bold .mbar.file.m add checkbutton -label Underline .mbar.file.m add separator .mbar.file.m add command -label Quit .mbar.file.m add command -label Dictionary .mbar.file.m add cascade -label Search -menu menu .mbar.edit.m .mbar.edit.m add checkbutton -label Italic .mbar.edit.m add checkbutton -label Bold .mbar.edit.m add checkbutton -label Underline menu add checkbutton -label "\{Case Sensitive\}" add checkbutton -label Forward add checkbutton -label Backward add radiobutton -label "\{Upper case\}" -variable case -value u add radiobutton -label "\{Lower case\}" -variable case -value l add radiobutton -label "\{Case Insensitive\}" -variable case -value i