ref: 948870cffe2572efb68ef0b3873b36238fb53263
dir: /appl/svc/webget/http.b/
implement Transport; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "string.m"; S: String; include "bufio.m"; B : Bufio; Iobuf: import B; include "date.m"; D: Date; include "message.m"; M: Message; Msg, Nameval: import M; include "url.m"; U: Url; ParsedUrl: import U; include "dial.m"; DI: Dial; include "webget.m"; include "wgutils.m"; W: WebgetUtils; Fid, Req: import WebgetUtils; include "keyring.m"; include "asn1.m"; include "pkcs.m"; include "sslsession.m"; include "ssl3.m"; ssl3: SSL3; Context: import ssl3; # Inferno supported cipher suites: RSA_EXPORT_RC4_40_MD5 ssl_suites := array [] of {byte 0, byte 16r03}; ssl_comprs := array [] of {byte 0}; include "transport.m"; HTTPD: con "80"; # Default IP port HTTPSD: con "443"; # Default IP port for HTTPS Version: con "1.0"; # Client ID MAXREDIR: con 10; HTTPheader: adt { vers: string; code: int; length: int; content: string; }; Resp: adt { code: int; action: int; cacheable: int; name: string; }; DODATA, ERROR, REDIR, UNAUTH, HTMLERR: con iota; usecache := 1; cachedir: con "/services/webget/cache"; httpproxy: ref ParsedUrl; noproxydoms: list of string; # domains that don't require proxy agent := "Inferno-webget/" + Version; responses := array[] of { (Resp)(100, DODATA, 0, "Continue" ), (Resp)(101, ERROR, 0, "Switching Protocols" ), (Resp)(200, DODATA, 1, "Ok" ), (Resp)(201, DODATA, 0, "Created" ), (Resp)(202, DODATA, 0, "Accepted" ), (Resp)(203, DODATA, 1, "Non-Authoratative Information" ), (Resp)(204, DODATA, 0, "No content" ), (Resp)(205, DODATA, 0, "Reset content" ), (Resp)(206, DODATA, 0, "Partial content" ), (Resp)(300, ERROR, 1, "Multiple choices" ), (Resp)(301, REDIR, 1, "Moved permanently" ), (Resp)(302, REDIR, 0, "Moved temporarily" ), (Resp)(303, ERROR, 0, "See other" ), (Resp)(304, ERROR, 0, "Not modified" ), (Resp)(305, ERROR, 0, "Use proxy" ), (Resp)(400, HTMLERR, 0, "Bad request" ), (Resp)(401, UNAUTH, 0, "Unauthorized" ), (Resp)(402, HTMLERR, 0, "Payment required" ), (Resp)(403, HTMLERR, 0, "Forbidden" ), (Resp)(404, HTMLERR, 0, "Not found" ), (Resp)(405, HTMLERR, 0, "Method not allowed" ), (Resp)(406, HTMLERR, 0, "Not Acceptable" ), (Resp)(407, HTMLERR, 0, "Proxy authentication required" ), (Resp)(408, HTMLERR, 0, "Request timed-out" ), (Resp)(409, HTMLERR, 0, "Conflict" ), (Resp)(410, HTMLERR, 1, "Gone" ), (Resp)(411, HTMLERR, 0, "Length required" ), (Resp)(412, HTMLERR, 0, "Precondition failed" ), (Resp)(413, HTMLERR, 0, "Request entity too large" ), (Resp)(414, HTMLERR, 0, "Request-URI too large" ), (Resp)(415, HTMLERR, 0, "Unsupported media type" ), (Resp)(500, ERROR, 0, "Internal server error"), (Resp)(501, ERROR, 0, "Not implemented"), (Resp)(502, ERROR, 0, "Bad gateway"), (Resp)(503, ERROR, 0, "Service unavailable"), (Resp)(504, ERROR, 0, "Gateway time-out"), (Resp)(505, ERROR, 0, "HTTP version not supported"), }; init(w: WebgetUtils) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; D = load Date Date->PATH; D->init(); W = w; M = W->M; S = W->S; B = W->B; U = W->U; DI = W->DI; ssl3 = nil; # load on demand readconfig(); } readconfig() { cfgio := B->open("/services/webget/config", sys->OREAD); if(cfgio != nil) { for(;;) { line := B->cfgio.gets('\n'); if(line == "") { B->cfgio.close(); break; } if(line[0]=='#') continue; (key, val) := S->splitl(line, " \t="); val = S->take(S->drop(val, " \t="), "^\r\n"); if(val == nil) continue; case key{ "httpproxy" => if(val != "none"){ # val should be host or host:port httpproxy = U->makeurl("http://" + val); W->log(nil, "Using http proxy " + httpproxy.tostring()); usecache = 0; } "noproxy" => (nil, noproxydoms) = sys->tokenize(val, ";, \t"); "agent" => agent = val; W->log(nil, sys->sprint("User agent specfied as '%s'\n", agent)); } } } } need_proxy(h: string) : int { doml := noproxydoms; if(doml == nil) return 1; # all domains need proxy lh := len h; for(dom := hd doml; doml != nil; doml = tl doml) { ld := len dom; if(lh >= ld && h[lh-ld:] == dom) return 0; # domain is on the noproxy list } return 1; } connect(c: ref Fid, r: ref Req, donec: chan of ref Fid) { method := r.method; u := r.url; accept := W->fixaccept(r.types); mrep, cachemrep: ref Msg = nil; validate : string; io: ref Iobuf = nil; redir := 1; usessl := 0; sslx : ref Context; redirloop: for(nredir := 0; redir && nredir < MAXREDIR; nredir++) { redir = 0; mrep = nil; cachemrep = nil; io = nil; validate = ""; if(u.scheme == Url->HTTPS) { usessl = 1; if(ssl3 == nil) { ssl3 = load SSL3 SSL3->PATH; ssl3->init(); sslx = ssl3->; } } cacheit := usecache; if(r.cachectl == "no-cache" || usessl) cacheit = 0; resptime := 0; # # Perhaps try the cache # if(usecache && method == "GET") { (cachemrep, validate) = cacheread(c, u, r); if(cachemrep != nil && validate == "") cacheit = 0; } else cacheit = 0; if(cachemrep == nil || validate != "") { # # Find the port and dial the network # dialu := u; if(httpproxy != nil && need_proxy( dialu = httpproxy; port := dialu.port; if(port == "") { if(usessl) port = HTTPSD; else port = HTTPD; } addr := DI->netmkaddr(, "tcp", port); W->log(c, sys->sprint("http: dialing %s", addr)); net := DI->dial(addr, nil); if(net == nil) { mrep = W->usererr(r, sys->sprint("%r")); break redirloop; } W->log(c, "http: connected"); e: string; if(usessl) { vers := 3; info := ref SSL3->Authinfo(ssl_suites, ssl_comprs, nil, 0, nil, nil, nil); (e, vers) = sslx.client(net.dfd, addr, vers, info); if(e != "") { mrep = W->usererr(r, e); break redirloop; } W->log(c, "https: ssl handshake complete"); } # # Issue the request # m := Msg.newmsg(); requ: string; if(httpproxy != nil && need_proxy( requ = u.tostring(); else { requ = u.pstart + u.path; if(u.query != "") requ += "?" + u.query; } m.prefixline = method + " " + requ + " HTTP/1.0"; hdrs := Nameval("Host", :: Nameval("User-agent", agent) :: Nameval("Accept", accept) :: nil; m.addhdrs(hdrs); if(validate != "") m.addhdrs(Nameval("If-Modified_Since", validate) :: nil); if(r.auth != "") { m.addhdrs(Nameval("Authorization", "Basic " + r.auth) :: nil); cacheit = 0; } if(method == "POST") { m.body = r.body; m.bodylen = len m.body; m.addhdrs(Nameval("Content-Length", string (len r.body)) :: Nameval("Content-type", "text/xml") :: # was application/x-www-form-urlencoded nil); } io = B->fopen(net.dfd, sys->ORDWR); if(io == nil) { mrep = W->usererr(r, "cannot open network via bufio"); break redirloop; } e = m.writemsg(io); if(e != "") { mrep = W->usererr(r, e); break redirloop; } (mrep, e) = Msg.readhdr(io, 1); if(e!= "") { mrep = W->usererr(r, e); break redirloop; } resptime = D->now(); } else mrep = cachemrep; status := mrep.prefixline; W->log(c, "http: response from network or cache: " + status + "\n" + mrep.header() ); if(!S->prefix("HTTP/", status)) { mrep = W->usererr(r, "expected http got something else"); break redirloop; } code := getcode(status); if(validate != "" && code == 304) { # response: "Not Modified", so use cached response mrep = cachemrep; B->io.close(); io = nil; # let caching happen with new response time # (so age will be small next time) status = mrep.prefixline; W->log(c, "http: validate ok, using cache: " + status); code = getcode(status); } for(i := 0; i < len responses; i++) { if(responses[i].code == code) break; } if(i >= len responses) { mrep = W->usererr(r, "Unrecognized HTTP response code"); break redirloop; } (nil, conttype) := mrep.fieldval("content-type"); cacheit = cacheit && responses[i].cacheable; case responses[i].action { DODATA => e := W->getdata(io, mrep, accept, u); if(e != "") mrep = W->usererr(r, e); else { if(cacheit) cachewrite(c, mrep, u, resptime); W->okprefix(r, mrep); } ERROR => mrep = W->usererr(r, responses[i].name); UNAUTH => (cok, chal) := mrep.fieldval("www-authenticate"); if(cok && r.auth == "") mrep = W->usererr(r, "Unauthorized: " + chal); else { if(conttype == "text/html" && htmlok(accept)) { e := W->getdata(io, mrep, accept, u); if(e != "") mrep = W->usererr(r, "Authorization needed"); else W->okprefix(r, mrep); } else mrep = W->usererr(r, "Authorization needed"); } REDIR => (nil, newloc) := mrep.fieldval("location"); if(newloc == "") { e := W->getdata(io, mrep, accept, u); if(e != "") mrep = W->usererr(r, e); else W->okprefix(r, mrep); } else { if(cacheit) cachewrite(c, mrep, u, resptime); if(method == "POST") { # this is called "erroneous behavior of some # HTTP 1.0 clients" in the HTTP 1.1 spec, # but servers out there rely on this... method = "GET"; } oldu := u; u = U->makeurl(newloc); u.frag = ""; u.makeabsolute(oldu); W->log(c, "http: redirect to " + u.tostring()); if(io != nil) { B->io.close(); io = nil; } redir = 1; } HTMLERR => if(cacheit) cachewrite(c, mrep, u, resptime); if(conttype == "text/html" && htmlok(accept)) { e := W->getdata(io, mrep, accept, u); if(e != "") mrep = W->usererr(r, responses[i].name); else W->okprefix(r, mrep); } else mrep = W->usererr(r, responses[i].name); } } if(io != nil) B->io.close(); if(nredir == MAXREDIR) mrep = W->usererr(r, "redirect loop"); if(mrep != nil) { W->log(c, "http: reply ready for " + r.reqid + ": " + mrep.prefixline); r.reply = mrep; donec <-= c; } } getcode(status: string) : int { (nil, scode) := S->splitl(status, " "); scode = S->drop(scode, " "); return int scode; } htmlok(accept: string) : int { (nil,y) := S->splitstrl(accept, "text/html"); return (y != ""); } mkhtml(msg: string) : ref Msg { m := Msg.newmsg(); m.body = array of byte sys->sprint("<HTML>\n"+ "<BODY>\n"+ "<H1>HTTP Reported Error</H1>\n"+ "<P>\n"+ "The server reported an error: %s\n"+ "</BODY>\n"+ "</HTML>\n", msg); m.bodylen = len m.body; m.update("content-type", "text/html"); m.update("content-location", "webget-internal-message"); return m; } cacheread(c: ref Fid, u: ref Url->ParsedUrl, r: ref Req) : (ref Msg, string) { ctl := r.cachectl; if(ctl == "no-cache") return (nil, ""); uname := u.tostring(); hname := hashname(uname); io := B->open(hname, sys->OREAD); if(io == nil) return (nil, ""); (mrep, e) := Msg.readhdr(io, 1); if(e != "") { B->io.close(); return (nil, ""); } # see if cache validation is necessary validate := ""; cmaxstale := 0; cmaxage := -1; (nl, l) := sys->tokenize(ctl, ","); for(i := 0; i < nl; i++) { s := hd l; if(S->prefix("max-stale=", s)) cmaxstale = int s[10:]; else if (S->prefix("max-age=", s)) cmaxage = int s[8:]; l = tl l; } # we wrote x-resp-time and x-url, so they should be there (srst, sresptime) := mrep.fieldval("x-resp-time"); (su, surl) := mrep.fieldval("x-url"); if(!srst || !su) { cacheremove(hname); B->io.close(); return (nil, ""); } if(surl != uname) { B->io.close(); return (nil, ""); } (se, sexpires) := mrep.fieldval("expires"); (sd, sdate) := mrep.fieldval("date"); (slm, slastmod) := mrep.fieldval("last-modified"); (sa, sage) := mrep.fieldval("age"); # calculate response age (in seconds), as of time received respt := int sresptime; datet := D->date2sec(sdate); nowt := D->now(); age := nowt - respt; if(sa) age += (int sage); freshness_lifetime := 0; (sma, smaxage) := mrep.fieldval("max-age"); if(sma) freshness_lifetime = int smaxage; else if(sd && se) { exp := D->date2sec(sexpires); freshness_lifetime = exp - datet; } else if(slm){ # use heuristic: 10% of time since last modified lastmod := D->date2sec(slastmod); if(lastmod == 0) lastmod = respt; freshness_lifetime = (nowt - lastmod) / 10; } if(age - freshness_lifetime > cmaxstale || (cmaxage != -1 && age >= cmaxage)) { W->log(c, sys->sprint("must revalidate, age=%d, lifetime=%d, cmaxstale=%d, cmaxage=%d\n", age, freshness_lifetime, cmaxstale, cmaxage)); if(slm) validate = slastmod; else return (nil, ""); } e = mrep.readbody(io); B->io.close(); if(e != "") { cacheremove(hname); return (nil, ""); } if(validate == "") W->log(c, "cache hit " + hname); else W->log(c, "cache hit " + hname + " if not modified after " + validate); return (mrep, validate); } cachewrite(c: ref Fid, m: ref Msg, u: ref Url->ParsedUrl, respt: int) { (sp, spragma) := m.fieldval("pragma"); if(sp && spragma == "no-cache") return; (scc, scachectl) := m.fieldval("cache-control"); if(scc) { (snc, nil) := attrval(scachectl, "no-cache"); (sns, nil) := attrval(scachectl, "no-store"); (smv, nil) := attrval(scachectl, "must-revalidate"); if(snc || sns || smv) return; } uname := u.tostring(); hname := hashname(uname); m.update("x-resp-time", string respt); m.update("x-url", uname); m.update("content-length", string m.bodylen); io := B->create(hname, sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if(io != nil) { W->log(c, "cache writeback to " + hname); m.writemsg(io); B->io.close(); } } cacheremove(hname: string) { sys->remove(hname); } attrval(avs, aname: string) : (int, string) { (nl, l) := sys->tokenize(avs, ","); for(i := 0; i < nl; i++) { s := hd l; (lh, rh) := S->splitl(s, "="); lh = trim(lh); if(lh == aname) { if(rh != "") rh = trim(rh[1:]); return (1, rh); } l = tl l; } return (0, ""); } trim(s: string) : string { is := 0; ie := len s; while(is < ie) { if(!S->in(s[is], " \t\n\r")) break; is++; } if(is == ie) return ""; if(s[is] == '"') is++; while(ie > is) { if(!S->in(s[ie-1], " \t\n\r")) break; ie--; } if(is >= ie) return ""; return s[is:ie]; } hashname(uname: string) : string { hash := 0; prime: con 8388617; # start after "http:" for(i := 5; i < len uname; i++) { hash = hash % prime; hash = (hash << 7) + uname[i]; } return sys->sprint(cachedir + "/%.8ux", hash); }