ref: 948870cffe2572efb68ef0b3873b36238fb53263
dir: /appl/lib/smtp.b/
implement Smtp; include "sys.m"; sys : Sys; include "bufio.m"; bufio : Bufio; include "dial.m"; dial: Dial; include "smtp.m"; FD: import sys; Iobuf: import bufio; Connection: import dial; ibuf, obuf : ref Bufio->Iobuf; conn : int = 0; init : int = 0; rpid : int = -1; cread : chan of (int, string); DEBUG : con 0; open(server : string): (int, string) { s : string; if (!init) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; dial = load Dial Dial->PATH; init = 1; } if (conn) return (-1, "connection is already open"); if (server == nil) server = "$smtp"; else server = dial->netmkaddr(server, "tcp", "25"); c := dial->dial(server, nil); if (c == nil) return (-1, "dialup failed"); ibuf = bufio->fopen(c.dfd, Bufio->OREAD); obuf = bufio->fopen(c.dfd, Bufio->OWRITE); if (ibuf == nil || obuf == nil) return (-1, "failed to open bufio"); cread = chan of (int, string); spawn mreader(cread); (rpid, nil) = <- cread; ok: int; (ok, s) = mread(); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); conn = 1; return (1, nil); } sendmail (fromwho : string, towho : list of string, cc : list of string, mlist: list of string): (int, string) { ok : int; s, t, line : string; if (!conn) return (-1, "connection is not open"); (ok, s) = mcmd("RSET"); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); (user, dom) := split(fromwho, '@'); if (fromwho == nil || user == nil) return (-1, "no 'from' name"); if (towho == nil) return (-1, "no 'to' name"); if (dom == nil) return (-1, "no domain name"); (ok, s) = mcmd("HELO " + dom); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); (ok, s) = mcmd("MAIL FROM:<" + fromwho + ">"); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); all := concat(towho, cc); t = nil; for ( ; all != nil; all = tl all) { (ok, s) = mcmd("RCPT TO:<" + hd all + ">"); if (ok < 0) t += " " + s; } if (t != nil) return (-1, t); (ok, s) = mcmd("DATA"); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); for ( ; mlist != nil; mlist = tl mlist) { for (msg := hd mlist; msg != nil; ) { (line, msg) = split(msg, '\n'); # BUG: too much copying for larger messages if (putline(line) < 0) return (-1, sys->sprint("write to server failed: %r")); } } obuf.flush(); (ok, s) = mcmd("."); if (ok < 0) return (-1, s); return (1, nil); } putline(line: string): int { ln := len line; if (ln > 0 && line[ln-1] == '\r') line = line[0:ln-1]; if (line != nil && line[0] == '.'){ if(obuf.putb(byte '.') < 0) return -1; } if(line != nil && obuf.puts(line) < 0) return -1; return obuf.puts("\r\n"); } close(): (int, string) { ok : int; if (!conn) return (-1, "connection is not open"); ok = mwrite("QUIT"); kill(rpid); ibuf.close(); obuf.close(); conn = 0; if (ok < 0) return (-1, "failed to close connection"); return (1, nil); } SLPTIME : con 100; MAXSLPTIME : con 10000; mread() : (int, string) { t := 0; while (t < MAXSLPTIME) { alt { (ok, s) := <- cread => return (ok, s); * => t += SLPTIME; sys->sleep(SLPTIME); } } kill(rpid); return (-1, "smtp timed out\n"); } mreader(c : chan of (int, string)) { c <- = (sys->pctl(0, nil), nil); for (;;) { line := ibuf.gets('\n'); if (DEBUG) sys->print("mread : %s", line); if (line == nil) { c <- = (-1, "could not read response from server"); continue; } l := len line; if (line[l-1] == '\n') l--; if (line[l-1] == '\r') l--; if (l < 3) { c <- = (-1, "short response from server"); continue; } if (l > 0 && (line[0] == '1' || line[0] == '2' || line[0] == '3')) { c <- = (1, nil); continue; } c <- = (-1, line[3:l]); } } mwrite(s : string): int { s += "\r\n"; if (DEBUG) sys->print("mwrite : %s", s); b := array of byte s; l := len b; nb := obuf.write(b, l); obuf.flush(); if (nb != l) return -1; return 1; } mcmd(s : string) : (int, string) { ok : int; r : string; ok = mwrite(s); if (ok < 0) return (-1, err(s) + " send failed"); (ok, r) = mread(); if (ok < 0) return (-1, err(s) + " receive failed (" + r + ")"); return (1, nil); } split(s : string, c : int) : (string, string) { for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == c) return (s[0:i], s[i+1:]); return (s, nil); } concat(l1, l2 : list of string) : list of string { ls : list of string; ls = nil; for (l := l1; l != nil; l = tl l) ls = hd l :: ls; for (l = l2; l != nil; l = tl l) ls = hd l :: ls; return ls; } err(s : string) : string { for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == ':') return s[0:i]; return s; } kill(pid : int) : int { if (pid < 0) return 0; fd := sys->open("#p/" + string pid + "/ctl", sys->OWRITE); if (fd == nil || sys->fprint(fd, "kill") < 0) return -1; return 0; }