ref: 87d72e7e8614d96b4f61adae5fb05b0534231c4c
dir: /os/manga/manga/
dev root cons archmanga # gpio mnt pipe prog srv dup ssl # cap # sign uart ip ip ipv6 ipaux iproute arp netlog ptclbsum iprouter plan9 nullmedium pktmedium netaux flash ether netif netaux env pci pci inb usb pci ip il tcp udp # rudp # igmp ipifc icmp icmp6 ipmux lib interp keyring sec mp math kern mod math sys keyring crypt ipints port alarm alloc allocb chan dev dial dis discall exception exportfs inferno latin1 nocache nodynld parse pgrp print proc qio qlock random sysfile taslock xalloc misc uartks8695 link flashcfi8 ether8139 etherks8695 ethermedium usbuhci code int main_pool_pcnt = 50; int heap_pool_pcnt = 50; int image_pool_pcnt = 0; int cflag = 0; /* for JIT */ int consoleprint = 1; int panicreset = 0; init cerf405 root /chan / /dev / /boot / /env / /fd / /net / /prog / /root / /nvfs / /osinit.dis /tmp / # files used by osinit.dis during bootstrap /boot/n / /boot/n/local / /boot/n/remote / # authentication /boot/nvfs/default /usr/inferno/keyring/default /boot/dis/lib/auth.dis /dis/lib/auth.dis /boot/dis/lib/ssl.dis /dis/lib/ssl.dis # dhcp /boot/dis/lib/dhcpclient.dis /dis/lib/dhcpclient.dis /boot/dis/lib/ip.dis /dis/lib/ip.dis # and other files used to poke round during development /boot/dis/cat.dis /dis/cat.dis /boot/dis/echo.dis /dis/echo.dis /boot/dis/lib/arg.dis /dis/lib/arg.dis /boot/dis/sh.dis /dis/sh.dis /boot/dis/lib/bufio.dis /dis/lib/bufio.dis /boot/dis/lib/filepat.dis /dis/lib/filepat.dis /boot/dis/lib/readdir.dis /dis/lib/readdir.dis /boot/dis/lib/string.dis /dis/lib/string.dis /boot/dis/cd.dis /dis/cd.dis /boot/dis/bind.dis /dis/bind.dis /boot/dis/dd.dis /dis/dd.dis /boot/dis/p.dis /dis/p.dis /boot/dis/ls.dis /dis/ls.dis /boot/dis/lib/daytime.dis /dis/lib/daytime.dis /boot/dis/time.dis /dis/time.dis /boot/dis/xd.dis /dis/xd.dis