ref: 84989770721391018dd6a247831cb79a43c1d86b
dir: /appl/charon/url.b/
implement Url; include "sys.m"; include "string.m"; include "url.m"; dbg: con 0; sys: Sys; S: String; schemechars : array of byte; init(): string { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; S = load String String->PATH; if (S == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", String->PATH); schemechars = array [128] of { * => byte 0 }; alphabet := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-."; for (i := 0; i < len alphabet; i++) schemechars[alphabet[i]] = byte 1; return nil; } # To allow relative urls, only fill in specified pieces (don't apply defaults) # general syntax: <scheme>:<scheme-specific> # for IP schemes, <scheme-specific> is # //<user>:<passwd>@<host>:<port>/<path>?<query>#<fragment> # parse(url: string): ref Parsedurl { if (dbg) sys->print("URL parse: [%s]\n", url); scheme, user, passwd, host, port, path, params, query, frag : string; gotscheme := 0; for (i := 0; i < len url; i++) { c := url[i]; if (c == ':') { gotscheme = 1; break; } if (c < 0 || c > len schemechars || schemechars[c] == byte 0) break; } if (gotscheme) { if (i > 0) scheme = S->tolower(url[0:i]); if (i+1 < len url) url = url[i+1:]; else url = nil; } if (scheme != nil && !relscheme(scheme)) path = url; else { if(!S->prefix("//", url)) path = url; else { netloc: string; (netloc, path) = S->splitl(url[2:], "/"); if(scheme == "file") host = netloc; else { (up,hp) := split(netloc, "@"); if(hp == "") hp = up; else (user, passwd) = split(up, ":"); (host, port) = split(hp, ":"); } } if(scheme == "file") { if(host == "") host = "localhost"; } else { if (path == nil) path = "/"; else { (path, frag) = split(path, "#"); (path, query) = split(path, "?"); (path, params) = split(path, ";"); } } } return ref Parsedurl(scheme, user, passwd, host, port, path, params, query, frag); } relscheme(s: string): int { # schemes we know to be suitable as "Relative Uniform Resource Locators" # as defined in RFC1808 (+ others) return (s=="http" || s=="https" || s=="file" || s=="ftp" || s=="nntp"); } Parsedurl.tostring(u: self ref Parsedurl): string { return tostring(u); } tostring(u: ref Parsedurl) : string { if (u == nil) return ""; ans := ""; if (u.scheme != nil) ans = u.scheme + ":"; if( != "") { ans = ans + "//"; if(u.user != "") { ans = ans + u.user; if(u.passwd != "") ans = ans + ":" + u.passwd; ans = ans + "@"; } ans = ans +; if(u.port != "") ans = ans + ":" + u.port; } ans = ans + u.path; if(u.params != "") ans = ans + ";" + u.params; if(u.query != "") ans = ans + "?" + u.query; if(u.frag != "") ans = ans + "#" + u.frag; return ans; } mkabs(u, b: ref Parsedurl): ref Parsedurl { if (dbg) sys->print("URL mkabs [%s] [%s]\n", tostring(u), tostring(b)); if (tostring(b) == "") return u; if (tostring(u) == "") return b; if (u.scheme != nil && !relscheme(u.scheme)) return u; if (u.scheme == nil) { if (b.scheme == nil) # try http u.scheme = "http"; else { if (!relscheme(b.scheme)) return nil; u.scheme = b.scheme; } } r := ref *u; if ( == nil) { r.user = b.user; r.passwd = b.passwd; =; r.port = b.port; if (r.path == nil || r.path[0] != '/') { if (r.path == nil) { r.path = b.path; if (r.params == nil) { r.params = b.params; if (r.query == nil) r.query = b.query; } } else { (p1,nil) := S->splitr(b.path, "/"); r.path = canonize(p1 + r.path); } } } r.path = canonize(r.path); if (dbg) sys->print("URL mkabs returns [%s]\n", tostring(r)); return r; } # Like splitl, but assume one char match, and omit that from second part. # If c doesn't appear in s, the return is (s, ""). split(s, c: string) : (string, string) { (a,b) := S->splitl(s, c); if(b != "") b = b[1:]; return (a,b); } # remove ./ and ../ from s canonize(s: string): string { ans := ""; (nil, file) := S->splitr(s, "/"); if (file == nil || file == "." | file == "..") ans = "/"; (nil,path) := sys->tokenize(s, "/"); revpath : list of string = nil; for(p := path; p != nil; p = tl p) { seg := hd p; if(seg == "..") { if (revpath != nil) revpath = tl revpath; } else if(seg != ".") revpath = seg :: revpath; } while(revpath != nil && hd revpath == "..") revpath = tl revpath; if(revpath != nil) { ans ="/" + (hd revpath) + ans; revpath = tl revpath; while(revpath != nil) { ans = "/" + (hd revpath) + ans; revpath = tl revpath; } } return ans; }