ref: 8164505a0df98c04b04ae40eb0780bbadf710e1d
dir: /appl/cmd/limbo/sbl.b/
sbltname := array[Tend] of { Tnone => byte 'n', Tadt => byte 'a', Tadtpick => byte 'a', Tarray => byte 'A', Tbig => byte 'B', Tbyte => byte 'b', Tchan => byte 'C', Treal => byte 'f', Tfn => byte 'F', Tint => byte 'i', Tlist => byte 'L', Tmodule => byte 'm', Tref => byte 'R', Tstring => byte 's', Ttuple => byte 't', Texception => byte 't', Tfix => byte 'i', Tpoly => byte 'P', Tainit => byte '?', Talt => byte '?', Tany => byte 'N', Tarrow => byte '?', Tcase => byte '?', Tcasel => byte '?', Tcasec => byte '?', Tdot => byte '?', Terror => byte '?', Tgoto => byte '?', Tid => byte '?', Tiface => byte '?', Texcept => byte '?', Tinst => byte '?', }; sbltadtpick: con byte 'p'; sfiles: ref Sym; ftail: ref Sym; nsfiles: int; blockid: int; lastf: int; lastline: int; MAXSBLINT: con 12; MAXSBLSRC: con 6*(MAXSBLINT+1); sblmod(m: ref Decl) { bsym.puts("limbo .sbl 2.1\n"); bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte '\n'); blockid = 0; nsfiles = 0; sfiles = ftail = nil; lastf = 0; lastline = 0; } sblfile(name: string): int { i := 0; for(s := sfiles; s != nil; s ={ if( == name) return i; i++; } s = ref Sym; = name; = nil; if(sfiles == nil) sfiles = s; else = s; ftail = s; nsfiles = i + 1; return i; } filename(s: string): string { (nil, file) := str->splitr(s, "/ \\"); return file; } sblfiles() { for(i := 0; i < nfiles; i++) files[i].sbl = sblfile(files[i].name); bsym.puts(string nsfiles); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); for(s := sfiles; s != nil; s ={ bsym.puts(filename(; bsym.putb(byte '\n'); } } sblint(buf: array of byte, off, v: int): int { if(v == 0){ buf[off++] = byte '0'; return off; } stop := off + MAXSBLINT; if(v < 0){ buf[off++] = byte '-'; v = -v; } n := stop; while(v > 0){ buf[n -= 1] = byte(v % 10 + '0'); v = v / 10; } while(n < stop) buf[off++] = buf[n++]; return off; } sblsrcconvb(buf: array of byte, off: int, src: Src): int { (startf, startl) := fline(src.start >> PosBits); (stopf, stopl) := fline(src.stop >> PosBits); if(lastf != startf.sbl){ off = sblint(buf, off, startf.sbl); buf[off++] = byte ':'; } if(lastline != startl){ off = sblint(buf, off, startl); buf[off++] = byte '.'; } off = sblint(buf, off, (src.start & PosMask)); buf[off++] = byte ','; if(startf.sbl != stopf.sbl){ off = sblint(buf, off, stopf.sbl); buf[off++] = byte ':'; } if(startl != stopl){ off = sblint(buf, off, stopl); buf[off++] = byte '.'; } off = sblint(buf, off, (src.stop & PosMask)); buf[off++] = byte ' '; lastf = stopf.sbl; lastline = stopl; return off; } sblsrcconv(src: Src): string { s := ""; (startf, startl) := fline(src.start >> PosBits); (stopf, stopl) := fline(src.stop >> PosBits); if(lastf != startf.sbl){ s += string startf.sbl; s[len s] = ':'; } if(lastline != startl){ s += string startl; s[len s] = '.'; } s += string (src.start & PosMask); s[len s] = ','; if(startf.sbl != stopf.sbl){ s += string stopf.sbl; s[len s] = ':'; } if(startl != stopl){ s += string stopl; s[len s] = '.'; } s += string (src.stop & PosMask); s[len s] = ' '; lastf = stopf.sbl; lastline = stopl; return s; } isnilsrc(s: Src): int { return s.start == 0 && s.stop == 0; } isnilstopsrc(s: Src): int { return s.stop == 0; } sblinst(in: ref Inst, ninst: int) { src: Src; MAXSBL: con 8*1024; buf := array[MAXSBL] of byte; n := 0; bsym.puts(string ninst); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); sblblocks := array[nblocks] of {* => -1}; for(; in != nil; in ={ if(in.op == INOOP) continue; if(in.src.start < 0) fatal("no file specified for "+instconv(in)); if(n >= (MAXSBL - MAXSBLSRC - MAXSBLINT - 1)){ bsym.write(buf, n); n = 0; } if(isnilsrc(in.src)) in.src = src; else if(isnilstopsrc(in.src)){ # how does this happen ? in.src.stop = in.src.start; in.src.stop++; } n = sblsrcconvb(buf, n, in.src); src = in.src; b := sblblocks[in.block]; if(b < 0) sblblocks[in.block] = b = blockid++; n = sblint(buf, n, b); buf[n++] = byte '\n'; } if(n > 0) bsym.write(buf, n); } sblty(tys: array of ref Decl, ntys: int) { bsym.puts(string ntys); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); for(i := 0; i < ntys; i++){ d := tys[i]; d.ty.sbl = i; } for(i = 0; i < ntys; i++){ d := tys[i]; sbltype(d.ty, 1); } } sblfn(fns: array of ref Decl, nfns: int) { bsym.puts(string nfns); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); for(i := 0; i < nfns; i++){ f := fns[i]; if(ispoly(f)) rmfnptrs(f); bsym.puts(string f.pc.pc); bsym.putb(byte ':'); if( != nil && == Tadt){ bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte '.'); } bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte '\n'); sbldecl(f.ty.ids, Darg); sbldecl(f.locals, Dlocal); sbltype(f.ty.tof, 0); } } sblvar(vars: ref Decl) { sbldecl(vars, Dglobal); } isvis(id: ref Decl): int { if(!tattr[id.ty.kind].vis || id.sym == nil || == "" ||[0] == '.') return 0; if(id.ty == tstring && id.init != nil && id.init.op == Oconst) return 0; if(id.src.start < 0 || id.src.stop < 0) return 0; return 1; } sbldecl(ids: ref Decl, store: int) { n := 0; for(id := ids; id != nil; id ={ if( != store || !isvis(id)) continue; n++; } bsym.puts(string n); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); for(id = ids; id != nil; id ={ if( != store || !isvis(id)) continue; bsym.puts(string id.offset); bsym.putb(byte ':'); bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte ':'); bsym.puts(sblsrcconv(id.src)); sbltype(id.ty, 0); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); } } sbltype(t: ref Type, force: int) { if(t.kind == Tadtpick) t =; d := t.decl; if(!force && d != nil && d.ty.sbl >= 0){ bsym.putb(byte '@'); bsym.puts(string d.ty.sbl); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); return; } if(t.rec != byte 0) fatal("recursive sbl type: "+typeconv(t)); t.rec = byte 1; case t.kind{ * => fatal("bad type in sbltype: "+typeconv(t)); Tnone or Tany or Tint or Tbig or Tbyte or Treal or Tstring or Tfix or Tpoly => bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); Tfn => bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); sbldecl(t.ids, Darg); sbltype(t.tof, 0); Tarray or Tlist or Tchan or Tref => bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); if(t.kind == Tref && t.tof.kind == Tfn){ tattr[Tany].vis = 1; sbltype(tfnptr, 0); tattr[Tany].vis = 0; } else sbltype(t.tof, 0); Ttuple or Texception => bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); bsym.puts(string t.size); bsym.putb(byte '.'); sbldecl(t.ids, Dfield); Tadt => if(t.tags != nil) bsym.putb(sbltadtpick); else bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); if( != nil && !isimpmod( bsym.puts( + "->"); bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte ' '); bsym.puts(sblsrcconv(d.src)); bsym.puts(string d.ty.size); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); sbldecl(t.ids, Dfield); if(t.tags != nil){ bsym.puts(string t.decl.tag); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); lastt : ref Type = nil; for(tg := t.tags; tg != nil; tg ={ bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte ':'); bsym.puts(sblsrcconv(tg.src)); if(lastt == tg.ty){ bsym.putb(byte '\n'); }else{ bsym.puts(string tg.ty.size); bsym.putb(byte '\n'); sbldecl(tg.ty.ids, Dfield); } lastt = tg.ty; } } Tmodule => bsym.putb(sbltname[t.kind]); bsym.puts(; bsym.putb(byte '\n'); bsym.puts(sblsrcconv(d.src)); sbldecl(t.ids, Dglobal); } t.rec = byte 0; }