ref: 7643cb226276d64cdc62c4740eed9980d5b9a531
dir: /appl/lib/styxconv/old2new.b/
implement Styxconv; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "osys.m"; include "nsys.m"; include "draw.m"; include "styx.m"; nstyx: Styx; Tmsg, Rmsg: import nstyx; include "ostyx.m"; ostyx: OStyx; OTmsg, ORmsg: import ostyx; include "styxconv.m"; DEBUG: con 0; # convert from old styx client to new styx server. # more straightforward than the other way around # because there's an almost exactly 1-1 mapping # between message types. (the exception is Tversion, # but we do that synchronously anyway). # todo: map qids > ffffffff into 32 bits. Msize: con nstyx->IOHDRSZ + OSys->ATOMICIO; Fid: adt { fid: int; isdir: int; n: int; # size of last new client dirread request. soff: int; # dir offset on new server. coff: int; # dir offset on old client. next: cyclic ref Fid; extras: array of byte; # packed old styx dir structures }; Req: adt { tag: int; fid: int; oldtag: int; # if it's a flush. newfid: int; # if it's a clone next: cyclic ref Req; }; tags: ref Req; fids: ref Fid; init() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; if(sys == nil) nomod("Sys", Sys->PATH); nstyx = load Styx Styx->PATH; if(nstyx == nil) nomod("Styx", Styx->PATH); ostyx = load OStyx OStyx->PATH; if(ostyx == nil) nomod("OStyx", OStyx->PATH); ostyx->init(); nstyx->init(); } styxconv(oldclient, newsrv: ref Sys->FD) { oldtmsg := chan of ref OTmsg; newrmsg := chan of ref Rmsg; killpids := chan[2] of int; spawn readoldtmsgs(killpids, oldclient, oldtmsg); spawn readnewrmsgs(killpids, newsrv, newrmsg); # XXX difficulty: what happens if the server isn't responding # and the client hangs up? we won't know about it. # but we don't want to know about normal t-messages # piling up either, so we don't want to alt on oldtmsg too. NTsend(newsrv, ref Tmsg.Version(nstyx->NOTAG, Msize, "9P2000")); pick nrm := <-newrmsg { Version => if(DEBUG) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), " <- %s\n", nrm.text()); if(nrm.msize < Msize) fatal("message size too small"); Error => fatal("versioning failed: " + nrm.ename); * => fatal("bad response to Tversion: " + nrm.text()); } converting: for(;;)alt{ otm := <-oldtmsg => if(DEBUG) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "-> %s\n", ostyx->tmsg2s(otm)); if(otm == nil || tagof(otm) == tagof(OTmsg.Readerror)) break converting; oc2ns(otm, oldclient, newsrv); nrm := <-newrmsg => if(DEBUG) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), " <- %s\n", nrm.text()); if(nrm == nil || tagof(nrm) == tagof(Rmsg.Readerror)) break converting; t := looktag(nrm.tag); if(t == nil){ warning("reply by new-server to non-existent tag"); break; } ns2oc(t, nrm, oldclient); deletetag(nrm.tag); } kill(<-killpids); kill(<-killpids); } # T messages: forward on or reply immediately oc2ns(tm0: ref OTmsg, oldclient, newsrv: ref Sys->FD) { ntm: ref Tmsg; t := ref Req(tm0.tag, -1, -1, -1, nil); pick tm := tm0{ Nop => ORsend(oldclient, ref ORmsg.Nop(tm.tag)); return; Attach => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Attach(tm.tag, tm.fid, nstyx->NOFID, tm.uname, tm.aname); Clone => t.fid = tm.fid; t.newfid = tm.newfid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Walk(tm.tag, tm.fid, tm.newfid, nil); Walk => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Walk(tm.tag, tm.fid, tm.fid, array[] of {}); Flush => t.oldtag = tm.oldtag; ntm = ref Tmsg.Flush(tm.tag, tm.oldtag); Open => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Open(tm.tag, tm.fid, tm.mode); Create => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Create(tm.tag, tm.fid,, tm.perm, tm.mode); Read => t.fid = tm.fid; fp := findfid(tm.fid); count := tm.count; offset := tm.offset; if(fp.isdir){ count = (count/OStyx->DIRLEN)*OStyx->DIRLEN; # if we got some extra entries last time, # then send 'em back this time. extras := fp.extras; if(len extras > 0){ if(count > len extras) count = len extras; ORsend(oldclient, ref ORmsg.Read(tm.tag, t.fid, fp.extras[0:count])); fp.extras = extras[count:]; fp.coff += count; return; } fp.n = count; if(int offset != fp.coff){ ORsend(oldclient, ref ORmsg.Error(tm.tag, "unexpected offset in dirread")); return; } offset = big fp.soff; } ntm = ref Tmsg.Read(tm.tag, tm.fid, offset, count); Write => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Write(tm.tag, tm.fid, tm.offset,; Clunk => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Clunk(tm.tag, tm.fid); Remove => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Remove(tm.tag, tm.fid); Stat => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Stat(tm.tag, tm.fid); Wstat => t.fid = tm.fid; ntm = ref Tmsg.Wstat(tm.tag, tm.fid, od2nd(tm.stat)); * => fatal("bad T message"); } storetag(t); NTsend(newsrv, ntm); } # R messages: new to old ns2oc(t: ref Req, nrm0: ref Rmsg, oldclient: ref Sys->FD) { rm: ref ORmsg; pick nrm := nrm0{ Error => rm = ref ORmsg.Error(nrm.tag, nrm.ename); Flush => rm = ref ORmsg.Flush(nrm.tag); deletetag(t.oldtag); Walk => if(len nrm.qids == 0){ clonefid(t.fid, t.newfid); rm = ref ORmsg.Clone(nrm.tag, t.fid); }else{ q := nrm.qids[0]; setfid(t.fid, q); rm = ref ORmsg.Walk(nrm.tag, t.fid, nq2oq(q)); } Open => setfid(t.fid, nrm.qid); rm = ref ORmsg.Open(nrm.tag, t.fid, nq2oq(nrm.qid)); Create => setfid(t.fid, nrm.qid); rm = ref ORmsg.Create(nrm.tag, t.fid, nq2oq(nrm.qid)); Read => fp := findfid(t.fid); data :=; if(fp != nil && fp.isdir){ data = nds2ods(data); if(len data > fp.n){ fp.extras = data[fp.n:]; data = data[0:fp.n]; } fp.coff += len data; fp.soff += len; } rm = ref ORmsg.Read(nrm.tag, t.fid, data); Write => rm = ref ORmsg.Write(nrm.tag, t.fid, nrm.count); Clunk => deletefid(t.fid); rm = ref ORmsg.Clunk(nrm.tag, t.fid); Remove => deletefid(t.fid); rm = ref ORmsg.Remove(nrm.tag, t.fid); Stat => rm = ref ORmsg.Stat(nrm.tag, t.fid, nd2od(nrm.stat)); Wstat => rm = ref ORmsg.Wstat(nrm.tag, t.fid); Attach => newfid(t.fid, nrm.qid.qtype & NSys->QTDIR); rm = ref ORmsg.Attach(nrm.tag, t.fid, nq2oq(nrm.qid)); * => fatal("bad R message"); } ORsend(oldclient, rm); } storetag(t: ref Req) { = tags; tags = t; } looktag(tag: int): ref Req { for(t := tags; t != nil; t = if(t.tag == tag) return t; return nil; } deletetag(tag: int) { prev: ref Req; t := tags; while(t != nil){ if(t.tag == tag){ next :=; = nil; if(prev != nil) = next; else tags = next; t = next; }else{ prev = t; t =; } } } newfid(fid: int, isdir: int): ref Fid { f := ref Fid; f.fid = fid; f.isdir = isdir; f.n = f.soff = f.coff = 0; = fids; fids = f; return f; } clonefid(ofid: int, fid: int): ref Fid { if((f := findfid(ofid)) != nil) return newfid(fid, f.isdir); warning("clone of non-existent fid"); return newfid(fid, 0); } deletefid(fid: int) { lf: ref Fid; for(f := fids; f != nil; f ={ if(f.fid == fid){ if(lf == nil) fids =; else =; return; } lf = f; } } findfid(fid: int): ref Fid { for(f := fids; f != nil && f.fid != fid; f = ; return f; } setfid(fid: int, qid: NSys->Qid) { if((f := findfid(fid)) != nil) f.isdir = qid.qtype & NSys->QTDIR; } om2nm(om: int): int { # DMDIR == CHDIR return om; } nm2om(m: int): int { # DMDIR == CHDIR return m&~(NSys->DMAPPEND|NSys->DMEXCL|NSys->DMAUTH); } oq2nq(oq: OSys->Qid): NSys->Qid { q: NSys->Qid; isdir := oq.path&OSys->CHDIR; q.path = big (oq.path&~OSys->CHDIR); q.vers = oq.vers; q.qtype = 0; if(isdir) q.qtype |= NSys->QTDIR; return q; } nq2oq(q: NSys->Qid): OSys->Qid { oq: OSys->Qid; isdir := q.qtype&NSys->QTDIR; oq.path = int q.path; oq.vers = q.vers; if(isdir) oq.path |= OSys->CHDIR; return oq; } od2nd(od: OSys->Dir): NSys->Dir { d: NSys->Dir; =; d.uid = od.uid; d.gid = od.gid; d.muid = od.uid; d.qid = oq2nq(od.qid); d.mode = om2nm(od.mode); d.atime = od.atime; d.mtime = od.mtime; d.length = big od.length; d.dtype = od.dtype; =; return d; } nd2od(d: NSys->Dir): OSys->Dir { od: OSys->Dir; =; od.uid = d.uid; od.gid = d.gid; od.qid = nq2oq(d.qid); od.mode = nm2om(d.mode); od.atime = d.atime; od.mtime = d.mtime; od.length = int d.length; od.dtype = d.dtype; =; return od; } nds2ods(ob: array of byte): array of byte { i := 0; n := 0; ds: list of NSys->Dir; while(i < len ob){ (size, d) := nstyx->unpackdir(ob[i:]); if(size == 0) break; ds = d :: ds; i += size; n++; } b := array[OStyx->DIRLEN * n] of byte; for(i = (n - 1) * OStyx->DIRLEN; i >= 0; i -= OStyx->DIRLEN){ ostyx->convD2M(b[i:], nd2od(hd ds)); ds = tl ds; } return b; } NTsend(fd: ref Sys->FD, ntm: ref Tmsg) { if(DEBUG) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), " -> %s\n", ntm.text()); s := ntm.pack(); sys->write(fd, s, len s); } ORsend(fd: ref Sys->FD, orm: ref ORmsg) { if(DEBUG) sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "<- %s\n", ostyx->rmsg2s(orm)); s := array[OStyx->MAXRPC] of byte; n := ostyx->rmsg2d(orm, s); if(n > 0) sys->write(fd, s, n); } readoldtmsgs(pidc: chan of int, oldclient: ref Sys->FD, oldtmsg: chan of ref OTmsg) { pidc <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); for(;;){ oldtmsg <-=; } } readnewrmsgs(pidc: chan of int, newsrv: ref Sys->FD, newrmsg: chan of ref Rmsg) { pidc <-= sys->pctl(0, nil); for(;;){ newrmsg <-=, Msize); } } warning(err: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "warning: %s\n", err); } fatal(err: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s\n", err); exit; } nomod(mod: string, path: string) { fatal(sys->sprint("can't load %s(%s): %r", mod, path)); } kill(pid: int) { sys->fprint(sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE), "kill"); }