ref: 7643cb226276d64cdc62c4740eed9980d5b9a531
dir: /appl/cmd/iostats.b/
implement Iostats; # # iostats - gather file system access statistics # include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; Qid: import sys; include "draw.m"; include "styx.m"; styx: Styx; Tmsg, Rmsg, NOFID, NOTAG: import styx; include "workdir.m"; workdir: Workdir; include "sh.m"; include "arg.m"; Iostats: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; Maxmsg: con 128*1024+Styx->IOHDRSZ; Ns2ms: con big 1000000; Rpc: adt { name: string; count: big; time: big; lo: big; hi: big; bin: big; bout: big; }; Stats: adt { totread: big; totwrite: big; nrpc: int; nproto: int; rpc: array of ref Rpc; # Maxrpc }; Fid: adt { nr: int; # fid number path: ref Path; # path used to open Fid qid: Qid; mode: int; nread: big; nwrite: big; bread: big; bwrite: big; offset: big; # for directories }; Path: adt { parent: cyclic ref Path; name: string; }; Frec: adt { op: ref Path; # first name? qid: Qid; nread: big; nwrite: big; bread: big; bwrite: big; opens: int; }; Tag: adt { m: ref Tmsg; fid: ref Fid; stime: big; next: cyclic ref Tag; }; NTAGHASH: con 1<<4; # power of 2 NFIDHASH: con 1<<4; # power of 2 tags := array[NTAGHASH] of ref Tag; fids := array[NFIDHASH] of list of ref Fid; dbg := 0; stats: Stats; frecs: list of ref Frec; replymap := array[tagof Rmsg.Stat+1] of { tagof Rmsg.Version => tagof Tmsg.Version, tagof Rmsg.Auth => tagof Tmsg.Auth, tagof Rmsg.Attach => tagof Tmsg.Attach, tagof Rmsg.Flush => tagof Tmsg.Flush, tagof Rmsg.Clunk => tagof Tmsg.Clunk, tagof Rmsg.Remove => tagof Tmsg.Remove, tagof Rmsg.Wstat => tagof Tmsg.Wstat, tagof Rmsg.Walk => tagof Tmsg.Walk, tagof Rmsg.Create => tagof Tmsg.Create, tagof Rmsg.Open => tagof Tmsg.Open, tagof Rmsg.Read => tagof Tmsg.Read, tagof Rmsg.Write => tagof Tmsg.Write, tagof Rmsg.Stat => tagof Tmsg.Stat, * => -1, }; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; workdir = load Workdir Workdir->PATH; sh := load Sh Sh->PATH; styx = load Styx Styx->PATH; styx->init(); wd := workdir->init(); dbfile := "iostats.out"; arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; arg->init(args); arg->setusage("iostats [-d] [-f debugfile] cmds [args ...]"); while((o := arg->opt()) != 0) case o { 'd' => dbg++; 'f' => dbfile = arg->earg(); * => arg->usage(); } args = arg->argv(); if(args == nil) arg->usage(); arg = nil; sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD|Sys->FORKNS|Sys->NEWPGRP|Sys->FORKENV, nil); if(dbg){ fd := sys->create(dbfile, Sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if(fd == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't create %q: %r", dbfile)); sys->dup(fd.fd, 2); } if(sys->chdir("/") < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("chdir /: %r")); stats.totread = big 0; stats.totwrite = big 0; stats.nrpc = 0; stats.nproto = 0; stats.rpc = array[tagof Tmsg.Wstat + 1] of ref Rpc; stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Version] = mkrpc("version"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Auth] = mkrpc("auth"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Flush] = mkrpc("flush"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Attach] = mkrpc("attach"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Walk] = mkrpc("walk"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Open] = mkrpc("open"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Create] = mkrpc("create"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Clunk] = mkrpc("clunk"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Read] = mkrpc("read"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Write] = mkrpc("write"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Remove] = mkrpc("remove"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Stat] = mkrpc("stat"); stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Wstat] = mkrpc("wstat"); mpipe := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if(sys->pipe(mpipe) < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("can't create pipe: %r")); pids := chan of int; cmddone := chan of int; spawn cmd(sh, ctxt, args, wd, mpipe[0], pids, cmddone); <-pids; mpipe[0] = nil; epipe := array[2] of ref Sys->FD; if(sys->pipe(epipe) < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("can't create pipe: %r")); spawn export(epipe[1], pids); <-pids; epipe[1] = nil; iodone := chan of int; spawn iostats(epipe[0], mpipe[1], pids, iodone); <-pids; epipe[0] = mpipe[1] = nil; <-cmddone; <-iodone; results(); } cmd(sh: Sh, ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string, wdir: string, fsfd: ref Sys->FD, pids: chan of int, done: chan of int) { { pids <-= sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS|Sys->FORKFD, nil); if(sys->mount(fsfd, nil, "/", Sys->MREPL, "") < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("can't mount /: %r")); fsfd = nil; sys->bind("#e", "/env", Sys->MREPL | Sys->MCREATE); sys->bind("#d", "/fd", Sys->MREPL); # better than nothing if(sys->chdir(wdir) < 0) fatal(sys->sprint("can't chdir to %s: %r", wdir)); sh->run(ctxt, args); }exception{ "fail:*" => ; # don't mention it * => raise; # cause the fault } done <-= 1; } iostats(expfd: ref Sys->FD, mountfd: ref Sys->FD, pids: chan of int, done: chan of int) { pids <-= sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD|Sys->NEWPGRP, 1 :: 2 :: expfd.fd :: mountfd.fd :: nil); timefd := sys->open("/dev/time", Sys->OREAD); if(timefd == nil) fatal(sys->sprint("can't open /dev/time: %r")); tmsgs := chan of (int, ref Tmsg); spawn Treader(mountfd, expfd, tmsgs); (tpid, nil) := <-tmsgs; rmsgs := chan of (int, ref Rmsg); spawn Rreader(expfd, mountfd, rmsgs); (rpid, nil) := <-rmsgs; expfd = mountfd = nil; stderr := sys->fildes(2); Run: for(;;)alt{ (n, t) := <-tmsgs => # n.b.: received on tmsgs before it goes to server if(t == nil || tagof t == tagof Tmsg.Readerror) break Run; # TO DO? if(dbg) sys->fprint(stderr, "->%s\n", t.text()); tag := newtag(t, nsec(timefd)); stats.nrpc++; stats.nproto += n; rpc := stats.rpc[tagof t]; if(rpc == nil){ sys->fprint(stderr, "iostats: unexpected T-msg %d\n", tagof t); continue; } rpc.count++; rpc.bin += big n; pick pt := t { Auth => tag.fid = newfid(pt.afid); Attach => tag.fid = newfid(pt.fid); Walk => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); Open => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); Create => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); Read => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); Write => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); = nil; # don't need to keep data Clunk or Stat or Remove => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); Wstat => tag.fid = findfid(pt.fid); } (n, r) := <-rmsgs => if(r == nil || tagof r == tagof Rmsg.Readerror){ break Run; # TO DO } if(dbg) sys->fprint(stderr, "<-%s\n", r.text()); stats.nproto += n; tag := findtag(r.tag, 1); if(tag == nil) continue; # client or server error TO DO: account for flush if(tagof r < len replymap && (tt := replymap[tagof r]) >= 0 && (rpc := stats.rpc[tt]) != nil){ update(rpc, nsec(timefd)-tag.stime); rpc.bout += big n; } fid := tag.fid; pick pr := r { Error => pick m := tag.m { Auth => if(fid != nil){ if(fid.nread != big 0 || fid.nwrite != big 0) fidreport(fid); freefid(fid); } } Version => # could pick up message size # flush fids/tags tags = array[len tags] of ref Tag; fids = array[len fids] of list of ref Fid; Auth => # afid from fid.t, qaid from auth if(fid != nil){ fid.qid = pr.aqid; fid.path = ref Path(nil, "#auth"); } Attach => if(fid != nil){ fid.qid = pr.qid; fid.path = ref Path(nil, "/"); } Walk => pick m := tag.m { Walk => if(len pr.qids != len m.names) break; # walk failed, no change if(fid == nil) break; if(m.newfid != m.fid){ nf := newfid(m.newfid); nf.path = fid.path; fid = nf; # walk new fid } for(i := 0; i < len m.names; i++){ fid.qid = pr.qids[i]; if(m.names[i] == ".."){ if(fid.path.parent != nil) fid.path = fid.path.parent; }else fid.path = ref Path(fid.path, m.names[i]); } } Open or Create => if(fid != nil) fid.qid = pr.qid; Read => fid.nread++; nr := big len; fid.bread += nr; stats.totread += nr; Write => # count fid.nwrite++; fid.bwrite += big pr.count; stats.totwrite += big pr.count; Flush => pick m := tag.m { Flush => findtag(m.oldtag, 1); # discard if there } Clunk or Remove => if(fid != nil){ if(fid.nread != big 0 || fid.nwrite != big 0) fidreport(fid); freefid(fid); } } } kill(rpid, "kill"); kill(tpid, "kill"); done <-= 1; } results() { stderr := sys->fildes(2); rpc := stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Read]; brpsec := real stats.totread / ((real rpc.time/1.0e9)+.000001); rpc = stats.rpc[tagof Tmsg.Write]; bwpsec := real stats.totwrite / ((real rpc.time/1.0e9)+.000001); ttime := big 0; for(n := 0; n < len stats.rpc; n++){ rpc = stats.rpc[n]; if(rpc == nil || rpc.count == big 0) continue; ttime += rpc.time; } bppsec := real stats.nproto / ((real ttime/1.0e9)+.000001); sys->fprint(stderr, "\nread %bud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats.totread, brpsec/1024.0); sys->fprint(stderr, "write %bud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats.totwrite, bwpsec/1024.0); sys->fprint(stderr, "protocol %ud bytes, %g Kb/sec\n", stats.nproto, bppsec/1024.0); sys->fprint(stderr, "rpc %ud count\n\n", stats.nrpc); sys->fprint(stderr, "%-10s %5s %5s %5s %5s %5s T R\n", "Message", "Count", "Low", "High", "Time", " Avg"); for(n = 0; n < len stats.rpc; n++){ rpc = stats.rpc[n]; if(rpc == nil || rpc.count == big 0) continue; sys->fprint(stderr, "%-10s %5bud %5bud %5bud %5bud %5bud ms %8bud %8bud bytes\n",, rpc.count, rpc.lo/Ns2ms, rpc.hi/Ns2ms, rpc.time/Ns2ms, rpc.time/Ns2ms/rpc.count, rpc.bin, rpc.bout); } # unclunked fids for(n = 0; n < NFIDHASH; n++) for(fl := fids[n]; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){ fid := hd fl; if(fid.nread != big 0 || fid.nwrite != big 0) fidreport(fid); } if(frecs == nil) exit; sys->fprint(stderr, "\nOpens Reads (bytes) Writes (bytes) File\n"); for(frl := frecs; frl != nil; frl = tl frl){ fr := hd frl; case s := makepath(fr.op) { "/fd/0" => s = "(stdin)"; "/fd/1" => s = "(stdout)"; "/fd/2" => s = "(stderr)"; "" => s = "/."; } sys->fprint(stderr, "%5ud %8bud %8bud %8bud %8bud %s\n", fr.opens, fr.nread, fr.bread, fr.nwrite, fr.bwrite, s); } } Treader(fd: ref Sys->FD, ofd: ref Sys->FD, out: chan of (int, ref Tmsg)) { out <-= (sys->pctl(0, nil), nil); fd = sys->fildes(fd.fd); ofd = sys->fildes(ofd.fd); for(;;){ (a, err) := styx->readmsg(fd, Maxmsg); if(err != nil){ out <-= (0, ref Tmsg.Readerror(0, err)); break; } if(a == nil){ out <-= (0, nil); break; } (nil, m) := Tmsg.unpack(a); if(m == nil){ out <-= (0, ref Tmsg.Readerror(0, "bad Styx T-message format")); break; } out <-= (len a, m); sys->write(ofd, a, len a); # TO DO: errors } } Rreader(fd: ref Sys->FD, ofd: ref Sys->FD, out: chan of (int, ref Rmsg)) { out <-= (sys->pctl(0, nil), nil); fd = sys->fildes(fd.fd); ofd = sys->fildes(ofd.fd); for(;;){ (a, err) := styx->readmsg(fd, Maxmsg); if(err != nil){ out <-= (0, ref Rmsg.Readerror(0, err)); break; } if(a == nil){ out <-= (0, nil); break; } (nil, m) := Rmsg.unpack(a); if(m == nil){ out <-= (0, ref Rmsg.Readerror(0, "bad Styx R-message format")); break; } out <-= (len a, m); sys->write(ofd, a, len a); # TO DO: errors } } reply(fd: ref Sys->FD, m: ref Rmsg) { d := m.pack(); sys->write(fd, d, len d); } mkrpc(s: string): ref Rpc { return ref Rpc(s, big 0, big 0, big 1 << 40, big 0, big 0, big 0); } newfid(nr: int): ref Fid { h := nr%NFIDHASH; for(fl := fids[h]; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) if((hd fl).nr == nr) return hd fl; # shouldn't happen: faulty client fid := ref Fid; = nr; fid.nread = big 0; fid.nwrite = big 0; fid.bread = big 0; fid.bwrite = big 0; fid.qid = Qid(big 0, 0, -1); fids[h] = fid :: fids[h]; return fid; } findfid(nr: int): ref Fid { for(fl := fids[nr%NFIDHASH]; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) if((hd fl).nr == nr) return hd fl; return nil; } freefid(fid: ref Fid) { h :=; nl: list of ref Fid; for(fl := fids[h]; fl != nil; fl = tl fl) if((hd fl).nr != nl = hd fl :: nl; fids[h] = nl; } makepath(p: ref Path): string { nl: list of string; for(; p != nil; p = p.parent) if( != "/") nl = :: nl; s := ""; for(; nl != nil; nl = tl nl) if(s != nil) s += "/" + hd nl; else s = hd nl; return "/"+s; } fatal(s: string) { sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "iostats: %s: %r\n", s); raise "fatal:error"; } nsec(fd: ref Sys->FD): big { buf := array[100] of byte; n := sys->pread(fd, buf, len buf, big 0); if(n <= 0) return big 0; return big string buf[0:n]; } fidreport(f: ref Fid) { for(fl := frecs; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){ fr := hd fl; if(eqqid(f.qid, fr.qid)){ # could put f.path in list of paths if aliases were interesting fr.nread += f.nread; fr.nwrite += f.nwrite; fr.bread += f.bread; fr.bwrite += f.bwrite; fr.opens++; return; } } fr := ref Frec; fr.op = f.path; fr.qid = f.qid; fr.nread = f.nread; fr.nwrite = f.nwrite; fr.bread = f.bread; fr.bwrite = f.bwrite; fr.opens = 1; frecs = fr :: frecs; } update(rpc: ref Rpc, t: big) { if(t < big 0) t = big 0; rpc.time += t; if(t < rpc.lo) rpc.lo = t; if(t > rpc.hi) rpc.hi = t; } newtag(m: ref Tmsg, t: big): ref Tag { slot := m.tag & (NTAGHASH - 1); tag := ref Tag(m, nil, t, tags[slot]); tags[slot] = tag; return tag; } findtag(tag: int, destroy: int): ref Tag { slot := tag & (NTAGHASH - 1); prev: ref Tag; for(t := tags[slot]; t != nil; t ={ if(t.m.tag == tag) break; prev = t; } if(t == nil || !destroy) return t; if(prev == nil) tags[slot] =; else =; return t; } eqqid(a, b: Qid): int { return a.path == b.path && a.qtype == b.qtype; } export(fd: ref Sys->FD, pid: chan of int) { pid <-= sys->pctl(Sys->NEWFD|Sys->FORKNS, fd.fd::0::1::2::nil); sys->export(fd, "/", Sys->EXPWAIT); } kill(pid: int, what: string) { fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE); if(fd != nil) sys->fprint(fd, "%s", what); }