ref: 61870c24fae357b78029ce54be0c004e1ffdb3c7
dir: /appl/spree/lib/testsets.b/
implement Testsets; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; include "rand.m"; include "sets.m"; # "sets.m" or "sets32.m" sets: Sets; Set, set, A, B: import sets; BPW: con 32; SHIFT: con 5; MASK: con 31; Testsets: module { init: fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string); }; ∅: Set; Testbig: con 1; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; sets = load Sets Sets->PATH; if (sets == nil) { sys->print("cannot load %s: %r\n", Sets->PATH); exit; } rand := load Rand Rand->PATH; sets->init(); ∅ = set(); s := set().addlist(1::2::3::4::nil); addit(s); sys->print("s %s\n", s.str()); r := s.invert(); sys->print("r %s\n", r.str()); r = r.del(20); addit(r); sys->print("r del20: %s\n", r.str()); z := r.X(~A&~B, s); addit(z); sys->print("z: %s\n", z.str()); x := set(); for (i := 0; i < 31; i++) if (rand->rand(2)) x = x.add(i); addit(x); for(i = 0; i < 31; i++) addit(set().add(i)); if (Testbig) { r = r.del(100); addit(r); sys->print("rz: %s\n", r.str()); r = r.add(100); addit(r); sys->print("rz2: %s\n", r.str()); x = set(); for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) x = x.add(rand->rand(300)); addit(x); for(i = 31; i < 70; i++) addit(set().add(i)); } sys->print("empty: %s\n", set().str()); addit(set()); sys->print("full: %s\n", set().invert().str()); test(); sys->print("done tests\n"); } ds(d: array of byte): string { s := ""; for(i := len d - 1; i >= 0; i--) s += sys->sprint("%.2x", int d[i]); return s; } testsets: list of Set; addit(s: Set) { testsets = s :: testsets; } test() { for (t := testsets; t != nil; t = tl t) testsets = (hd t).invert() :: testsets; for (t = testsets; t != nil; t = tl t) testa(hd t); for (t = testsets; t != nil; t = tl t) { a := hd t; for (s := testsets; s != nil; s = tl s) { b := hd s; testab(a, b); } } } testab(a, b: Set) { { check(!a.eq(b) == !b.eq(a), "equality"); if (superset(a, b) && !a.eq(b)) check(!superset(b, a), "superset"); } exception { "test failed" => sys->print("%s, %s [%s, %s]\n", a.str(), b.str(), a.debugstr(), b.debugstr()); } } testa(a: Set) { { check(sets->str2set(a.str()).eq(a), "string conversion"); check(a.eq(a), "self equality"); check(a.eq(a.invert().invert()), "double inversion"); check(a.X(A&~B, a).eq(∅), "self not intersect"); check(a.limit() == a.invert().limit(), "invert limit"); check(a.X(A&~B, set().invert()).limit() == 0, "zero limit"); check(sets->bytes2set(a.bytes(0)).eq(a), "bytes conversion"); check(sets->bytes2set(a.bytes(3)).eq(a), "bytes conversion(2)"); if (a.limit() > 0) { if (a.msb()) check(!a.holds(a.limit() - 1), "hold limit 1"); else check(a.holds(a.limit() - 1), "hold limit 2"); } } exception { "test failed" => sys->print("%s [%s]\n", a.str(), a.debugstr()); } } check(ok: int, s: string) { if (!ok) { sys->print("test failed: %s; ", s); raise "test failed"; } } # return true if a is a superset of b superset(a, b: Set): int { return a.X(~A&B, b).eq(∅); }