ref: 61870c24fae357b78029ce54be0c004e1ffdb3c7
dir: /appl/ebook/ebook.b/
implement Ebook; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; Point, Rect: import draw; include "tk.m"; tk: Tk; include "tkclient.m"; tkclient: Tkclient; include "bufio.m"; bufio: Bufio; Iobuf: import bufio; include "string.m"; str: String; include "keyboard.m"; include "url.m"; url: Url; ParsedUrl: import url; include "xml.m"; include "stylesheet.m"; include "cssparser.m"; include "oebpackage.m"; oebpackage: OEBpackage; Package: import oebpackage; include "reader.m"; reader: Reader; Datasource, Mark, Block: import reader; include "profile.m"; profile: Profile; include "arg.m"; Doprofile: con 0; # TO DO # - error notices. # + indexes based on display size and font information. # - navigation by spine contents # - navigation by guide, tour contents # - searching? Ebook: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; Font: con "/fonts/charon/plain.small.font"; LASTPAGE: con 16r7fffffff; Book: adt { win: ref Tk->Toplevel; evch: string; size: Point; w: string; showannot: int; d: ref Document; pkg: ref OEBpackage->Package; fallbacks: list of (string, string); item: ref OEBpackage->Item; page: int; indexprogress: chan of int; sequence: list of ref OEBpackage->Item; # currently selected sequence new: fn(f: string, win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, evch: string, size: Point, indexprogress: chan of int): (ref Book, string); gotolink: fn(book: self ref Book, where: string): string; gotopage: fn(book: self ref Book, page: int); goto: fn(book: self ref Book, m: ref Bookmark); mark: fn(book: self ref Book): ref Bookmark; forward: fn(book: self ref Book); back: fn(book: self ref Book); showannotations: fn(book: self ref Book, showannot: int); show: fn(book: self ref Book, item: ref OEBpackage->Item); title: fn(book: self ref Book): string; }; Bookmark: adt { item: ref OEBpackage->Item; page: int; # XXX should be fileoffset }; Document: adt { w: string; p: ref Page; # current page firstmark: ref Mark; # start of first element on current page endfirstmark: ref Mark; # end of first element on current page lastmark: ref Mark; # start of last element on current page endlastmark: ref Mark; # end of last element on current page (nil if we're there) nextoffset: int; # y offset of first element on next page datasrc: ref Datasource; indexed: int; pagenum: int; size: Point; index: ref Index; annotations: array of ref Annotation; showannot: int; item: ref OEBpackage->Item; fallbacks: list of (string, string); indexprogress: chan of int; new: fn(i: ref OEBpackage->Item, fallbacks: list of (string, string), win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, size: Point, evch: string, indexprogress: chan of int): (ref Document, string); fileoffset: fn(d: self ref Document): int; title: fn(d: self ref Document): string; goto: fn(d: self ref Document, n: int): int; gotooffset: fn(d: self ref Document, o: int); gotolink: fn(d: self ref Document, name: string): int; addannotation: fn(d: self ref Document, a: ref Annotation); delannotation: fn(d: self ref Document, a: ref Annotation); getannotation: fn(d: self ref Document, fileoffset: int): ref Annotation; updateannotation: fn(d: self ref Document, a: ref Annotation); showannotations: fn(d: self ref Document, show: int); writeannotations: fn(d: self ref Document): string; }; Index: adt { rq: chan of (int, chan of (int, (ref Mark, int))); linkrq: chan of (string, chan of int); indexed: chan of (array of (ref Mark, int), ref Links); d: ref Datasource; size: Point; length: int; # length of index file f: string; # name of index file new: fn(i: ref OEBpackage->Item, d: ref Datasource, size: Point, force: int, indexprogress: chan of int): ref Index; get: fn(i: self ref Index, n: int): (int, (ref Mark, int)); getlink: fn(i: self ref Index, name: string): int; abort: fn(i: self ref Index); stop: fn(i: self ref Index); }; Page: adt { win: ref Tk->Toplevel; w: string; min, max: int; height: int; yorigin: int; bmargin: int; new: fn(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): ref Page; del: fn(p: self ref Page); append: fn(p: self ref Page, b: Block); remove: fn(p: self ref Page, atend: int): Block; scrollto: fn(p: self ref Page, y: int); count: fn(p: self ref Page): int; bbox: fn(p: self ref Page, n: int): Rect; bboxw: fn(p: self ref Page, w: string): Rect; canvasr: fn(p: self ref Page, r: Rect): Rect; window: fn(p: self ref Page, n: int): string; maxy: fn(p: self ref Page): int; conceal: fn(p: self ref Page, y: int); visible: fn(p: self ref Page): int; getblock: fn(p: self ref Page, n: int): Block; }; Annotationwidth: con "20w"; Spikeradius: con 3; Annotation: adt { fileoffset: int; text: string; }; stderr: ref Sys->FD; warningch: chan of (Xml->Locator, string); debug := 0; usage() { sys->fprint(stderr, "usage: ebook [-m] bookfile\n"); raise "fail:usage"; } Flatopts: con "-bg white -relief flat -activebackground white -activeforeground black"; Menubutopts: con "-bg white -relief ridge -activebackground white -activeforeground black"; gctxt: ref Draw->Context; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { gctxt = ctxt; loadmods(); size := Point(400, 600); arg := load Arg Arg->PATH; if(arg == nil) badmodule(Arg->PATH); arg->init(argv); while((opt := arg->opt()) != 0) case opt { 'm' => size = Point(240, 320); 'd' => debug = 1; * => usage(); } argv = arg->argv(); arg = nil; if (len argv != 1) usage(); sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil); reader->init(ctxt.display); (win, ctlchan) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, nil, hd argv, Tkclient->Hide); cch := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, cch, "c"); evch := chan of string; tk->namechan(win, evch, "evch"); cmd(win, "frame .f -bg white"); cmd(win, "button .f.up -text {↑} -command {send evch up}" + Flatopts); cmd(win, "button .f.down -text {↓} -command {send evch down}" + Flatopts); cmd(win, "button -text {→} -command {send evch forward}" + Flatopts); cmd(win, "button .f.prev -text {←} -command {send evch back}" + Flatopts); cmd(win, "label .f.pagenum -text 0 -bg white -relief flat -bd 0 -width 8w -anchor e"); cmd(win, "menubutton .f.annot -menu .f.annot.m " + Menubutopts + " -text {Opts}"); cmd(win, "menu .f.annot.m"); cmd(win, ".f.annot.m add checkbutton -text {Annotations} -command {send evch annot} -variable annot"); cmd(win, ".f.annot.m invoke 0"); cmd(win, "pack .f.annot -side left"); cmd(win, "pack .f.pagenum .f.down .f.up .f.prev -side right"); cmd(win, "focus ."); cmd(win, "bind .Wm_t <Button-1> +{focus .}"); cmd(win, "bind .Wm_t.title <Button-1> +{focus .}"); cmd(win, sys->sprint("bind . <Key-%c> {send evch up}", Keyboard->Up)); cmd(win, sys->sprint("bind . <Key-%c> {send evch down}", Keyboard->Down)); cmd(win, sys->sprint("bind . <Key-%c> {send evch forward}", Keyboard->Right)); cmd(win, sys->sprint("bind . <Key-%c> {send evch back}", Keyboard->Left)); cmd(win, "pack .f -side top -fill x"); # pack a temporary frame to see what size we're actually allocated. cmd(win, "frame .tmp"); cmd(win, "pack .tmp -side top -fill both -expand 1"); cmd(win, "pack propagate . 0"); cmd(win, ". configure -width " + string size.x + " -height " + string size.y); # fittoscreen(win); size.x = int cmd(win, ".tmp cget -actwidth"); size.y = int cmd(win, ".tmp cget -actheight"); cmd(win, "destroy .tmp"); spawn showpageproc(win, ".f.pagenum", indexprogress := chan of int, pageprogress := chan of string); (book, e) := argv, win, ".d", "evch", size, indexprogress); if (book == nil) { pageprogress <-= nil; sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "ebook: cannot open book: %s\n", e); raise "fail:error"; } if ( != nil) { makemenu(win, "", "Guide",; cmd(win, "pack -before .f.pagenum -side left"); } cmd(win, "pack .d -side top -fill both -expand 1"); tkclient->onscreen(win, nil); tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); warningch = chan of (Xml->Locator, string); spawn warningproc(warningch); spawn handlerproc(book, evch, exitedch := chan of int, pageprogress); for (;;) alt { s := <-win.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(win, s); s := <-win.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(win, *s); s := <-win.ctxt.ctl or s = <-win.wreq or s = <-ctlchan => if (s == "exit") { evch <-= "exit"; <-exitedch; } tkclient->wmctl(win, s); } } makemenu(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, title: string, items: list of ref OEBpackage->Reference) { cmd(win, "menubutton " + w + " -menu " + w + ".m " + Menubutopts + " -text '" + title); m := w + ".m"; cmd(win, "menu " + m); for (; items != nil; items = tl items) { item := hd items; # assumes URLs can't have '{}' in them. cmd(win, m + " add command -text " + tk->quote(item.title) + " -command {send evch goto " + item.href + "}"); } } loadmods() { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; stderr = sys->fildes(2); draw = load Draw Draw->PATH; tk = load Tk Tk->PATH; bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH; str = load String String->PATH; if (str == nil) badmodule(String->PATH); url = load Url Url->PATH; if (url == nil) badmodule(Url->PATH); url->init(); tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH; if (tkclient == nil) badmodule(Tkclient->PATH); tkclient->init(); reader = load Reader Reader->PATH; if (reader == nil) badmodule(Reader->PATH); xml := load Xml Xml->PATH; if (xml == nil) badmodule(Xml->PATH); xml->init(); oebpackage = load OEBpackage OEBpackage->PATH; if (oebpackage == nil) badmodule(OEBpackage->PATH); oebpackage->init(xml); if (Doprofile) { profile = load Profile Profile->PATH; if (profile == nil) badmodule(Profile->PATH); profile->init(); profile->sample(10); } } showpageproc(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, indexprogress: chan of int, pageprogress: chan of string) { page := "0"; indexed: int; for (;;) { alt { page = <-pageprogress =>; indexed = <-indexprogress =>; } if (page == nil) exit; cmd(win, w + " configure -text {" + page + "/" + string indexed + "}"); cmd(win, "update"); } } handlerproc(book: ref Book, evch: chan of string, exitedch: chan of int, pageprogress: chan of string) { win :=; newplace(book, pageprogress); hist, fhist: list of ref Bookmark; cmd(win, "update"); for (;;) { (w, c) := splitword(<-evch); if (Doprofile) profile->start(); #sys->print("event '%s' '%s'\n", w, c); (olditem, oldpage) := (book.item,; case w { "exit" =>; # force annotations to be written out. exitedch <-= 1; exit; "forward" => book.forward(); "back" => book.back(); "up" => if (hist != nil) { bm := book.mark(); book.goto(hd hist); (hist, fhist) = (tl hist, bm :: fhist); } "down" => if (fhist != nil) { bm := book.mark(); book.goto(hd fhist); (hist, fhist) = (bm :: hist, tl fhist); } "goto" => (hist, fhist) = (book.mark() :: hist, nil); e := book.gotolink(c); if (e != nil) notice("error getting link: " + e); "ds" => # an event from a datasource-created widget if (book.d == nil) { oops("stray event 'ds " + c + "'"); break; } event := book.d.datasrc.event(c); if (event == nil) { oops(sys->sprint("nil event on 'ds %s'", c)); break; } pick ev := event { Link => if (ev.url != nil) { (hist, fhist) = (book.mark() :: hist, nil); e := book.gotolink(ev.url); if (e != nil) notice("error getting link: " + e); } Texthit => a := ref Annotation(ev.fileoffset, nil); spawn excessevents(evch); editannotation(win, a); evch <-= nil; book.d.addannotation(a); } "annotclick" => a := book.d.getannotation(int c); if (a == nil) { notice("cannot find annotation at " + c); break; } editannotation(win, a); book.d.updateannotation(a); "annot" => book.showannotations(int cmd(win, "variable annot")); * => oops(sys->sprint("unknown event '%s' '%s'", w, c)); } if (olditem != book.item || oldpage != newplace(book, pageprogress); cmd(win, "update"); cmd(win, "focus ."); if (Doprofile) profile->stop(); } } excessevents(evch: chan of string) { while ((s := <-evch) != nil) oops("excess: " + s); } newplace(book: ref Book, pageprogress: chan of string) { pageprogress <-= + "." + string ( + 1); tkclient->settitle(, book.title()); } editannotation(pwin: ref Tk->Toplevel, annot: ref Annotation) { (win, ctlchan) := tkclient->toplevel(gctxt, "-x " + cmd(pwin, ". cget -actx") + " -y " + cmd(pwin, ". cget -acty"), "Annotation", Tkclient->Appl); cmd(win, "scrollbar .s -orient vertical -command {.t yview}"); cmd(win, "text .t -yscrollcommand {.s set}"); cmd(win, "pack .s -side left -fill y"); cmd(win, "pack .t -side top -fill both -expand 1"); cmd(win, "pack propagate . 0"); cmd(win, ". configure -width " + cmd(pwin, ". cget -width")); cmd(win, ".t insert end '" + annot.text); cmd(win, "update"); # XXX tk bug forces us to do this here rather than earlier cmd(win, "focus .t"); cmd(win, "update"); tkclient->onscreen(win, nil); tkclient->startinput(win, "kbd"::"ptr"::nil); for (;;) alt { c := <-win.ctxt.kbd => tk->keyboard(win, c); c := <-win.ctxt.ptr => tk->pointer(win, *c); c := <-win.ctxt.ctl or c = <-win.wreq or c = <-ctlchan => case c { "task" => cmd(pwin, ". unmap"); tkclient->wmctl(win, c); cmd(pwin, ". map"); cmd(win, "raise ."); cmd(win, "update"); "exit" => annot.text = trim(cmd(win, ".t get 1.0 end")); return; * => tkclient->wmctl(win, c); } } } warningproc(c: chan of (Xml->Locator, string)) { for (;;) { (loc, msg) := <-c; if (msg == nil) break; warning(sys->sprint("%s:%d: %s", loc.systemid, loc.line, msg)); } } openpackage(f: string): (ref OEBpackage->Package, string) { (pkg, e) := oebpackage->open(f, warningch); if (pkg == nil) return (nil, e); nmissing := pkg.locate(); if (nmissing > 0) warning(string nmissing + " items missing from manifest"); for (i := pkg.manifest; i != nil; i = tl i) (hd i).file = cleanname((hd i).file); return (pkg, nil); } blankbook: Book; string, win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, evch: string, size: Point, indexprogress: chan of int): (ref Book, string) { (pkg, e) := openpackage(f); if (pkg == nil) return (nil, e); # give section numbers to all the items in the manifest. # items in the spine are named sequentially; # other items are given letters corresponding to their order in the manifest. for (items := pkg.manifest; items != nil; items = tl items) (hd items).id = nil; i := 1; for (items = pkg.spine; items != nil; items = tl items) (hd items).id = string i++; i = 0; for (items = pkg.manifest; items != nil; items = tl items) { if ((hd items).id == nil) { c := 'A'; if (i >= 26) c = 'α'; (hd items).id = sys->sprint("%c", c + i); i++; } } fallbacks: list of (string, string); for (items = pkg.manifest; items != nil; items = tl items) { item := hd items; if (item.fallback != nil) fallbacks = (item.file, item.fallback.file) :: fallbacks; } book := ref blankbook; = win; book.evch = evch; book.size = size; book.w = w; book.pkg = pkg; book.sequence = pkg.spine; book.fallbacks = fallbacks; book.indexprogress = indexprogress; cmd(win, "frame " + w + " -bg white"); if (book.sequence != nil) { book.sequence); if (book.d != nil) = book.d.goto(0); } return (book, nil); } Book.title(book: self ref Book): string { if (book.d != nil) return book.d.title(); return nil; } Book.mark(book: self ref Book): ref Bookmark { if (book.d != nil) return ref Bookmark(book.item,; return nil; } Book.goto(book: self ref Book, m: ref Bookmark) { if (m != nil) {; book.gotopage(; } } Book.gotolink(book: self ref Book, href: string): string { fromfile: string; if (book.item != nil) fromfile = book.item.file; (u, err) := makerelativeurl(fromfile, href); if (u == nil) return err; if (book.d == nil || book.item.file != u.path) { for (i := book.pkg.manifest; i != nil; i = tl i) if ((hd i).file == u.path) break; if (i == nil) return "item '" + u.path + "' not found in manifest"; i); } if (book.d != nil) { if (u.frag != nil) { if (book.d.gotolink(u.frag) == -1) { warning(sys->sprint("link '%s' not found in '%s'", u.frag, book.item.file)); book.d.goto(0); } else = book.d.pagenum; } else book.d.goto(0); = book.d.pagenum; } return nil; } makerelativeurl(fromfile: string, href: string): (ref ParsedUrl, string) { dir := ""; for(n := len fromfile; --n >= 0;) { if(fromfile[n] == '/') { dir = fromfile[0:n+1]; break; } } u := url->makeurl(href); if(u.scheme != Url->FILE && u.scheme != Url->NOSCHEME) return (nil, sys->sprint("URL scheme %s not yet supported", url->schemes[u.scheme])); if( != "localhost" && != nil) return (nil, "non-local URLs not supported"); path := u.path; if (path == nil) u.path = fromfile; else { if(u.pstart != "/") path = dir+path; # TO DO: security (ok, d) := sys->stat(path); if(ok < 0) return (nil, sys->sprint("'%s': %r", path)); u.path = path; } return (u, nil); } Book.gotopage(book: self ref Book, page: int) { if (book.d != nil) = book.d.goto(page); } #if (goto(next page)) doesn't move on) { # if (currentdocument is in sequence and it's not the last) { # close(document); # open(next in sequence) # goto(page 0) # } #} Book.forward(book: self ref Book) { if (book.item == nil) return; if (book.d != nil) { n := book.d.goto( + 1); if (n > { = n; return; } } # can't move further on, so try for next in sequence. for (seq := book.sequence; seq != nil; seq = tl seq) if (hd seq == book.item) break; # not found in current sequence, or nothing following it: nowhere to go. if (seq == nil || tl seq == nil) return; tl seq); if (book.d != nil) = book.d.goto(0); } Book.back(book: self ref Book) { if (book.item == nil) return; if (book.d != nil) { n := book.d.goto( - 1); if (n < { = n; return; } } # can't move back, so try for previous in sequence prev: ref OEBpackage->Item; for (seq := book.sequence; seq != nil; (prev, seq) = (hd seq, tl seq)) if (hd seq == book.item) break; # not found in current sequence, or no previous: nowhere to go if (seq == nil || prev == nil) return;; if (book.d != nil) = book.d.goto(LASTPAGE); } self ref Book, item: ref OEBpackage->Item) { if (book.item == item) return; if (book.d != nil) { book.d.writeannotations(); book.d.index.stop(); cmd(, "destroy " + book.d.w); book.d = nil; } if (item == nil) return; (d, e) :=, book.fallbacks,, book.w + ".d", book.size, book.evch, book.indexprogress); if (d == nil) { notice(sys->sprint("cannot load item %s: %s", item.href, e)); return; } d.showannotations(book.showannot); cmd(, "pack " + book.w + ".d -fill both"); = -1; book.d = d; book.item = item; } Book.showannotations(book: self ref Book, showannot: int) { book.showannot = showannot; if (book.d != nil) book.d.showannotations(showannot); } #actions: # goto link # if (link is to current document) { # goto(link) # } else { # close(document) # open(linked-to document) # goto(link); # } # # next page # if (goto(next page)) doesn't move on) { # if (currentdocument is in sequence and it's not the last) { # close(document); # open(next in sequence) # goto(page 0) # } # } # # previous page # if (page > 0) { # goto(page - 1); # } else { # if (currentdocument is in sequence and it's not the first) { # close(document) # open(previous in sequence) # goto(last page) # } displayannotation(d: ref Document, r: Rect, annot: ref Annotation) { tag := "o" + string annot.fileoffset; (win, w) := (, d.p.w); a := cmd(win, w + " create text 0 0 -anchor nw -tags {annot " + tag + "}" + " -width " + Annotationwidth + " -text '" + annot.text); er := s2r(cmd(win, w + " bbox " + a)); delta := er.min; # desired rectangle for text entry box er = Rect((r.min.x - Spikeradius, r.max.y), (r.min.x - Spikeradius + er.dx(), r.max.y + er.dy())); # make sure it's on screen if (er.max.x > d.size.x) er = er.subpt((er.max.x - d.size.x, 0)); cmd(win, w + " create polygon" + " " + p2s(er.min) + " " + p2s((r.min.x - Spikeradius, er.min.y)) + " " + p2s(r.min) + " " + p2s((r.min.x + Spikeradius, er.min.y)) + " " + p2s((er.max.x, er.min.y)) + " " + p2s(er.max) + " " + p2s((er.min.x, er.max.y)) + " -fill yellow -tags {annot " + tag + "}"); cmd(win, w + " coords " + a + " " + p2s(er.min.sub(delta))); cmd(win, w + " bind " + tag + " <Button-1> {" + w + " raise " + tag + "}"); cmd(win, w + " bind " + tag + " <Double-Button-1> {send evch annotclick " + string annot.fileoffset + "}"); cmd(win, w + " raise " + a); } badmodule(s: string) { sys->fprint(stderr, "ebook: can't load %s: %r\n", s); raise "fail:load"; } blankdoc: Document; ref OEBpackage->Item, fallbacks: list of (string, string), win: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string, size: Point, evch: string, indexprogress: chan of int): (ref Document, string) { if (i.mediatype != "text/x-oeb1-document") return (nil, "invalid mediatype: " + i.mediatype); if (i.file == nil) return (nil, "not found: " + i.missing); (datasrc, e) :=, fallbacks, win, size.x, evch, warningch); if (datasrc == nil) return (nil, e); d := ref blankdoc; d.item = i; d.w = w; d.p =, w + ".p"); d.datasrc = datasrc; d.pagenum = -1; d.size = size; d.indexprogress = indexprogress; d.index =, datasrc, size, 0, indexprogress); cmd(win, "frame " + w + " -width " + string size.x + " -height " + string size.y); cmd(win, "pack propagate " + w + " 0"); cmd(win, "pack " + w + ".p -side top -fill both"); d.annotations = readannotations(i.file + ".annot"); d.showannot = 0; return (d, nil); } Document.fileoffset(nil: self ref Document): int { # get nearest file offset corresponding to top of current page. # XXX return 0; } Document.gotooffset(nil: self ref Document, nil: int) { # d.goto(d.index.pageforfileoffset(offset)); # XXX } Document.title(d: self ref Document): string { return d.datasrc.title; } Document.gotolink(d: self ref Document, name: string): int { n := d.index.getlink(name); if (n != -1) return d.goto(n); return -1; } # this is much too involved for its own good. Document.goto(d: self ref Document, n: int): int { win :=; pw := d.w + ".p"; if (n == d.pagenum) return n; m: ref Mark; offset := -999; # before committing ourselves, make sure that the page exists. (n, (m, offset)) = d.index.get(n); if (m == nil || n == d.pagenum) return d.pagenum; b: Block; # remove appropriate element, in case we want to use it in the new page. if (n > d.pagenum) b = d.p.remove(1); else b = d.p.remove(0); # destroy the old page and make a new one. d.p.del(); d.p =, pw); cmd(win, "pack " + pw + " -side top -fill both -expand 1"); if (n == d.pagenum + 1 && d.lastmark != nil) { if(debug)sys->print("page 1 forward\n"); # sanity check: # if d.nextoffset or d.lastmark doesn't match the offset and mark we've obtained # fpr this page from the index, then the index is invalid, so reindex and recurse if (d.nextoffset != offset || !d.lastmark.eq(m)) { notice(sys->sprint("invalid index, reindexing; (index offset: %d, actually %d; mark: %d, actually: %d)\n", offset, d.nextoffset, d.lastmark.fileoffset(), m.fileoffset())); d.index.abort(); d.index =, d.datasrc, d.size, 1, d.indexprogress); d.pagenum = -1; d.firstmark = d.endfirstmark = d.lastmark = d.endlastmark = nil; d.nextoffset = 0; return d.goto(n); } # if moving to the next page, we don't need to look up in the index; # just continue on from where we currently are, transferring the # last item on the current page to the first on the next. d.p.append(b); b.w = nil; d.p.scrollto(d.nextoffset); d.firstmark = d.lastmark; if (d.endlastmark != nil) { d.endfirstmark = d.endlastmark; d.datasrc.goto(d.endfirstmark); } else d.endfirstmark = d.datasrc.mark(); (d.lastmark, nil) = fillpage(d.p, d.size, d.datasrc, d.firstmark, nil, nil); d.endlastmark = nil; offset = d.nextoffset; } else { d.p.scrollto(offset); if (n == d.pagenum - 1) { if(debug)sys->print("page 1 back\n"); # moving to the previous page: re-use the first item on # the current page as the last on the previous. newendfirst: ref Mark; if (!m.eq(d.firstmark)) { d.datasrc.goto(m); newendfirst = fillpageupto(d.p, d.datasrc, d.firstmark); } else newendfirst = d.endfirstmark; d.p.append(b); b.w = nil; (d.endfirstmark, d.lastmark, d.endlastmark) = (newendfirst, d.firstmark, d.endfirstmark); } else if (n > d.pagenum && m.eq(d.lastmark)) { if(debug)sys->print("page forward, same start element\n"); # moving forward: if new page starts with same element # that this page ends with, then reuse it. d.p.append(b); b.w = nil; if (d.endlastmark != nil) { d.datasrc.goto(d.endlastmark); d.endfirstmark = d.endlastmark; } else d.endfirstmark = d.datasrc.mark(); (d.lastmark, nil) = fillpage(d.p, d.size, d.datasrc, m, nil, nil); d.endlastmark = nil; } else { if(debug)sys->print("page goto arbitrary\n"); # XXX could optimise when moving several pages back, # by limiting fillpage so that it stopped if it got to d.firstmark, # upon which we could re-use the first widget from the current page. d.datasrc.goto(m); (d.lastmark, d.endfirstmark) = fillpage(d.p, d.size, d.datasrc, m, nil, nil); if (d.endfirstmark == nil) d.endfirstmark = d.datasrc.mark(); d.endlastmark = nil; } d.firstmark = m; } d.nextoffset = coverpartialline(d.p, d.datasrc, d.size); if (b.w != nil) cmd(win, "destroy " + b.w); d.pagenum = n; if (d.showannot) makeannotations(d, currentannotations(d)); if (debug)sys->print("page %d; firstmark is %d; yoffset: %d, nextoffset: %d; %d items\n", n, d.firstmark.fileoffset(), d.p.yorigin, d.nextoffset, d.p.count()); if(debug)sys->print("now at page %d, offset: %d, nextoffset: %d\n", n, d.p.yorigin, d.nextoffset); return n; } # fill up a page of size _size_ from d; # m1 marks the start of the first item (already on the page). # m2 marks the end of the item marked by m1. # return (lastmark¸ endfirstmark) # endfirstmark marks the end of the first item placed on the page; # lastmark marks the start of the last item that overlaps # the end of the page (or nil at eof). fillpage(p: ref Page, size: Point, d: ref Datasource, m1, m2: ref Mark, linkch: chan of (string, string, string)): (ref Mark, ref Mark) { endfirst: ref Mark; err: string; b: Block; while (p.maxy() < size.y) { m1 = d.mark(); # if we've been round once and only once, # then m1 marks the end of the first element if (b.w != nil && endfirst == nil) endfirst = m1; (b, err) =; if (err != nil) { notice(err); return (nil, endfirst); } if (b.w == nil) return (nil, endfirst); p.append(b); } if (endfirst == nil) endfirst = m2; return (m1, endfirst); } # fill a page up until a mark is reached (which is known to be on the page). # return endfirstmark. fillpageupto(p: ref Page, d: ref Datasource, upto: ref Mark): ref Mark { endfirstmark: ref Mark; while (!d.atmark(upto)) { (b, err) :=; if (b.w == nil) { notice("unexpected EOF"); return nil; } p.append(b); if (endfirstmark == nil) endfirstmark = d.mark(); } return endfirstmark; } # cover the last partial line on the page; return the y offset # of the start of that line in the item containing it. (including top margin) coverpartialline(p: ref Page, d: ref Datasource, size: Point): int { # conceal any trailing partially concealed line. lastn := p.count() - 1; b := p.getblock(lastn); r := p.bbox(lastn); if (r.max.y >= size.y) { if (r.min.y < size.y) { offset := d.linestart(p.window(lastn), size.y - r.min.y); # guard against items larger than the whole page. if (r.min.y + offset <= 0) return size.y - r.min.y; p.conceal(r.min.y + offset); # if before first line, ensure that we get whole of top margin on next page. if (offset == 0) { p.conceal(size.y); return 0; } return offset + b.tmargin; } else { p.conceal(size.y); return 0; # ensure that we get whole of top margin on next page. } } p.conceal(size.y); return r.dy() + b.tmargin; } Document.getannotation(d: self ref Document, fileoffset: int): ref Annotation { annotations := d.annotations; for (i := 0; i < len annotations; i++) if (annotations[i].fileoffset == fileoffset) return annotations[i]; return nil; } Document.showannotations(d: self ref Document, show: int) { if (!show == !d.showannot) return; d.showannot = show; if (show) { makeannotations(d, currentannotations(d)); } else { cmd(, d.p.w + " delete annot"); } } Document.updateannotation(d: self ref Document, annot: ref Annotation) { if (annot.text == nil) d.delannotation(annot); if (d.showannot) { # XXX this loses the z-order of the annotation cmd(, d.p.w + " delete o" + string annot.fileoffset); if (annot.text != nil) makeannotations(d, array[] of {annot}); } } Document.delannotation(d: self ref Document, annot: ref Annotation) { for (i := 0; i < len d.annotations; i++) if (d.annotations[i].fileoffset == annot.fileoffset) break; if (i == len d.annotations) { oops("trying to delete non-existent annotation"); return; } d.annotations[i:] = d.annotations[i+1:]; d.annotations[len d.annotations - 1] = nil; d.annotations = d.annotations[0:len d.annotations - 1]; } Document.writeannotations(d: self ref Document): string { if ((iob := bufio->create(d.item.file + ".annot", Sys->OWRITE, 8r666)) == nil) return sys->sprint("cannot create %s.annot: %r\n", d.item.file); a: list of string; for (i := 0; i < len d.annotations; i++) a = string d.annotations[i].fileoffset :: d.annotations[i].text :: a; iob.puts(str->quoted(a)); iob.close(); return nil; } Document.addannotation(d: self ref Document, a: ref Annotation) { if (a.text == nil) return; annotations := d.annotations; for (i := 0; i < len annotations; i++) if (annotations[i].fileoffset >= a.fileoffset) break; if (i < len annotations && annotations[i].fileoffset == a.fileoffset) { oops("there's already an annotation there"); return; } newa := array[len annotations + 1] of ref Annotation; newa[0:] = annotations[0:i]; newa[i] = a; newa[i + 1:] = annotations[i:]; d.annotations = newa; d.updateannotation(a); } makeannotations(d: ref Document, annots: array of ref Annotation) { n := d.p.count(); endy := d.p.visible(); for (i := j := 0; i < n && j < len annots; ) { do { (ok, r) := d.datasrc.rectforfileoffset(d.p.window(i), annots[j].fileoffset); # XXX this assumes that y-origins at increasing offsets are monotonically increasing; # this ain't necessarily the case (think tables) if (!ok) break; r = r.addpt((0, d.p.bbox(i).min.y)); if (r.min.y >= 0 && r.max.y <= endy) displayannotation(d, d.p.canvasr(r), annots[j]); j++; } while (j < len annots); i++; } } # get all annotations on current page, arranged in fileoffset order. currentannotations(d: ref Document): array of ref Annotation { if (d.firstmark == nil) return nil; o1 := d.firstmark.fileoffset(); o2: int; if (d.endlastmark != nil) o2 = d.endlastmark.fileoffset(); else o2 = d.datasrc.fileoffset(); annotations := d.annotations; for (i := 0; i < len annotations; i++) if (annotations[i].fileoffset >= o1) break; a1 := i; for (; i < len annotations; i++) if (annotations[i].fileoffset > o2) break; return annotations[a1:i]; } readannotations(f: string): array of ref Annotation { s: string; if ((iob := bufio->open(f, Sys->OREAD)) == nil) return nil; while ((c := iob.getc()) >= 0) s[len s] = c; a := str->unquoted(s); n := len a / 2; annotations := array[n] of ref Annotation; for (i := n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { annotations[i] = ref Annotation(int hd a, hd tl a); a = tl tl a; } return annotations; } ref OEBpackage->Item, d: ref Datasource, size: Point, force: int, indexprogress: chan of int): ref Index { i := ref Index; i.rq = chan of (int, chan of (int, (ref Mark, int))); i.linkrq = chan of (string, chan of int); f := item.file + ".i"; i.length = 0; (ok, sinfo) := sys->stat(item.file); if (ok != -1) i.length = int sinfo.length; if (!force) { indexf := bufio->open(f, Sys->OREAD); if (indexf != nil) { (pages, links, err) := readindex(indexf, i.length, size, d); indexprogress <-= len pages; if (err != nil) warning(sys->sprint("cannot read index file %s: %s", f, err)); else { spawn preindexeddealerproc(i.rq, i.linkrq, pages, links); return i; } } } #sys->print("reindexing %s\n", f); i.d = d.copy(); i.size = size; i.f = f; i.indexed = chan of (array of (ref Mark, int), ref Links); spawn indexproc(i.d, size, c := chan of (ref Mark, int), linkch := chan of string); spawn indexdealerproc(i.f, c, i.rq, i.linkrq, chan of (int, chan of int), linkch, i.indexed, indexprogress); # i.get(LASTPAGE); return i; } Index.abort(i: self ref Index) { i.rq <-= (0, nil); # XXX kill off old indexing proc too. } Index.stop(i: self ref Index) { if (i.indexed != nil) { # wait for indexing to complete, so that we can write it out without interruption. (pages, links) := <-i.indexed; writeindex(i.d, i.length, i.size, i.f, pages, links); } i.rq <-= (0, nil); } preindexeddealerproc(rq: chan of (int, chan of (int, (ref Mark, int))), linkrq: chan of (string, chan of int), pages: array of (ref Mark, int), links: ref Links) { for (;;) alt { (n, reply) := <-rq => if (reply == nil) exit; if (n < 0) n = 0; else if (n >= len pages) n = len pages - 1; # XXX are we justified in assuming there's at least one page? reply <-= (n, pages[n]); (name, reply) := <-linkrq => reply <-= links.get(name); } } readindex(indexf: ref Iobuf, length: int, size: Point, d: ref Datasource): (array of (ref Mark, int), ref Links, string) { # n pages s := indexf.gets('\n'); (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 2 || hd tl toks != "pages\n" || int hd toks < 1) return (nil, nil, "invalid index file"); npages := int hd toks; # size x y s = indexf.gets('\n'); (n, toks) = sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 3 || hd toks != "size") return (nil, nil, "invalid index file"); if (int hd tl toks != size.x || int hd tl tl toks != size.y) return (nil, nil, "index for different sized window"); # length n s = indexf.gets('\n'); (n, toks) = sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 2 || hd toks != "length") return (nil, nil, "invalid index file"); if (int hd tl toks != length) return (nil, nil, "index for file of different length"); pages := array[npages] of (ref Mark, int); for (i := 0; i < npages; i++) { ms := indexf.gets('\n'); os := indexf.gets('\n'); if (ms == nil || os == nil) return (nil, nil, "premature EOF on index"); (m, o) := (d.str2mark(ms), int os); if (m == nil) return (nil, nil, "invalid mark"); pages[i] = (m, o); } (links, err) :=; if (links == nil) return (nil, nil, "readindex: " + err); return (pages, links, nil); } # index format: # %d pages # size %d %d # length %d # page0mark # page0yoffset # page1mark # .... # linkname pagenum # ... writeindex(d: ref Datasource, length: int, size: Point, f: string, pages: array of (ref Mark, int), links: ref Links) { indexf := bufio->create(f, Sys->OWRITE, 8r666); if (indexf == nil) { notice(sys->sprint("cannot create index '%s': %r", f)); return; } indexf.puts(string len pages + " pages\n"); indexf.puts(sys->sprint("size %d %d\n", size.x, size.y)); indexf.puts(sys->sprint("length %d\n", length)); for (i := 0; i < len pages; i++) { (m, o) := pages[i]; indexf.puts(d.mark2str(m)); indexf.putc('\n'); indexf.puts(string o); indexf.putc('\n'); } links.write(indexf); indexf.close(); } Index.get(i: self ref Index, n: int): (int, (ref Mark, int)) { c := chan of (int, (ref Mark, int)); i.rq <-= (n, c); return <-c; } Index.getlink(i: self ref Index, name: string): int { c := chan of int; i.linkrq <-= (name, c); return <-c; } # deal out indexes as and when they become available. indexdealerproc(nil: string, c: chan of (ref Mark, int), rq: chan of (int, chan of (int, (ref Mark, int))), linkrq: chan of (string, chan of int), offsetrq: chan of (int, chan of int), linkch: chan of string, indexed: chan of (array of (ref Mark, int), ref Links), indexprogress: chan of int) { pages := array[4] of (ref Mark, int); links :=; rqs: list of (int, chan of (int, (ref Mark, int))); linkrqs: list of (string, chan of int); indexedch := chan of (array of (ref Mark, int), ref Links); npages := 0; finished := 0; for (;;) alt { (m, offset) := <-c => if (m == nil) { if(debug)sys->print("finished indexing; %d pages\n", npages); indexedch = indexed; pages = pages[0:npages]; finished = 1; for (; linkrqs != nil; linkrqs = tl linkrqs) (hd linkrqs).t1 <-= -1; } else { if (npages == len pages) pages = (array[npages * 2] of (ref Mark, int))[0:] = pages; pages[npages++] = (m, offset); indexprogress <-= npages; } r := rqs; for (rqs = nil; r != nil; r = tl r) { (n, reply) := hd r; if (n < npages) reply <-= (n, pages[n]); else if (finished) reply <-= (npages - 1, pages[npages - 1]); else rqs = hd r :: rqs; } (name, reply) := <-linkrq => n := links.get(name); if (n != -1) reply <-= n; else if (finished) reply <-= -1; else linkrqs = (name, reply) :: linkrqs; (offset, reply) := <-offsetrq => reply <-= -1; # XXX fix it. # if (finished && (npages == 0 || offset >= pages[npages - 1].fileoffset # if (i := 0; i < npages; i++) (n, reply) := <-rq => if (reply == nil) exit; if (n < 0) n = 0; if (n < npages) reply <-= (n, pages[n]); else if (finished) reply <-= (npages - 1, pages[npages - 1]); else rqs = (n, reply) :: rqs; name := <-linkch => links.put(name, npages - 1); r := linkrqs; for (linkrqs = nil; r != nil; r = tl r) { (rqname, reply) := hd r; if (rqname == name) reply <-= npages - 1; else linkrqs = hd r :: linkrqs; } indexedch <-= (pages, links) => ; } } # accumulate links temporarily while filling a page. linkproc(linkch: chan of (string, string, string), terminate: chan of int, reply: chan of list of (string, string, string)) { links: list of (string, string, string); for (;;) { alt { <-terminate => exit; (name, w, where) := <-linkch => if (name != nil) { links = (name, w, where) :: links; } else { reply <-= links; links = nil; } } } } # generate index values for each page and send them on # to indexdealerproc to be served up on demand. indexproc(d: ref Datasource, size: Point, c: chan of (ref Mark, int), linkpagech: chan of string) { spawn linkproc(linkch := chan of (string, string, string), terminate := chan of int, reply := chan of list of (string, string, string)); win :=; p :=, ".ip"); mark := d.mark(); c <-= (mark, 0); links: list of (string, string, string); # (linkname, widgetname, tag) for (;;) { startoffset := mark.fileoffset(); (mark, nil) = fillpage(p, size, d, mark, nil, linkch); offset := coverpartialline(p, d, size); if (debug)sys->print("page index %d items starting at %d, nextyoffset: %d\n", p.count(), startoffset, offset); linkch <-= (nil, nil, nil); for (l := <-reply; l != nil; l = tl l) links = hd l :: links; links = sendlinks(p, size, d, links, linkpagech); if (mark == nil) break; c <-= (mark, offset); b := p.remove(1); p.del(); p =, ".ip"); p.append(b); p.scrollto(offset); } p.del(); terminate <-= 1; c <-= (nil, 0); } # send down ch the name of all the links that reside on the current page. # return any links that were not on the current page. sendlinks(p: ref Page, nil: Point, d: ref Datasource, links: list of (string, string, string), ch: chan of string): list of (string, string, string) { nlinks: list of (string, string, string); vy := p.visible(); for (; links != nil; links = tl links) { (name, w, where) := hd links; r := p.bboxw(w); y := r.min.y + d.linkoffset(w, where); if (y < vy) ch <-= name; else nlinks = hd links :: nlinks; } return nlinks; } Links: adt { a: array of list of (string, int); new: fn(): ref Links; read: fn(iob: ref Iobuf): (ref Links, string); get: fn(l: self ref Links, name: string): int; put: fn(l: self ref Links, name: string, pagenum: int); write: fn(l: self ref Links, iob: ref Iobuf); }; ref Links { return ref Links(array[31] of list of (string, int)); } Links.write(l: self ref Links, iob: ref Iobuf) { for (i := 0; i < len l.a; i++) { for (ll := l.a[i]; ll != nil; ll = tl ll) { (name, page) := hd ll; iob.puts(sys->sprint("%s %d\n", name, page)); } } } ref Iobuf): (ref Links, string) { l :=; while ((s := iob.gets('\n')) != nil) { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 2) return (nil, "expected 2 words, got " + string n); l.put(hd toks, int hd tl toks); } return (l, nil); } Links.get(l: self ref Links, name: string): int { for (ll := l.a[hashfn(name, len l.a)]; ll != nil; ll = tl ll) if ((hd ll).t0 == name) return (hd ll).t1; return -1; } Links.put(l: self ref Links, name: string, pageno: int) { v := hashfn(name, len l.a); l.a[v] = (name, pageno) :: l.a[v]; } blankpage: Page; ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): ref Page { cmd(win, "canvas " + w + " -bg white"); col := cmd(win, w + " cget -bg"); cmd(win, w + " create rectangle -1 -1 -1 -1 -fill " + col + " -outline " + col + " -tags conceal"); p := ref blankpage; = win; p.w = w; setscrollregion(p); return p; } Page.del(p: self ref Page) { n := p.count(); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) cmd(, "destroy " + p.window(i)); cmd(, "destroy " + p.w); } # convert a rectangle as returned by Page.window() # to a rectangle in canvas coordinates Page.canvasr(p: self ref Page, r: Rect): Rect { return r.addpt((0, p.yorigin)); } Pagewidth: con 5000; # max page width # create an area on the page, from y downwards. Page.conceal(p: self ref Page, y: int) { cmd(, p.w + " coords conceal 0 " + string (y + p.yorigin) + " " + string Pagewidth + " " + string p.height); cmd(, p.w + " raise conceal"); } # return vertical space in the page that's not concealed. Page.visible(p: self ref Page): int { r := s2r(cmd(, p.w + " coords conceal")); return r.min.y - p.yorigin; } Page.window(p: self ref Page, n: int): string { return cmd(, p.w + " itemcget n" + string (n + p.min) + " -window"); } Page.append(p: self ref Page, b: Block) { h := int cmd(, b.w + " cget -height") + 2 * int cmd(, b.w + " cget -bd"); n := p.max++; y := p.height; gap := p.bmargin; if (b.tmargin > gap) gap = b.tmargin; cmd(, p.w + " create window 0 " + string (y + gap) + " -window " + b.w + " -tags {elem" + " n" + string n + " t" + string b.tmargin + " b" + string b.bmargin + "} -anchor nw"); p.height += h + gap; p.bmargin = b.bmargin; setscrollregion(p); } Page.remove(p: self ref Page, atend: int): Block { if (p.min == p.max) return Block(nil, 0, 0); n: int; if (atend) n = --p.max; else n = p.min++; b := getblock(p, n); h := int cmd(, b.w + " cget -height") + 2 * int cmd(, b.w + " cget -bd"); if (p.min == p.max) { p.bmargin = 0; h += b.tmargin; } else if (atend) { c := getblock(p, p.max - 1); if (c.bmargin > b.tmargin) h += c.bmargin; else h += b.tmargin; p.bmargin = c.bmargin; } else { c := getblock(p, p.min); if (c.tmargin > b.bmargin) h += c.tmargin; else h += b.bmargin; h += b.tmargin; } p.height -= h; cmd(, p.w + " delete n" + string n); if (!atend) cmd(, p.w + " move elem 0 -" + string h); setscrollregion(p); return b; } getblock(p: ref Page, n: int): Block { tag := "n" + string n; b := Block(cmd(, p.w + " itemcget " + tag + " -window"), 0, 0); (nil, toks) := sys->tokenize(cmd(, p.w + " gettags " + tag), " "); for (; toks != nil; toks = tl toks) { c := (hd toks)[0]; if (c == 't') b.tmargin = int (hd toks)[1:]; else if (c == 'b') b.bmargin = int (hd toks)[1:]; } return b; } # scroll the page so y is at the top left visible in the canvas widget. Page.scrollto(p: self ref Page, y: int) { p.yorigin = y; setscrollregion(p); cmd(, p.w + " yview moveto 0"); } # return max y coord of bottom of last item, where y=0 # is at top visible part of canvas. Page.maxy(p: self ref Page): int { return p.height - p.yorigin; } Page.count(p: self ref Page): int { return p.max - p.min; } # XXX what should bbox do about margins? ignoring seems ok for the moment. Page.bbox(p: self ref Page, n: int): Rect { if (p.count() == 0) return ((0, 0), (0, 0)); tag := "n" + string (n + p.min); return s2r(cmd(, p.w + " bbox " + tag)).subpt((0, p.yorigin)); } Page.bboxw(p: self ref Page, w: string): Rect { # XXX inefficient algorithm. do better later. n := p.count(); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) if (p.window(i) == w) return p.bbox(i); sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "ebook: bboxw requested for invalid window %s\n", w); return ((0, 0), (0, 0)); } Page.getblock(p: self ref Page, n: int): Block { return getblock(p, n + p.min); } printpage(p: ref Page) { n := p.count(); for (i := 0; i < n; i++) { r := p.bbox(i); dx := r.max.sub(r.min); sys->print(" %d: %s %d %d +%d +%d\n", i, p.window(i), r.min.x, r.min.y, dx.x, dx.y); } sys->print(" conceal: %s\n", cmd(, p.w + " bbox conceal")); } setscrollregion(p: ref Page) { cmd(, p.w + " configure -scrollregion {0 " + string p.yorigin + " " + string Pagewidth + " " + string p.height + "}"); } notice(s: string) { sys->print("notice: %s\n", s); } warning(s: string) { notice("warning: " + s); } oops(s: string) { sys->print("oops: %s\n", s); } cmd(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string { # sys->print("%ux %s\n", win, s); r := tk->cmd(win, s); # sys->print(" -> %s\n", r); if (len r > 0 && r[0] == '!') { sys->fprint(stderr, "ebook: error executing '%s': %s\n", s, r); raise "tk error"; } return r; } s2r(s: string): Rect { (n, toks) := sys->tokenize(s, " "); if (n != 4) { sys->print("'%s' is not a rectangle!\n", s); raise "bad conversion"; } r: Rect; (r.min.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.min.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.x, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); (r.max.y, toks) = (int hd toks, tl toks); return r; } p2s(p: Point): string { return string p.x + " " + string p.y; } r2s(r: Rect): string { return string r.min.x + " " + string r.min.y + " " + string r.max.x + " " + string r.max.y; } trim(s: string): string { for (i := len s - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (s[i] != ' ' && s[i] != '\t' && s[i] != '\n') break; return s[0:i+1]; } splitword(s: string): (string, string) { for (i := 0; i < len s; i++) if (s[i] == ' ') return (s[0:i], s[i + 1:]); return (s, nil); } # compress ../ references and do other cleanups cleanname(name: string): string { # compress multiple slashes n := len name; for(i:=0; i<n-1; i++) if(name[i]=='/' && name[i+1]=='/'){ name = name[0:i]+name[i+1:]; --i; n--; } # eliminate ./ for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) if(name[i]=='.' && name[i+1]=='/' && (i==0 || name[i-1]=='/')){ name = name[0:i]+name[i+2:]; --i; n -= 2; } found: int; do{ # compress xx/.. found = 0; for(i=1; i<=n-3; i++) if(name[i:i+3] == "/.."){ if(i==n-3 || name[i+3]=='/'){ found = 1; break; } } if(found) for(j:=i-1; j>=0; --j) if(j==0 || name[j-1]=='/'){ i += 3; # character beyond .. if(i<n && name[i]=='/') ++i; name = name[0:j]+name[i:]; n -= (i-j); break; } } while(found); # eliminate trailing . if(n>=2 && name[n-2]=='/' && name[n-1]=='.') --n; if(n == 0) return "."; if(n != len name) name = name[0:n]; return name; } hashfn(s: string, n: int): int { h := 0; m := len s; for(i:=0; i<m; i++){ h = 65599*h+s[i]; } return (h & 16r7fffffff) % n; }